Folded Corners
Page 15
The voice behind her made her jump and turn around before wiping her mouth.
“Hey, Sofe,” Riggin said softly.
“Riggin. What are you doing here?”
“I just wanted to talk to you. I just made a last-minute decision to stop here. Can I please talk to you?”
Sofey looked at Linda, who nonchalantly, reminded her to wipe her mouth and then gave her a head jerk to go in and talk to him. Sofey felt her face instantly catch fire as she wiped her mouth and noticed the unusually large about of sauce left on her napkin. Taking a deep breath she nodded and stood up. “Let’s go inside.”
“Riggy!” Behind Riggin came a bouncing Rita. She put her arm around his shoulder and kissed his cheek. “How are you, baby?”
Riggin moved away, his eyes pleading with Sofey.
Rita looked at Sofey and smirked, “Oh, ummmm,” she touched the corner of her own mouth lightly then looked at the stain on Sofey’s shirt and rolled her eyes with a giggle.
“Hey, Sweetlips, come here, I have some people I want you to meet!” Wilson appeared from the crowd and wrapped his arm around Rita’s waist, pulling her toward him.
Rita giggled and drummed her fingers in the air at all of them, “Toodles!” And she danced away.
Riggin sighed heavily and pulled his ball cap lower over his face. “Sofey, can I please talk to you,” he said desperately.
Taking a deep breath and holding her chin high, she marched herself inside and then out the front door, followed closely by Riggin.
“So,” Sofey stood with her arms crossed at her chest, “go ahead, talk.”
“OK, look. Ember, my horrid ex sent that text while we were at dinner so you would see it and think I was playing you. And guess what? That’s exactly what happened, her plan worked!”
Sofey stood tapping her foot and rolled her eyes, “You seriously expect me to believe that? Are you kidding me? I mean, the first time I met you, you were ‘married’,” she used air quotes to push her point home. “Then, suddenly, you’re not married! Oh yeah, and, um, you never were married!”
“Yes! All that is true!”
“Oh, and, I forgot, you never loved Rita...right?! And I guess you never loved good ol’ Em, either, huh?”
“OK, listen, please,” Riggin walked toward Sofey, trying to put his hands on her arms. “I never, ever loved Rita! I never even liked Rita! And Ember, I’ll be honest, I thought I loved her at one time. Why I thought I loved her, I have no idea. But since I’ve gotten to know you, I know I never loved her. When she did what she did all those years-”
“How did Em know I would see the lippy text, huh?” Sofey still had her arms crossed and wasn’t letting Riggin touch her.
“She took my phone and read my texts. I’m sorry.”
Sofey’s brows furrowed and she leaned forward, “How was she able to read your texts, Riggin?”
Riggin took a deep breath, he felt like he was in quicksand and the more he spoke the deeper he sank. “She took my phone when I wasn’t looking and read them.”
“Where was your phone when she took it?” Sofey asked through clenched teeth.
“On my side table.”
Sofey stepped back, “On your side table? Where is your side table? Like, in your living room? In your bedroom? Where?”
Riggin swallowed hard, “It was in my living room and she took it in the bathroom and looked through my texts and then added her name and number. Sofe! I didn’t even have her name in my phone, for Pete’s sake!” Riggin turned around, his fists pulling at his hair, “Come on, Sofe!”
Sofey paced back and forth, arms crossed, hands sweating, “I don’t know, Riggin. It all seems a little weird to me. I mean, you have a fake marriage to a woman you supposedly never loved. Then, the first time we go out, this Em texts from out of nowhere and pledges her undying love for you! And then she laments about how much she loved whatever it was you two did the night before!”
“Sofey,” Riggin grabbed her arms and pulled her close to him. “NOTHING happened between me and Ember, nothing, I swear. Those women are nothing to me. Nothing. And to be totally honest, neither of them ever were. I swear it to you, Sofe. I would never and will never lie to you.”
Sofey wiggled and pulled free from his grip, glaring at him for a split second, “You can’t seem to figure out if you love someone or not. And I’m not going to be another game for you!” she turned and ran to her car, not looking back.
Chapter 22
“Dolly,” June patted Sofey’s knee and handed her a large slice of pineapple pizza, “I do believe I can sympathize with you feeling like you’ve lost all trust in Riggin. I know it’s hard to trust again after you feel like you’ve been outright lied to.”
