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by Hew Strachan

  domestic politics 457, 459–60, 485–6, 494

  economic growth 483–5, 489–90

  France and 459

  Germany and 455, 459–60, 462, 490–1, 493

  imperialism 443–4, 455–7, 464–5, 481–94

  India and 795–8, 802–3

  loans 987

  munitions production 1061, 1065, 1107–8

  nationalism 484–6, 488, 490

  navy, in Pacific 32, 442–3, 445, 447, 457–8, 463–4, 470–2, 475, 481, 485, 492–3, 803

  in Mediterranean 493

  Russia and 350, 444, 447, 458–9, 483, 490–3, 1107–8

  trade 484, 489–90

  Turkey and 653

  United States and 443–4, 447, 458, 481, 483

  war enthusiasm 459–60

  Japoma 523–4

  Jasin 596, 599

  Jaunde 509, 511–12, 527, 529–31, 534–40

  Jaurès, Jean 111–13, 115, 120, 122, 124–30, 133

  Java 470, 709

  Jawish, Abd al’-Aziz 731

  Jedda 808

  Jellicoe, John 382, 387, 414–20, 423–4, 428, 430, 436–8, 475, 478, 480, 1012

  Jerram, Thomas 447, 466, 470, 472

  Jerusalem 690, 734

  Jews 696–7, 957, 1015, 1026, 1115–17

  Jihan-i Islam 704–5

  Jipe lake 607

  Joan of Arc 1118

  Joffre, Joseph 85, 163, 189–98, 205, 212–20, 222–7, 231, 235, 242–3, 245, 248, 250–2, 254–5, 258–9, 266–9, 271–3, 308, 857, 993, 995, 1000, 1002, 1004, 1006, 1053–5, 1057–60, 1062, 1064

  Johannisburg 317, 332

  Joko 537, 542

  Jones, Ernest 161

  Jonnart, Charles 759

  Jouhaux, Léon 114, 125, 127, 129

  Julfa 716

  Jungbluth, Harry 209

  Jungdeutschlandbund 148

  Kaaba 805–6

  Kabul 788–91, 807

  Kadei river 527, 531–2, 535

  Kahama 618

  Kader, Abd el 768

  Kaduna 521

  Kahe 605–7, 617, 631

  Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse, S.M.S. 454

  Kaiser Wilhelm Society for the Advancement of the Sciences 1025–6, 1132

  Kakamas 550, 552, 554

  Kalahari desert 548, 553, 557, 560–1, 563

  Kalkfeld 566

  Kalkfontein 548, 550, 560, 563, 568

  Kalweit, German churchman 1133

  Kamil, Hussein 732

  Kamil, Mehmed 657

  Kamil, Mustafa 730–1

  Kamina 505, 507–9, 513, 520, 558, 565, 589

  Kanga mountain 612

  Kanitz, Graf 782, 787–8

  Kant, Immanuel 1121, 1128–31

  Kappstein, Theodor 136

  Kandinsky, Vasily 135

  Kano 763

  Kantara 736

  Karakurt 719, 725

  Karas mountains 563

  Karaurgan 725–6

  Kardorff, German ambassador 783, 788

  Karibib 548, 564–5, 568

  Karlsruhe, S.M.S. 454, 472–3, 479

  Karogwe 598

  Karonga 620

  Kars 716–17, 719, 723, 725–7

  Karun river 774–5, 780

  Kasama 620–1, 640–1

  Kashitu 620

  Kashmir 799

  Kasigao 598–9

  Kato Takaaki 458–60, 464, 481, 484–8, 490–1

  Katsuro Taro 456, 458

  Kattowitz 361

  Kautsky, Karl 112–13, 119, 122

  Kazvin 786–7

  Keetmanshoop 548, 557, 561, 563, 566

  Kelly, W. A. H. 648

  Kemal, Mustafa 654, 681, 684

  Kemp, J.C. G. 547, 551–4

  Kenitra 766

  Kennedy, Francis 644, 646

  Kent, H.M.S. 478

  Kenya, see East Africa, British

  Kerensky, Alexander 116–7

  Keresselidse, Leo 718

  Kerman 781, 788

  Kermanshah 780–1, 788, 791

  Kerr, Mark 647–8

  Kete-Krachi 509

  Keyes, Roger 396, 415–16, 419, 430, 432

  Keynes, J. M. 817, 822–3, 828, 832, 851, 859–60, 869, 886, 924, 932, 970, 972, 978, 992

