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by Danny E. Allen


  A Bo Jon Little-horse P.I. novel.


  Danny E. Allen

  @2013 Danny E. Allen

  This book is the property of the author, it may not be shared, borrowed or sold. If you would like to own a copy please purchase and download a copy.

  Chapter One

  ...In the theory, a loss...

  ...She was running in the rain; along the L.A. Freeway. ...It was usually, rainy in the late-Winter in California. She was weighing less than 149 lbs, 5' 8"; tall for her-size. Lean, mostly-muscle a former-National Guard-Reserves soldier; ran in the Los Angeles marathon, every year... An 'Iron-man'-aficionado... She usually, ran eight-miles every-morning before court-details, trial-protocol and corroberative-work. ...She was 'Head-attache'; which often meant she-had many responsibilities and duties.

  She was forceful and definitely, epitomized: second, in a class of 175 in 2006... A native-American of the tribe of 'Cherokee' under her once -Chieftain grand-father which meant the line of 'Standing-Bear' would be passed-on to her-son, unborn. Right now she was devoted to her-job. ...It was that her-heritage, gave coveted-'strength' to her-family. ...Bo Ron Littlehorse, mother Sarah, and her three-siblings all, growing-up with duty, discipline, and an indubitable mental dutiful-strength and a 'sense' of empowerment.

  ...As her-career, talent and life came espouse; she was a true-'warrioress'. ...From the times of her-childhood; spent-on the reservation, at a preparatory-school in North-Hollywood, to a stand-out classmate by '04 at Syracuse University... She proved to be a virtuous, assertive and self-rightfully, disciplined-person... An apparent-ingenue coming to pull all her 'strings' together in-life. With the 'blessings' of her-mother and father, recognizing and showing, a belonging with those she-knew and loved.

  ...A full-'constellation' of dedicated-addendums; by a foster, fortune and forging. Prey, was to become an innate-devotee, and an 'impressario'... Uncle Bo Jon, had been an implicate-part of her extensive-family. In fact, he was Prey's 'idol'. ...On special-occasions; trips to Nevada, and visits by her favorite-kin, he was more than willing to oblige.

  With every get-together he imparted, story-told, and gave a 'wisdom' to all who were there. Although, he would never be a Chieftain, he had a certain-'majestic', about him... So with times, tales, and a little-drama and excitement; they grew close and admiring of each-other. Prey Ophelia Littlehorse was the oldest... And with this-lead, she learned to be the most-astute, and self-assured... In youth, her-bedroom was like a temple of Little-horse's self-confidence... And being the eldest, she could be the most head-strong, and clever. By seven years old, she and her-father went hunting-up in the California Hills for Coyotes. She managed to kill three-on her first time at it.

  She used a .22 rifle that she called 'Gentle Ben', and Ben could knock an eye out of a 'Dreary'-dog at 600-yards... After her first rifle-gun, she'd read books and magazines of all-kinds of weaponry. Her most favorite-pistol was the Berretta-460, a hand-gun more precise and accurately, powerful than she'd ever heard-of... She was astonished at its accurate calculated-abilities. You could aim-almost in any direction and expect to hit it within .066 cm...


  But with time, guns became physical-ability; she'd watched as body-builders who were on the California beaches, with their muscular-physiques. What really, intrigued and fascinated her was the great-intensity and feeling of endurance, with which each attained a physical- 'greatness'... She would spend hours watching in-astonishment. Later-on, her eighth-birthday, she received a horse to ride in California back-country. ...A Pinto-mare, named 'Sonny'. Prey-had a borne-intelligence, enthusiasm and athletic young-girl...

  Her-parents thought the world of her, the many things she did, and what she became very accomplished and agile... By age eight, she was a top-student in the eighth-grade Spelling Bee Regional Champ and a devout Native-member. 'Sonny', was a richly, pattern-coated 'war-horse'... ...She was three years-old, out of a reservation-raised stock. It was love at first-sight, she was easy to ride and immediately, she rode her 'bare-backed' in native-style. Native rare-horses were bred to be alert, astute and tame. A native was known to ride a Pinto for ten-days, with two-stops for water and grazing.

  Prey, knew many of the horsing-skills by seven, when she rode Sonny, they became as 'one'. There were many gifts she received over the years, but pistols, and ponies, physical-strength and endurance; proved to stay in her-life. Uncle Bo Jon loved to tell and instruct her in many of the laws and factors he learned over a mature-lifetime... To her, he led an 'illustrious'-life. She could listen to him for hours, and she had a special-bunk at his ranchhouse, the Secato S. She became inspired, in her a learning and devoted due-diligence.

