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I Dated a Supervillain

Page 10

by Viola Grace

  “Well, yes and no. Someone else suggested you, and when you panned out, I made contact.”

  She removed her dress and underwear, setting them aside for going home. The tiny thong went on first, then the layers of chiffon, and finally the corset. Sometimes he wanted her soft; other times, he wanted her hard, but he always wanted her waist and hips encased in something snug and reinforced.

  “Would you like me to cinch you up?”

  “Please. Tight as you can.”

  Eleven grinned and said, “Better hold onto something.”

  “If I had a credit for every time someone has said that in the last few years... oof!”

  Eleven jerked on the laces with precision, and soon, Zera was standing with her waist the smallest it had ever been. “Did you get the space in the back closed?”

  “I did. Smooth line. Good girl for taking it.” She smoothed the clothing and straightened the lines of the layers.

  “If I had a credit for—” They both laughed, and makeup was finalized, masks were applied, and they headed for the lift.

  “What do you do if they want to see your face?” They were in the automated transport, and Eleven asked.

  “Tell them no. It is not in the contract. If you want to do it at a later date, I am working on jewellery that will blur photography and digital recording. Your mask does that now, but I need to make the tech smaller.”

  “Oh. Right. You can do that?”

  “That is my non-activation activation. The people who raised me were scientists, and I got to play with all their toys.”

  “Well, that explains a lot.” Eleven held up the tiny charm with her number on it that tucked into her cloak when not in use. “I wondered how these worked.”

  “They get one when they become a patron. You get one when you become an escort. When you have a connecting assignment, they glow and open the doors between you. I thought it was a nice touch.”

  “It is. It takes some of the fear away about meeting strange men in hotel rooms.” Eleven chuckled.

  The transport stopped, and their bots exited with them. They passed through the lobby and entered the lift, and Eleven fussed with her cloak. Zera smiled as they rode ever upward. “You will be fine.”

  “What if he doesn’t like me? It is a bit to deal with.”

  “He will. I am confident of it.”

  “Why? How can you be so sure?”

  “Step one inch forward.”

  Eleven frowned but did as asked. The invisible imprint of a face was in her cleavage, and as she stared, it moved, and a long tongue dragged itself across the creamy skin. There was a rumble of infrasound that ran through the lift.

  Zera watched as Eleven was lifted and bodily carried out the doors and down the hall. She appeared to be hovering at a strange angle, but her patron carried her the whole way. The elevator doors shut, and Zera got off at the next floor. She wished Eleven well. Salat was a hard man to deal with.

  She held up her charm and walked into Astel’s room and his arms. There was something to be said for knowing what you were getting into.

  * * * *

  Once inside the room, he set her on her feet and removed her cloak. She curtsied deeply and bowed her head. “I am sorry if my words gave offense, Patron.”

  His voice was so low, she strained to hear it. “The only offense would be if your profile lied.”

  “Oh, you mean uh... that part was accurate.”

  He knelt in front of her and became visible. He was dressed in soft shadows. Even kneeling, his head was still even with her breasts. She swallowed.

  He drew his tongue over the exposed cleavage. He peeled the fabric away from her left breast, and he licked her nipple. She felt the heaviness of her milk letting down, and when he sucked, she squirted. The other breast started to seep.

  He looked up at her with coal-black eyes. “Precisely as advertised.”

  He wrapped an arm around her to carry her to the bed. He got up with her in his arms, and when she was on the soft coverlet, he lay nearly on top of her and stroked his hand up her inner thigh while he returned to sucking and drinking. He shuddered as he moved to the other breasts, and she whimpered when she felt his fingers slide inside her.

  She swallowed and clapped a hand over her mouth to stifle the whimpers as his fingers slipped and slid inside and around her until he gently bit her nipple, and she came apart. Her head went back, her neck flexed, and her thighs shook as her body pulsed in search of a cock to milk. Her low cry was one of despair.

  “Ah, such a lonely sound.”

  She was glad that her mask covered her eyes, but the tears still fell.

  He went back to softly sucking at her as if she was his primary source of sustenance. He reached for her hand and placed it on the thick, wavy hair on his head. She threaded her fingers through his hair and held her to him. She felt the slow, deliberate rhythm of his sucking, and she felt the flex of his throat with her thumb. She shifted her legs as her arousal started again. It was the first time that she had gotten aroused while an adult was feeding from her. Normally, she got comments about being a cow, but this patron had his focus, and he wasn’t letting anything jar it. If the erection pressed to her thigh was any indication, he wanted her. He was just settling in for the long haul.

  Her patron had three and a half hours remaining, and he didn’t appear to be in a hurry.

  He lay with his head on her breast, toying with the other. “Do you ever run out?”

  They still hadn’t actually had sex, and she was a little nervous. “Um. No.”

  “You wet nurse children.”

  “Yes, but I also pump to keep things from getting ridiculous.”

  “You smell like coconut oil.”

  She blushed. “It helps manage the skin expansion and contraction. Cracked nipples are no joke.”

  “Can you lick them?”

  She put her hand over the mask. “Um, yes.”

  “You get that question a lot?”

