One More Time
Page 25
“Well, thank you there, you sexy little minx.” One of the guys winks at Alyssa. His eyes rake up and down her like she’s something to eat. “It’s always a pleasure to be served by someone as gorgeous as you.”
She giggles and flicks her long dark hair over her shoulder. Alyssa loves the flirting, I think it’s the only thing that keeps her working here. It certainly can’t be the crappy pay. None of us are here for that. I like it here because there’s not a chance of anyone I have ever known in my life coming in. I can keep hidden.
“Well, it’s always awesome to have you guys in here. Is there anything else I can get you?”
“Nah, we’ve got the ketchup thanks, love. But did I hear it’s your birthday soon?”
“It is actually, I’m going to be twenty-two. I’m just trying to persuade my gorgeous friend, Kym, here to come out with me to that new club in the city center. Pummel. It’s supposed to be incredible.”
Both guys look at me and a heat fills my cheeks as their gaze pierce into me. One of them has the darkest, warmest brown eyes ever known to man, and the other guy, the one who’s remained silent so far has a stunning, piercing green color that’s almost hard to look at. I automatically dart my eyes to the ground.
Mr. Green Eyes is very good looking, in a rugged, manly, dangerous type of way. He’s the sort of man that I might fantasize about in the dark by myself, never to tell another person about, but never someone I can let into my tiny little circle. I have had enough danger in my life. I don’t need more.
Not that someone as magnetic as him would be interested in me anyway. I’m too petite, too feminine, too nothing. He’s the sort of man who’ll end up with a badass rockabilly, tattooed, super cool woman on his arm. Not me with my ashy blonde hair, my sky blue eyes, my tiny skinny frame… no, we’re far too different. That’s what makes it a sexy fantasy, not something that would ever happen in real life.
“Oh yeah, I heard about that place. It’s wild isn’t it? Two young girls like that out on your own. You should go with some company. How about two burly guys to take care of you?”
Alyssa smiles and shakes her head playfully as she replies. “Oh, you’re so caring. But you don’t need to worry about me and Kym. We’re kickass chicks who can take care of ourselves, thank you very much.”
“Hmm, I bet you can. Still, Ted, we might be there anyway. New club, could be fun, right?”
“Mmm.” Oh God, that one little noise coming from his gorgeous lips sends a pulsing shiver of desire racing down my spine. I have to take a step back because it feels like everyone can see the vibration inside of me. “Maybe we should, Buzz, you’re right. Pummel does sound like a dangerous place.”
This is why I shouldn’t go out, I remind myself. I can’t get close to anyone.
I force a smile on my lips, I don’t want anyone to see the fear dancing and darting in my chest.
Normal, just keep being normal. Everyone needs to know that you’re normal…
“I think I can hear the kitchen bell. I’ll just go and see what…”
I turn and race into the kitchen, pushing past the chef, Greg, without even acknowledging him. There’s an open door and I need to burst through it. If I don’t get some cool, fresh air into my lungs soon I might faint. I’m sinking into the waters of fear and if I don’t capture myself soon, I’ll drown. The water is already filling me up, covering my eyes, sloshing about in my stomach… I’m tearing at the seams…
“Kym.” Alyssa’s hand rests gently on my arm making me jump. At least she drags me from my fear for just a moment. “Are you okay? You went all pale and you ran out of there really quickly. I’m a bit worried.”
“Erm, yeah,” I gasp back. “I think so; I went a bit light headed in there for a moment.”
“You aren’t still scared of the biker guys, are you? Because they’re honestly nice and I don’t think they really intend to come out when we go. I’m sure they’re just messing around.”
“I don’t…” I shake my head rapidly. “I don’t know. I’m not scared of them, I’m just…”
“You’re really closed off, Kym, aren’t you?” I don’t say anything because I definitely can’t disagree with her. “You’ve been here for nearly a year now and I don’t feel like I really know you properly. I’ve told you all about me and my nightmare parents, my asshole stepmom, the endless stream of bad dates that I’ve been on. I’ve even told you that I always wanted to be a teacher but I never got the grades. You tell me nothing.”
