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His Dark Embrace

Page 8

by Verika Sloane

  She quietly closed the door and intended to walk past the living room to the den without a word. She made it three feet before Claudine got up, then Abigail and Beth, then Tory, Lia, and finally Lucinda, like a row of meddlesome mamas.

  Briefly closing her eyes, she stopped at the den’s doors and turned around. “It’s not—”

  “Omigod, Kimber!” said Claudine. “An alpha. A gorgeous one at that.”

  “What did he say to you? You have to tell us,” Lia demanded.

  Tory added, “He couldn’t keep his eyes off her. I knew right away he was going to ask her out.”

  “Can’t believe an alpha with his looks hasn’t claimed a mate yet,” Beth said.

  “They always wait for their true, you know that.”

  Tory and Lia exchanged glances then looked at her, saying in unison, “Did he scent you?”

  Part of Kimber wished she could say Jackson was hers, just to see the looks on their faces. “He did. I wouldn’t be standing here if I was his mate, would I?” Once a shief found his true, they wasted no time claiming her.

  Lucinda snorted. “Exactly. Case closed, girls.”

  “We’re still going out,” Kimber told them.

  “What?” Lucinda didn’t seem to fathom how that was possible.

  Abigail pushed her glasses up on her nose. “Like, a casual date for fun?”

  “Yeah,” Claudine drawled. “He still wants her.”

  “An alpha doesn’t settle for less than who he’s meant for,” Lucinda pointed out.

  Beth smiled, squeezing Kimber’s hand. “Most don’t. But a few see what they want is right in front of their face.”

  Well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. “He’s just an alpha, ladies,” she said, shocking them before closing the den doors, “not a god.”

  And not a vampire.

  Chapter Nine

  While the other shiyas had been looking at fruit and souvenirs at the outdoor market, Kimber had been covertly checking out dresses, and bought the first one she tried on. Red and silky, it clung to her body with an asymmetrical hem that gathered on one hip, and showed more leg than she was totally comfortable with. But, style over comfort.

  She bought it before anyone saw and stuffed it in her bag.

  That night, the second she heard everyone retire to their rooms, she was out of the house. An Uber driver waited down the street.

  On the way, she added a stop.

  Montclair Park.

  Nervous as she held the piece of paper in her hand, Kimber almost told him to forget the park as he pulled in. Really, there was no point in leaving the note; Shain made it clear they’d never see each other again.

  She hesitated to pull the door handle.

  The driver looked at her in the rearview. “Ma’am? Is this the right place?”

  She didn’t have to do this. He’d never see the message. But it was more for her peace of mind. “Yes, thank you. I’ll be right back.”

  Briskly walking on the sidewalk past the restaurant, heart in her throat, she focused on the tree. Nya suddenly went wild, but Kimber ignored her, determined not to linger or look around. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up and she walked as fast as her heels would allow. Eyes were on her; someone was watching, she could feel it.

  By the time she got to the tree, she was breathless and shaking, determined not to locate who watched her from where.

  She knew who.

  Kimber stuffed the rolled piece of paper in the hole and rushed back to the car.

  The second she was in the sanctity of her rideshare, she exhaled on a shaky breath, heart hammering.

  “Uh, you all right?” the driver asked.

  No, but she would be. “I’m fine. Next stop, please.”

  The driver slowly pulled out of the parking lot. Though she had the impulse to look back—because Nya wanted her to—Kimber didn’t. The note had one word on it, and to mean it, she had to look forward, not back.

  The farther away she got from the park, the more her stomach settled, the less her heart pounded, until, yes, she felt…closure? Was that it? Did closure come with a little sadness, too?

  Why would she possibly be sad?

  “You’re so pathetic,” she mumbled to herself.

  “What was that?” the young man asked as he pulled in front of the club.

  “Oh, nothing.”

  He glanced back with a smile. “Have fun.”

  Stefan waited for her outside. When he spotted her, he beamed. “Kimber. You slay in that dress!”

