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Not Looking for Love

Page 13

by Anjela Day

  “Anything.” He said continuing towards me. I held my hand out to stop him. “Don't lie ok” I said, and he turned his face up.

  “Man Aneisha baby I am sleepy as fuck. If this about a bitch, on God I ain't fucking no one but you. Come here let me see my handy work.” Cali, said looking from me to the coffee table where the pills sat. he walked over to the table and picked them up. I rushed to stop him and he held his hand out stopping me.

  “This why you look sick. This shit bad as fuckin crack.” He said snapping on me.

  “You been taking this with our baby in you?” He asked and I looked away. He as changing the subject. I needed to ask him a few things and he was interrogating me,

  “Don...” I paused realizing I had called him Adonis.

  “Man that nigga gone, you can't get him out yo head long enough to be my wife” he said coldly. Tears traced my cheek. I didn't mean to call you that. I didn't mean... I paused in my apology.

  “Did you do it?” I asked Cali, and for the first time he didn't look me in my eyes. He grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him.

  “No, No No. What did you do Iasked fighting to get out of his grasp.

  “Please Neisha, I need you. His muscular arms finally wrapping around me. I was crying, and so angry at him. I was also in love with him I felt like I couldn't breathe without him. Khalil lifted my shirt and started rubbing my belly. He nusled his face in my hair, and I rested on him. Finally realizing I'd fucked up.

  “Please say we can still be a family.” Cali asked, and I ran my finger over his ring.

  “I fucked up baby. I... I flopped over my words trying to face him. Tell him what I had done. I knew calling Marco and Niko would be Cali's death. I wanted him to die when I realized what he'd done. But now I needed him. I wasn't looking for love, but he'd always been there. He'd always loved me I couldn't loose that. I thought. Things began to move fast when my door was kicked open. Cali pushed me out of the way, and I ducked to hear the rain of bullets.

  “No I screamed watching, Cali hit the floor. I crawled to him, and he tried to lay on top of me.

  The shooting stopped, and labored breathing took over the room.

  “Baby are you ok?” I cried I asked Cali looking up at him, as he held me in his arms. He nodded his head, yes. Still a tear raced don his face.

  “Babe, don't leave me.” I said looking down to the floor looking at the trail of blood.

  Please bbay I'm so sorry. I love you, I love you a million times. I'm so sorry, Cali.”

  “I love you to.” He said, running his hands through my hair. I tried to stand, and he pulled me back on to his lap.

  “Baby I have to call 911.” I said tears rolling faster and faster.

  “They coming baby.” He said so calmly. I was shaking like a leaf in the wind, and he was so calm.

  “Baby you bleeding, all the blood. I said, and he kissed my forehead, and stroked my cheek.

  “That's not my blood.” He said pressing my belly harder than he had been.

  It was then I realized why he was crying. I watched my shirt fill with blood. I could feel my heart race, and how hard it was to breathe.

  “They coming baby.” Cali said taking his hoodie off and balling it up. He lifted my body and laid me on his shirt. He then got up, and took his gun from the floor.

  Baby you hear them they coming. He assured me. Standing in front of me. He took his gun apart, and started to put little parts throughout the house. When he was done he walked back over to me. My eyes were so heavy I was afraid that if I closed them they wouldn't open again.

  “It took getting shot for you to say you love me hu.

  “Cali joked lifting me back in his arms.

  “You going to be ok baby. He assured, me. I knew he was lying because he was looking away. I closed my eyes as the faint sound of people talking filled the room.

  “She's my wife was all I heard before it all went black.

  The End!




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