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Black Ruins Forest (The Elder Series Book 1)

Page 25

by Karen DuBose

  “I need more,” I say, breathless.

  “Are you sure, love? I don’t want to hurt you any more than I have to.”

  I don’t even answer him with words. I lift my hips to meet him. I need to feel him deep inside me. I want us to join as one. He doesn’t need any more convincing.

  We find a rhythm that’s all-consuming. I’ve never felt more alive than I do right now. I’m so lost and so high that I don’t ever want to come back down. His thrusting is getting more forceful. He’s taking me to places I’ve never even dreamed of. The orgasm I feel coming is overpowering. I let loose and ride it out.

  I’m in heaven. I’m at the peak of my orgasm when I feel him shudder and growl. The vibration from his growl shakes the cave. I know he found his release the same time I did. My body is vibrating with heavenly pleasure.

  If this is how it will be every time? I feel sorry for him. I’ll be keeping him busy in the bedroom. I will never get enough of him.

  When I open my eyes, I see a soft glow around us. Our souls have merged into one, and I would never take that back. We belong to each other from here on out. I’m finally home.

  I looked at him and see his dragon eyes. I guess he didn’t want to be left out after all. He leans down and kisses me. Neither one of us wants to move. We lie there in each other’s arms. He holds me close.

  I’m right where I want to be. I will destroy anyone and anything that tries to rip us apart. I feel stronger and complete.

  He kisses my neck. “I hope I didn’t hurt you too badly, my love.”

  “The pain was bad at first, but it didn’t last for very long. I’ve never felt that way before. There was this need that I can’t explain.”

  “That was your dragon wanting her mate. That was I how felt until we finally completed the mating ritual.”

  “How did you even control it? I was about to lose it!”

  He laughs. “It was very difficult, love.”

  “I would say so. I think I would have attacked even my mother if she got too close to you.”

  He starts to laugh harder and smacks me on the ass. He turns me around so I’m facing him.

  “You do know you ripped the only clothes I had with me, right?”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t even know what got into me when I did that.”

  He chuckles. “Your beast came out to play. I saw her in your eyes. She wanted to tell mine that she was there. The way your eyes change is the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “Will it always be this way? Wild and unpredictable?”

  “I don’t know. Do you want to find out?” he says with that breath-taking smile and gleam in his eyes.

  “I think you’re in more trouble than you think. I am addicted to you. I will never get enough of you.”

  “I’m so glad to hear that, love. I feel the same way about you.”

  He tries getting on top of me again, but it’s my turn to take control.

  We stay in our little world for the rest of the night, not caring about anyone or anything. We both know that once we leave this little piece of heaven, things will not be as blissful. We will have to face reality. I’m not ready for that yet.

  This is one thing I can control, and I’m happy in this moment. The real world holds too many unknowns for my liking.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Waking up in Kiernan’s arms is the best thing ever. I don’t want to wake him up, so I lie there thinking about last night. The urge is there again. How am I going to learn to control my need for him?

  He wraps his arms around me and moves me closer to him. I’m not the only one with the need. As much as I want to stay here, we need to get back to the others and figure out our next move.

  “Morning, green eyes. How did you sleep?”

  “Morning, love. I slept like a youngling. I never knew having you by my side could help me sleep so well.”

  “I think it has to do more with what we did most of the night than me being next to you,” I giggle.

  He lifts his eyebrow. “Do I need to show you just how great last night was?”

  I can feel him pulsating. He has no idea how much I really want him again. He’s a drug to me, and I need to get my fix.

  What the hell. Everyone will still be there when we get done. A few more minutes won’t hurt.

  “I can’t remember what we did last night. Maybe you’ll have to refresh my memory,” I tease.

  He’s on top of me in a heartbeat. He lets out a growl. I can’t stop giggling.

  “I guess I didn’t give you anything to remember. I’ll have to fix that.”

