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Black Ruins Forest (The Elder Series Book 1)

Page 24

by Karen DuBose

  I start to blush and shake my head ‘no.’ I most definitely do not want that. He puts me down and wraps me up in his arms. We walk silently. I’m lost in thought like always. I want to make him as happy as he makes me. I just hope I can do that.

  I’ve never felt this way about a guy. He’s my drug. I can’t get enough of him, and sometimes that scares me more. I just need to stop doubting myself. He loves me for me, flaws and all. I just need to woman up and make him as happy as I know I can. He deserves that much and more.

  “How about here, love. We’ve walked quite a bit. I don’t think they’ll hear either one of us.”

  I give him a sly smile. “Let’s test it.”

  I can see the wheels turning in his head. He gives me a wicked smile. “How would you like to do that, love?”

  “As much as I would love to do what that smile means, you’re just going to have to wait. I say we make as much noise as we can. You can ask them if they can hear us.”

  He pokes his lip out and pouts at me. “Ok, love.”

  We make so much noise that it’s making my ears hurt. It’s actually kind of fun. It helps release the tension I have. we shout and scream with abandon. If they can hear this, we need to find somewhere further. I don’t know how loud we’ll be, and I don’t want any of them hearing us during our special time.

  “Did you ask if they could hear us?”

  “I did, and they said they barely heard anything.”

  My cheeks get red with just a thought. “We need to go further. I don’t want them to hear it at all. It’ll be bad enough when we go back to them, knowing that they will know what we were doing.”

  “Is my love embarrassed to let everyone know we claimed each other and are mated?”

  I smack his arm playfully. “Yes, I am. I can’t help it.”

  He turns me into him so we’re facing each other.

  “Love, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Most of them already have mates. The ones who don’t will be happy for us. Don’t ever feel that way. This is the most cherished part of becoming mates. No one in there is going to make fun of you or us.”

  I know he’s was right. I don’t even know where these feelings are coming from. I knew this day would come, and I’ve been embracing it. So why am I feeling conflicted now?

  “You’re right. I don’t even know why I felt that way. I love you, and that’s all that matters. I shouldn’t care about what other people think. If I do that, I’ll be a crappy ruler.”

  “I can never see you as a crappy ruler. You have a big heart. You take care of the ones you love and deal with the ones who try to hurt them. I have faith in you. You will do great. You have everyone here to support you. Don’t ever forget that. I love you more than words can say.”

  I look around the small cavern we are standing in. “Now that we’ve found our spot, are you ready to head back so we can do the ritual ceremony?”

  When he looks at me I can see all his emotions on display and the most dominant of all is the love he has for me. “I’ve never been more ready, love.”

  I step out of his embrace and reach for his hand. We head back to where everyone else is. I hold my head high knowing that in just a few hours they will all know what we will be doing.

  My heart is swelling with love. I’m done letting people get to me. I’m ready to be mated with the love of my life cycle. If I can’t even get through this ritual, how am I going to rule? I need to get rid of all my insecurities and start being who I was fated to be.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  When we get back to the others, it’s almost time to do the ritual ceremony. I’m not even nervous anymore. I’m excited. I almost do a happy dance. I laugh at myself for that.

  Kiernan pulls me to him. “May I ask why you’re laughing, love?”

  “Oh, you know! Girl stuff and doing a happy dance. Plus, I’m giddy.”

  “I’m glad you’ve gotten over your nervousness, love.”

  “Me too, handsome. Me too.”

  Kira walks over to us. “I can’t believe you’re getting mated before me, chic. I always thought I would do it first, but here you are all grown up. I love you, and I am so happy for you.”

  “I always thought it would be you first too. I love you as well. Don’t think because I’ll be mated that I won’t need you. I’ll always need you.”

  I start to tear up. I never knew how many emotions would be going through me. I wouldn’t change it, though. Kira and I hug for a long time, both of us trying not to cry. I turn to her ear and whisper, “I think you’ll be mated before you know it.”