  She smiled as Stefan introduced her to his boyfriend Carlos, a very good-looking young man with dark hair and a fit build, who spoke more softly and reserved than Stefan.

  “You ready for this?” Stefan asked as he showed the doorman his ID.

  More than ready. Desperate. “Thank you for inviting me.”

  The club was packed, the band electric, the energy high and positive. Stefan and Carlos sandwiched her between them as they walked through, saying the men in there could be a little aggressive. Little did they know, she was used to macho behavior, but she liked how protective they were, like brothers.

  Carlos came to their table with three shots of cold tequila. In return, Kimber bought them three more rounds for good measure, determined to leave her inhibitions behind.

  “If I have one more,” Carlos cried over the upbeat music, “I’m going to be on the floor, except on my face instead of my feet.”

  Stefan laughed. “Let’s go burn off some of that Cuervo.”

  Kimber grinned as the two went to the dance floor. The second she was alone, a younger man approached her with a smile and asked her to dance.

  At first, it was awkward, since she didn’t know how to salsa. He told her she didn’t have to know the moves, just had to feel the rhythm. He showed her how to twist her hips and step until she had more confidence. He clapped and cheered her on, his good mood contagious. When he took her hand and spun her around three times, she laughed, having fun.

  The music changed to a sexier tune. Kimber’s anxiety released as she swayed her hips and swung her hair. Carlos and Stefan took turns leading her into dances, impressing her with their skills. She lost track of time as they congaed, watched a competition between other couples, jumped up and down, clapped, and sang along to the words. She hadn’t been in a mood this light since those quiet moments in the pond…

  The pond that belonged to a vampire named Avery. Who hosted a party and invited other vampires…one of whom ditched it to stumble upon her with his sexy smile, his drugging kiss, his mesmerizing voice.

  Her grin fell, suddenly hit with a new despair.

  Why did he have to interrupt this wonderful night?

  “You okay?” her dance partner asked.

  The music changed to a slow song.

  She nodded with a smile as he gently pulled her into his arms.

  Over his shoulder, she saw Stefan wink at her and give a thumbs-up, mouthing, He’s cute.

  Cute, but not him.

  Suddenly, Nya bolted awake, causing a rush of energy down Kimber’s spine as her senses electrified to attention. In the disco lights and darkness, she swept the surrounding area with her gaze, wondering what had her wolf excited.

  And then she saw him. In the distance, a man stood at the perimeter of the dance floor, staring at her.

  She froze. She blinked.

  And he was gone.

  No, that wasn’t real. She was tipsy, seeing things. Had to be.

  Scanning the dance floor once again, she relaxed when she didn’t catch those piercing eyes again.

  No more tequila for me. Good God, I’m hallucinating.

  But, the moment she could take a breath, couples moved out of the way for someone.

  Her smile faded when, coming in her direction with that signature swagger was none other than the vampire of her darkest dreams. And he was no illusion, dressed in an all-black suit, eyes like two blowtorch flames.

  Caught in the rapture of his nearnes
s, her limbs fell to her sides.

  “Something wrong, señorita?”

  The guy’s voice was a million miles away.

  Shain could’ve stood there and stared at her for a second or a full minute—she would never be able to say—but when he took her hand in his, she went without hesitation. Somehow, she found the strength to look back at her dance partner with a wordless apology.

  One moment she was dancing with a fun stranger and the next her hand was in Shain’s. He took her upstairs to a VIP area, and the bouncer let them through.

  Forcing herself to snap out of it, she yanked out of Shain’s grasp. “What are you doing? You can’t just show up like this. I said goodbye.”

  Shain turned around. “I know. I saw your note. I watched you leave it.”

  “I knew you were there. That’s why I ran. Did you watch that, too? Can’t take a hint? Two hints, for that matter?”

  No emotion showed in his expression. “I followed you regardless.”

  They stared into each other’s eyes for an indeterminable amount of time. The colorful strobe lights bounced off every part of his face. In his smoldering gaze, she saw the longing and frustration so much like hers.