  With that, I’m back to my blissful piece of heaven where no one can reach me but Kiernan.

  After another hour or so we get dressed. Well, I do. He doesn’t have any clothes to put on. I do feel sorry for ripping his clothes to shreds. At least his shirt somewhat survived. He can cover up until he gets more clothes from his backpack. Just remembering when I did that last night brings on a case of the giggles.

  He looks over at me from over by the bed. “May I ask what you’re giggling about over there?”

  “I’m laughing at how I ripped your clothes off last night. Now you’re standing there trying to figure out how to cover yourself until you get more clothes.”

  “Oh, you think that’s funny, do you?”

  “Not really funny… yeah ok, it’s funny, but I am sorry for ripping them off you.”

  “I bet you are. Come show me just how sorry you are.”

  I walk over to him and put my arms around his neck. I bring him down toward me to kiss him without having to be on my tippy toes. I’m just going to give him a sweet ‘forgive me’ kiss. He has other plans, and he grabs my ass to lift me so that my legs are wrapped around his waist.

  He leans me up against the cave wall for more support. He deepens the kiss by wrapping his hand in my hair and pulling back so he could have access to my mouth. He licks my bottom lip, and I open my mouth for him to explore. He tastes so damn good. He pulls away far too soon.

  I pout at him and he chuckles at me. “Love, I would love to stay here forever, but we have things to accomplish before we can do that.”

  I know he’s right, but how can he do that to me? I’m craving him again.

  “You’re right. We need to get this over with, but once we’re done with all that, we are not leaving the bedroom for a month… no, make that a full cycle.”

  He puts me down, laughing. He thinks I’m playing.

  “If that is what you wish, then your wish is my command, love.”

  We leave the coven and walk back to the others, I feel embarrassed for some reason. They all know what we were doing. I hope they don’t make fun of us. I would be horrified. Wait a minute, why do I even care what they think? I have nothing to be ashamed of.

  Kiernan is holding me with my back to his chest while we’re walking. I really love this man. He knows what I need even before I do. I lift my head higher as we walk into the cave where the others are gathered. All of them look at us as we walk in. I almost put my head down, but I refuse to be embarrassed.

  “Well, I’m so glad you could grace us with your presence,” Rome says.

  I roll my eyes at him. “You’re quite welcome.”

  Everyone busts out laughing. I’m no longer feeling embarrassed. I knew deep down they won’t make fun of us. Mating is serious for us. We don’t mate and unmate. We take a mate for a lifecycle. I’m blessed to have these dragons in my lifecycle. Yes, they can be a pain in the ass, but they are my pain in the asses.

  Bruno walks up and slaps Kiernan on the back. “Congratulations, you two.”

  Teary-eyed Kira was the next to congratulate us. “I’m so happy for you two.”

  I wrap my arms around her. I whisper in her ear, telling her that she’ll be mated as well soon. She looks at me with a surprised look. I point to my head. She finally gets what I’m saying. I might not hear everything, but when one of them thinks something strongly, I hear it. I just heard
Bruno say that he couldn’t wait until it’s Kira and him.

  Kira steps out of my embrace for mom to step in. “My little youngling is all grown up. I still don’t know where the time went.”

  She looks up to Kiernan. “I’m going to keep my promise.”

  What promise is that? I look at Kiernan and Mom. They give each other nods. I need to find out what she promised, but right now, we have things to do.

  I walk out of Kiernan’s hold and gets everyone’s attention. “What have you found out?”

  I have no idea who had been doing what while we were away in our own little world.

  Cicero was the first to speak. “Jamel is still looking for us. He hasn’t figured out where we are as of right now.”

  Isobel holds her head high when she speaks. “I’ve reached out to all the witches that are with you as well as other shifters and nonshifters.”

  “Almus and I have been scouting out the area. We’ve found Jamel’s people trying to get in here. They haven’t been able to,” Knox says.