  She pulls away from me to look at me. Her mouth is hanging open, and her eyes are bugged out. She has to know that Bruno isn’t going to keep her unmated for long. I mean, come on, they can’t even stay away from each other anymore. I have a feeling it will be sooner rather than later.

  Looking over at Kiernan, I see him talking to Bruno. They’re both smiling, and my other dragons are congratulating him. I mumble under my breath, “The Source, that smile will be the death of me one of these days.”

  “I heard that, love. If it does kill you, I’ll have to revive you with my tongue.”

  I feel my cheeks burning. I’m not going to let him make me blush anymore.

  “How do you plan on doing that?” I challenge.

  “Oh, I’ll find the right spots to bring you back to me,” he says with that smile.

  He’s evil. That’s the only thing I can think about right now, where I would love his tongue to be. We need to hurry and get the ritual ceremony over with. I don’t think I can wait much longer.

  Mom walks into the cavern we are all at. “Everything is ready to go for the ritual ceremony.”

  I turn toward her to look at her. She doesn’t seem happy about any of this. My heart hurts because of it.

  We walk out of the cave. I can see the circle she formed out of rose petals. There’s one candle each for east, north, west, and south points surrounding the circle. The circle isn’t complete. It won’t be until Kiernan and I step into it.

  Mom’s voice rises so she can be heard. “The circle will not close until you repeat after me. Step inside and face east. Repeat each word. As we welcome the sun each morning, the dawn of a new day, I welcome in energy of the east.”

  We both repeat what she says.

  “Face south and repeat after me. As I welcome the spark of the day to spark the fire of my actions, I welcome in the energy of the south.”

  We face the south and repeat the words before facing west.

  “As I leave my dream world, I bring them forth into my waking day to manifest within the right time. I welcome the energy of the west.”

  Again, we repeat her and face north.

  “As I bring into form that which I am manifesting, that which I work to create, I welcome the energy of the north.”

  Once we finish the words, the circle closes on its own. That isn’t creepy at all.

  “All around: I welcome the powers of above, the powers from below, and the powers of the Source. Kiernan and Dariya, this is the time to say your vows to each other.”

  Kiernan clears his throat and looks kind of pale. I’m about to ask if he’s ok.

  He holds both of my hands. “Dariya, every day for six cycles, I wished you were mine. Every day of those six cycles I would watch you and study you, just so that I would know what you liked and disliked, so that I could be the man you have always dreamed about. I will love, cherish, and protect you and our children. You mean the world to me, and I want to give you the world. I love you then, now, and forever.”

  Yep, I’m crying like an idiot now, but I don’t care. He has poured his heart out to me. I will not even come close to that. I’ll tell him what my heart wants to say.

  I look him straight in those marvelous eyes, with tears streaming down my cheeks. “Kiernan, you have been in my dreams and visions for so long. You stole my heart even before I even knew you liked me. I was in love with you before I can even
remember. You are my world, my rock, and now my mate. I will love, cherish and provide for you now and forever.”

  I hear Kira and my mom crying. I can’t lie, I’m trying to hold back more tears, but I can’t anymore. I’m full blown crying, too. I’m so happy I can’t keep it in.

  My mom comes back over to us to finishes the ritual. “Normally you would have written your vows on paper, but I used magic for them to be written while you were saying them. I need you both to light them on fire. Then put them at your feet and repeat after me.”

  We take the papers and lighters from Kira. We face each other and kneel.

  “To the gods and goddesses of the Source: I give you the gifts of our words and hearts. From this day forward, we will love only each other and never stray from this love. If we do, we give you permission to destroy the one who strays. Blessed be.”

  We repeat the words while lighting the papers. We watch them flutter to the sky and disappear. I feel something change inside of me. I feel the connection wrap around my heart and soul. Kiernan is wrapped not only around my heart but my soul as well. The other dragons are wrapped in my mind⸻and Kira. How can I feel her? Did the Source do this?