I dart my eyes to her and give her a pleading look. I don’t keep things in because I don’t like her, I’m just scared that if I start talking I won’t be able to stop and there are some things too dangerous to share.
“I’m sorry; I know I’m not a great friend…”
“No, it isn’t that. I’m not saying any of this to you because I want you to feel bad or anything. I just… I don’t know, I want you to know that I’m here for you and I’ll listen if you ever want to talk. You might think I’m a dumb kid because I’m a bit younger than you and I haven’t been through anything bad, but I can be your friend. I can listen. I might not be able to help but I can always listen.”
Those words are so sweet they almost unlock everything. I nearly open my mouth and let everything spill out, but luckily, the blockage remains in my throat and I don’t. I just can’t.
“Thank you, Alyssa, I really do appreciate that. And if I ever do get to the stage where I can talk, you’ll be the first person I come to.” I hook my hand around her and drag her to me so I can hold her. “You have no idea what a good friend you are to me. I don’t know where I’d be without you.”
I’m supposed to have no one, but with Alyssa I’m glad that I don’t. I need her. She forced her way into my life with her sunny personality and now I know my existence would be totally empty without her.
“So, you will come out for my birthday then? Because I really want you to.”
“I’ll come.” One night I can do. What can do wrong in such a short time? “But I do have one issue. I don’t think I have anything to wear. I don’t have any ‘going out’ clothes.”
“That really isn’t a problem. You’re about the same size as me. Borrow something of mine.”
“Really? You’re sure? That’s really nice of you. I don’t really get paid enough to get an outfit at such short notice. Most months I just about scrape by paying my bills.
“You’ll have to come over to mine so we can try some stuff on. That’ll be fun.”
“Yeah.” I nod slowly. “I think you’re right. It will be. I’m actually looking forward to it now. Oh, but what should I get you for a gift? I know it’s supposed to be a surprise but I’m crap at gifts…”
“I don’t want you to get me anything. I just want you to come out with me. All my friends from high school have fucked off to college and stuff now, so if you abandon me I’ll be all by myself.”
“You should have led with that… I can’t exactly say no now, can I?”
“That’s the plan.” She wiggles her eyebrows at me. “I’m manipulative like that.”
I toss my head back and laugh. To be fair, she must be. I’m never ever supposed to be doing anything that lets me be seen, but for Alyssa, I’m doing it. I’m sure it’ll be fine though, just the one time.
“Come on then. We better get back to work. Greg is about to have a freaking heart attack. The orders will be piling up. I’m surprised he hasn’t yelled at us actually.”
Alyssa rolls her eyes. “Urgh, yeah like those assholes out there are so desperate for their shitty burgers. But you’re right. Much as I don’t want to work here, I do, so let’s get going. We can pass the shift away with planning my birthday anyway. I can’t freaking wait now.”
Is that a bubble of excitement in my chest? God, I never expected that but it might be. Maybe I’m actually looking forward to heading to a club after all…
* * *
Chapter 2: Ted
“Ted, that redhead over there is trying to catch your
eye.” Buzz rolls his eyes and snorts. “Honestly, I cannot take you anywhere, you dawg. She’s hot too. You want me to get her over here?”
I barely even acknowledge his words; my eyes are too drawn to the gorgeous blonde who just raced into the kitchen as if she spotted a ghost in the corner of the room with her friend closely behind her.
“Mate, she’s coming over. Sorry, I didn’t quite mean for that to happen.”
“Hey there, handsome.” same redhead purrs as she leans over my shoulder. Her hair spills past my cheeks, blocking my view of the door. “I’ve seen you before, haven’t I? Don’t you work at Pete’s?”
“Oh, yeah I do.” I try to be polite because that’s the quickest way to get rid of her. “You ride?”
“I don’t have a bike of my own, but my ex-boyfriend, Shank, rides so I was there all the time when he had to get his motorbike fixed. I like the little bar you have in the corner of the office. That’s real handy. I always thought you were cute even when I was with Shank. You did the custom paint job, right?”
