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by Hew Strachan

  Queen Elizabeth, H.M.S. 386, 388, 774

  Quelimane 639

  Qurna 779

  Qum 787–8

  Rabat 769

  Rabaul 465

  ‘race to the sea’ 270

  racism 443, 458, 481–2, 496, 627–8, 631, 795

  radios see wireless

  Radom 367, 1093

  Rahmin, Sayyid Abd al- 749

  Rai, Lajpat 799

  railways 167–9, 180, 184, 194, 206–7, 239–40, 243, 265–6, 292–8, 306–8, 312, 323, 326, 340, 343, 357, 361, 367, 734, 748–9, 999, 1044–5, 1092–3, 1111

  in Africa 498, 523, 530, 548, 555, 557, 560–1, 563–5, 568, 574, 583, 595–6, 599, 610, 615

  in Caucasus 716

  Raleigh, Walter 1127

  Raman’s Drift 550, 553

  Ramscapelle 276

  Rangoon 797

  Ras el Ain 691

  Rastenburg 318, 327

  Rathenau, Walther 46, 333, 1014–17, 1021, 1024–5, 1040, 1112, 1134

  Rauf Bey, Hassan 780, 782

  Rava 366

  Rava Ruska 355

  Ravka river 371

  Rawlinson, Henry 273, 1006

  Raysuni, Ahmad al- 768

  Read, Herbert 147

  Reading, Lord 967, 978

  Reata 606

  Rediger, A. F. 299–301

  Redl, Alfred 292, 294, 308, 343

  Redlich, Josef 78, 1041

  Red Sea 448, 739, 746

  refugees 107

  Regone 639

  Rehoboth 564

  Reichsbank 819, 834–8, 894, 908, 910–11, 914–15, 942–6

  Reims 248, 257–8, 261, 264–6, 1117–19

  Reininghaus, Gina von 78, 102

  Reith, John 147

  religion 135–6, 1115–16

  Remington 1107

  Renauld, J. 834

  Renault 1052–6

  Renkin, Jules 585

  Rennenkampf, Paul 316–21, 323–35, 369–71

  Renner, Kurt 133

  Renouvin, Pierre 2

  Renown, H.M.S. 478

  Repington, Charles à Court 239, 1001, 1077

  Repulse, H.M.S. 478

  Reuss, Prince Heinrich XXXI 783, 787

  Reval 405

  Revue du Maghreb 710

  Reza Pahlavi, Shah 813

  Rheinmetall 897, 1030–1

  Rhodesia 496, 498–9, 501, 545, 559, 585–6, 597, 599–600, 604, 608, 616, 620, 630, 636, 640–1

  Rhodesia Regiment 614

  Rheine 1050

  Riabushinski, P. 1097

  Ribot, Alexandre 130, 816, 829–30, 849, 851, 855–7, 880–1, 924–7, 955, 960, 963–5, 968–71, 980, 1106

  Richmond, Herbert 403

  Richthofen, Lt. Gen. von 254

  Ridout, Dudley 800

  Riesser, Jakob 892

  Riet 560, 562–3

  Rietfontein 563

  Riezler, Kurt 34, 100, 1010, 1021, 1133–4

  Rif 768

  Riga 158, 406, 1093

  Rilke 140

  Rittelmeyer, Friedrich 1136

  Ritter, Major 560, 567

  Rize 717, 723

  Roberts, Frederick, Lord 106, 375–6

  Robertson, W. C. F. 506–7

  Robertson, William 248–9, 632, 1111

  Roçadas, Alves 559

  Rodzianko, M. V. 1096, 1099

  Roedern, Siegfried von 894–6

  Röhm, Ernst 230

  Rohrbach, Paul 695

  Roloff, Max 708

  Romania 42, 52, 56–7, 77, 265, 287, 290, 292, 296, 347, 352, 358, 404, 652, 671, 677, 692, 698, 701, 1046

