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Dark Fae (Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac Book 1)

Page 20

by Caroline Peckham

  “Fuck’s sake.” Dante headed off, snatching up his ring before he left and Cindy Lou gazed at him hopefully.

  “Maybe you could take me, sweetie?” she purred as he slumped into his chair beside her and he nodded half-heartedly. She rested a hand on his arm, shooting Elise daggers over his shoulder.

  Ryder grinned darkly, leaning in to Elise’s ear. “Well my option doesn’t expire. If you get bored of Mufasa’s kid and fancy a taste of Scar, you can come to my room. And all over my room too. I’ll wait to hear about the safe word.”

  “Yeah, thanksssss,” I hissed like a snake. “But shhhhe’s not interesssted.” I got up and walked away with a satisfied smile, hearing Elise’s musical laugh following me.

  When I finally meandered my way back to my desk, I took a nap until Mindy finished our potion. Titan gave me ten rank points for showing power by getting another Fae to do my work for me. Today was gonna be a great day.

  Seventeen Months before the Solarid Meteor Shower…

  The Lunar Brotherhood were holding a party in The Iron Wood on the outskirts of the academy and all of the unallied students were invited too. Leon said they used it as an opportunity to swell their ranks, but he also said they threw a fucking ace party so it was worth going even if you weren’t interested in joining their gang.

  “The last time they had a party a couple of weeks ago, most of them got drunk and forgot to try and recruit people anyway,” Leon said as we walked across the Empyrean Fields towards the wood under the light of the moon. “Oh and you should definitely attend the Oscura Clan party next week too because you don’t want them thinking you’ve picked a side. Unless you actually decide to join the Brotherhood tonight.” He shot me a grin and I shook my head.

  “Hell no. I’m only going because Cindy’s going.” And because I had a plan to get my next instalment for this month. And hopefully every month after that. The crystal had secured my first payment, but I needed a steady income to fund Old Sal’s debt, so I was going to go balls out tonight and ask Ryder Draconis for work. And I was definitely not shitting myself about that.

  “Yeah she’s hot,” Leon said with a smirk, pushing a hand into his loose hair and flexing his bicep.

  “If you pull your Lion bullshit on her tonight I’ll knock you out. Pegasus style.”

  Leon chuckled, slinging an arm over my shoulders. “I wouldn’t do that to you, dude. And I don’t need to anyway, do you have any idea how many Mindys are going tonight? It’s gonna be a fucking orgy.”

  “Do you ever think you might want a girl who doesn’t fall at your feet the second you look at her?” I asked, genuinely curious. That shit would get old fast for me.

  Leon considered it for a moment, scrubbing the stubble on his jaw. “You mean like someone I had to work for…so that she’d do stuff for me?”

  “No, man,” I blew out a laugh. “I mean a chick who doesn’t do shit for you unless you do shit for her.”

  “That sounds like a lot of work,” he said thoughtfully.

  “The sweetest fruit is the one you pick yourself,” I said and he raised an eyebrow at me.

  “Did you write that poetry just for me, baby?”

  I shrugged out of his hold, ramming my shoulder into his and we both laughed. “Shut the fuck up.”

  “Noted.” He grinned.

  We headed into The Iron Wood where the darkness was thicker and the air seemed stiller. The sound of the party carried from afar and I lifted my hand to create an orb of blue light, casting a glow on the dirt track beneath our feet. We were late considering Leon had changed four times before we’d left and I swear he’d taken a nap in the shower too. The guy was infuriating any time I wanted to get somewhere fast.

  It sounded like the party was in full swing, the clamour of a thumping bass pounding through the earth. We reached a T-junction where the path split left and right and my neck prickled as the shadows pressed in around us. For a second, I could have sworn I saw white masks peering out from the trees beyond the track and my heart rate picked up. As soon as I reached for Leon to point them out, they vanished and I took a breath, mentally rolling my eyes at myself. This place was creepy as fuck so I was putting it down to my wild imagination.

  “It’s right to the Oscura Haunt and left to the Lunar Pit,” Leon said and I had to wonder how he knew that. He’d only been in this school a month but he seemed to be friends with everyone and know everything.

