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Black Ruins Forest (The Elder Series Book 1)

Page 23

by Karen DuBose

  We all head toward the cave. I look around for my mom. Once I spot her, I go running to her. I’m so glad we got her back. I stop a little bit away and grab her hands. I undo the rope that’s around her wrist. Dropping them to the ground.

  I wrap her up in my arms so tight, I heard her back crack. I can’t believe we have her back. I don’t want to let go of her, but we need to get out of the open. I know Isobel says no one comes here, but I don’t want to take that chance. I release my mom and take her hand. Kira is the next to give her a hug.

  Mom is always in mamma bear mood. “How you are holding up, youngling?”

  I let out a sarcastic laugh. “To tell you the truth, I really don’t know right this minute. I have so much to tell you. I should be asking you that question. I wasn’t the one who was kidnapped by a delusional bear.”

  “I’m fine. I knew you would come find me one way or another. I had faith in you. You don’t tend to have things taken from you without a fight.”

  I start to tell her what Dad said about me being the new ruler. How he was a hybrid too. How he kept the part about being a seer to himself to protect us. She stops and just stands there staring up at the sky. I nudge her. She looks at me with tears in her eyes. I didn’t mean to make her upset.

  “What’s wrong, Mom? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you upset.”

  “Oh, honey, it has nothing to do with you. I just miss your father. He had so many secrets. I’m starting to think I didn’t even know him. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around you being our new ruler. There is so much responsibility being a ruler. Are you sure you want that?”

  My attitude came out without permission. “It’s not like I have a choice in the matter. According to Dad, it’s my fate. I don’t even think I would make a good ruler.”

  “No, baby girl. I think you will be great ruler. I just want to make sure you’re ready for that role. You are still just a youngling in my eyes and always will be. I don’t want you doing something you don’t want to do.”

  “I’m still thinking about it. Now that I have twelve dragons who have pledged themselves to me.” I look at all of them before I continue. “I don’t want to let everyone down. I know there is a lot of responsibilities involved with being a ruler. I want to make Zilo safe again, and if me being their ruler makes that happen, then I will be proud to do it.”

  She just stares at me with more tears running down her cheeks. “When did you grow up on me? How did I miss it?”

  I laugh. “I’ve always protected my own. Now I have a reason to make sure you’re all safe.”

  She gives me a hug and we start walking to the cave. Kiernan is waiting at the entrance for us. I walk up to him, and he holds his arms open for me. I’m not going to turn down the invitation. I wrap my arms around his waist and just breathe.

  Everyone else is already in there. My mom pats me on the back before she goes in as well.

  Kiernan lifts my chin, so he can see me. “Hey, beautiful, how are you holding up?”

  That is a good question. I haven’t really let myself feel since we got here. I take a deep breath and let my emotions run for a few minutes. I wish I hadn’t done that. It only serves to wind me up, but I know that holding the emotions in will only cause more damage.

  “I feel like I’m on an emotional roller coaster. I can’t grasp onto one emotion. When did this become our lives?”

  He holds me tighter. “I don’t know love. There is a question I want to ask. I’ve been thinking a lot the last few days, and I want to know if you want to do mating ritual soon, like tonight. Before you give me your answer, I want to tell you why I’m asking.”

  He pauses to see my reaction. I pull away a little and stand there with wide eyes. I sure hope he don’t think that means no. I just wasn’t expecting him to say that. I give him a nod to continue.

  “I love you. You are my heart, my soul, and my lifecycle. I want to be yours for the rest of our cycles. You are mine to cherish and protect. Everyone you want present for the ritual is here. I don’t want to wait any longer. We are true mates, and I want the world to know just how much you mean to me. My dragon and I need and want you. You are the only one who can tame my beast. Will you be my mate for the rest of our lifecycles?”

  I’m left speechless, and I’m feeling so much love that I can’t even move. Somehow, I’m able to nod. I want the same thing. I feel the same way he does. I just hope my mother will do the ritual. That’s a whole other problem on its own.

  He wraps me up and hugs me so hard, I can’t breathe. I wouldn’t want it any other way. I was finally able to use my voice.

  “I love you with all my heart and soul. You have always been the one for me. From the first day, I saw you, you stole my heart. I never wanted it back. It was yours to keep. You belong to me, and yes, I will become your mate for the rest of our lifecycles.”

  We walk into the cave. All I can think about is how are we going to find the privacy we need to complete the ritual. I’m also wondering if it will hurt. He must have seen the look on my face, and he must be thinking that I’m having second thoughts.

  “If you don’t want to go through with it, I understand.” The hurt look in his eyes almost breaks me.

  “Kiernan, I’m not having second thoughts. I’m just wondering if we’ll be able to find a place to be alone. I’m also wondering if it will hurt,” I say with my head down, trying to hide the blush.

  He coughs and has to stop himself from laughing.

  I feel like such an idiot for blurting that out. “I’m so glad my embarrassment amuses you.”

  He wraps his strong arms around me. “I’m not laughing at you, love. I would never do that. I was actually wondering the same thing.”

  There is so much more I want to tell him, but I can’t seem to say exactly how I feel about him. I’d just rather show him.