  Khanikin 715

  Khaossan, Mohammed ben 763

  Kharput 716

  Khartoum 747

  Khenifra 767

  Khost 807

  Khyber pass 770–1, 807

  Kiaochow, see Tsingtao Kibambwe 594

  Kibata 625–7

  Kiderlen-Wächter 25

  Kiel canal 394, 406

  Kiev 308, 315, 1100

  Kifan 768

  Kigali 617–18

  Kigezi 615

  Kigoma 574, 597

  Kilimatinde 610, 612, 621

  Kiliminjaro, Mount 574, 576, 579, 584, 599, 604–6, 608–9

  Kilosa 610, 612–13, 621, 633–4

  Kilwa 615, 625–6, 632–5

  King, Norman 581

  King-Hall, H. G. 581

  King’s African Rifles 578–81, 584, 586, 627–8, 630, 635, 639, 641

  Kionga 623–4

  Kipera 612

  Kipling, Rudyard 1124

  Kipongo 626

  Kireka mountain 638

  Kirkuk 715

  Kiromo 619

  Kisaki 613–14

  Kisama 620

  Kisangire 607

  Kisumu 576, 588

  Kitchener, H. H. 17, 160, 203–5, 249–50, 271–2, 274, 277, 427, 495, 584, 599, 601–2, 673–4, 729, 731, 737–8, 748, 750, 770, 816, 1006, 1010, 1012, 1014, 1066–78, 1080–1, 1086, 1104–5, 1108, 1111–12

  Kitega 617

  Kivu, lake 585–6, 597, 616

  Kjellen, Rudolf 1131–2

  Klein, Fritz 779–80, 788

  Kleist, Hauptmann von 563–7

  Klotz, Lucien 846, 856, 858, 882, 926, 928, 980–1

  Kluck, Alexander von 207, 220–1, 223, 232–6, 239, 245, 248, 250–9, 262, 266

  Knox, Alfred 994

  Koeth, Joseph 1025

  Kohl, Franz 637–9

  Kokovtsov, V. N. 51, 83, 404, 854

  Kolberg, S.M.S. 432

  Köln, S.M.S. 417

  Kolubara river 344

  Komagata Maru 795–6

  Kondoa Irangi 608–12

  Kongo 457

  Königgrätz, battle of 171, 181, 325, 1128

  Königsberg 169, 317, 323–4, 331–2

  Königsberg, S.M.S. 421, 454, 479, 504, 575–6, 580, 588–9, 591, 610, 612, 616, 625, 635

  Kontscha 534

  Köpke, Ernst 1008

  Köprüköy 719, 722–5

  Kordofan 747

  Korea 455, 458

  Korewa 639

  Korrespondenzblatt für den Orient 711

  Kosovo 65

  Kosztolanyi, Deszo 138

  Kövess, Hermann 349, 353–4

  Kowel 286

  Kowno 290, 307, 318, 333, 1001

  Koznienitse 365, 367

  Kraft, Georg Vincent 802

  Krasnik 287, 352

  Krasnostav 353

  Krauss, Alfred 338, 346

  Kraut, Georg 606, 610–12, 622, 629–30

  Kress von Kressenstein, Friedrich 686, 701, 735–6, 738–9

  Kreuzburg 361

  Kribi 537, 539

  Kriegsrohstoffsamt, see Germany, raw materials office

  Kriegszeit 140

  Krishnavarma, Shyamaji 794, 799

  Krivoshein, A. V. 51, 83

  Krönprinz Wilhelm, S.M.S. 388, 454, 479

  Kropotkin, P. A. 116

  Krupp, Friedrich 212, 408, 666, 683, 897–8, 952, 1020, 1024–5, 1030–2, 1035–7, 1039, 1052, 1065–6, 1103