  “You told me to leave you alone,” she reminded him, taking a step back, trying to keep to that command.

  He countered her move by taking two steps forward. “Obviously, I’m the one who can’t leave you alone. And I’m tired of fighting. I can’t explain or comprehend why I’m so drawn to you, but we have a connection. Everything about it says it’s dangerous, but the way I see it…” He drew closer, brushing his fingertips over her knuckles, smelling of clean-shaven skin and perfumed shampoo. “We won’t hurt anyone by exploring it for one night. No one will know. One night is all we need. So, shiya, will you give in with me?” He gently lifted the inside of her wrist and kissed it.

  She swallowed at the tender yet erotic press of his lips. To think, a little over a month ago her life seemed so dull, a series of days that collectively ran together with nothing to differentiate them, punctuated with loneliness and the hunger for more. And now, she was getting it.

  More than she could handle.

  But Shain was right. They had a connection that couldn’t and wouldn’t be denied. It appeared giving in was the only option that allowed them any power over it. One evening together. Their differences would quickly drive them apart, and the attraction would fall on the way. Not by denial and not by force. No one would find out, no one would get hurt.

  When she finally lifted her head, the tip of her nose brushed his. “Funny that you seem to think you have no choice, but that I do. You know I don’t. Believe me, I’d walk away if I could. But I’ve tried that, several times now, and yet I keep coming back, standing in front of you.” She exhaled shakily, realizing she’d been holding her breath. “So, yes, I’ll give in. For one night.”

  He rested a hand on the wall, chuckling, shifting his gaze down. “Oh, shiya. Seems once again you have me tongue-tied.”

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she said, “Here. Let me see if I can untie that for you.”

  When their lips touched, there was an explosion so sweet and euphoric, Kimber could’ve cried in relief, for there was nothing to compare it to. With a strong moan, Shain pressed his body into hers as their mouths opened and tongues combined. She made a noise of her own, hiking her knee up. He kissed her so deep her jaw could open no wider.

  It was Shain who pulled back, his feeding teeth sharp, his body hard as stone. He shuddered. “Godsdamn. Enough. Go back to your friends.”

  A soft grrr came from her throat. “No.”

  He found that amusing. “Yes. It’s late.”

  “When will we see each other again?”


  Good. The wait would be short. “Yes. But on my terms.”

  Shain slowly smiled at her declaration. “Go on.”

  “I’d rather not communicate through my cell phone. The less that can be traced between us, the better.”

  “I see. What if one of us can’t get away? How will we know?”

  “We’ll just have to leave notes in our tree. The one I left my note in.”

  He raised one brow. “The tree? While romantic, that’s not convenient.”

  “Nothing about this is convenient.”

  “Touché. All right, well, we’ll decide right now then. I can’t bring you to most underworld places. I’m well-known.”

  “And I live with six other shiyas.”

  He frowned. “Six? Six she-wolves to deceive? By the gods. We’re playing with fire.”

  “True, but I don’t mind the heat.” At the sexy smile starting on his lips, she added, “I’ll be extra careful. I promise. It’s only one night. How about dinner?”

  Clearly, he wasn’t expecting that kind of a suggestion. “Dinner?”

  “Yes. You know? At a restaurant? Where they prepare food and serve you at a table?” She paused, cocking her head. “Or do you not eat a lot of real food?”

  “Everyone has to eat,” he drawled. “I just don’t need to as much as you do.”

  “Where can we go without your kind or mine likely to see us?”

  He seemed fascinated with her mouth, staring at it for a moment before he blinked. “I can think of a few human establishments that should be safe. Or, I could just get a hotel room. We could order room service—”

  “I like steak,” she interrupted. “Know a good place where I can finally enjoy one?”

  “A wolf shifter who likes steak? Color me shocked,” he teased.

  “Very funny. Look. I haven’t had a good piece of meat since we got here. We’re always cooking Hamburger Helper at home. I love Stroganoff as much as the next girl but… What do you think? This is our first and last date. Impress me, vampire.”

