Folded Corners
Page 14
“I’m not really seeing her, yet. We’re just friends and her name is Sofey.”
“Why aren’t you seeing her? Do you like her?” Ember asked casually.
“Yeah, I do like her.” Riggin got defensive. “I’m not seeing her because she doesn’t like me anymore.” He took a long drink of his tea.
Ember grinned as she turned away from Riggin to get an empty jar. “Why?”
Riggin shrugged and shook his head. “I’m not sure. We went to dinner the other night and when I went to get some cake, she left.”
Ember poured herself a little tea. “Wow, weird and rude. And you like this girl?”
“I did. I mean she hasn’t returned any of my calls and I’ve left a lot of messages asking her to get back to me. She just won’t.”
Ember rubbed his arm. “I’m sorry, Rig. I mean, I’m sorry you’re hurting. I just want to see you happy.”
Riggin finished his glass of tea and rinsed it in the sink. “Well, it’s late and I have to be up early, so I guess you’d better head out.”
Ember put on her best pouty face. “Fine. But call me or text me soon, will you?”
Riggin nodded. “Maybe. I need some time to think.”
Ember touched his chest. “OK, Rig. You still have my number, right?”
“Yeah. I think so anyway.” He headed for the door to open it for her, signaling he was serious about her leaving.
Ember picked up her purse and remembered that she hadn’t deleted the texts she sent when Sofey had Riggin’s phone. “Oh, you know what. I have a new number. Let me see your phone and I’ll put it in.”
Riggin felt his pants pockets for his phone.
“It’s right here, silly.” Ember giggled, relieved, and took it from his shirt pocket. She swiped the screen but nothing happened. She pushed the side buttons, still nothing. “It isn’t turning on.”
“Oh, yeah. I’ve been on it all day and I forgot to charge it last night, so I figured it would die. Just write your number on this,” he handed her a scrap piece of paper and a pen.
“You know, why don’t I just come by again tomorrow and put it in your phone then.” Before he could object, she was walking out the door. “See ya, Rig. Thanks for the tea, it was wonderful.”
Chapter 20
Riggin woke when the sun hit his eyes. Rubbing them, he stretched and rolled over to see that it was 7:30 AM. He didn’t have to be up early but last night he just wanted Ember to leave him alone, so he came up with the fib on the spot.
He folded his arms under his head propping his head up. He tried to imagine him and Ember together again. He pictured them holding hands (No, wait, they had never done that). He tried to picture them smiling at each other (Nope, they never did that either). He tried to picture her laughing (Hmm, nooo, she only did that if other people were around, never with just him. And her laugh was always at someone's expense). Riggin frowned and realized, he didn’t even like Ember, much less want to be with her. He shuddered, willing Ember from his thoughts. I just want Sofey. I...I...need Sofey.
He rolled over, picked up his phone and unplugged it from the charger. He went to his contacts and thought for a quick second that he had deleted Ember’s number a long time ago. But he double checked anyway to be certain. When he got to the ‘E’s’ her name was the only one there. But he didn’t remember having her name in there by her nickname, Em, or putting the heart after it. What else had he forgotten? He clicked on her name and was surprised to see there was a text.
Reading the text he sat up in bed and checked when it was sent. It was sent Saturday night during dinner with Sofey. Riggin read the text again.
Rig. I’m missing you so much. I’m so glad we were able to get back together last night. Kissing you was just like old times. I love the way you hold me. I love hearing you say you love me again. I’ve MISSED YOU! I’ll see you later, my love. XOXO
Riggin jumped from his bed, pulled a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt on, shoved a piece of mint gum in his mouth while tossing a ball cap on and grabbed his keys on the way out the door. Before he pulled out of his driveway he called Sofey’s phone again. He wasn’t expecting her to answer, and she didn’t, so he left her a message. “Sofey, it’s me again. Please meet me. I can explain about Saturday night. I just found the text you read and it’s too much to leave on your voicemail, but I want you to know, it is definitely NOT what you are thinking. Please call me back or text me. We can meet up and I can explain everything. Please. Thanks Sofey,. I hope to hear from you soon.”