  The only person I didn’t ever see falling for Leon’s charm was Ryder. But then I never saw Ryder being particularly friendly toward anyone. It seemed like the people who hung around him worked for him. I couldn’t imagine him letting loose. But maybe tonight I’d see a different side of him. I was quietly banking on him relaxing after a few drinks so I could approach him more easily. It was pretty hard to picture him without a permanent scowl etched into his face though.

  We headed to the left and followed the winding path through the trees, the deep orange glow of a fire flickering in the distance. My heart rate picked up as we closed in on the party and arrived in a wide clearing.

  A huge bonfire blazed in a pit at the heart of the space. Tree stumps circled it and several were grouped together at the edges of the clearing too with tables between them. It looked like some powerful earth magic had been used to create this place and I wondered if Ryder was capable of it already or if he had senior students doing his bidding. Maybe both.

  I hunted for him in the crowd gathered around the fire, my eyes snagging on a dark shadow at the edge of the clearing. Ryder sat on a huge throne carved from an enormous log, the serrated crescent symbol of The Lunar Brotherhood etched into every corner of it.

  His second in command, Bryce Corvus, sat to his right on a smaller seat and a group of his most loyal gang members sat around them. A band of girls were hovering on the verge of Ryder’s clique, throwing him hopeful glances, their bodies clad in skimpy dresses, tight shorts and some in just bikini tops. Ryder wasn’t paying them any attention, his face set in an unreadable mask as Bryce spoke into his ear. It almost would have been funny if Ryder hadn’t been fucking terrifying. I’d heard what happened to the people who’d crossed him and I’d seen the blood on the floor of Altair Halls to prove it.

  I looked over my shoulder for Leon, realising he’d fallen behind and grinned as I took in the girls flocking around him. They handed him beer and pointed out a seat by the fire which had clearly been saved just for him.

  Leon nudged his way through them, directing one of his entourage to hand me a beer too. He led me over to the seat waiting for him and the girl jumped up from the next one along, immediately offering it to me.

  “You don’t have to get up,” I said in surprise but she shook her head, her eyes on Leon as she moved away to join the group of girls beyond him.

  Leon yawned broadly, twisting the cap off his beer and taking a swig. I relished the warmth of the fire, drinking some of my own beer as I hunted for Cindy Lou across the party. I spotted her talking to some friends and took another gulp of my drink, the heat of the alcohol spreading into my chest while I drew on the courage it leant me. She looked like a country girl in a checked red and white dress with a modest neckline. She was sweeter than sugar and I wanted a taste.

  I glanced at Leon to tell him I’d be back in a bit, but found a blonde girl curled on his lap, kissing him and caressing his chest.

  I snorted a laugh as another girl massaged his shoulders, standing and mock saluting him as I bailed.

  I wove towards Cindy, my heart ticking faster as I tried to come up with a decent opener.

  Hey, remember me? – but what if she didn’t?

  Oh hey Cindy, I didn’t see you there (real subtly bumping into her) – lame.

  Sup girl? – Shit, I was screwed.

  I drew in a breath, pressed my shoulders back and walked over to her with an air of fuck it.

  “Hey Cindy.” I tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around, her raven hair falling over one shoulder and her soft hazel
eyes drinking me in. Her lips pulled up into a bright smile and the knot in my chest eased.

  “Oh hey Gareth, I didn’t know you were coming tonight,” she said, fluttering her eyelashes and I had to hope that was a good sign.

  “Yeah, I thought I’d cruise by.” Cruise by?? Asshole.

  “What did you say?” she called over the pounding bass of the dance music which was playing. Score. It looked like the stars were on my side tonight.

  “Nothing. Wanna hang out for a bit?” I asked and she beamed, resting a hand on my arm.

  “I sure would.”

  “Cindy Lou get your ass over here!” a girl with way too much pink eyeshadow called from the edge of the woods. Cindy’s friends were all heading that way, dancing and laughing as they went and Cindy hesitated, biting her lip as she looked to me.

  “Apparently some juniors have Killblaze,” she said, shifting closer to me, her hand tightening around my arm.