  Romanians 37–8, 156–7

  Rominten forest 322

  Ronarc’h, Pierre 275

  Room 40 422–3, 428, 430, 432, 434

  Roosevelt, Theodore 458

  Rosa, Tomas de Sousa 636, 639

  Rosenberg, A. J. 1119

  Rosyth 397, 415, 419, 427, 429, 431–2, 436

  Rothliess 318

  Rothschilds 962

  Rotterdam 401

  Rouen 155, 205, 1117

  Roulers 273, 276

  Rowno 286–7

  Royal Arsenal 1066

  Royal Gun Factory 1067, 1069

  Royal Horse Guards 278

  Royal Marines 401

  Royal Ordnance Factories 1066

  Royal Welch Fusiliers 1013

  Roye 267–9

  Ruaha river 622, 629, 640

  Ruanda 499, 585–6, 597, 608, 615–17, 630

  Rubens 589–91

  Rubusana, Walter 544

  Rufiji river 479, 504, 580, 588–9, 591, 594, 596, 615, 626–9, 632, 634–5

  Ruhuje river 622

  Runciman, Walter 873, 1075

  Rupprecht, Crown Prince of Bavaria 207, 235–6, 244, 262, 267–9

  Rushdi, Hussein 731–2

  Russia 8–9

  armies: 1st 309, 316, 318–20, 322, 331, 333, 360, 364, 371

  2nd 309, 315–19, 323–4, 326–7, 331–2, 354, 364–5, 369–71

  3rd 309, 352–5, 357, 364, 372–3

  4th 309, 352–4, 364, 369

  5th 309, 352–4, 356, 364–5, 369–71

  6th 309

  7th 309

  8th 315, 349, 352, 354–5, 357, 364, 372

  9th 316, 318, 351–2, 354, 364, 994

  10th 316, 332–3, 360, 364

  11th 364

  army 43, 53, 62–3, 83, 297–303, 334–5, 722

  artillery 298–9, 304, 321–2, 994, 997, 1001, 1103, 1110–11

  budget 297–300

  cavalry 320–1, 327, 331, 335, 348

  command 313–15, 335, 365, 370, 719

  discipline 299

  divisions 5th Siberian 371, 6th Siberian 371

  general staff 300–3

  manpower 283, 297–9, 351, 368, 1102–3

  North-West Front 314–18, 324, 331–2, 335, 350, 361, 363–5, 368–9, 371–2, 405, 999, 1002

  South-West Front 314–16, 345, 350–2, 357–9, 361, 363–5, 368–9, 371–2, 999, 1002, 1102

  Stavka 313–15, 317–19, 326–7, 335, 351–2, 354, 361, 363–5, 367–9, 679, 715, 786, 1002–3, 1096, 1098, 1102, 1104

  artillery production 1100–1, 1103–4, 1110

  Austria-Hungary, relations with 20, 43–6, 49, 308

  banks 845–6, 906–8, 919–20

  see also state bank

  bond prices 821

  borrowing 816–17, 827–9, 855, 919–21

  overseas 956–7, 959–60, 967, 971–2, 975, 977

  Britain, relations with 14, 19, 60–2, 82, 404–5, 649, 655, 776, 778, 789, 956–7, 959–60, 971–2, 975, 1065, 1092, 1104–5, 1110

  budgets 854–5, 859

  Bulgaria, relations with 49, 55

  chemical industry 1093, 1102

  church in 1117

  coal production 1092–5

  constitution 59, 300

  corps I 328–31

  I Caucasian 715, 719, 725, 727, II 328, 333

  II Caucasian 715

  II Turkestan 722, 725–7

  III 322

  III Caucasian 365, 715


  VI 328–31, 371

  VII 354

  XIII 328–31

  XV 328–31

  Council for State Defence 300–1, 313, 403–4

  currency and circulation 844–5, 886, 920–1

  Duma 300–1, 313, 404, 855, 885, 1096–1100, 1112

  exchange rate 885, 958–9

  financial crisis, July 1914 821

  France, relations with 14, 19, 29–30, 50, 60, 63, 82, 84–5, 191, 299, 305–9, 315–16, 318, 334, 364, 956–7, 960, 1098