  His dimples deepened with his smile. “Challenge accepted.”

  “Somewhere downtown or nearby, if possible.”

  “Done. I know the perfect steakhouse to remedy your craving for animal flesh.”

  She shook her head, grinning. “You think you’re so clever, don’t you?”

  “You make it too easy. The restaurant is called Cutty’s. I know the owner, he’s human.”

  “Perfect. The others go to bed by nine. I can set my clock to it.”

  “It’s decided. Now go to your friends.” When she tried to kiss him, he grasped her face to stop her. “Oh, no. We both know what happens when we do that.”

  She made a disappointed sound, and licked her dry lips. “Please?”

  He sighed, pressing his forehead to hers. “All right. One.” Their lips met, and the insanity started right up. He had more control than she did, and broke away with a frustrated moan. “Go, for the love of the gods.”

  She traced her fingers along his chest before forcing her feet to move, looking back at him one last time to see him staring after her in longing.

  Eventually, she found Stefan and Carlos at the bar.

  “Hey, where’ve you been? We were looking for you,” Stefan said, signing the tab. “I saw you walk off with the man-in-black. Who was he?”

  “Him. The one I told you about.”

  Stefan’s eyes widened as he finished his signature. “Mr. Eleven?” He went up on his tiptoes, scanning the crowd. “Where is he?”

  “He left.”

  Carlos leaned on the bar. “Oh, right. Stefan told me you two are too scandalous to be seen.”

  A good way to put it. “Something like that.”

  Stefan leaned in and whispered, “No regrets.”

  “There will be plenty of it if my friends ever find out.”

  “I got you, girl. If and when you need an alibi, use me, abuse me. As long as you give me details in the end.”

  It was 2:00 AM when she snuck back in the townhouse, shoes in hand, holding her breath until she finally closed the den doors.

  After cleaning her face off with a makeup wipe and changing into her pajamas, she worried she wouldn’t be able t
o sleep—nervous, exhilarated, apprehensive.

  Yet, strangely enough, she never slept better.

  To eliminate or prevent the flourishing or spread of. To dominate. To command.

  Shain knew the dictionary definition of ‘control’ and its many applications. From an early age, he understood the power and distinction between having control, being controlled, and wielding control.

  The situation with Kimber? He was confident he could control that. And would, since forgetting her was obviously out of the question. For whatever the reason the gods put her in his way, he would have to allow it to run its course, or otherwise embrace the madness. Giving in was the only option.

  The gods must be on the edge of their thrones to see how it will play out.

  Well, it would play out exactly to his conditions, and he would manage the situation from insatiable beginning to inevitable end. If the gods wanted to watch him seduce a shiya, then so be it. But he knew it wouldn’t be as simple as that. He’d have to take major precautions not to be caught with her, which meant a dire and strict set of rules: no taking her to any underworld place he’d be recognized, no seducing her anywhere near his loft or coven; and most importantly, no feelings or attachment.

  They both understood and had established their connection was borne from lust. An intense lust, to be sure, but lust just the same. Once they’d had their fill of each other, it would be over. After all, no attraction lasted forever, except for the fated soulmates.

  Him being a pürblood meant he didn’t have to bow to the search for “the one.” While many envied fatebloods, Shain sort of pitied them. A mind-boggling endeavor to be meant for one woman alone and to know only by blood. And if she wasn’t found after a certain amount of time, an endless depression would sink in that no fateblood could medicate.

  By far and large, best to be a pürblood.

  Unbound by fate, free to avow at his choosing with his head or his heart, or able to stay unavowed with no consequences. Free to seduce and enjoy eternal bachelorhood, an endless playground.

  He once spent an entire year trying to seduce a vampiress who was so aloof, no measure of charm or savvy seduction worked on her. It wasn’t until he gave up the chase did she finally invite him over. He’d fucked her multiple times in one night, doing all the naughty things she had confessed she wanted him to do. By sunset the next day—while she was asking when they’d see each other again—he was dressed and out the door.


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