  “I do.”

  “Do you drink from yourself?”

  “Only when I am thirsty, and I can’t find a coffee shop.”

  He looked up at her and grinned. The translation through the mask was terrifying. There were a lot of sharp points to his teeth.

  “How do you see through that?”

  “It projects a thermal image with a sonar overlay. You are grey and blue.” She touched his hair. “This is black.”

  He smiled. She brushed the back of her fingers against his lips. “Your teeth are silver.”

  “That sounds terrifying.”

  “How long until you are full again?” He nuzzled at her breasts.

  “I have a constant supply but will be topped up in about thirty minutes.”

  He made a happy sound. “Good. Will you pump for me and again before you leave?”

  “I didn’t... I don’t have any.”

  “I brought my own supplies.” He chuckled. “Just in case.”

  She shivered. “Oh. Okay. It takes close to half an hour to pump.”

  She swallowed and asked the question that was on her mind. “Patron, why do you find this interesting? There are more normal women on the roster of Blind Date.”

  “I have had a request for someone like you in with the agency since they opened up. How long have you been listed?”

  “Ah. I have been live for six weeks. The eight weeks of training I had to get through was intense. I was way too naïve going into this.”

  “Do you regret this?”

  “No, it has just been a lot to learn. Management doesn’t want us to be caught by surprise when a patron requests something.” She traced her fingers through his hair. His ears had a slight point. He had a physical and practical activation.

  “You already know what I want. What do you want?”

  She swallowed. “Patron, may I be frank?”


  “I want more.”

  He pressed a hand over her belly, and he smiled. “Explain in detai
l, Eleven.”

  “Um, I would like you inside me.” She blushed. “More detail?”

  He nodded. “As much as you can manage.”

  “Your cock inside me, your body over mine, and thrusting into me until I cum.” She squeaked out. “If that is not on your agenda, that is fine, Patron.”

  He opened the side closure of her dress and started to pull it free of her body. “That sounds like an excellent plan. But, you have asked for it, so be careful what you wish for.”

  She got a little nervous. This booking had required a full cleanse with no specific reference to anal sex, and it was marked with a just-in-case tag. It meant that the patron wasn’t opposed to wanting it.

  She was stripped to her G-string in under a minute, and then that was whisked away. It didn’t go with her dress; it ended up near a pack she could make out on a bedside table.

  He stripped off the shadowy clothing and returned to her. His clothing had hidden elegant detail and a lot of muscle. There was also something going on below the waist that her mask was struggling to pull out of the shadow. It was hot, but that was about it.

  “Now, you did not request foreplay, but considering the pleasure I have already had, it is only fair.”


  “My activation has made it difficult for me to achieve release. Milk from humans is one of the only means by which I can seek pleasure. Whatever gods have activated our secondary biology has a cruel sense of humour.”

  “Oh. Geez.”

  He laughed. “And then you appeared on my screen, and I was in town in time to make a booking.”

  She was blushing and knew it was not confined to her face. “I work a lot and don’t check my messages often.”

  He started at her ankles and kissed and licked his way up her body. “How well does being a wetnurse pay?”

  “It doesn’t. It is my volunteer job. My day job is working in data entry.” Her words tumbled out fast as her arousal started rising rapidly.

  “Close to the hospital, I imagine.”

  “Um, yeah. I have a dispensation to take my breaks at the hospital and work overtime.” She covered her mouth as his tongue move up her slit. The wet honey had started to emerge the moment he pressed his tongue to her ankle.

  “That must be a lot of hours.”

  She mumbled. “We aren’t supposed to be talking about this.”

  He laughed against her sex. “You are easy to question.”

  She shook as his laugh got her close to the edge.

  Eleven gasped when he slid his fingers inside and crooked them upward, moving them along until he found something he was looking for. When he rubbed, it started as an itching feeling, then swelling, and then throbbing heat that built up with the feeling of his digits widening her. She nearly smothered herself in an attempt to stifle the scream that hit her as her entire universe wrapped around his fingers and the tongue on her clit.

  He held her arched and tense with his fingertips sliding until she saw stars and slumped. He pulled his fingers from her. “Aw, poor Eleven. Can’t take it?”

  She caught her breath as her vision cleared. “Just. A. Little. Sensitive.”

  He chuckled. “So, you want me to continue?”

  “Please. Whatever you do whets my appetite for more.”

  He sucked at each breast in long, drawing slurps, and then, he moved up and nuzzled her neck. “Are you sure?”

  She knew there was something weird about his cock. She had seen that much through the mask. She sighed. “I am sure. If this is a one-time thing, it will be informative. If it were crippling, Management wouldn’t have put us together.”

  He chuckled. “Very well.”

  She felt the blunt head of him pressing into her; he was wide, and she opened her thighs as far as she could to let him in. He slid in an inch, and she whimpered. He withdrew and slid in further. She panted, and he continued until he was pressed into her completely.

  She panted, pushed at his arms, and tried to settle into a breathing rhythm that didn’t sound like she was being crushed internally.

  He sighed and feathered a kiss across her lips. “I did warn you.”