  With B.J.'s commanding-hand, she was guided to be a 'disciple'. B.J. wouldn't pick anyone else to take-on his-mantle... He was known to exist with true-guidance,wisdom and strength; passed-down to an awaiting and capable-child. Bo Ron knew early, they had an ability and potential in common. That was sixteen-years ago. And now, Prey was competent and professional. After college, the armed-forces, and court assignments she was one of the best-legal investigators in the L.A. system. Her uncle, long an investigator, attache and detective out-West, Prey was a big-city associate; after getting a Bachelor in Criminal Justice... Bo Jon was the one to lay the diploma in her-hands.

  He was proud of her, and she knew 'why'. After a graduation-party, she was to finish her-stint as a Leuitanant in the National-Guard-Reserve. By 23, she was assigned to Eastern Division of Los Angeles County. She was no novice, she took it 'fast' and 'easy'... Now, a three-year appointee, she had one of the largest-caseloads in the city. ...Intricate and of implement, each case was to be settled in three-weeks. ...Prey, had it done in eighteen-days, 'tops'. If you had her-on the case, you were 'unlucky' to be a violator.

  Rarely, had the law-breaker even gotten back-on the street. The prosecutor usually, had the papers for the judge's decision in-hand... Many of the Court-entities knew of her-prowess as a virtuous and preeminent-law-enforcer. Bo Jon, once sat-in on one of her court-assignments, he was surprised at how swiftly a decision came; she was commanding, even more than he. He even thought it was 'outrageous' that she could actually, act with such 'focus' and 'clarity'. He told her he was so very, 'proud'.

  Her-skill at legal-sleuthing-only increased-with time. She owned a 6-room apartment in the upper East-side. ...It was famous for detective novels. But Prey was no run-of-the-mill, 'flat-foot'. Although, she extolled in the prime-virtues; she was as devoted as any prime-CSI hero... And she excelled at critical-analysis... Redeemed and dedicated, she was able to 'uncover' the clues and detailing-precepts for the job. By the end of her second-year; she was honored for her-duties as a court associate, with the L.A. City's 'Golden-shield' in honored-services...

  ...As her-accomplishments grew, she became: '...a credible and relied-upon associate'... And now, she was ready for the day. She walked-into the court dressed-in a very professional 'J-Crew' suit, her-hair was cut-cropped close to her-face and allowed to fall along her-cheeks. She was very-professional; Gucci stylish-shoes and carried a shoulder strapped-laptop attache-portfolio case. ..While not in court, she wore a special body-suit, Lady-Chanel hiking-boots, with reinforced uppers, a shoulder-holstered Berretta -228B and two-knives; a Native-hunting knife and 8" Styletto.

  She was meaning 'business'; while at-court, in the office, or at functions. But in-theater, she was one to be reckoned-with. She'd spent the better part of the morning, processing and executing court-protocol. She was 'civil', alert and precise-in seeing her-caseload-through. Prey's family resided in Carlsbad, CA, on a private-estate run by her one-time construction businessman-father... A 20-acre property, where Bo Ron and Sar
ah Little-horse, had lived for 8-years. Prey, had lived-on her own at 18, since leaving for college. Bo Ron was raised on the Northern-Nevada reservation as a tribal native-son of Chief Chere 'Standing-Bear' Littlehorse. ...His brother, Bo Jon left with the approval of their-father to an area high-school, then went on to the Marines and then UNLV... He did so well, he became an excellent-detective in central-Nevada and then the West-wide. Bo Jon was given the native name of 'Toujo' meaning; 'one who knows 'thought''... Bo Ron was given the name: 'Wie-low', one who bends with sheep'. His dad called him 'Willost', when he was a boy...

  After adulthood, the boys went their separate-ways. Neither being superstitious, they took to the non-native culture-easily. Each knew hard-work and discipline, and respected and revered their tribe; coming-home for special-groups and councils. They contributed, readily to any tribal-concern. Their father died four years ago at the age of 88, the funeral included a 100,000 strong entourage. He was sorely, missed. The boys were now 'heirs'; and to pick a new-Chief, their-input was required. The direct-ceremony was held twelve-days and nights, until people, group and tribe agreed on their new-tribal-leader. With the boys, insisting-on not being considered; their-sister Sheila's son was next; if both turned it down. Sheila, though not the most-obvious, she was the most-devoted... So her son William Peter Fellows, a son of a tribal council-member and lifelong consort, was chosen. Prey was there...