He hung up the phone and headed out. He had to go visit with Pappy’s old friend, he’d know what to do to fix this situation with Sofey.
Sofey frowned when she listened to her message, then deleted it and continued to load her car with the food trays.
“Well, I just got another message from Riggin. He wants to meet and explain what happened on our date. He said he read the text. I can’t imagine what he’s going to say. I’m not even sure I want to hear it.”
Linda grabbed her by the shoulders. “Let the poor man explain! Maybe it really wasn’t a text for him. Maybe that woman sent it to the wrong number.”
Sofey rolled her eyes. “Yes, I can totally see that happening. I mean there are soooo many guys named Riggin that I’m sure the text accidently got sent to the wrong Riggin. Nice try.”
“OK, whatever then. Be miserable the rest of your life.”
“I don’t want to be miserable.” Sofey whined.
Linda leaned against Sofey’s car, “Well, I don’t know what Riggin would say to fix any of this, but maybe he’s actually telling the truth. I mean, all the conversations we’ve had about him, he seems really nice. What would it hurt to just let him explain?”
“Because I might fall for his lies,” Sofey said softly.
Linda shrugged. “Why don’t you go with us to Folded Corners Saturday night? We’ll sit out on the back porch with the heaters and the bright white twinkle lights and order some appetizers. What do ya say?”
Sofey grinned and nodded, “Yeah, that might be fun. I need to get out. OK, I’ll go. I can meet you guys there. What time?”
The doorbell rang at exactly 8 PM. Riggin opened it with a smile and a buttery bowl of freshly popped popcorn.
“Hellllooo, my love.” Ember put her hand to her mouth, “I’m sorry, it’s just that I’ve been thinking of you this whole time and old habits and old nicknames came rushing back.” She walked in, taking her coat off and laying it on the couch, “I hope you don’t mind.”
“Yeah, no, no, that’s fine. Hey, a movie’s gonna start soon and I have fresh popcorn,” he held up the bowl. “I was thinking we could sit and visit a bit first.”
“That sounds wonderful,” Ember purred as she sat on the couch with one leg curled underneath her, patting the spot next to her. “Let’s reconnect.”
Riggin sat next to Ember, but not close enough for her liking, so she made sure to scoot next him, touching his leg. “So, Em,” Riggin cleared his throat, “I was thinking about old times. I was thinking about how pretty you were and…”
“Riggin! I’m so happy because I’ve been thinking of the old times too! How we loved each other so much. How we always wanted kids.” She scooted closer.
Riggin put a handful of popcorn in his mouth and chewed it slowly, savoring the buttery kernels.
“I can’t wait to get back to how things were, Rig. I’ve missed you. I remember how we were and we can be that way again.”
Riggin took a long drink of sweet tea out of an old mason jar. Ember would always make fun of it and would say it seemed trashy. That was another reason he kept the jars around, just to spite her in his mind. He smiled as he put the empty jar on the coffee table.
“I see you’re still drinking from those adorable jars. I always did love them.” Ember giggled as she slapped his shoulder playfully.
Riggin nodded, “Yeah, and I always thought you hated them.”
“I didn’t hate them. I thought they were cute.”
“Oh, the movie is starting.” Riggin reached over and turned the volume up on the TV.
Ember leaned on Riggin, “What’s it about?”
“It’s a really good one. It has Marcus Max and Kayla Windor in it, and they-”
“I love Marcus Max! He’s so hot!” Ember squealed.
“Yeah, well, anyway, it’s about this guy who proposes to his girlfriend of, like, almost three years and she says yes but…”
“Oh my gosh, how romantic. And it sounds a little like us! We were together for two years when you asked me.” She laid her head on his shoulder.
“So, she says yes but he has to leave for a few weeks and she acts really sad about it, and that makes him feel really bad, but he has to go. He actually asks her to go with him but she says no, she must stay home for work. So, he leaves, sad, but determined that he will never have to leave her again.” Riggin chewed a few more kernels of popcorn. “Anyway, while he’s gone, he saves every last penny he can and he buys her a diamond ring. He wants a bigger one, a shinier one, a fancier one, but all he can afford is a small, simple diamond. After he gets home, he wanders around town for a bit, because he’s so nervous to ask her to marry him, and he hopes she’ll like the ring. He has it in the pocket of his coat and…”
Ember sat up and wiggled away from Riggin and folded her arms around her chest.