  The awestruck look on Kiernan’s face brings a smile to my own

  He squeezes my hands tighter. “Can you feel it, love? The connection? It is amazing to have you wrapped around my heart.”

  I nod my head. “I can feel everyone, including you, Kira. Can you feel it?”

  “I was wondering what that feeling was! Wait, I want to try something.”

  In her excitement, she closes her eyes.

  “Can you hear me?”

  I laugh out loud before I answer her. “Yes, I can hear you. This is so weird. I guess we don’t need communicators anymore. Mine hasn’t worked since we got here anyway.”

  Everyone is staring at us.

  I just smile at them and wipe my tears away. “What? You guys are no longer the only ones who can hear each other. I’m connected to all of you now. I wouldn’t want it any other way. Thank you for everything.”

  I’m such an emotional wreck right now. Here are these twelve dragons who have pledged themselves to me, and Kira has done the same thing. I don’t want to fail them. I will not fail them. This is my family now, and I will destroy anyone who tries to take them away from me.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “Are you ready, love?”

  I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. I’m still a little nervous. I don’t know what to expect. I nod to him. I can’t speak right now. I’m trying to reel in my feelings.

  “Don’t be nervous, love. I promise to take it slow. I won’t hurt you on purpose.”

  “I know you’ll do everything you can not to hurt me, love. That’s not what I’m worried about. The pain, yes, that’s what I’m worried about.”

  “Have I told you how much I love you?”

  “Well, Mr. Marcelo, you haven’t said it in about twenty minutes. What am I going to do with you?” I say, teasing

  “I’m sorry Mrs. Marcelo, I’ll have to remember to tell you every five minutes, so that you don’t forget just how much I love you and how much you mean to me.”

  He picks me up and we travel at super speed to our private place. He says we won’t leave there until we want to, and not a minute sooner. If it was up to me, we’d never leave, but that’s not going to happen. We still have so much to do.

  When we get to our private place there are blankets, pillows, and candles there. Who would have done this? Everyone was at the ritual. I walk around and see a note on one of the pillows. I pick it up and read it.

  I’m sorry we got off on the wrong foot. I hope this will help you see that I am here to help you and not hurt you. Please forgive me. I never meant to cause you trouble or make you think you couldn’t trust me. I hope we can start over when you are ready.

  Sincerely, Isobel

  Well, that answered my question, but why would she want me to forgive her? I was the one who needed to say sorry.

  “Who is it from, love?”

  I turn around to face him. “It’s from Isobel. She says that she hopes I can forgive her for hurting me, and that all of this is her way of showing me that she’s trying to help and not hurt me.”

  “Well, that was nice of her.”

  “Yes, it was.”

  He walks over to me and kisses me deeply. I forget about everything but him. He kisses my cheek and works his way to my neck. He lifts my shirt over my head and unhooks my bra. He steps back to look at me.

  “You are more beautiful than I could have ever imagined.”

  I walk up to him and put my arms around his neck.

  “Why don’t you take the rest of it off. You might like the way the rest of me looks too.”

  I don’t know where this braveness is coming from. I’m still nervous as hell.

  He didn’t need to be told twice. He lays me down on the blankets and removes my pants and panties so slowly that I feel the heat where his fingers caress my skin. He sits up and inhales deeply. His eyes turn into dragon eyes. I know his beast wants to come out and play, but he can’t. Not yet, anyway.

  “I think it’s only fair you get undressed as well. I feel lonely being naked all by myself,” I tease.

  “Why don’t you come and undress me yourself?” He challenges.

  He’s in for a surprise. Those clothes are not going to be surviving. I get up and slowly crawl over to him. I get up on my knees and take his button-up shirt in my hands and rip it off him.

  The sight of him makes my mouth water. I want to lick and kiss him all over. I do the same to his pants. I’ve never seen a man naked before, but as I look at him, something changes inside of me. I’m no longer nervous. There is this need that consumes me. I need him now.

