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Dark Fae (Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac Book 1)

Page 19

by Caroline Peckham

  Well that didn’t sound too bad. And I was ready to put in a little work for my unpredictable Libra.

  I yawned broadly and a soft growl escaped me as I stretched my arms above my head and my shirt rode up. Mindy eyed the line of hair that trailed beneath my waistband hopefully and I almost considered letting her go down on me before I headed to my first lesson. But it was important I actually made it to Potions Class today. Not because I gave a damn about learning – I had Mindys for assignments and Mindys for tutoring me for mid-terms – but because today I was gonna ask Elise Callisto to the spring formal. And she was gonna say yes. Well I hoped she’d say yes. Okay, I was one percent shitting myself she’d turn me down in front of the whole class, but whatever.

  I stood up, waiting while Mindy gathered my things. She followed me to class in the basement of Altair Halls where I just made it into the classroom before Professor Titan started the lesson. Success.

  I weaved through the chairs while Mindy followed me to my desk and I dropped down beside my lab partner – Mindy – while the other Mindy placed my bag down in front of me. She scurried out of the room to whatever class she was late for and I leaned back in my chair, looking to Mindy beside me. This was a blonde Mindy with perky tits and come-fuck-me eyes. But I was tired of Mindys. I wanted Elises. One Elise in particular.

  I glanced over my shoulder to where she was sitting beside Ryder, chewing gum while he stared at Professor Titan like he was thinking up ways to kill him. I didn’t imagine he actually wanted our Potions professor dead, he just had that expression permanently knitted onto his face. And I wouldn’t have been half surprised if he really had stitched it into his skin with a needle and thread. That was the kind of fucked up guy he was. My little monster didn’t buy into his bullshit. Which was great, except she also didn’t buy into mine. And that was infuriating in the best damn way.

  “Today, you’re going to be brewing a healing potion for Faeulosis,” Titan announced, turning to write out ingredients on the electronic board. “Unlike many ailments, healing magic is unable to fully cure this virulent disease. That is because the virus which causes it possesses a nasty little enzyme called Faeulase which attacks magic itself, eating it away like a caterpillar.” He tapped the board and a photograph appeared of a Fae in the depths of Faeulosis. Blood seeped from his pores and his veins were a horrible, vivid red colour, shining beneath his skin. “When left untreated, Faeulosis can kill within a week. So does anyone know the name of the potion we’ll be making today?” He turned to the class, scratching one of his sideburns as he waited for someone to raise their hand.

  He looked to Ryder who clearly fucking knew but had no interest in sharing it with us.

  Silence rang out and Titan sighed. “No one…not even you, Mr Draconis?”

  Ryder grunted in irritation. “Spirisine for fuck’s sake."

  “Yes, five rank points to you, but less of the swears please,” Titan said with a cheery smile, not quite meeting Ryder’s eye.

  “Make me swear less, dipshit,” Ryder muttered and Titan cleared his throat, carrying on like he hadn’t heard him.

  “If you’d like to come and gather your ingredients from the store cupboard, and for those of you who don’t own your own equipment, help yourself to the supplies at the bottom too.” He looked over at Elise and I glanced her way, colour blooming in her cheeks. I vaguely wondered why she didn’t have her own things, but there were plenty of kids in class who chose to just borrow stuff so maybe she just didn’t wanna haul equipment around school. Wasn’t really an issue for me as my Mindys carried my shit.

  I turned back to face the front, waiting as Professor Titan laid out the instructions to make the remedy for Faeulosis then left us to start cooking it up. Mindy took control of our potion and I swivelled in my chair, watching Elise as she headed up to the store cupboard and started getting out the ingredients and a cauldron. Ryder was right behind her, aggressively pointing out what she needed without actually saying the words. And I mean right behind her. Crotch to ass. What a snake. She nudged him away, shaking her head at him and he marched back to his seat, looking like she’d just pissed in his cornflakes.

  When Elise sat down again, they didn’t look at each other and I sensed they were not getting along like a house on fire. Mindy returned with our ingredients, setting about making the remedy.

  “Do you want me to write two sets of notes?” she asked.