  Kubel, Theodor von 689

  Kuhl, Hermann von 164, 256

  Kühlmann, Richard von 676, 945

  Kühn, Hermann 852, 891–3

  Kuhn Loeb 944, 948, 957, 964

  Kühnel, Ernst 756, 764, 768

  Kultur 1117, 1129, 1133, 113

  Kumasi 506

  Kunde 534

  Kuomintang 456, 487, 489

  Kurds 651, 675, 681, 716, 775–6, 778–9, 786, 788, 903

  Kuropatkin, Alexei 313

  Kurram 807

  Kusseri 522

  Kut 693

  Kutzner, Paul 753

  Kwantung 483–4

  Kwijwi island 585

  Kynochs 1072

  La Bassée 273, 275

  La Ferté–sous-Jouarre 261

  Lacroix, Henri de 184–5

  Lagos 516, 521–2

  Lahna 329

  Lahore 796, 807–8

  Lakeforce 617–19

  Lamszus, Wilhelm 162

  Lamy, Fort 516, 522

  Lancashire 161

  Landrecies 222–3, 248–9

  Langemarck 277–8

  Langle de Cary, Fernand de 255

  Langlois, H. 1006

  Languedoc 154–5

  Lanrezac, Charles 187, 216–17, 219–20, 222, 225, 242, 245, 249–50

  Lansing, Robert 804, 962, 966

  Laon 264

  Laoshan Bay 462

  Laperrine, Henri 764

  Lapeyrère, Boué de 647–8

  Larache 756, 768

  Largeau, Col. 522, 529, 534

  Latema 606

  Latzko, Andreas 109–10

  Laurier, Wilfred 446

  Laverdure, Colonel 767

  Lavisse, Ernest 143, 1123

  Law, Bonar 96, 587, 600–2, 858, 861, 873, 966, 974, 978–80, 984

  Lawrence, T. E. 737

  Lebanon 683

  Le Bas, Hedley 932

  Le Bon, Gustav 108, 658

  Le Cateau 205, 223, 225, 232, 248–9

  La Fère 264

  Le Havre 205, 221, 249

  Le Queux, William 106, 145

  Lebedour, Georg 123

  Lebel rifle 1060–1

  Leeds University 147

  Legien, Carl 114, 123, 127, 132

  Leicester 1074

  Leipzig 105

  Leipzig, S.M.S. 466, 470–4, 478

  Leipzig, battle of 58, 143

  Leman, Gérard 211

  Lembeni 605

  Le Meillour, French officer in Cameroons 518, 525–7, 531–2, 538, 540

  Lemberg 286, 294, 350–6, 360

  Lenin, V. I. 111, 116 Lens 268–9

  Lens, Wilhelm von 438–9

  Lensch, Paul 1133, 1135–6, 1138

  Léon, Maurice 962

  Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul 816–17, 857

  Lettow-Vorbeck, Paul von 495, 498, 501, 540, 569–78, 582–4, 589–91, 593–4, 596–9, 604–7, 609–15, 617, 621–6, 629–43

  Lever, S. Hardman 974, 977, 1078

  Levy, Raphael-Georges 816

  Lewis, Wyndham 140

  liberalism 1125, 1139

  Liberia 495

  Libni 738

  Libreville 516, 526

  Libya 49, 684–5, 700, 702, 705, 729, 743–6, 750–4, 759–62, 764, 813

  Liebknecht, Karl 147

  Liège 154, 169, 179, 185, 194–5, 205, 207, 209, 211–12, 216–17, 231, 241, 244, 265, 325, 1035, 1126

  Li Yuen-kung 489

  Lille 169, 195, 231, 268, 271–3

  Limanova-Laponow 373

  Liman von Sanders, Otto 60–1, 81, 664, 666–7, 670, 677, 681, 685–7, 698–9, 701, 722–4, 784