Sofey took a big bite of pizza, her face resembling a sad puppy dog, and nodded. “I just don’t get it,” she said while she chewed her food.
“Well, what is his side of all of this?”
Sofey wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and slumped her shoulders. “He said he found the text Ember Roedant sent the night we were at dinner.” Sofey’s shoulders slumped further. “She’s his ex.”
June nodded and waited for Sofey to continue.
“She went to see him a couple days before we had our date and he said she took his phone and took a picture of her lips and set it as the contact picture.”
Sofey took a deep breath and another bite of pizza and shrugged. “He said he didn’t know she took his phone.” Sofey looked at the ceiling and shook her head. “How dirty and underhanded. I mean, she followed us to the restaurant and spied on us so she could send that text while I had his phone.” Sofey laughed, “Everything went exactly according to her horrible plan!”
“How do you mean?” June leaned back and took a drink of her drink.
“She followed us there wanting me to see her texts to him. She wanted me mad at him. So, it worked out perfectly for her when Riggin showed me pictures of you, Barney, and Hank. Then he left to get cake and I was still looking at his phone! So she had her chance to send her deceptive text.” Sofey rolled her eyes and plopped back on the couch. “Ugh, she’s horrid.”
“Yes, she sounds like a hussy to me.” June leaned forward and took Sofey’s face in her cold, boney hands, making Sofey jump, her eyes wide. “But that doesn’t mean Riggin is a bad guy. Give the man a chance, Dolly.” June let Sofey’s face go and patted her on the knee, “You deserve to be happy, but happy can’t happen if you don’t make a door in your wall, girl. You need to give it a chance.” June’s voice softened, “Even if it means it’s possible you’ll get hurt. You have to be brave my darling girl.”
Sofey’s eyes filled with tears that she refused to let fall and nodded. “I know,” Sofey took a deep breath. “It’s just so hard to be brave when it’s your damaged heart that you’re sacrificing, you know?”
June nodded, eyebrows raised with wide eyes, and looked at Sofey with more understanding than Sofey thought possible.
“Sofey,” June’s eyes were wet, “I have had to be brave in my life too. I have had to make some very hard decisions and so did Barney. When he and I met, we both had secrets and they almost tore us apart.” June patted her eyes with a white hanky with yellow flowers embroidered on it that she always kept in a front pocket. She waved her hand in the air as if shooing away the sadness and cleared her throat. Her voice clear and confident, “But those secrets did not tear us apart! You know why? Because we didn’t let them. We were stronger than our fears.” June stood up and put her hands on her hips. “Now, you know I love you like a daughter, Dolly. So, you will know this is for your own good. You need to go home now and take a long hot bath and think about tomorrow. You think about how you are going to be strong and get over the past and how tomorrow is a brand-new day and a brand-new you.” June disappeared into the kitchen and returned with an oversized piece of chocolate cheesecake with extra chocolate drizzle on top. “Take this home with you now, eat it, and think about what I said.” She handed Sofey the cheesecake from Ch
ateau Ridge and smiled. Taking Sofey by the arm, she helped her up and walked her to the door. “No more sniveling and feeling sorry for yourself. Go, get in the bath and think about how you are a strong, beautiful woman. Then you pull out that list of yours and read it again, carefully. That’s when you decide what you are going to do. Are you going to put on a brave face and enjoy life or are you going to sulk for the rest of your youth?” June pushed Sofey out the door and blew her a kiss before shutting it.
Sofey stood there, staring at the closed door and holding the cheesecake, her mouth open in protest. I guess I’ll go home and take a hot bath and eat a piece of cheesecake...
With her hair wrapped up in a towel and her bathrobe tied securely, Sofey plopped down on her soft bed, leaning against her pillows, with a plate of cheesecake.
Just as she took a bite, Rob Roy jumped up next to her and dropped a crumpled piece of paper next to Sofey’s leg and meowed at her. “Kitty,” Sofey said through a mouthful, “you wanna play fetch?”