  “That would be great,” I said with a smile that made her blush.

  “Bing bong!” Principle Greyshine’s bright voice sounded over the tannoy. By the sun, he was a douche. That was pretty much the only thing in Aurora Academy every single student agreed on.”This is Principle G checking in with your morning announcements...the blood on the walls of Acrux Courtyard has now been removed, however due to the explosive nature of the incident, there may still be splatter on the sidewalk so please watch your tootsies when skipping by!” He thought he was so ‘down with the kids’ but really he was just an erect dick dressed into a semi-nice suit. I literally had no idea how the guy had secured the position of principle in one of Solaria’s academies. Maybe he was more powerful than I realised, but he barely showed his face in the corridors and I never saw him using his magic around the place.

  Greyshine went on, “Eugene Dipper is still stuck in his Tiberian Rat form in the U-bend of the men’s toilet after he was accidentally flushed down there so try to tie a knot in it if you need a tinkle between classes. Never fear though - we are still sending him air regularly to keep him alive. Unfortunately he tried to shift back into his Fae form in the early hours of this morning and it went spectacularly badly so let’s all send positive thoughts his way today and cross our fingers and toes that he manages to wriggle his way free lickety split.”

  Laughter rang out in the room. My eyes wheeled to Eugene’s empty chair at the front of the class and I shook my head. Guy seriously needed to embrace his inner Fae. You didn’t get anything in life without fighting for it.

  I noticed Bryce high-fiving his Lunar pal, Russel Newmoon, under the table and I casually flicked my hand, igniting a small fire under Bryce’s seat. It wasn’t really for Eugene; he had to Fae up if he was going to survive until graduation. No, this was for me. Because Bryce Corvus was a sadistic shit who liked to torture kids for fun. So I liked to torture him back sometimes.

  I watched the small fire build in strength, licking the base of his seat while Greyshine finished his announcement. “The party which will be held on the vernal equinox marking the start of Spring will be an under the sea theme! Our water Elemental staff will be providing the decorations so expect to be wowed. Don’t forget to get your glad rags on and be ready to boogie the night away. That’s all for now! Have a groovy day. Catch you on the flip!”

  “Holy fuck!” Bryce leapt out of his chair and I extinguished the fire as he wrenched his seat aside to check beneath it. He stared down in confusion as he found nothing there.

  “Problem, Mr Corvus?” Titan asked him.

  “No...” Bryce frowned, rubbing his ass then kicking the chair away and grabbing a spare one from the end of the row.

  I sniggered as he sat down carefully and threw a suspicious glance around the room.

  I picked up a pen, swivelling it between my fingers then rising to my feet when I felt it was time to put my plan into action. I set Elise in my gaze, walking over to her and dragging my chair after me so it screeeeeeeched across the floor. Another Mindy jumped up to carry it for me, but I wafted her away. I could do stuff. And things.

  Elise looked up with a confused frown as I planted the seat down on the opposite side of their table and joined them. Ryder shot me a glare, sending me a vision of him stabbing my eyeballs out with the pencil in his hand.

  I fronted it out, though it was kinda difficult to forget the image of me on my knees, holding my face with a pencil sticking out of my eyeball.

  I set Elise in my sights, giving her a dark smile as I placed my pen down on the table.
r />   “Hi,” I said with my most swoon-worthy grin. The pen rolled off the table as planned, dropping to the floor with a clatter.

  Come on, bite little monster.

  Her soft green eyes trailed from me to the floor where the pen lay, then flipped back up to me. “Are you gonna pick that up or…?”

  I huffed, moving to grab it when a Mindy swooped on it and planted it in my hand. She darted away as quickly as she’d arrived and I tucked the pen into my pocket with a scowl.

  “It feels good to do things for people sometimes, you know?” I said, arching a brow.

  “If it feels so good, Leo, why don’t you try it sometime?” Elise suggested with a playful smile.

  “Leon,” I warned in a growl and Ryder stiffened beside her.

  “You know what might feel good, fuckwit? You leaving this table and never coming back,” Ryder suggested but I ignored him.