  “What do you mean they haven’t been able to get in?” Kiernan says.

  “They seem to sense us, but they can’t figure out how to find us. They’ll be at one spot, and the next thing they know, they’re on the other side. It’s like something is keeping them from coming into this place,” Almus says.

  I turn to Isobel to see if she knows what they’re talking about. “Is this your doing, or is there something else going on we don’t understand?”

  “I have always wondered why only the good at heart were able to enter this place, while others didn’t even know this place existed,” Isobel says contemplatively.

  She walks over to the other side of the cave, lost in thought. I wonder what this means. “Has anyone ever heard of this before?”

  Mom doesn’t look at anyone when she answers. “Yes, the magic here is what controls who can and cannot come in. I have heard stories that powerful witches were able to completely block out others from coming into the territory. It’s like a vortex that makes them go right through this place. They don’t even know the place exists, all they see is the same surroundings they’re looking at. They don’t feel or see anything different.”

  “Who controls the magic here, Isobel?”

  She turns to me. “No one. This place has always called to us half breeds, although we don’t know why. All we know is that we’re safe here, for now.”

  How can a place have its own magic? I know there are places where there’s powerful magic to be used, but I have never heard of a place where magic controls itself. There’s a lot to learn. We need to know everything there is to know about this place. I have a feeling we’ll need the help of this magic to take down the Elders.

  “What is the plan, then? We can’t stay here forever. We need to figure out how to take the Elders down⸻and Jamel for that matter,” I say.

  “I’ve been thinking about that. Isobel, you said there are others who want to help, correct?” Bruno asks.

  “Yes, everyone that’s not with Jamel wants to help. They want to see the Elders fall, and they wish to see a new ruler take their place,” she says, looking at me.

  That kind of makes me feel weird. These shifters and nonshifters are counting on me. They don’t even know me. How can they have so much faith in me to succeed? I don’t even know if I can do it⸻or how to do it for that matter.

  “No one knows where Oceana the seer is?” Desean asks.

  Isobel turns to Desean with sad eyes. “She will only come to you if she needs to come to you. She says that it’s safer for her and everyone involved.”

  “If this place only lets the good come in, then how come it couldn’t keep Jamel and his army out?” I ask.

  She takes a few seconds before she answers. “The forest lets all half breeds in. We don’t know why that is. I’m surprised it let your dragons in.”

  I frown at her words. “Maybe it sensed something about them. I know I will need them to take out the Elders. The forest probably knows that.”

  “That could be true. I hope that’s what it is, and the magic isn’t letting in others that don’t belong here. If that’s the case, we might all be in trouble,” Isobel says.

  “I think we need to figure out how to be able to travel without Jamel knowing where we are at all times. Do you know anything about him that can help us? what is his other shifter or non-shifter?” I ask Isobel.

  “His other shifter is a dragon. It is really weak. I know he has witches with him, and he uses them all the time, but I think your mom and myself are stronger than they are. We can cast a cloaking spell, but the only problems is: we would lose a lot strength if we cast it to cover all of you.”

  Kiernan is standing next to Bruno and mom. He walks over to me. “I will not leave her unprotected. We’ll figure out a way.”

  I knew he was going to say that. He’s overprotective, but at the same time, we don’t know what we are going up against. I would have said the same thing. I just wish we could see what was out there and knew how many Jamel has on his side. Then we could plan accordingly. I’m starting to wonder how many more shifter, or non-shifters I’ll have to encounter before this is all said and done.

  “Do you have anyone here that will help keep Jamel at bay until we can figure out our next move?” I ask Isobel

  She looks uncomfortable after I ask her that. I wonder what that means. Is she hiding things from us? I guess there’s only one way to find out.

  “What aren’t you telling us?”

  “There is someone, but I need you to understand that he is on our side and will fight along with us. He doesn’t want to be what he is. I can promise you with my life cycle that he is what I say he is.”