  Germany, relations with 20, 49, 58–9, 84, 308, 404, 1091

  gold production 825, 844–5

  gold to Britain 827–9, 959

  industrialization 58–9, 714

  industry 1089–94, 1096–7, 1099, 1101, 1104, 1111–12

  interest rates 845, 920

  Italy and 960

  Japan, relations with 50, 3
08, 403–4, 444, 489, 491–3, 987, 1107–8

  Jews in 697, 1116

  Kadets 59

  liberalism 59, 301

  main artillery administration (GAU) 997–8, 1001, 1095, 1098, 1101–4

  manpower for industry 1090, 1094, 1101

  metal industries 1090–1, 1093–5, 1101

  monarchy 58–9, 1097, 1112

  moratorium 845

  munitions imports 1104–5, 1107, 1109–11

  munitions production 1065, 1090–1, 1093, 1095–7, 1101

  munitions supply 994, 997–8, 1002–3, 1090, 1096, 1102

  Muslims in 658, 661, 702–3, 714, 719

  munitions production 371

  munitions supply 493

  nationalism 143, 158–9, 714

  navy 32, 62, 83, 298, 300, 376, 386, 393, 403–5, 418, 443, 470, 479, 1090–1, 1099, 1101

  Baltic Fleet 404–5, 1091

  bases 404–5

  Black Sea Fleet 404–5, 649, 668, 678–9, 717, 1091

  general staff 403–4

  Octobrists 300

  Persia, relations with 713–15, 773, 775–6, 778, 786–8

  press 144

  Provisional Government 886, 919–20, 959

  railways 884–5, 1092–4, 1097, 1102, 1110–11

  revolution, fear of 73–4, 81–3, 86, 299

  revolution of 1905 19, 299, 305–6, 714

  revolution of February 1917 883, 886, 913, 920

  Russification 714, 1117

  Serbia, relations with 49, 51, 57, 66, 73, 79–81, 84, 101, 342, 345

  shell production 1096, 1098, 1100–2

  small arms production 1091, 1095, 1102–3, 1110

  socialists 115–17

  state bank 829, 844–6, 906–8, 920–1

  tariffs 58–9

  taxation 883–6, 905

  excess profits 885–6

  income 884–6

  indirect 883–4

  inheritance 884

  trade 714, 956–60, 1091–3, 1104, 1110–11

  treasury bills 845, 920–1

  Turkey, relations with 60, 404, 661, 668, 672–3, 679–80, 714

  United States and 956–7, 960, 967, 975, 977, 1105

  urbanization 1094

  war enthusiasm 150, 157–9, 162

  war loans 919–20

  war ministry 300–1, 1096, 1098, 1101, 1104

  war plans 84–5, 303–16, 351–2, 715

  plan 19 306–9

  plan 19 revised 309–16

  Russian purchasing committee 959

  Russissi river 585, 597–8, 616–17

  Russo-Japanese War 14–15, 19, 162, 195, 200, 288, 298–9, 304–6, 313, 317, 356, 386–8, 390, 403, 455, 463, 484, 646, 844, 997, 1000, 1007–9