  I wrap my arms around his neck and he lifts me up. I kiss him with all the love I have for him. When we are done kissing, I’m light headed and breathing heavily. I rest my head on his shoulder.

  “So, what are we going to do? I don’t want my first time to be out in the open or with others in the same room.” I shudder at the thought.

  I can just imagine, everyone in the same room⸻or cave for that matter⸻trying not to listen. It kind of makes me sick to my stomach thinking about it.

  He puts me down and we start walking again. He has been silent, and we’ve been walking a while.

  This cave is massive, there are so many turns. I think we got lost somewhere. I’m about to ask when I hear voices. A few minutes later, they come into view. They have a fire going, and they’re all laughing and carrying on.

  I need to talk to my mom about the ritual, and I’m anxious to see what her reaction will be. I really want this, more than anything.

  I sit next to her and lay my head on her shoulder. She wraps her arm around my waist. We sit there for a moment. Staring at the fire. I hear Kira talking to Bruno about last summer when we went to camp. I never want to go back there again.

  The lions that ran that place didn’t know what they were doing. It was like they didn’t even care we were there. The fae twins, Kipper and Shawna, that were bunked with us, were awful. They would leave insects and other creepy crawlers in our bunks.

  We paid them back the last day we were there. Well, Kira paid them back. It was her idea. The camp was throwing a party and we were watching the twins. When they weren’t looking, we put Purge in their drinks. I think we overdid it because it was coming out both ends in a few minutes. Kira has a mean streak in her when she wants to use. I’m glad I’ve never pissed her off and I don’t plan to any time soon.

  “I have something to tell you… and ask.”

  She pulls away to see my face. “Baby girl, what is it?”

  Here goes nothing. “I want to do the mating ritual tonight. Before you yell at me or say no, I want to tell you why. He is my true mate, and I don’t see why we have to wait any longer. I love him more than the al
l the worlds. I want to be his completely. I know we will both be stronger when we mate. We need all the strength we can get right now. My gut is telling me this is the right thing to do. You of all people should know to follow your gut. You and Dad taught me that. Everyone I would want at the ritual is here. Will you do the honors in leading the ritual?

  She looks at me for a minute and then turns away. This is a bad sign. She walks over to Kiernan and tells him to follow her. Oh, no. this can’t be good. I hope she doesn’t hurt him. I know better than to follow them. It will just make it worse, so I sit there shaking my legs up and down, waiting for them to return. It is easier said than done. Kira scoots closer to me and wraps me in her arms. She can tell I’m a wreck right now.

  She leans her cheek on my head. “She already said she would support you. She’s just going to shake Kiernan up to see if he’s worthy. Trust me on this one.”

  “How do you know that? Did she say something to you?”

  “Call it instincts. He’ll be fine, and you will be fine too.”

  I couldn’t stop bouncing my legs up and down. I wish I knew what they were talking about.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Kiernan the Dragon

  We walk for what feels like forever, but I know it’s only a few seconds. I hope she didn’t take me away from everyone to belittle me. I really want her blessing. I love Dariya with every fiber in me. My dragon is not a very patient beast. He wants to claim her. I don’t know how much more I can take it. I might end up hurting everyone without meaning to.

  Before I know it, she whips around and stares at me. I almost run into her because she stops so quickly.

  She places her hands on her hips. “I have just a few things to say to you. First off, I do not like the idea of having the ritual tonight, but I understand why it needs to be done. I love my daughter more than you know. She’s all I have left, and I will not risk her life cycle if I can help it. Seeing as to what fate has brought to her doorstep, I can no longer protect her like her soulmate can. With that said, I will kill you if you hurt my daughter in any way. I already gave my consent to this ritual. I will be honored to do the ritual ceremony. You will be the man she deserves, and I will not expect any less. Do you understand?”

  I would be lying if I said I’m not intimidated by this petite female. She scares the hell out of me. I’m so relieved she said she would do it. I know Dariya wants her mom to do the ritual. This is going to make her so happy.

  I put my hands up like I’m surrendering. “I understand, and I vow to you now that I will be everything she needs me to be. I will respect her and cherish her from this day forward.” I mean every word I’ve just said.

  “That is all I ask of you. Protect her with your life. I am giving you the most precious thing I have. Don’t do anything stupid, that includes getting yourself killed. She will never be able to survive that.”

  I walk up to her and give her a hug. At first she doesn’t hug me back and I start to think I did something wrong. I’m about to let her go when she hugs me back. I sigh in relief.

  We pull apart and didn’t speak on the way back to the others. I never thought this day would come. I never even knew what the true meaning of love was until Dariya. She has made me a better man.

  I’ve been hoping one day she would be mine. It made me want to be the man she deserves. Despite the chances of her saying no, I still wanted to be her friend, protect her, and love her the way she needed to be.

  My mom once told me I was destined to do great things. I was made for someone special. I just thought she was being a mom. Little did I know she was telling me the truth. I just wish she was still alive to be here.

  She was killed about five cycles ago by some shifter. From what I understood, it was some lion younglings. They robbed my mom and killed her, left her for dead. They never did find out who they were. If I find them, I won’t be so nice to them.