  He paused. “What?”

  “This isn’t a parking area; either you fuck me, or you get out.”

  She could see the deviation in his colouring when she made her demand.

  He chuckled. “Yes, Ma’am.”

  He withdrew and eased back, and her breathing got deeper, her body tightened around him, and she lifted her hips to take him deeper, even though she twinged a little. He began to move inside her in earnest, thrusting hard, and there was a tension in him. He was watching for something. He moved a hand between them and stroked her clit while thrusting deep, and she gasped and shuddered as her body spasmed around him again. She moaned softly as her body relaxed, and he thrust deep and held himself to the hilt as he spasmed inside her. She was so tight around him she could feel every vein, every twitch. His roar as he came made her ears ring.

  Eleven gasped and flushed as his chest on hers caused her breasts to seep again. “Sorry.”

  He kissed her, carefully moving his mouth over hers. “That... isn’t something I get to experience often.”

  “What is?”

  “Being balls deep in someone. Is there by any chance another aspect to your active status?” His gravelly tone was polite, but his cock was hardening again.

  “Oh, the hormones that cause the constant lactation also tend to keep my uterus and vagina very pliable. It does not come up in conversation.” She winced. “It appears normal until pressure is applied. Then, it stretches slowly. My gyno had a field day with it.”

  “It feels like a snug fist, wrapping without strangling.” He shuddered and withdrew before sliding back in. “Oh, gods. I want to live here.”

  He started a long, slow fuck, and she didn’t know where to put her hands. His skin felt velvety but hard. He kissed her. “What’s the problem?”

  “Where can I put my hands?”

  He pulled them one at a time and put them around his ribs. “Hold, claw, pet, do your worst, Eleven.”

  She bit her lip, and when he thrust in, and she arched up, she used her short nails to let her rub up against him. Eleven locked her legs around his hips and pulled him deeper with every stroke.

  Her hands moved up his shoulders, and she held him close as he moved with determined frenzy.

  She came again while grinding up against him, and he followed immediately as if he had been waiting for her.

  This time, his growl sounded against her temple. She held him to her and stroked his hair while he twitched softly inside her.

  Eleven sighed when he raised his head, and she swallowed at the distorted view of his face through the mask. She checked the display. Two and a half hours to go.

  Her breasts felt heavy, despite the mess that was all over her and him. His chest was slick, as was hers. “Um, if you wanted me to pump, now is a good time.”

  He nuzzled her cheek. “Excellent.”

  He remained on top of her.

  “You are going to have to get out of me sometime. Wrap up tight. Don’t catch cold.” She stroked his hair.

  He grinned, and his pointed teeth glowed on her screen. He eased out of her, and she closed her legs slowly when he went to his pack. She scooted to sit up, and he came to the bed with a pack.

  “You are sterilized when you go out on nights like tonight?”

  “Yes. We get an implant that activates when we have a date. That way, we aren’t flooded with unnecessary stuff. When foreign DNA enters, the implant activates.”

  He nodded. “Good to know. This is a design I have been tinkering with, so if you will allow me?”

  He cleaned her skin, and then, he settled the units over her nipples. The units were attached to long tubes.


  She grimaced and nodded. This was the part she hated, when she needed a milking machine.

  He activ
ated them, and there was a hum against her skin. A minimal amount of milk came out.

  “Why aren’t you letting down?”

  She blushed. “Put your head near either breast in light contact.”

  He smiled and did as she said and then licked the upper curve of her right breast. A gush of milk ran down the plastic tubes on her body, and they started filling. He watched. “Wow.”

  “Do you have spare tubes?”


  “You might want to get them ready.”

  It took less than five minutes to fill the right tube, and a replacement was attached. While she removed the left tube and sealed it, he took the filled tube and used a heat break to divide the tube into packets. In the twenty minutes it took her to finish pumping, he ended up with sixty packets of milk to chill.

  “So, you take one of those a day?”

  He smiled. “Or every two days. I space my supply out. I don’t require it. It is just a way of feeling something I haven’t felt in a while. You have set me up for a while.”

  She grimaced and removed the pumps. “Free gift with purchase.”

  Her patron laughed and set about cleaning his equipment. She got up and took her sticky self to the shower. When she returned, the maintenance bots were busy changing the sheets, so she took her towelled self and sat on the couch with her legs curled up. He was fussing over his treasure, and she was tired. She closed her eyes for a moment.

  Chapter Eleven

  Dozing off was against the rules, but the last three hours had taken a lot out of Eleven. She had one hour left, and then she could head home, and enough money would be deposited into her account to support her for six months.

  When her patron touched her leg, she jolted upright. “Apologies, Patron.”

  “It’s fine. It has been a tiring evening for you. We still have an hour left, but the bed is clean, and we can cuddle a bit before you leave.”

  “You got everything on ice?”

  “I did. Thank you.” He picked her up and carried her to the bed. He dropped her towel and pulled the sheets back, tucking her in and crawling in after her. He scooted down and pressed his head to her abdomen, his lips against her skin. He wrapped his arms around her hips and held her. She stroked his hair, and he smiled against her skin.


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