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His Dark Embrace

Page 7

by Verika Sloane

  Her soft pulse beckoned to him, though his appetite remained half-cocked at best. Tracing his nose along her skin, he breathed in some of her energy.

  “Tell me one thing, honestly,” he whispered as his teeth lengthened.

  “What?” She shivered. Goosebumps raised on her skin.

  He lifted his gaze straight ahead, out his window. “Do you think you met your ex for a reason? Was there any life lesson to take with your broken heart?”

  She considered her answer for a moment. “Well, no life lesson other than realizing what I deserve, and what I don’t.”

  Going to his knees, he guided her chin away to expose her neck to his liking. “And knowing what you know now, would you do it all again?”

  He heard rather than saw her swallow. “Yes.”


  He sank his teeth in her neck. The second the blood soaked his mouth, a relief sang through his veins, cooling the fiery appetite. As he drank from his whilling, he made up his mind.

  No more denial. No more fear.

  It was time to taste something different until the taste, like everything else he’d tried, lost its flavor.

  It was time to give in.

  Chapter Eight

  For the first time since they arrived in Atlanta, Kimber wished she could go home. Only because meeting Shain had ripped a jagged tear through the fun and freedom she’d found. Before him, she could be still, clear her mind, focus on herself. Now, all those comforts were impossible.

  She was restless, fitful, and had done everything she could think of to stay busy, spend the energy, and keep her mind off him. Sometimes it actually worked. Until it was time for bed.

  After a long day with her pack sisters, she’d be asleep before her head hit the pillow, and he’d be there, consuming her mind with vivid, inescapable, erotic dreams. Even with eight precious hours of sleep, she’d somehow wake up exhausted.

  Today was no exception.

  Did vampires have the ability to project into minds and suck the energy from their prey remotely? Were they that powerful? She’d never been told that was possible, but how could anyone know everything about every being? Especially in the underworld?

  A hot shower and two cups of coffee helped, but she retreated to the den to read until Lucinda provided the itinerary for the day. Usually by 10:00 AM she had some task or event for everyone to get to. When the clock clicked to eleven, she wondered if Lucinda had come down with the flu or something, because nothing seemed to give her greater joy than telling everyone what to do.

  Kimber left the den, finding the townhouse eerily quiet. The main floor’s rooms were vacant.

  When she heard laughter coming from outside, she headed to the back door and looked through the windowpane. From her limited view, she saw most of the women were out on the deck, sitting in a semi-circle with a table of refreshments.

  Kimber blinked as she watched Lucinda throw her head back and giggle, hand to her chest like a coquettish debutante. What the…? Lucinda never giggled. Had someone spiked her sweet tea?

  She stepped out with a curious smile. “Can I join?”

  That was when she realized the source of the laughter, and why Lucinda shined like a sparkler. To Kimber’s left, previously out of her view from inside the house, a man she didn’t recognize sat in front of the group in a lawn chair, long muscular legs in jeans spread in an arrogant pose. Her gaze quickly traveled up a tapered waist and broad chest, with a chiseled jaw, and blond hair that could use a trim, but offset his hyper masculineness with a boyish slant.

  The moment he saw her, he looked up, surprise in his hazel eyes. He scrambled to stand with a near sheepish look. “Hi, there.”

  Lucinda looked up too, except her smile fell, as if Kimber had just ruined the day. “The hermit graces us with her presence.”

  Kimber ignored that remark. “I didn’t know we were having company.”

  Tory filled her in. “This is Jackson, alpha to the Ironclaw Pack. Alpha, this is Kimber.”

  Alpha? Talk about unexpected. His scent hadn’t notified her.

  Cheeks hot, Kimber quickly summoned her wolf to acknowledge his, lowering her gaze in respect, then slowly lifting her lashes.

  His eyes twinkled, followed by an utterly alpha, arrogant twist of his mouth. “Nice to meet you, Kimber.”

  “Likewise, alpha,” she said, her wolf giving a huff and disengaging as though already bored.