  They deserve worse than what they did to my mom. My dad hasn’t been the same since. He goes to work and comes home and stays in his room. I never get to talk to him unless it’s through the door. I know people grieve differently, but I think he wants to die to be with her. I understand that now. I understand that he doesn’t want to be away from his wife. If I lost Dariya, I would lose my mind⸻or worse, find a way to be with her again.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  I see them coming back. I stand up to see if I need to tend to Kiernan. I look him over to see if my mom caused bodily harm. There were no marks on him that I could see. Thank the Source for that.

  I look at Mom, and she looks angry. That’s not a good sign. I sigh and walk over to them. Kiernan holds his hand out for me to take. I lean in and whisper, “I’m sorry, I thought she would say yes to doing the ritual ceremony. Well, I was hoping anyway.”

  He looks down at me with that dazzling smile that I love. I almost fall down on my already shaky legs. He wraps me up and cradles me in his arms. My mom clears her throat, and I turn my head toward her.

  I’m not embarrassed anymore. I have nothing to hide. I want everyone to see just how much I love this man. She isn’t smiling at me like she normally does. I can feel my heart breaking. I was so hoping she would understand.

  “I’ve made up my mind, but before I tell you my answer, I want you to know something. You are the most precious thing in the worlds to me. It is going to be so hard to let you go. I’ll do the ritual ceremony when the moon is at its apex.”

  I’m sure I burst everyone eardrums when I scream. She has agreed to do. I jump out of Kiernan’s arms and do my happy dance. I can’t believe this is happing. I never thought this day would come. I always thought I was going to be that old lady that has a million pets to keep me company. I’m so excited. Kira is giving me the ‘I told you so’ look.

  I run to my mom and give her the biggest hug I can give. She just made me the happiest shifter alive. “Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you so much. You have made me so happy. I can’t believe this is happening. What can I do to help?”

  “I need to get some things together. I’ll need that stone of yours. I hope you brought it. I also need my herbs. Did you grab them when you left the blaster?”

  I shake my head ‘no,’ I don’t know where they are. I didn’t even think to grab them, to tell the truth. I was more worried about getting her help.

  Kira clears her throat. “I grabbed them, I even have your box.”

  I could hug her right now. She’s always thinking ahead. I would be lost without her. I look at her and give her a smile. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  Mom walks over to Kira. “Good. Go get them and meet me back here in five minutes. We have a lot to do before the ritual.”

  Isobel has been quiet until now. “May I help?”

  Mom looks at her and nods. They leave to do whatever it is they need to do. I’m still reeling that she said yes. Only a few hours from now, I will be mated.

  If you told me this a week ago, I would have laughed in your face. I have never seen a vision of any of this, now that I think of it. I haven’t even had a real vision since I got here. Is the magic blocking me from having visions? I really wish I could talk to Oceana. She would know what is wrong with me. She is the smartest seer I have ever heard of. She did get away from the Elders after all.

  Kiernan grabs my hand bringing back to the present. “Do you want to go find our private place, love?”

  “Well, since I have nothing to do, I guess we can go explore.”

  I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous. I mean, I love Kiernan with every fiber of my being. I want to be his mate more than anything in this world. I’m just nervous about the sex part. Having sex after the ritual ceremony seals your soul to each other.

  You can have sex and not be mated. You have to go through the ritual ceremony for you to be mated with someone. The ritual ceremony is asking the Source to unite each other. If the Source agrees, it will bind our souls together. I don’t know if the Source has eve
r denied anyone before. It has never been said, nor is it written anywhere that I know of.

  Some shifters and non-shifters just sleep with each other. I’ve never slept with anyone before. I never even thought about it. I don’t even know what I am supposed to do or not do. What if I mess it up somehow? Would we have to do the ritual ceremony over again?

  “Love, are you ok? You look like you are going to be sick. Are you having second thoughts?

  “I’m not having second thoughts. I’m worried I’ll mess the last part of the ritual up. Would we have to go through the ceremony again if I mess it up?”

  “There is no wrong or right way to seal the ritual. We just have to love each other, and it will seal us together. You will not mess it up. Want to know a secret?”

  “What secret is that?”

  “I’ve never have had sex either. We will learn what each other likes and dislikes. I promise to cherish you every step of the way.”

  Why didn’t I think about him not having sex with others? I should have known. I had just figured he’s had sex before. It seemed that most men want to have sex all the time, especially the fae and lions. I hear them talk about it all the time when we’re at school. I just didn’t seem to ever want to have sex. That lack of interest feels like a lifecycle ago.

  I look out at what’s in front of me. “I guess we’ll find out soon.”

  He walks up to me and lifts me up so I that can wrap my legs around his hips. He pushes me into the wall for more support. I look into his stunning eyes, where I always want to get lost.

  He leans down and whispers in my ear. “I’ve been waiting for you for so long. I didn’t want anyone but you.”

  With that, he kisses me deeply. I’m lost in the euphoric he always puts me in. His hands roam over my body, taking it all in. I’m whimpering when he stops. I didn’t want it to end, nor do I ever.

  “Love, we still have to find our private room, unless you want everyone to know just how much I really want you?”


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