I nod slowly, now needing her to leave more than ever. Shank’s one of those nightmare guys who goes out looking for trouble no matter where he is. It was hard enough getting the job on his bike done all those months ago; I vowed never to work with him again. Being caught even speaking to his ex-chick will create a mess that I don’t need. Anything that’s ever belonged to Shank will always be his. He’s just one of those people.
“Yeah, yeah, I did that. It was good fun.” I shoot Buzz a desperate look. “He’s a nice guy…”
“No, he isn’t.” She flings herself down into the seat next to me. Her bottom lip pouts out and she folds her arms across her chest, managing to push up her breasts in the middle of her tantrum. “He’s horrible, he cheated on me with my best friend, Sassi, and now they’re together. It’s like, do they even care that I’m upset? No, not at all. They’re just parading their relationship around like they deserve each other.” Her eyes dart towards me; I can feel a prickle all the way down my throat. “That’s why I need to find someone new. They always say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.” Her finger drags down my arm. “Don’t you think?”
“Yeah, yeah, I have heard that too.” Buzz’s expression is one of sheer amusement. “You should.”
I glare at him but he doesn’t back down. He loves seeing me squirm; this must be giving him endless fucking joy. I might smack that grin right off of his face in a minute if he’s not careful. My fingers itch painfully already.
“So, what do you think, Teddy Boy? You up for coming out with me?”
“How do you know my name?” I realize I’m focusing on the wrong thing. “No, you know what, I can’t, sorry. I don’t want to create any trouble and you know how Shank likes trouble.”
“Oh, what, so he gets to have all the fun and I have to be single forever? How is that fair?”
“I’m not saying you have to be single forever. I just don’t want to get in the middle of something complex.”
“Guys like you always want to get in the middle of something complex. That’s your thing.”
“No, you can’t say that. You don’t know me at all. I’m not like that at all.”
A thick silence clings to the air, it circles painfully around us, but I’m not going to back down. I don’t want anything to do with this woman; I don’t even want her here. I just want to know what’s wrong with Kym.
Why am I so obsessed with this woman? I almost laugh to myself. What is it about her?
“Oh fine.” The redhead leaps up and storms away from me. “You’re so boring anyway. I don’t even know why I bothered talking to you. Shank always said you were a boring fuck.”
“Buzz, don’t do that to me again,” I hiss. “That was a fucking nightmare.”
“I didn’t know that she went out with Shank, I don’t ever remember seeing her around Pete’s.”
“No, well that’s because you’re always so sucked into your work, you pay no attention to anything.”
“Yeah, that’s true.” He nods. “I just thought you might like her anyway. She’s hot. And you can take on fucking Shank, what are you so scared of? That can’t really be why you turned her down?”
“I’m just not interested.” I shrug and take a swig of my drink. “She isn’t my type.”
“No, I suppose not. So, who is your type? The brunette or the blonde?”
“Hmm?” I try to feign ignorance. “Which brunette? Which blonde?”
“The waitresses. One of them has your attention; I just can’t work out which one.”
“I don’t know what you mean.” I can’t look at him. “You’re chatting shit, mate.”
“Yes, you do. There’s a reason you’ve started to come in here all the time and it isn’t for the food.” He lifts up his soggy… I don’t know what it is. “And you get stars in your eyes around them, so which one is it? One of them has caught your eye and I need to know which one so I can flirt with her and make you uncomfortable.”
“Is that what that display was before?” I scoff. “That was just embarrassing. Inviting yourself out to her birthday just to try and torture me? You’re humiliating yourself, not me.”
“You know me. I have no shame. So, which one is it? Stop torturing me, tell me already.”
The kitchen door swings open and the girls return. Immediately, I feel myself soften as Kym - God I love that name, I’m glad I finally know it - comes into view. At least she looks okay now, I didn’t like seeing any sadness in her eyes. It dragged out my protective side and I wanted to hold her tight.
“Ah okay, I know who it is now.” Buzz leans back in his chair and smirks. “The blonde.”