Rob Roy stretched out and laid down by Sofey but didn't answer her. Putting down her fork, she picked up the paper ball and smoothed it flat. She read the words that were written in her own handwriting:
Sofey’s Demands of Her Future Man
(In no particular order)
2)Smiles - A LOT
3)MUST like cats! (Rob Roy must approve)
4)Have a great job - I don’t need to raise a kid
5)Loves to read
6)CANNOT be popular (That’s WAY too self centered)
7)Christmas must be favorite holiday
8)MUST make me laugh
9)Has a big family (Great for holidays, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas)
10)Is NOT married and NEVER has been married. (TOO much DRAMA)
Sofey read the list two more times before laying it down on her lap. She picked up her fork and continued eating her cheesecake.
Number one-friendly-well, his is but he didn’t seem to be on the show. And, how do I know for sure that what he’s said about Rita and Ember is true? I mean, he did say he was married to Rita when he wasn’t.
Number two-Smiles a lot. Yes, he is definitely a smiley guy. And he should be, he has such a cute crooked smile.
Number three-Must like cats. He said he has a cat that he and his grandpa loved.
Number four-Have a great job. Yep, he sure does.
Number five-Loves to read. Duh, of course he does.
Number six-Cannot be popular. Well, he fails number six!
Number seven-Christmas favorite holiday. Hmmm, he said it was always lonely with just him and his grandpa but that his grandpa made each year special. But is it his favorite? I doubt it! He’s probably a grinch.
Sofey took another big bite of cheesecake, letting the chocolate melt slowly in her mouth.
Number eight-Must make me laugh. Sofey rolled her eyes. I loved when he would make me laugh.
Number nine-Has a big family. Well, that’s another fail!
Annnndddd...Number ten-the big 1-0! -Is not and never has been married! I don’t care what he says, he FAILS that one!
Sofey rolled to her side, setting her empty plate on the nightstand and switched off her lamp. Then rolled back over and scratched Rob Roy on the head. “I don’t know Rob Roy. Should I give him another chance? I mean, he did fail two-maybe three-of the items on my list. That’s not really that great.” She played with the soft fur of her cat between her fingers and blew on his ears to make them twitch. “I mean, I guess love doesn’t have to be about a list, right? And, what if he really is being sincere?”
Rob Roy purred, closing his eyes, and rolled to his back, kneading the air with his paws.
Chapter 23
“Stop, kitty.” Sofey pushed Rob Roy away from her head but he came back, purring full force in her face, bumping her with his head. Rolling over, she heard the crunching of paper under her hip. Yawning, she put the crumpled paper to her face. Her list. She let it fall to the floor and rolled back over to look at her alarm clock. 8 AM. Sofey sat bolt upright in bed and looked again. 8:01 AM. “OH NO! Rob Roy! I’m late!” She jumped out of bed and scooped her hair up into a ponytail on top of her head. She brushed her teeth while slipping on her left shoe then her right one. Grabbing her coat and purse she ran out the front door, her phone ringing, Linda’s face smiling at her. She swiped her finger over the screen, “Hi! I’m on my way, I just woke up. Sorry, gotta go!” She hung up before starting the engine.
Sofey turned on the radio and cranked it up loud, trying to quiet the voice in her head and think of something other than Riggin. He had plagued her dreams all night. Couldn’t he leave her alone? But still, part of her wanted to see him, even if it was just in her dreams. Give him another chance. What could it hurt?
What could it hurt?!? Well, for one my heart! And for pride. Yes, your pride! How stupid to squash a chance at love over losing your pride! Oh yeah, you think it’s fun losing your pride?! Sofey barely noticed the stop sign that she stopped at every day, her foot hit the brake just in time. A man with the cane started crossing, shaking his head at her while yelling something Sofey couldn’t (and didn’t want to) understand. She turned up the radio even more as she slumped down in her seat, waiting for him to get to the other side of the road.
It’s horrible losing your pride! Especially to someone who holds the power to break your heart. If he’s going to hurt your pride, then he’ll also break your heart. But what if...what IF he doesn’t do either one. What if it turns out good?
Sofey shook her head and continued driving to work, screaming loudly with the song blaring from the speakers. Something about being strong and nobody’s gonna hurt this heart and...Sofey turned the radio off and sighed. During the last mile she actively pushed all thoughts and sounds from her head and sat in total silence- except for the weird screeching, or was it whining, sound her car had recently started making.
Linda met her in the loading area with a cart full of food and her car door magnet.
“When did they say we’re getting those vans?” Sofey said jumping out of her car and grabbing a stack of food containers.