  Limpus, Arthur 674, 685

  Lindi 592, 599, 615, 624–5, 629, 632–5

  Linte 537

  Lion, H.M.S. 386, 417, 433–6

  Lioma 639

  Lithuania 696

  Livingstone mountains 623, 639–40

  Liwale 624–5, 634

  Lobaye river 518, 525

  Lodz 366–7, 368–72, 1093

  logistics 239–41, 248–9, 266, 305, 314, 317, 326, 343–4, 356–7, 361, 366–7, 498–501, 503, 525, 561–2, 564–6, 568, 602–3, 608–9, 611, 614–16, 619–22, 626, 634, 638, 683, 734, 736, 739, 742, 999, 1004

  Lol Kissale 608–10

  Lombartzyde 275

  Lome 505–8

  Lomie 526, 529, 532–3

  Lomue 637

  London 105–7, 161

  conference 971, 1109–10

  Declaration of 395, 400, 411

  London School of Economics 135

  London Scottish xiv, 277

  London Small Arms Company 1067

  Longido 584, 599, 605, 609

  Longwy 1032

  Longwy-Briey 1929

  Looff, Max 575, 589–90, 625, 632

  Loos 1085

  Lorraine 168, 177–8, 180, 184–5, 187, 191, 194–5, 207, 212–13, 223, 225, 230, 232, 242–4, 257, 267

  Lötzen gap 332

  Louvain 1117, 1119

  Lovich 366, 370–1

  Lowestoft 428

  Lowther, Gerald 662

  Loznica 345–6

  Lublin 287, 348, 350–1, 353, 1093

  Luce, John 473, 477

  Ludendorff, Erich 175–6, 178, 211, 231, 324–5, 328–30, 332–5, 359–61, 365–8, 372, 953, 995, 1009, 1024, 1036

  Lüderitz 548, 550, 559–62

  Lugard, Frederick 521, 528, 533, 542, 627, 763

  Lugella 639

  Lühr, Hans 780

  Lujenda, river 638

  Lulanguru 619

  Lumi river 607

  Lunéville 245

  Lukegata 629

  Lukigura river 611–12

  Lukin, Henry 550

  Lukugu 597

  Lukuledi 634

  Lungasi river 523

  Lungkow 462–3

  Lupembe 621–3, 629–30, 634

  Lurio 634, 637

  Luristan 779–80

  Lusitania, S.S. 496, 544, 966

  Lutaud, Charles 757, 759, 761–5

  Lutifi al-Sayyid, Ahmad 730

  Luther, Martin 1120

  Lutheranism 154

  Luwingu 620

  Luxburg, Graf von 798

  Luxembourg 177, 185, 207, 216–17, 234–5, 257, 266

  Luxemburg, Rosa 111–13, 115, 118, 122

  Lwale river 612

  Lyautey, Hubert 190, 759–61, 764, 766–7, 769, 1006

  Lyck 332–3, 335

  lyddite 1000, 1082, 1084

  Lyncker, Moritz von 72, 235, 262

  Lyons 973, 1054–5

  Lys, river 269, 274

  Maan 690

  Mabama 619

  McAdoo, W.B. 831, 861, 876, 878, 937–40, 966, 976–9, 981–2, 984–5, 989

  Macdonogh, G. M. W. 220–2, 252

  MacDonald, Ramsay 131–2

  Macdonald of Clanranald 160

  Macedonia 342, 651–2, 654–5, 681, 683–4

  machine-guns 1032, 1068

  McKenna, Reginald:

  as chancellor of the exchequer 830, 859–61, 869–73, 932, 965–7, 969–72, 974, 989, 992, 1077