  And now she left the court-building to grab her regular-fatigues and to meet with associates at the L.A. central-Legal Courts offices. She had work to do... Most everyone knew the 'Lone-wolf'-character of P.L. She was also popular for her-beauty and competence. ...Self-assured, sophisticated and assertive she was hard not to be intimidated by. But her natural native-beauty melted hearts and worked in her-favor. Instilling and intricate, she represented the new-character of the modern L.A.P.D... Lately, workloads were high and she had risen to the challenge. With the California government-budgets, prosecutory-workloads and the need for greater-execution; she was a watershed-workhorse. She even took her-time to instruct others. She didn't want to see others lose out, so she and the head-L.A. County D.A. worked-in unison to assist in, as a universal-aid. In its eighth-year of a state-recession, everyone was tightening their-belt. Prey-fell right into her-'groove'. Doing out-standing work and representations; she single-handedly, lowered other-assignees' loads and burdens... She was a true-inspiration. But she-recognized with duty there was admonishing-in what was her-job.

  By day's end she'd just gotten-back from a crime-scene, when the phone-rang. She realized calls after 4 pm were Court-'leads'; trying to speculate new-caseloads. Prey, like a true 'sharp-shooter' knew what, how and when to do things. ...If anything the factors of a case were usually, culpable and hanged-on the misunderstood or disallowed; which was always less critique and credibility than in what had been a 'went', and want... In what was the intricate-assumptions professed and patronized, but rarely, went into direct-implications... The laws of the L.A.-area was confunctional, at best. But 'Buffalo-law', had a way around it. And with a final-hunt, a 'year's meat' could be had... ...All the area and region was covered by the L.A. Courts and Justice systems. Her C.J. instructor explained it many times in clinical and clerical-review that there was astonishing things about L.A. law-precepts. ...The current-judicial code was established 35-years ago in 1978, when with the court protocol, was changing. The drugs, corruption and issues went from crimes to social-trends. Then legislators started a long-road to repair-itself... And the decades that followed represented the face and proctor of revival and reform.

  Prey took the call-from Stewart Blue, a medium-level assistant-prosecutor... In the call, he mentioned the typical eschelons, instigations and provisions, and then he laid it square-on her-shoulders... '...The judge has a new requiem-for us to meet'... ...'He wants the month's full-roster for up till now, on his desk by Monday, before the session.'. 'He wants you to work with the associate-Commissioner to get this done.'. ...Prey didn't waste any emotion she gave him stipulations of what he needed, per se her fulfillment of the request. ...'You'll have it to your superior, by morning...'. She hung-up and went to shower before dinner and then paperwork and further-deliberations. They'd had a discourse, for which both were installed and astute. ...With her new-contentions, she had the 'smarts' of what would result. Uncle Bo Jon had imparted a detective-'zeal' in their mutual-competence. Prey knew there were a few 'tricks' to the job. Just as connotations for purpose and deductions, were enacted on a higher-level...

  She had it easy, to a 'point'; but the derivative individual-issues were intricate and superseded by many castigate-terms... Indeed, a wrong-call of implicitly, rectored-factors and you'd end-up down the 'wrong-road'... But civil-work, within the law, means the limits of a digest, were in an imparted and calculative-collusion. Law and legal-terms, had a way of relevancy and rationalizing, in the many factorings of the individual; independent-and legal-rules, rights and justifications... Over a young-lifetime, she learned what Bo had become officiate by an acumen, and came to excel... ...It was the wise old-sage and his-disciple... Prey spent nearly, every Summer with her uncle at Secato S. There were loads to do, but she had an adoring fascination with him, an adoration by identification. And Bo obliged-in giving his favorite-niece, what he had learned. ...From his youth-onward and inimitability of strength, stamina and logic; their native-creed, fell heavy-together. They were 'blood', and acute mind-aligners, the family thought they were spiritual-kin; allowed 'jost' to mix and intermingle as much as each desired. Bo Jon didn't have any children but had many 'conferers', inferrers and friends; which demonstrated he had the power and embodiment of a 'true-blood' father...

  Prey demonstrated her love and values for an agility, learnedness and prized-bestowal of Bo's imminent-teachings, trusts and talents... The courts had espoused duty and pride in the conferring of a deeded-dedication, and professional-adorning... But for some, impact and impunity, were 'weak'-convocations... The many instrumental-laws of legal-assimilation were passed-over, due to money-murger, and manifest... ...Within the keen-'rules' of law, with an ever-quartered, effesiance of character and recourse... Each legal-dissemination, conduced and conjectured by the provisional-codes; which in legal-work was seminal and consigned to a evisceration of operates by the precipices that were by fostering and legal-standing... Within these 'pockets' of the pejoratives of law and litigation, was the legality and literal of certainty-lain... ...Her uncle would say: 'liberal, literal and liberate-standards...'-allowed for violators to be prosecuted, and promoted... There was more than 'adventure' in being an investigator but a possible portent logic-to advance and be understood...