  His question brings my eyes back to his face. “Do you like what you see, love?”

  There is no question if I like what I see. He’s beautiful. His toned chest is mouthwatering. He even has a little trail of hair from his belly button, going all the way to his pelvic bone. That V of his is to die for. It’s so pronounced that you would have thought he only worked out that part of his body. The more I stare at him, the more I need him.

  “I guess that answers my question,” he laughs.

  He picks me up and lays me back down on the blankets. He gets on top of me and kisses me with so much passion that I feel it all the way to my toes. He wraps my hair into his hand and pulls me in so that he can deepen the kiss. With his other hand, he takes one of my breasts. He begins massaging it and playing with my nipples. My nipples harden for him. I have never felt so much pleasure.

  He stops kissing my lips and starts slowly kissing my body until his mouth is on the breast that wasn’t being played with. He nips and bites my nipple. The heat from his touch is driving me wild. I’m so high with need that I don’t want to come down.

  He’s slowly licking his way farther down, leaving a trail of warmth. Just when I thought I couldn’t get higher, he puts his hand down between my thighs and he touches my soft spot, rubbing it with his thumb. The pleasure it causes makes me wiggle and squirm.

  “Kiernan, please! Please give me what I want.”

  He slips one of his fingers inside me, getting me used to it, and I can’t help but wiggle and moan. It feels so good and hurts at the same time. He pulls out his finger to add another one. There is pain, but it’s pleasurable pain. He brings his mouth on my center, and I almost come out of my skin with pleasure. I’m losing the battle to stay where I am. I’m on the verge of having an orgasm.

  “Let go, love. Let your body do what it needs.”

  He’s bringing his fingers in and out faster than before. I don’t need to be told again. I let go and I have an earth-shattering orgasm. I feel it throughout my whole body. I feel alive, and every inch of me is on fire.

  He slowly comes back up to me, kissing me all the way up. Once he starts kissing me, I can taste myself on him, and that just makes me even hotter.

>   He smiles down at me, enjoying what he’s doing to me.

  Pushing him onto his back, I get between his legs and start to kiss him. “I think it’s only fair that I give you as much pleasure as you gave me.”

  I make trails all over his chest, and I suck on his nipples and bite them. I take him into my hand and start stroking him slowly as I work my way down there. I hear his moans, and I want to hear him moan louder. I take him into my mouth slowly.

  “Shit, that feels so good,” he says between the moans.

  He puts his hands in my hair. I start to go up and down, sucking him slowly. I feel his hips come up every time I go down. I bring him into my mouth as far as I can. Coming back up, I take him out of my mouth so I that can lick him from tip to base. I get brave and put him back into my mouth. While I’m going up and down, so is my hand. I squeeze him as I’m working him.

  “Love, if you don’t stop, I’m going to explode in your mouth.”

  That sounds like fun. I want to know what he tastes like. I start to go faster, but before I know it, I’m on my back. I’m sure there’s a shaken look on my face.

  “I don’t want to cum in your mouth this time. I promise we’ll do that soon, but not this time, love.”

  He spreads my legs apart more. I feel his tongue go inside me, and I about lose it completely. I grab ahold of the blankets and hear them rip. My moans get louder and louder. I beg him to give me what I want.

  “Kiernan, please, I’m begging you to give me what only you can give me.”

  He lays on top of me, kissing me. Before I know what’s happening, he’s sliding himself in me slowly. I feel pain, but it isn’t unbearable.

  “Love, this is going to hurt. I’m sorry,” he says.

  Without any more warning, he enters me all the way. The pain is so consuming that I lose my breath. He stays in me for a few seconds before he starts moving in me. His thrusting is slow and even. I didn’t think the pain is ever going to end, but just as fast as it started, the pain is going away. Or maybe I’m just getting used to it. I don’t care. I’m just glad it’s going away. I’m starting to enjoy myself.


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