  Rustchuk 692

  Ruszkii, Nicholas 335, 353–5, 364–5, 368–71, 1102

  Ruthenes 37, 40

  Ruvu, river 606–7

  Ruvuma river 596, 623–5, 630–1, 634–5, 637–8, 640

  Ryckel, Louis de 209

  Said Halim, Mehmed 657, 667, 669–71, 675, 678, 682, 730

  Sabac 338, 344

  St Chamond 1053, 1055, 1058–9

  St Dié 195

  St Eloi 277

  St Etienne 1060

  St Gobain 1057

  St Gond, marshes of 252

  St Mihiel 267–8

  St Omer 273–4

  St Petersburg, see Petrograd

  St Pol 268

  St Quentin 223, 245, 249, 265–7

  Saisi 597, 599

  Salaita hill 599, 605

  Salandra, Antonio 923, 960

  Salar ad-Daula 774

  Salisbury 496

  Saltana, Nizam as 788

  Salzburg 1045

  Samara 691

  Samba, Martin-Paul 520

  Sambre 194, 216–20, 227, 250

  Samoa 407, 448, 458, 464–5, 471–2, 482–3

  Samsonov, Alexander 317–23, 325–32, 334–5, 353

  Samsun 717

  San 286, 291, 347, 350, 356–7, 361, 364–7, 372

  Sanaga river 524, 527, 535–6, 541

  Sanamer 722

  Sandfontein 550, 555

  Sandomir 361, 364

  San Giuliano 75

  Sanga river 509, 518, 524–6, 539

  Sanok 372

  Santa Claus 108

  Sarajevo 64–5, 337, 340, 345

  Sarikamish 716, 719, 723–9, 736, 776

  Sarrail, Maurice 226, 255, 267

  Sarrebourg 212–13, 231, 244

  Sarych, Cape 717

  Sato Tetsutaro 458

  Satsuma clan 457

  Savarkar, V. D. 794, 802

  Save river 335, 338, 340–1, 343–6

  Saxe-Coburg 108

  Saxony 1024, 1029

  Sazonov, S. D. 49–51, 60–1, 81–6, 93, 100–1, 491, 668, 679–80, 775–6, 786

  Scarborough raid 428–30

  Scapa Flow 397, 414, 419, 423, 429, 432

  Scarpe 268

  Schabinger, Karl 712

  Schäfer, Dietrich 1122

  Scharnhorst, S.M.S. 449, 466–7, 471, 473, 477–8, 480

  Scheer, Reinhard 438

  Scheffer-Boyadel, Reinhard 370–1

  Scheidemann, S. M. 369

  Scheldt 204, 221, 272

  Scheler, Max 139, 141, 1121, 1128–30, 1135–6, 1138

  Schemua, Blasius 290, 1007

  Scheüch, Heinrich 1014–16, 1021, 1024

  Schiedemann, Philipp 120

  Schiele, Egon 136

  Schleswig-Holstein 402

  Schlichting, Sigismund von 178, 236

  Schlieffen, Alfred von 15–16, 54–5, 98, 148, 163–84, 194, 232–7, 239–44, 262–4, 280, 287–9, 296, 323, 325, 333, 405, 724, 1008–10, 1016

  Schmidt, Prof. 707

  Schnee, Heinrich 574–7, 583, 592–3, 596, 598, 608, 611, 617, 623–5, 634, 639, 642

  Schneider-Creusot 666, 683, 928, 961, 1052–3, 1055, 1057–9, 1065, 1091, 1101, 1103

  Scholtz, Friedrich von 324, 328–30

  Schöpflin, Aladar 137

  Schröders 825

  Schubert, Richard von 360

  Schultz-Gaevernitz, Gerhart von 1132

  Schwabe, Major 746

  Schwarz, Paul 718

  science and war 1025–7, 1097, 1100, 1102, 1112

  Scotland 160–1

  Scott, Percy 388–90

  Sebea river 617

  Second International 111–15, 119–20, 122, 124–7, 129–31, 133, 147, 543, 794, 814, 1011