  “Damn me.” His Southern accent just added to his sex appeal. He skimmed his foot and rested his hands on his hips, glancing the other women. “If ya’ll aren’t the prettiest group of shiyas that ever visited Atlanta. I envy your pack.”

  Lucinda shooed him. “Sit back down and tell us more about what happened with the ranger!”

  Jackson did as told. “Should I start over, now that we have an addition to the group?”

  Abigail protested, “Oh, but you were just getting to the good part! She can be brought up to speed later.”

  “Kimber, would you be a dear and refill the tea?” Lia asked, standing up to hand her the glass pitcher.

  Not that she really wanted to stay and gush over the alpha, anyway. “Sure.”

  “Don’t dally now,” Jackson called after. “In the South, we move slow, but we expect our visitors to hustle.”

  The women chuckled collectively. With her back to them, Kimber rolled her eyes, feeling a smile move her mouth. The first real one in days. What was an alpha doing there? Herself notwithstanding, everyone was married and mated, and most alphas had no interest in helping another pack recruit.

  Not that she would complain about a new distraction. A charming, handsome one at that.

  Iced tea made, she returned and refilled everyone’s cups, including Jackson’s. He smiled up at her with a soft word of thanks.

  She pretended not to notice how he looked at her, trying to catch her eye or scent to see if she was interested in him. “Anything else?”

  “Yes,” Jackson emphasized, reaching around to slide a chair next to him. “For you to sit down and enjoy this beautiful day and my awkward storytelling.”

  “Yes, join us!” Claudine said. “It’s good to hear a real man’s voice around here.”

  “Who should take offense to that?” Tory exclaimed. “Your husband or us?”

  Claudine groaned. “All of you screeching at the top of your lungs all day makes my ears ring at night.”

  Jackson had to be the epitome of a Southern pack leader. A big contrast to the Glacier Wolf Pack’s alpha. While physically similar, as all alphas tended to be, their personalities were firmly on different ends of the spectrum. At least when it came to interaction with them. Amos treated her and the others with respect—to a degree—but there was always an undercurrent of sarcasm in his voice, and a tinge of indifference to their contributions beyond making babies and meals.

  The only thing Jackson and Amos had in common was deep, granite-hard shifter pride.

  While Kimber half-listened to the alpha’s story, she wondered how he came to be not only a visitor to their house, but a welcomed guest by Lucinda, who distrusted any stranger of any species. Had her mate arranged for the Ironclaws to watch over them as protection? Didn’t seem like something he or the alpha would do. They weren’t the overly protective types unless it was warranted, and often declared shiyas should be able to take care of themselves. An odd contradiction, since they acted like possessive beasts on their own territory.

  Laughter burst from the group and snapped Kimber from her trailing thoughts. She hoped no one noticed she wasn’t paying attention.

  Jackson did. “You all right, Miss Kimber? Or was my story as unimpressive as it sounds out loud? Guess you had to be there.” He winked at her, letting her off the hook.

  “Tell us more about your pack, Jackson,” Tory gushed. “And where’s your territory?”

  “Not that we could visit,” Lucinda quickly added.

  He rubbed his large hands on his jeans and cracked his knuckles before stret
ching back, fingers linked behind his head. “Right now, we don’t exactly have land to build on yet. We’re a fairly new pack, working hard to establish ourselves, claim what should be ours. Someday. We have a place we use to conduct business and whatnot, but we haven’t been able to start a real pack community yet. I’m ever hopeful.” The flash of perfect white teeth and optimism brought caring smiles around the circle.

  One didn’t have to read minds to know every woman at that moment wished she wasn’t mated. None of them had true mates; they’d chosen theirs or been chosen.

  Kimber still wondered what he was doing there. Folding her hands over her knees, she cocked her head and asked, “And why are you taking the time to visit us, exactly?”

  “Kimber,” Abigail admonished.

  Lia sipped her lemonade. “Yeah, that was a little rude.” Her eyes briefly widened and lips pinched, as if to say, He’s an alpha, are you crazy?

  Was asking why he was there out of line? Kimber didn’t think so.