“Just leave it out, will you?” Everything gets hot, even the tops of my ears. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Why not?” Buzz can’t resist looking at her. “Why don’t you just ask her out?”
I can’t resist taking another look myself. Her delicate, feminine features cry out to me. Her sweet, English rose red cheeks, her wide pale blue eyes, her plump bee stung lips, her lovely cropped wavy blonde hair… and then there’s her body. She’s petite, slim, yet with curves in all the right places too. Her pert breasts grab attention without her even trying, and her hips are so succulent I want to bite them. She’s innocent looking, and she’s quiet, but I can’t help picturing a deep down sassy side to her. I want to unleash the animal inside of her, I want to corrupt her, to drag her out of her shell and enjoy her wildness.
I want her to be mine.
“Oh, come off it, Buzz. A sweet woman like that would never want a guy like me. Just look at her. She’s nice. She wouldn’t want some rough tattooed biker guy, would she? She doesn’t even look at me, it’s like I don’t exist.”
“Why not? Opposites attract. She might want a bit of rough, you don’t know that. I really think you should give her a go. Why don’t we go to that club on Friday? Maybe she’ll be more likely to let loose if she isn’t at work? We all know people don’t act like themselves at work.”
“Hmmm.” I can’t stop it; I’m so fucking tempted it hurts. I want to be in that club to see her, to watch her dance, to witness her outside the work uniform. I want to keep other gross skeezy guys away from her too. I can’t help it, I feel like she’s mine already and she hasn’t even spoken to me yet. “Maybe.”
Maybe, depending on the mood of the night, I might even try my luck and see. I can’t see it working, in my mind. Kym is the good girl guys like me fantasize over, but I’d rather not ask ‘what if?’
“Hey girls.” Buzz grabs the attention of them again, doing another thing I haven’t asked of him. “Actually, we do want something. Is it okay to grab some mayonnaise?”
The brunette smirks then pointedly heads over to another table, leaving Kym to take the job. She grabs a mayo bottle and steps closer to us, almost visibly shaking as she does. Something has shaken her up, I really wish I knew her well enough to ask what, but over the past three mont
hs since we’ve started coming in here, we’ve not spoken at all. Who knows… maybe Friday night in a club will change that.
“Here you are.” Her voice sends a trickling sensation down to my balls. “Is there anything else?”
“Yes, Ted.” Fucking Buzz, I want to wring his damn neck. “Is there anything else we need?”
I narrow my eyes angrily at him. “No, I think we’re good. Thank you very much.”
“Are you sure?” She swirls her hips too close to my face, instantly bringing too many dirty thoughts to my mind. I have to really resist reaching out and touching her soft skin. “I can grab you anything you need?”
I need you. I want you. Fucking straddle me! I want to be inside you and I don’t care who the hell is watching.
“You’ve been very helpful, thank you, Kym.”
The way her name rolls off my tongue shoots straight to my cock. I harden even more as her eyes widen with shock. I suppose she probably didn’t know I heard and took note of her name. Maybe I should have held that back a little bit. I suck in a deep breath, panicking that she’s going to run for the hills.
“Right, thank you. T… Ted. I will erm, see you later on.”
Oh fuck, I almost groan with sheer bliss. If I thought saying her name felt good, hearing her say mine is utter bliss. My head actually spins with desire. I can hardly see, my eyes become blurry…
“She’s gone now.” Buzz shakes his head with amusement. “Mate, you were not cool then. How do you ever get anyone to like you? It’s a complete mystery to me.”
“I’ll be honest, I don’t usually don’t have to do much talking. They come to me.”
“Hmm, that’s true. Maybe it’s good we’re going to a club because the music will be far too loud for you to talk. You obviously don’t do very well when you open those pretty lips of yours. Your thick brain obviously doesn’t have anything good enough to say. Silence is key for you.”
“Come on.” I drop my napkin on the table. “Are you finished yet? Can we get out of here before I make even more of a fool of myself? She might come back in a moment and I’ll have to talk again.”