  “Oh you’re talking now, are you?” Elise shot at him and I glanced between them in surprise.

  “I don’t recall ever stopping, baby.” He fixed me with a death glare. “Now fuck off back to Pride Rock, Simba.”

  A smile grew and grew on my face. “Oh shit, I didn’t realise you were a Disney fan, Ryder. Which one is your favourite?”

  “Fuck. Off,” he growled, trying to grab me in one of his visions again but I was ready this time, blocking him out with a mental shield.

  “Lemme guess…” I tapped my chin as I took my time mocking him and a smile danced around Elise’s mouth. “You get your inspiration from The Jungle Book and sing yourself to sleep with the snake’s Trussssst in meee song.”

  His gaze rammed into mine and his twisted Order gift battered against my shield. I gripped the table, trying to force his magic out and he hissed between his teeth like the serpent he was.

  “You should watch your tongue,” Ryder snarled when he couldn’t get through. Ha.

  “Oh I do. I watched it pretty well as it slid into Elise’s mouth the other day actually.” I smirked. Elise stilled. Ryder blew a blood vessel somewhere in his body. Not sure where, but I’d bet on the stars it was in his dick.

  “Leon,” Elise snapped, baring her fangs at me.

  “Surely that’s not actually true?” Ryder demanded of her, incredulous. I wasn’t sure I’d seen that emotion on his face before. His knuckles were an idiot’s guide to his mood settings. I hadn’t realised he ever deviated from them. “New girl?” Ryder pressed coldly and she rolled her eyes.

  “It was just a kiss, who cares?” She focused back on her work and I continued to grin.

  “I care. Ryder clearly cares. That’s over sixty percent of us. Majority wins.” I reached into my pocket, taking out what I hoped would buy me a yes to my coming question. I placed the large chocolate bar down, sliding it across the table, a rush going through me as I did one of the first things I’d ever done for another person. Look at me all generous.

  I smiled hopefully as I pushed it under her nose and she looked up in surprise, her lilac hair falling into her eyes. My chest swelled as I waited for her reaction, ignoring the way Ryder was trying to mentally push a bullet into my brain.

  “Oh, this is for me?” she asked.

  “Well I ate most of yours the other day so…” I wasn’t sure what the end of that sentence was. Maybe: So…I traded for that one off the Kipling brothers because I’m horny as hell for you.

  “Well thanks,” she said brightly, pushing it to one side of her notepad and continuing on with her work.

  “That’s it?” I asked. “Thanks?”

  “Yeah that’s um…all I have to say really. Thanks a bunch?” She snorted and a warm feeling stirred in my chest.

  I raised an open hand, angling it toward Ryder’s face so I could no longer see him glaring at me. “Come to the Spring Formal with me,” I said. “It’ll be fun.”

  “Pah,” Ryder spat behind my hand but I ignored him. “As if she’s into dancing at pathetic school parties with pathetic fucking Lions.”

  “I love dancing actually,” Elise said firmly, not looking his way. “Not that that’s any of your business, Ryder.”

  “If I decide it’s my business, it fucking is,” he growled and she flipped him the finger, causing a deep rattle to emanate from him.

  “So?” I asked hopefully, leaning forward in my seat.

  Gabriel was walking by and he halted with a terse frown on his face. “Did you just ask Elise Callisto to the Spring Formal?” He practically glided around the table to stand between us, looking from me to her with a scowl. Elise glanced up at him, a flicker of vulnerability in her gaze.

  “Yeah, what’s it to you?” I snapped. Dude was cramping my moment. I lifted my other hand, angling it toward his face so I couldn’t see him either. “Elise?” I asked. She’d turned bright red and kept looking between the three of us. “Eyes here, little monster.”

  “Why are you still here, Gabriel?” she asked sharply and he stepped forward, towering over her. “This is none of your business.”

  “You’re right,” Gabriel said in a deadly purr. “I’m not interested in your business. Or who you go to the party with.”

  “Then why are you still standing here?” She gave him a pointed look that was so heated it was almost sexual.

  “Ex-fucking-scuse me,” I interrupted sharply. “I’m in the middle of something here, so can you piss off now?”