Riggin smiled. “And he feels for it, touching it every couple minutes to make sure nothing has happened to his treasure for his love. When he gets to her house, he knocks but there’s no answer, so he goes to the backdoor and let’s himself in. He takes off his coat, with the diamond ring in it, and walks upstairs to her room.”
Ember’s face grew red and she squirmed a little farther from Riggin.
“When he gets to her room, he finds her with another man.”
“OK, Riggin! What are you getting at? What do you want from me?”
“What did you do with the ring, Em,” Riggin asked calmly.
“What are you talking about? You didn’t give me a ring!”
Riggin chewed on some popcorn, “Nope, I didn’t give you a ring. But you did take the ring from my coat.”
Ember stood up and threw her hands in the air. “What, Riggin? What do you want? I don’t have it to give back to you.”
Riggin smiled and shook his head, “No, I didn’t figure you would.”
Ember took a deep breath and stepped toward Riggin, taking his head in her hands and pulling his face to her. “Baby, we can work past this.”
“You know what else happens in this movie?”
“They get back together and live happily ever after?”
“Not exactly. They split up and the girl goes running back to him after a few years. She finds him at home and they talk for a few minutes then she asks to use the bathroom. But on her way into the bathroom, she steals his phone.”
Ember’s face turned red and she backed away from Riggin.
“While she has his phone, she puts her red pouty lips as her contact picture on his phone.”
Ember huffs, walking toward her coat, and said, “Hmm, sounds like an awful movie.”
“Yes, it really is because she’s a cheat, a thief, and a liar. The guy never wanted to see it while they were together but when she put the final straw on the camel's back by almost ruining the only good thing to ever happen to him, he couldn’t keep denying it.”
“What was the only good thing that ever happened to him that she almost ruined?” Ember sneered.
“Sofey Merchant.”
Ember glared at Riggin, smacked her painted red lips, and slammed the door as she left. He could hear her car tires squeal on the wet pavement in front of his house. Opening the door, he could smell the sweet, clean fragrance of rain. Stepping outside he let cold drops fall on his smiling face.
Chapter 21
Sofey took a deep breath as she pulled up in front of Folded Corners. “Of course, no parking.” She shook her head and looked up and down the street searching for any possible free spots, nothing. I should have figured. Why didn’t I come earlier? Driving down the street and around the corner she found a small space she thought she could squeeze her Gremlin in. The Ford F150 Super Duty parked in front of the empty space had a rusty hitch sticking out the back and the Dodge Ram parked behind the empty space had a protruding, oversized grill. Sofey pulled up next to the Ford and maneuvered her car, cockeyed, into the spot. Getting out, she took the tiny tape measure from her purse and measured how much room the Dodge would need to get out. “Perfect!” Sofey put the tape measure back in her purse and put her purse under her front seat, after putting her wallet in her jeans. “Alrighty, then.” Sofey swung her arms, clapping her hands in front of her. Maybe I should just go home.
“Sofe! There you are! Perfect timing, huh?” Linda put her arm around Sofey’s shoulders. “Nice parking job.”
“Um, did you intentionally park crooked just in case you need a quick escape?” Beau laughed. “Didn’t they teach parallel parking in your driver’s training course, huh?”
“Whatever.” Sofey rolled her eyes.
“Let’s go get something to drink and appetizers, you guys. I’m starving.”
As Beau opened the door for Linda and Sofey, the sweet smell of cinnamon rolls slapped Sofey in the face. Only for an instant did she let herself enjoy the memories of Riggin.
“OK, what do we want, ladies?”
Linda was giddy, she loved good food. “Oh, let’s get an order of potato skins, wings,” she looked at Beau, “hot for you and sweet for Sofe and me. Annnndddd...”
“Poppers! And huckleberry iced tea.” Beau smiled and kissed Linda on the forehead.