  as First Lord of the Admiralty 378, 380, 445

  Mackensen, August von 321–2, 328, 330, 332–3, 365–7, 369–71, 1128, 1139

  McKenzie, Duncan 561–3

  ‘Mad Mullah, see Mohammed, Sayyid

  Madagascar 584

  Madhists 749

  Madras 479

  Mafia island 591

  Magdeburg, S.M.S. 421

  Maggi 107

  Magyars 37–40, 46, 69, 77, 156, 282–4, 900, 918

  Mahan, Alfred Thayer 11, 444, 448–9, 480

  Mahdi, Mohammed el- 744

  Mahenge 571, 595, 612–13, 621–3, 632–4, 640

  Mahiwa 633, 635

  Mahmudi, Mohammed Suf al- 752, 762

  Mahsuds 807–8

  Mahua 638

  Maidugari 521

  Mailly 255, 260–1

  Mainz, S.M.S. 417

  Maji-Maji rebellion 497

  Majlis 772–3, 776, 787

  Maketi 639

  Maklakov, V. A. 59, 82, 158

  Makombe rising 636, 640, 642

  Makonde 574, 624–5, 629, 635–6

  Malaga 756

  Malangali 621

  Malatia 716

  Malay States Guides 797

  Malek, Abd el 768

  Malleson, W. 586, 603

  Mallet, Louis 662, 673–4, 680, 732

  Malongwe 622

  Malta 377, 647

  Maltzahn, Curt von 452

  Malvy, Louis 128

  Maji-Maji rebellion 571, 629

  Mamalik, Mustaufi ul- 774, 783, 787

  Manchester University 1083

  Manchuria 14, 483, 485–6, 489–90

  Mangeles 537

  Mangin, Charles 497, 760, 767

  Manila 466

  Mann, Thomas 135, 140–1, 153, 1129

  Mannesmann, Otto 744–5, 750

  Manonviller, Fort 216

  Mansa bay 589–90

  Marc, Franz 138

  March 1918 offensive 981

  Maréchal, Maurice 155, 1116

  Mariana islands 448, 466, 471

  Marie 590–1, 624

  Marinetti, F. T. 140

  Maritz, S. G. 547, 550–4, 563

  Marling, Charles 776, 785–6

  Marne, battle of 160, 225, 230, 240, 242–62, 269–71, 359, 439, 672, 700, 757, 994, 999, 1004, 1013, 1049, 1053–4, 1059

  Marne, river 172, 251–3, 258

  Marrakesh 767

  Marschall von Bieberstein, Adolf 666

  Marseilles 124, 973

  Marshall islands 447, 464–5, 470–1

  Martov, Y. O. 111

  Marua 522

  Marwitz, Georg von der 223, 233, 240–1, 254, 258

  Marwitz, Hauptmann von der 527, 532

  Marx, Karl 115, 133

  Mas a Fuera 476

  Masai 571

  Masasi 624, 632–3

  Maschinenenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg 449

  Massawa 746

  Massis, Henri 139

  Masurian lakes 169, 287, 289, 308, 317–18, 321, 323, 328, 331–2, 358, 360

  battle of 332–5

  Matapan, Cape 646–7

  materialism, war as rejection of 137–9

  Matin, Le 224

  Matisse, Henri 1123

  Matschabelli, Prince Georg 718

  Matscheko, Franz von 70–1

  Maubeuge 195, 198, 201–2, 205–6, 219, 222, 231, 241, 257, 265–6, 1032

  Maud’huy, Louis de 268–9

  Mauer, Lake 317, 332

  Maunoury, Michel-Joseph 226, 243, 249, 251–2, 253, 256, 259, 266

  Maurras, Charles 24, 129

  Maverick 800, 802

  Maxim-Nordenfeld 1065

  Maxwell, John 737–9, 742, 748

  Mayer, Col. 520, 527–8, 530, 536

  Mazeras 598

  Mbemkuru river 629, 632

  Mbuyuni 599, 611

  Meaux 251

  Mecca 702, 708, 735, 746, 750, 763

  Sherif of 806–7

  Mecinkirt 725–7

  Mecklenburg, Adolf Friedrich von 746–7

  Medina 690, 702

  Mediterranean Sea 376–8, 383, 395–6, 404–5, 413, 442, 446, 644, 648–9, 661

  Medo 638

  Meidner, Ludwig 135–6

  Meier-Graefe, Julius 140

  Meinecke, Friedrich 104, 141, 1137

  Meinertzhagen, Richard 581, 584, 586, 604, 608, 615, 627

  Meissner, German engineer 734

  Meknes 766

  Melbourne 421

  Melilla 756, 766

  melinite 1057

  Melun 252


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