  Ok, that gets me intrigued, and something tells me I’m not going to like what she’s going to say next.

  I know my father said to trust her, and I really am trying. I give her a nod to continue, hoping I will be able to keep myself from reacting badly. I’m more worried about my dragons than myself.

  “Jax is helping us, and I got word from him the other day that things needed to change course. He did not say how it needs to be done, and he said that Niko had found him out. The plan has changed.”

  I have no clue as to who this Jax guy is, but from the reactions, my dragons are having, they know who he is. There’s shouting and name calling. I have to get everyone to settle down before something bad happens. I whistle as loud as I can. They all seem to flinch at how loud it is.

  “Ok, so I have no idea who this Jax guy is, but you guys do. I know who Niko is; he’s an Elder. Now explain who Jax is⸻without the shouting and yelling, please.”

  Bruno looks at me with so much anger I can feel it rolling off him. “Jax, is an Elder as well. He’s Niko’s pet sort of. I know Niko is the one of the ones who want you.”

  “So, Jax is in on it with Niko, correct?” I say.

  “No, he’s not with that animal. He is my true mate, and he wants to see them dead as much as everyone else. He hates being there. He hates everything about them. If you need proof, I’ll show you,” Isobel pleads.

  I look at her is disbelief. “How do you plan on giving us proof?”

  “When he comes here, the Forest has already accepted him. No other Elder is welcome here, and the forest will not allow access to any of them. If you don’t believe me, go, scout, the borders. Only the true of heart and half breeds are allowed. Please don’t hurt him. He wants to help.” She begs.

  This changes everything. I want to know if all the Elders are against me. If Jax isn’t out to use me or kill me, he will come in handy, by giving us everything he knows. I just hope she is telling the truth. I would hate to kill her and her mate. Having a true mate is something not everyone gets a chance at. I guess we’ll find out soon.

  I look around the cave. “Errol, I want you and Knox, Broody, and Taz to check out the borders and find out if she’s telling the truth.”

  “What about Jamel? Do you want us to do anything abo
ut him and his army?” Errol asks.

  “No. Cicero, Bruno, and Rome can go take a look at what they’re doing.”

  Bruno instructs “Hiram, Kiernan, Desean, Alums, and Aidian are going to stay here. I don’t want you unprotected.”

  “I figured as much. Go on. Go find out what you can. We’ll make a plan from there,” I say.

  I walk up to Bruno and give him a hug. I tell him to be careful. I don’t want anything to happen to them. I’m connected to all of them. I know if something happens, Kira will have my ass handed to me for sending him out.

  “Where are our hugs? Do we not count for anything?” Taz asks pouting.

  I’m a little shocked to hear him say something like that. I have to glance at Kiernan to make sure he’s not about to flip out, but he’s just smiling at me.

  I hold out my arms waiting for the next hug. “Well, whoever wants a hug come get one.”

  They all line up, and I hug every single one of them and tell them to be careful and to come back as soon as they can. I don’t want to send them out, but sitting here not knowing anything isn’t helping either.

  I hope Jax is who Isobel says he is. I don’t want to go up against an Elder until I know how I am supposed to defeat them. I don’t want to die before I even get a chance. I don’t want to lose anyone either. Everything is a mess, and I don’t know how to fix it or get in front of it yet.

  Kira comes over to me hugging herself. “Do you think they are going to be ok?”

  I shrug my shoulders. I’m not going to lie to her. There’s no point in lying to anyone. We need to be honest with each other to get through this. “I don’t know. I just hope they all come back in one piece. We have no idea what’s out there or who’s going to come after us.”

  Kiernan puts his hands on my shoulders. “We need to focus on the here and now. We’ll deal with what we need to when they come back with the information.”

  “It’s easier said than done. I hate not knowing what we’re dealing with and how all of this is supposed to work out. I haven’t had a vision since we got here that wasn’t magic-induced. That scares me more than I’d like to admit.”


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