“Oh, hey to you too and no problem.” Linda waved her hand in the air. “You’re totally welcome. No, I don’t have anything else to do, like my own job around here.”
“I’m sorry.” Sofey stopped and wrapped her arms around Linda in a quick hug. “Thanks, you’re a dear. I’m sorry I’m late. I owe you one.” Slamming her trunk closed, she slid back into the driver's seat and waved out the window. “See you later!”
“Wait! I wanted to hear what Riggin said to you!” Linda yelled as Sofey’s car clunked away, a black gas cloud lingering behind it. “You could’ve called to tell me!”
Sofey’s first customer wasn’t angry she was late and welcomed her in and asked her if she’d like a martini.
“Oh, no thank you, Katherine, I’m still working.” Sofey smiled as the grandfather clock chimed 9 AM.
“Well, alright then.” Katherine was opening cans of cat food to feed her six cats.
Sofey listened as Katherine talked about one of her trips to Europe six years ago and how the people she visited with just adored her martinis. After Sofey finished filling the refrigerator she cut Katherine’s story a little short and left. She could get back on track and possibly even make it to Edith’s on time if she kept the conversations short and sweet today.
By the time she arrived at Edith’s, she was only ten minutes later than normal. Not too bad, she consoled herself, since she had gotten up thirty minutes late. She grabbed the last of the containers from her trunk and started up the sidewalk to the front steps.
Edith’s screen door flew open. “Well, I mean, child. What on earth has taken you so long to get here today?” Skipper was at Sofey’s ankles, welcoming her with a low growl and his saliva-soaked toy hedgehog.
Sofey let out a deep sigh, “I’m sorry, Edith. I woke up late this morning and my whole day has been just rush
ing around trying to get to you on time.” She walked past Edith and into her kitchen, setting everything in her arms on the table then plopped down in the empty chair and rubbed her temples.
Edith walked by her, her cane tapping loudly on the linoleum and pulled the other chair across the floor making the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard.
Sofey rubbed her temples harder until the horrible sound stopped. “You smell nice, Edith. New perfume?”
You could barely see Edith’s face flush under her bright pink rouge. “Why yes, Joe gave it to me,” she said proudly and twisted the new pearl necklace she was wearing.
“Oh, that’s nice, Edith. I’m so glad you and Joe are getting along so well.” Sofey smiled and stood up, grabbing some containers to put in the bright yellow refrigerator.
“Yes, it is, isn’t it?” Edith leaned slightly to look past the half wall that separates the kitchen from the living room’s front door.
“Well, I’ll be glad when we get our new vans. My car has been making really weird sounds lately.” Sofey said, her head in the refrigerator.
“Mmm hmm. That’s nice, child.” Edith was still leaned over, watching the door.
Child? She’s never called me child. Sofey looked at Edith, leaning on her elbow, staring at the door. “Are you waiting for someone?”
“That’s good, child. I’m so…” Edith jumped up faster than Sofey had ever seen her move when the doorbell rang in the middle of her sentence. She shuffled with her carved cane over to the door and looked through the peephole. “Oh,” she giggled, opening the door. Putting her hand to her mouth, she said, “I’m so flattered, Joe.” She turned around holding a bouquet of yellow roses.
Joe had taken his tweed hat off to kiss Edith’s cheek and was walking through the door when Sofey came around the corner. “Ah, Sofey! Imagine my surprise at seeing you here.” He winked at her and she noticed Edith squeeze his hand.
“Oh, yeah.” Sofey shifted her weight on her feet and took in a deep breath, inhaling the fruity smell of Edith’s roses. “Well, I’m finished here for the day. You two have a good evening.” Sofey grabbed the empty bag she had brought some of the food in. “Your roses are beautiful, Edith. It was good to see you, Joe.” She started opening the front door and turned to see them staring at her, smiling. Skipper was sitting next to Joe’s feet, wagging his tail with the hedgehog in his mouth. Joe smiled and nodded slightly. And Edith tapped her cane lightly on the floor, leaning her head on Joe’s shoulder. Sofey narrowed her eyes and smiled nervously back, while slowly opening the door. As she turned to walk out, the screen door opened for her and she saw Riggin standing in front of her with his hands behind his back. “Oh!” She stepped back in surprise.