  It didn’t seem to faze the alpha, who shrugged. “No, no, it’s a legit thing to ask.”

  Lucinda sent her a look. “No worries, Kimber. He just wanted to offer his help while we’re in town.”

  Jackson filled her in. “I’d heard there was a group of shiyas lookin’ to recruit for the pack, and I wanted to introduce myself, make nice, offer what hospitality I could, and that I know a few unmated shiyas that might be interested. We could throw a BBQ, invite them, and give your mission a greater chance of success.”

  Oh, really? At what price? Nya puffed a breath of disinterest as Jackson’s wolf tried to connect with her. “And why would you do that?” Kimber asked, reminding Nya to be nice. You certainly were with the vampire…

  Jackson stared at her, a corner of his mouth lifting, though his hazel eyes briefly glowed pure amber. Whether it was because of annoyance or amusement, she couldn’t tell.

  Abigail was the one to speak up this time. “Because he’s a kind alpha, and wants to help.”

  Oh, please. He wouldn’t be an alpha because of his kindness. “All I’m saying is, why would he do that if he’s trying to build his community? We’d be taking away unmated shiyas from his own area, who could attract more men to his pack once they’re ready to expand. For such a favor, I expect we’d have to pay him something substantial.”

  “I expect nothing, actually,” Jackson drawled.

  “Nothing?” she repeated, incredulous.

  Lucinda sent her a volatile look and reached over to pat Jackson’s knee. “You can see why she’s still single. So sorry, alpha, Kimber tends to speak without thinking.”

  “And not on our behalf,” Tory said.

  “She’s just asking, girls,” Lia interjected softly, in Kimber’s defense.

  Jackson grinned. “Ladies. No offense taken. I know ya’ll probably aren’t used to an alpha offering another alpha’s pack help. It’s suspicious, no doubt. I get it. Honestly, Kimber, I’m offering to invite good women who deserve to be at least introduced to a well-established pack to join in their prime years. Right now, that’s not the Ironclaws. Like I said, most of our men are already mated, the few young ones with no mates are focused on other tasks. I’m more than happy to introduce some shiyas, it’s not a big deal. I’ll be their hero and yours. And then, maybe, I’ll ask for a favor in return.”

  Kimber’s mouth twisted in a wry smile. Okay, made sense, she’d buy it. Growing up with an alpha who would’ve brokered no such thoughtfulness to another pack in another state had made her skeptical. It simply wasn’t done. The whole “packs helping packs” brotherhood thing might be a decree with others, but not with Amos. To him, every pack for themselves.

  “Well then, in that case, we really appreciate the assist,” she said.

  He appeared pleased he’d passed her interrogation. “Good. I have a feeling we’re all going to win this summer. Ya’ll should be thankful you have a woman like Kimber lookin’ out for your best interests.”

  To her surprise, all of them appeared appropriately chastened by his comment. Kimber’s cell buzzed in her pocket, but she didn’t want to look at it in front of everyone. Standing up, she smiled. “Anyone need something from the kitchen?”

  “Bring more crackers,” Lucinda said before shoving the last one in her mouth.

  In the privacy of the kitchen, she checked her phone and smiled to see a message from Stefan.

  Tonight’s the night. Are you still meeting us for dancing? No need to answer, the answer is YES.

  Grinning, more excited to dress up and go out than she’d admit, she responded she was all in, not to worry. She couldn’t wait to dance the night away. Anything to stop her from obsessing about Shain, the park, the kiss, the yearning.

  And burn off the hurt of Lucinda’s remark of why she was still single. How Tory embarrassed her by saying she didn’t speak on everyone’s behalf. That wasn’t Kimber’s intention. As a member of the pack, she had a right to vet strangers when no one else seemed to be.

  Grabbing the box of crackers off the counter, she went back outside.

  Jackson stood up, grasped each woman’s forearm. “As much as I’d love to stay all day in your company, ladies, I have to get goin’. Lovely to meet all of you. It’s been a real pleasure.”

  “The real pleasure was ours, alpha,” Lucinda said, beaming with red cheeks.