  Prey, chose litigation for the prospect and a precis to affect the criminal-element within the city; she chose to call home. The elements of Los Angeles City, crime and court-assignment meant one could carry-on for the better. The sun was going-down over the ocean... As Prey took a walk on Friday, the traffic was 'heavy' as much would become of a calm ocean-front evening. The waves came in as the shores darkened. By 8 pm, she was driving home to her apartment on the third-floor of a six-storey apartment-building. She unlocked the entrance-door and took the elevator. She had 30-sets of court work, homework and returned-them with the office-keys on weekends... Her hardwork illuminated how both work and being an associate required each other. ...An emulgate of mitigated-strengths and exonerate-aptitudes. By the two-days, she'd be well-on her way to progress and purported-examinations... Prey was somewhat of a 'whiz', at court work for an A+ college-student meant she knew how to carry court-cases forward. She was up till 11:30 pm completing prospectuses, criminal consignings so propagating, a court-precis was in a resounding. The attributive-efficiencies was impeccably assigned, conceived and an encompassing-effort.

  Prey had it all under-control, what she and her-uncle were truly-excellent in what was the derivative-contingent work of detection and recovery... Cou
rt-work was a 'forte' but as physical case-work; in which she did nearly, as well. Three-days out of the week, CSI duty. Along with arrests and apprehensions... Installing the operate-contention of human scale and scope. Like her uncle, she could handle her own. Division and devotion, fitted and fulfilled in what were consistence, consideration and conferment... The rule and ritual-of confirming was in the satisfaction and real-sanctimoniousness of being a law-prosecutor... From youth, in the learning of living at B.J.'s; and on the reservation, on Summers to Varsity at Syracuse to the National Guard in search and rescue, she was a very athletic person. By next Friday she'd be at the beach awaiting her next-assignment; after the end of court-duty arraignment.

  She'd visit her parents for a weekend get-together... They'd be glad to see her and throw a party. She'd talk all about some of the anecdotes of her job, which was a career she was very thankful and deservant to have. The many inner-stokes, chapters and arraignings, which were set-upon her and her abilities... The premise and sophistications, had her to a talented and commuted, woman and individual. They'd set out and watch the sun go down and listen to Carlsbad music-stations... The air outside of L.A. was clean and fresh. Bo Ron went to his stalls on a private horse-ranch nearby, and go out into back-country for an hour or two. His youngest girl would accompany him. He, too was a dedicated-worker, he and Sarah grew-up on the reservation as childhood-sweethearts... He lettered in reservational football, an excellent native-archer/sharpshooter and standout horse-trainer. ...As a wealthy businessman, he remained a steward on the reservational-council. B.R., enjoyed life in-retirement, after 22-years. But he didn't stopped working, or resigned. Like his brother, he stayed active and alert.

  His brother Bo Jon was still a consummate-detective working out-of Nevada. His skills only grew, with age... A willingness and worthiness, to be a force to be reckoned with. But they-both, knew they were winding-down. He and his brother, at 58 and 62, age was catching up to them. Their father was Chief into his 80s, and now structure was beginning to play a bigger role in their-lives. Bo Ron, no longer kept up with the dangers of building, and Bo Jon didn't want to take on crime-fighter like in his heyday. Neither were superstitious... The envelope and availing to which each now-defined themselves, were still-keen on competence and commitment. In the knowledge of things they were still appropo. ...Jon in evidence and Ron in diagrammatics, their mind worked as clear as a 'bell'. Bo Jon could tackle a man twice his size and Bo Ron could fulfill a quota within three days. And the stories they could tell, the definitives they could expound, and the preclusives which found their way into their lives, were many. The forces of the world were many and the scope of time were few; in the standards and misgivings were pre-tended and of a potential. But each had their part to play...