  Sedan 185, 195

  Sedan day 143, 149, 154

  Seeckt, Hans von 771

  Seeburg 327

  Seely, J. E. B. 203

  Seiler, German agent 781, 788

  Seine 172, 248–9, 251–4, 290

  Seitz, Theodor 554–6, 558, 566–8

  Seiyukai party 457

  Selborne, Lord 383

  Selim 727

  Selliers de Moranville, Antonin 209

  Selous, F. C. 504

  Sembat, Marcel 130

  Semendria 338

  Semlin 346

  Sensburg 327–8

  Senussi 744–8, 750–3, 760–3

  Serapeum 739


  armies: 1st 344–5

  2nd 344–5

  3rd 344–5

  army 66–7, 79, 340–3

  artillery 342, 346, 1000, 1050

  command 342–3

  manpower 341–2

  rifles 1046

  Austria-Hungary, relations with 36, 42–6, 64, 67–8, 76–7, 79–80, 288–94

  Balkan War, 1st, and 50–2

  Balkan War, 2nd, and 56–8

  blockade of 649

  borrowing overseas 956

  Britain, relations with 94, 132

  Bulgaria, relations with 49–50, 341–2

  constitution 66

  economy 816

  expansion of 55, 57, 66–7, 71, 79–80, 342

  France, relations with 342, 956, 1050

  Germany, relations with 1020
, 1028, 1046

  Greece, relations with 79

  independence of 42, 652

  press 66–7, 144, 158

  revolutionary movements in 46, 65–6, 76

  Russia, relations with 49, 51, 79–81, 84, 342, 345

  socialism 115

  Turkey, blockade of 692–3

  war plans 343

  Serbian campaign 335–47, 354–5, 1004, 1049, 1109

  Austrian plans 291–6, 336–41

  Séréde Rivières, Raymond 181, 189, 243

  Serengeti 599

  Sergei Mikhailovich, Grand Duke 301, 1096, 1101–4

  Sevastopol 678, 717

  Sevket, Mahmud 654–5, 657, 664, 681–6, 693

  sex 108–9

  Seydlitz, S.M.S. 432–3, 435

  Shanghai 466, 799, 802

  Shantung 447, 462–4, 483–6, 492

  Sharif, Ahmad al- 744–5, 748, 750–3

  Shatt-el-Arab 674–5, 779

  Sheerness 427

  shell, common 1000

  high explosive 1000–1, 1003, 1027, 1048, 1054, 1056–7, 1082–6, 1088, 1098

  shrapnel 999–1001, 1048, 1056, 1082–3, 1085–6, 1088, 1098

  shell production 1011, 1027–9, 1033, 145–6, 1083–8, 1100, 1106

  shell shortage 240, 278–9, 342, 371, 994–1005, 1011, 1035, 1049, 1059, 1067–8, 1102, 1112

  at sea 436, 476, 478

  Shells and Fuses Agreement 1072, 1080

  Sheppard, S. A. 607, 612

  Shinyanga 618

  shipping 632, 642

  Shiraz 780–1, 788

  Shitawi, Ramadan al- 752

  ‘short war illusion’ 53, 74, 98–9, 162, 173, 199, 204, 261, 303, 410, 437, 452, 670, 691, 700, 816, 850, 868, 892, 905, 960, 998, 1005–14, 1016–18, 1136

  Shuja ud-Daula 775

  Shuster, Morgan 773

  Siam, see Thailand

  Siberia 312, 1095

  Sicily 646–7

  Sickert, Walter 136, 1126

  Sidi Barrani 748

  Siedlitz 291, 347–8, 355–6, 358–9

  Sierra Leone 527

  signals, see communications

  Sikonge 619

  Sileh 734

  Silesia 309, 315, 324, 350–3, 358, 360, 367–8, 372, 1029

  Simmel, Georg 141

  Simonstown 384

  Sinai desert 734–8

  Sindhi, Obeidullah 806–9

  Singa 509, 518, 524

  Singapore 384, 445, 470, 528, 797–8, 800, 803

  Singh, Kirpal 796

  Sissonne 258

  Sivas 717

  Siwa 748

  Skaggerak 407, 426, 439

  Skiernievitse 370

  Skoda 36, 212, 683, 952, 1046–7

  Slade, E. J. W. 392–3

  Slatin, Rudolf von 749

  Slovenia 156

  small arms production 1004, 1032, 1046, 1102, 1106–7

  Smith, Allan M. 1074

  Smith, William 146

  Smith-Dorrien, Horace 222–3, 249, 602–4, 608

  Smuts, J. C. 546–8, 550–1, 561–2, 566, 568, 599-615, 617, 621–2, 624–8, 631–3, 641–2

  Sociétédes Constructions Mécaniques 1054

  Soganli mountains 723

  Soignies 220

  Soissons 260, 265–6

  Sokoto 763


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