  Gabriel shoved my hand aside and glared down at me, his eyes seeming to swirl like ink. “Make me.”

  I sighed in frustration, knowing I couldn’t take him on. He was too damn powerful. For fuck’s sake. This was my moment. Why was everyone trying to ruin it?

  I lifted my hand to block out Gabriel’s face again, locking Elise in my gaze.

  Dante appeared, looking over her shoulder. “What’s going on? Did you just ask Elise to the ball Leon?”

  “Oh fuck my life,” Elise muttered.

  I growled in annoyance, not having another hand to block him out too. Maybe I should throw a shoe?

  Actually, better idea.

  “Mindy!” I called and the blonde one appeared behind me. I took her hand, lifting it so Dante’s face was covered then smiled at Elise as I returned my hand to blocking out Gabriel.

  “Soooo?” I pushed.

  “Wait wait wait,” Dante said behind Mindy’s hand. “Are you seriously asking her?””

  “Yes,” I snarled. Mindy’s hand slipped and I caught sight of his expression. Dammit Mindy.

  Dante eyed the chocolate on the desk then took off one of his gold rings and planted it down in front of Elise. I inhaled sharply. I’d given him that fucking ring.

  “Traitor,” I growled, though I kind of liked the idea of him and me taking her together. Like, just a little bit. Mostly I wanted her as mine though.

  Dante laughed. “Sucks to suck, bro.”

  Elise huffed. “Can you all just go away?”

  “Not until you decide,” I demanded. I dropped my hands, my arms growing tired and I ushered Mindy away, feeling exhausted. Gabriel continued to stand there, his gaze burning into Elise like her answer was as important to him as it was to me.

  Ryder glanced at the objects in front of Elise with a shake of his head. “Pathetic. I wouldn’t be seen dead at the formal. I’d crawl out of hell just to destroy my body in case someone decided to take it there.”

  “Well no one’s asking you to go,” Elise said airily.

  “You’re right,” he said, fake nice. “Here’s my offer then, Elise. Please oh fucking please come to the party with me. Shit, did I forget to give you a grand gesture?” He reached into his pocket and placed a razor blade down in front of her.

  “Real classy, asshole,” I said, shaking my head and Elise pursed her lips.

  “Tell you what, Elise. Just because I can’t bear to watch this lame-ass bullshit continue, here’s a worthwhile offer. Come and spend the night in my room and I’ll give you the best party of your life. But remember to tell me your safe word a few times prior, I tend to fo
rget when I’m pissed at the girl I’m nailing,” Ryder said.

  “Fuck you,” she spat a second before I did. Because shitballs, what unholy creature crawled up his ass and died today?

  “Maybe you should just not go, Elise,” Gabriel said with a smirk playing around his mouth. “They’re all just trying to fuck you anyway and they’re probably only going to be disappointed...”

  “Well maybe I want to be fucked by a real man,” she said dismissively and Gabriel’s eyes turned to pitch.

  What’s with the two of them? And also, did she just admit she wants to fuck me?

  “Back. Up,” I snapped at Gabriel. My spine rippled with the heat of the sun. I was gonna shift on this motherfucker in a second and tear his head off with my teeth. “Give her air so she can decide.”

  “I’ll let you ride on me after the formal, carina,” Dante offered.

  “Dude,” I balked.

  “I meant as a Dragon,” he said with a grin that said he hadn’t entirely meant that.

  “Come on, little monster, you know I’d give you the funnest night,” I pressed. It was a joke we were even having this discussion. I was the obvious winner. “So what will it be? A night in Psycho the Snake’s funhouse, a ride on a Dragon who threw you out a window, or a night with a mighty Lion who will bring you more chocolate before and after the ball.” Bribery was a winner. Not something I’d actually used before, but I could see she was tempted.

  “Well…Leon did ask me first,” she said, shrugging one shoulder and triumph filled me.

  Gabriel pinned me with a look that said I’d just made it onto his shit list. But he didn’t even seem to like Elise so I didn’t know what his deal was. He walked away, his shoulders tense and his hands balled into fists.


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