Sofey rolled her eyes and walked out to the sitting area on the porch and found an empty table with exactly three chairs by the fence. She chose the seat that faced the fence, she didn’t want to have to stare at all the loving couples.
“Here we go.” Linda set three glasses on the table and plopped down in a chair next to Sofey as Beau started to pour the huckleberry iced tea Folded Corners was becoming known for. “Cheer up, Sofe. This is supposed to be fun.” She took a sip of her drink. “Hey, look at that guy over there, he’s cute. Turn around, he’s not looking...yet.” She smiled at Sofey and Sofey couldn’t help but smile back and turn to see who she was pointing at.
The guy had medium length, curly hair and was swaying with the music. When he turned, he looked at Sofey for a long moment, then smiled and raised his glass. Sofey blushed and gave a slight wave with her hand while turning back around. He looks so familiar. Where would I have seen…
“Oh my gosh, it’s the pizza guy,” Sofey hissed at LInda as he walked over to them.
“Hey, what’s goin’ on? I recognize you! Oh yeah,” Wilson chuckled and bounced, “I delivered some pizza to your party.”
Sofey grimaced. “It wasn’t a party but yeah, I thought I recognized you too.”
“Yeah, name’s Wilson. So, how’s it going? Enjoying, drink?”
“Yeah, it’s really good, thanks. How are you?”
“Oh man, I. Am. Good. I’m meeting a girl here tonight.” Wilson looked around to see if he could see her. “I delivered some pizza to her house too.” Wilson laughed.
“That’s nice.” Sofey began sipping her drink a little more eagerly.
“Yeah, her name’s Rita. She’s totally hot and she’s a celebrity.” Wilson’s head was on a swivel, scanning the room. “You probably know of her. She was on that show Jury of…. Jury of.” Wilson turned toward one of the flannel-wearing guys by the door. “Rocky! What was that show my new girlfriend was on?”
“Judges of Love!”
“Yeaaaah, Judges of Love. Have you heard of it?” Wilson sipped his drink, looking at Sofey.
“It’s Jury of Love,” she said flatly.
“Cool, thanks. Now I won’t look like such an idiot in front of her.” Wilson hit Sofey’s shoulder with his elbow, “OK, well, have fun y'all.” And with that he rai
sed his glass and left to join the crowd at the door.
Linda giggled. “What the heck was that about?”
Sofey shrugged.
“Here we go, guys! Delicious food!” Beau set all the appetizers on the table and sat down next to Linda. “Dig in!”
Sofey did feel hungry, and after talking to that goofy Wilson guy, she was feeling in a lighter mood. Plus, the poppers and wings looked really good. She had just picked up a popper and took a bite when screaming and whoops and hollers rang through the air, startling her, and sending cheese squirting out of the bottom of her jalapeño and onto her white blouse.
“Uhhh,” Sofey couldn’t wipe it off before it left a half dollar sized stain on her chest. Slumping her shoulders, she turned to see what the commotion was about.
There, standing in the middle of the porch area, surrounded by twinkling white lights was the blonde, blue eyed, lean, porcelain-skinned, beautiful Rita. Sofey turned back around and looked down at her stained shirt.
“Soooo, who’s that? Anyone we know?” Beau was talking with a hot chicken wing in his mouth.
Linda shrugged. “No idea. I guess we’re out of the loop. See what happens when you don’t take me to Chateau Ridge?! We miss out on who’s who!”
“The who’s who go to Chateau Ridge?” Beau stopped chewing and took a long drink of ice water. “Well, honey, if that’s what we’re missing, we don’t need to go.”
Sofey laughed for the first time in days. “No, Beau, that is not what you’re missing. Chateau Ridge is beautiful and fun and sophisticated. You guys should really go check it out.”
Beau smiled at Linda. “Maybe for your birthday.”
Linda giggled and clapped her hands together, flinging sauce on Beau. “Thanks, baby!” Then, they kissed their saucy lips together. “Mmm, hot and sweet.”
Sofey made a gagging sound as she bit into her teriyaki wing. “Mmm, these are great guys.”