  “What juniors?” I frowned, but before she answered, Harvey sauntered out of the woods beside us high as a fucking kite. His bloodshot eyes, hooded gaze and cocky swagger told me he’d been blazing.

  “Broooo!” he whooped as he spotted me, wrapping me in his arms and resting his entire weight on me.

  I pushed him back with a frown. “You alright, man?” I asked.

  “I’m so fucking alright. I am so, so alright.” He grinned at me, swaying left and right so his coppery hair danced around his face. “You wanna blaze?”

  “Fuck no. Haven’t you seen the articles in The Alestria Gazette? That shit is killing people every week in the city.”

  “Well we ain’t in the city we’re at school,” he slurred, laughing maniacally then latching onto Cindy. “You wanna come, right babe? I’ve got a test tube with your name on it.”

  A surge of irritation flooded me and I caught his collar, yanking him off of her.

  She folded her arms, glaring at him. “Do not put your dirty paws on me, honey, or I’ll set your pants on fire.”

  I barked a laugh and Harvey joined in before waving a hand and chasing after Cindy’s friends into the trees.

  Cindy shot me a sideways grin. “ you wanna hang out?”

  I nodded keenly and we headed toward the fire, grabbing a couple of the logs and sitting knee to knee with each other. Leon was in a full make out session with three girls and I took the opportunity to steal a couple more beers from the pile of offerings at his feet – which included several bottles of liquor, two crates of beer and three pizzas.

  I shook my head as I dropped back down beside Cindy and she giggled. “Your friend sure knows how to draw attention.”

  “He’s a Nemean Lion,” I said in explanation and she nodded in understanding as I passed her a beer. “What’s your Order?”

  “I’m a Centaur.” She twisted off the cap and we clinked bottles before falling into conversation which flowed so easily, I almost forgot I was talking to a girl I had the hots for. Cindy wasn’t just beautiful, she had a brain in her head and was funny as shit.

  Time seemed to blur and the evening drifted by. I’d been enjoying her company so much I’d forgotten all about the beer I’d left down on the ground. Cindy had her hand on my knee and it continued to climb a couple of centimetres every time she laughed – and hell I liked that laugh.

  Her lips were making me hungry and the way her eyes kept flitting to my mouth made me think she wanted the kiss I was craving. A pressure was mounting in my chest and I was so ready to give in to it. But did I have the balls?

  “I’ve had so much fun talking to you,” Cindy said, a blush lining her cheeks as the light of the fire danced over her. She inched a little closer and sparks skittered through my body.

  I nodded in agreement, leaning in and brushing a loose lock of hair behind her ear. She inhaled deeply and I figured screw it and moved in to kiss her. My heart slammed into my chest as I trailed my hand to her jaw and caressed her feather soft skin.

  She tilted her chin up and I claimed her mouth, my eyes falling closed. She tasted like beer and honey, the taste rolling onto my tongue as she parted her lips. Her fingers curled around the back of my neck, sliding beneath the edge of my shirt and brushing my shoulder blades. A deep groan left me as that divine feeling spread everywhere. The winged Orders were always sensitive right in that spot and Cindy Lou clearly knew it.

  I pulled her into my lap and she moved willingly, her hand sliding deeper down my back and scoring lines with her nails, making a heady groan leave my lips.

  I knew I needed to call an end to this if I didn’t want the entire Brotherhood bearing witness to my raging hard-on and was a little thankful when Leon started cheering. Several others joined in as I pulled back and Cindy ducked her head into my neck, laughing as she hid behind a curtain of her hair.

  Leon tossed me a wink, wrapping both arms around the girls either side of him. “Catch you later, man. Hopefully not in our dorm for at least an hour though, right?”

  I shook my head at him. “Right.”

  He headed away with five freaking girls and Cindy crawled out of my lap, standing up with a wide smile on her face. “I better go check my friends aren’t killing themselves on Killblaze.”

  “Pfft don’t even joke about it. That stuff is lethal. I can go with you, if you like?” I offered.

  She leaned down, placing a kiss on my nose. “I’ll be just fine on my own, honey. Maybe I’ll see you in a bit though?”