  “I’m sure this won’t be my final visit.” He saved Kimber for last, his warm and rough palm skimming up her forearm before squeezing it. “If I’m lucky enough to be invited back, that is. And if I’m very lucky, you’ll let me take you out.”

  The charged silence thickened the afternoon air.

  To do that in front of the others spoke volumes. It was a total alpha move to announce a claim of his intention to pursue her…and to put her on the spot, making rejecting him painfully impossible.

  Looking up into his gorgeous eyes, she searched within herself for the desire, the desperation, the craze she’d experienced with Shain. A slice of it, a mere teeny tiny particle of what she felt for the vampire, would do.

  But no, nothing.

  Regardless, to be asked out by an alpha was an honor. “I’d like that.”

  Jackson smiled as if he already knew that. “Walk with me to my truck?”

  She knew what was coming next. Kimber glimpsed to see the other shiyas mouths catching flies at what had just happened before she followed the alpha down the deck steps to the driveway.

  She should be crazy happy to be asked on a date with an alpha, but truthfully, she wasn’t, and she knew why. The sooner I get Shain out of my system, the more normal I’ll be.

  Before the end of the drive, Jackson glanced behind them past her shoulder, as if making sure no one was spying, and then pushed her against the house with a low growl, caging Kimber with his hands at either side of her head. His towering body remained at a respectful distance.

  “I have to know right now,” he uttered, and then, without her go-ahead, pressed the side of his nose at her breast.

  He inhaled, slow and deep, from her chest to the side of her neck.

  And exhaled in disappointment.

  She’d known it already. “Sorry,” she felt compelled to say.

  He sighed, dropping his arms. “It’s too bad. Because I like you.”

  “You barely know my name.”

  “What I know so far, I like. It doesn’t take a personality questionnaire to see you’re strong, opinionated, self-assured. These are qualities I like to see in women. All that plus a spine to back them up.”

  “I’m not surprised. Most shifters like their women with backbone.”

  “Yeah, but it’s not just backbone. It’s fire. My wolf is intrigued by your wolf’s lack of interest. He’s not used to that. Neither am I.”

  She twisted her mouth. “I know what you’re used to.”

  “Mmm.” He bent at the knees to catch her gaze. “Do you find me at least a little cute?”

  “You know what you look like. And what you
do to the general population of females.”

  “As I’m sure you’re aware what you do, too.”

  “To women? Friend-zone only.”

  He laughed. “You know what I mean. Dang, I do like you. Look, we aren’t true mates, but I still want to go out.”

  “You do?” The majority of alphas wanted the mate they were destined for at their side. “Why?”

  “Something about you. And maybe I don’t put as much stock into true mates as other alphas. Seems like a fruitless venture at times, especially when I’m so busy establishing my pack. The land, the lumber, the logistics. Barely have time to scratch an itch, let alone scent shiyas to see if they could be my true. Pretty soon, I’m going to send a mass email asking them to wipe a tissue with their sweat and mail it first-class.”

  That time, she laughed. No wildfire attraction, but damn, he knew how to charm. Would the alpha expect sex after their date? The sexual appetite of a regular shifter was voracious. An alpha? They couldn’t go long without it. They had that much in common with vampires.



  She moaned internally, nearly melting to the ground at the thought of him. How long had she gone without thinking of him? Ten minutes? A new record.

  “Well, if you still want to go out with me,” she said, hoping maybe he’d break her obsession with Shain somehow, “then I’m game, too.”

  “Sweet Georgia tea, it’s a date. I’ll give you my number and you can text me yours. I’m pretty busy the next week or so. First night I’m free, I’ll reach out.”

  She gave him her number. With that, the alpha was on his way in a big black truck.

  Flattered and hopeful, she turned back for the house, taking her time, knowing what awaited her inside. But she wasn’t going to let her pack sisters’ storm cloud over her bright day. A night out dancing, a date with Jackson on the horizon. Two things to look forward to.

  The moment she walked in the front door, Tory and Lia bounded on the sofa from their prying perch, while the rest of them were doing a poor show of acting nonchalant.


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