  “In a bit,” I agreed, watching her go as she turned and headed into the trees, her ass drawing all of my attention.

  I sucked on my lower lip then dragged my eyes away from her, remembering why I’d actually come here tonight. Ryder Draconis.

  His gang were dancing around him or playing drinking games at a table which grew from the ground, created out of tree roots. Ryder hadn’t moved, his focus on something in his hand which looked suspiciously like a razor blade. His gaze shifted to a girl with flowing blonde hair in a tight black dress and I decided it was time to make my move. If Ryder went off with her, I was never gonna get a chance to talk to him. And though he looked stone cold sober, maybe I’d get lucky and find out he was actually tipsy enough to consider my offer.

  I stood, trying to ignore the raging swarm of nerves I got as I strode over to one of the scariest motherfuckers in the school like I was on a suicide mission.

  As I arrived at the outskirts of his group, I found my way blocked by a meaty prick who created a wall in front of me with his massive chest.

  I side stepped to get around him but he immediately moved into my way. “I wanna talk to Ryder,” I said.

  “If you wanna join the gang, then you can talk to me,” he boomed.

  “I don’t wanna join,” I said simply. “I want to talk to Ryder.”

  “The King doesn’t talk to just anybody.”

  “Well I have a proposition for him.” I tried to look past him, but he leaned into my way.

  “You can talk to me about it or no one at all.” The guy curled his hands into fists and I clenched my jaw.

  Dammit, I was not gonna be stopped at the first hurdle by some asshat who looked like he’d been taking Faeroids since he was ten years old.

  A huge hand slammed down on the guy’s shoulder and Ryder fucking Draconis appeared, drawing the meathead away from me. His eyes said murder, but I stood my ground, reminding myself who I was doing this for.

  For Ella. For Mom. For me.

  Ryder’s dark green gaze scraped over me like an X-ray. When he reached my eyes, a vision slammed into me that made my heart jerk violently. Ryder had me on the ground, his forehead slamming against mine so hard real pain burst through my skull. He released me from the Basilisk hypnosis and I shook my head, trying to shake off the lasting effects of it as fear took root in me.

  Ryder’s right fist clenched so the word pain was aimed at me. “You get one minute. If I don’t like what you say, that vision comes true, Pony Boy.”

  I dug deep for my courage, nodding stiffly.
“How do you know what Order I am?”

  “I make it my business to know who attends my parties,” he said in a gravelly tone then gestured for me to step past him into his private circle.

  My heart beat harder as I moved forward and Ryder’s hand rested on my shoulder, the threat in his tight grip clear. He shoved me down into a chair before dropping into his goddamn throne and turning his cold eyes on me. “Your minute started ten seconds ago, so I’d get talking if I were you.”

  I cleared my throat, aware of the way the nearby members of his gang drew in like shadows, ready to gut me if I upset their King. Bryce was playing with a blade in his hand, casting ice across it so it glinted like diamonds. My mouth was desert dry as I pulled my gaze away from him onto his even more terrifying boss.

  “I need some cash,” I said honestly. “So I thought I could do a few jobs for you. You know, anything under the radar. I’ve got some connections in the city. I could be of use to you for the right price.”

  Don’t lose your nerve, Gareth. Hold his gaze.

  “No,” he said immediately, sitting back in his seat.

  “That’s it? No?” I said in disbelief, a flash of frustration radiating through me. I need this, dammit.

  “I have people for everything, why would I need you?” he asked dismissively.

  “Because I’m not in your gang. No one would suspect I was helping you.”

  “The answer is still no.”

  Someone beside us stumbled mid-dance move and bashed into the side of Ryder’s throne. The guy splashed a shot of tequila all down Ryder’s shoulder and my entire body tensed. He was on his feet in seconds, catching the freshman by the throat and slamming him into the ground.

  Ryder knelt over him, choking him with both hands while the kid took it all without any effort to fight back. Bryce drew nearer, grinning cruelly as he watched the boy struggle beneath the Basilisk Shifter.

  Ryder snarled in the kid’s face, spittle flying as he unleashed his rage. Fear tangled with my blood, but he released him before the boy choked out and I took a shaky breath.


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