  ...So Prey visited and took up time with her-family. Prey knew her father needed time to himself, and her mother to install and profess-with her now rarely, seen and popular-daughter. She knew her mother would adore and gloat-over her for a time. She also knew her father understood how loving and self-made, she was. So each tended to their own obligations and responsibilities. By night-fall the evening would be a celebration of family, duty and rewards. Each would talk and interact and carry-on in venerate-priorities. A joyous meal, revelry and a self-evident, was to be had by all. 'Okay Dad, I'll take-care; and call mom, soon.'. '...and you remember, keep your wits about you, if all else, fails.'.. Her father always had the 'last-word'... His powerful stature could not be denied, and she better had known that. ...While talking with her-mother, she'd gleaned about how things were... The Little-horse family-tradition, was usually passed-on by the women of the family. And she understood it worked from this principle...

  There were many assertions, sayings and aphorisms to how life-went. From a purview, to the propoundingly, resound-all stood you on end; and some worthy of a book of 'golden-rules'... But with the passage of time you were instilled with a passion and diligence never to be forgotten. Perhaps fortunately, there were no excuses to be found in the Littlehorse family. You stood-astute; or else. Most native-children became skillful, wise and competent, fast. ...The tribal-elders made sure of that. Although, alcoholism sometimes befalls some of the tribesmen, the eloquence with which cultural and complying-tended to set-apart; the weak and feeble-minded, the 'better' pursued in-strength and commitment. But the pursuit of excellence was held in high-regard. Although, there were many, for which remained as mysteries in the order-of life, which was best followed, wisely and devotedly...

  But much of native-life was never-impulsive; there was much to be achieved and 'voided'-within... Yet human-passion, like all-things, were to be composed and instilled with vision, determination and zeal-to overcome; those obstacles and imposings... As family made the basis of fortune, forte' and formitude; one's 'pride'-lay in definitive-resolve and deliverance... Prey, loved being in her family-time, and a warding of mentally, cared-for complicitness. In the third-generation of Little-horse, Prey was expected to carry-forward the duty and indispute; held by leader-descendants and their-bearers. But each had the right to do this as they pleased. In this-name, discipline and devotion, must be held to adornment. ...Bo Jon and Prey, hooked-up early, he-being the oldest-donner of respectability; her-focus on him, could not be denied, or questioned. And as a 'Littlehorse', the harmony of her-intention in wisdom, lay-on this great-man. Prey, knew the power and potential of her-dear and loving-uncle. But she came to understand that he was a 'true-trooper' of sleuthing, intelligence and skills... She emulated him so ideally, and with assertiveness...

  Although her youth put her into a simple-affectation, sentiment became endearment and dedication over-time. The potential, became plausability and with that, passion. It was not all 'easy' or expendable; but the future held a fragrant-superiorness and supplanting... The installing and passion were 'natural'-driving-points to base bestowal, in personing and perception. A deemed-'proctor' of present and past. ...One passing from one hand to the next, with an explicit cause and recourse. Bo Jon enjoyed her carrying-talent, resolve and achievement. Bo Jon took her into his-'discipleship' with a careful instillment, and consistent-conferring. But her dynamic-ability, poise and purposeful, went beyond her uncle and father... She was the next-generation. The path of Prey Littlehorse's life was one confirmed-in the ways of the Cherokee, the compassion of a prominent family, and the recourse of a competent prosecutor-of-Justice... Although, she worked for several years with Los Angeles County, a leuitenant in the California National Guard Reserve; and the true-vestments of a recompense of a life-time of intentive-growth.

  ...Bo Ron would wish her off to go back to her city to carry-on detective-duties, her uncle's passion, purpose and perceptiveness, she understood, what it meant on all-incursions. Intricated and implemented at; it suited her well. She drove a '60 Bel Aire, she rebuilt herself from the body she found in an old car wrecking yard and all the special parts; 'Trudy', her car's name, required... She learned a lot about Mechanics in the 44th MP Patrol and Machinery-Brigade, six-years earlier, while at Syracuse's Junior-ROTC... She, took her where she needed to go, and not be stolen. She ran like a dream, with three-on the floor, a 356 large-block and some of the new-amenities of modern-life. She could rev to 60, in six; but also pull 6,000-pounds, with 'ease'. ...A CD-player with speakers, a TV; a CB and scanner-radio, XM-Sirius satellite, and an interior-specialty crushed velvet all-over, in purple. And knowing travels through rustic-territory, it took you where you wanted to go. There was a native-spirit in all she did, and arriving back in town, she went to relax and prepare for going back to work.

  The apartment was a walk-up, not 'cheap' but by L.A. standards... With her lifestyle she knew how to live-'frugal'. And with native-ways, she had learned to be a weatherer of many storms. Prey got used to L.A. when her family lived-there from '90s to '00s, when her Dad worked as a head-supervisor in the city 's growth-cycle in a building-boom. In what
accomplished to be a construction-incentive... On the once, California's rich-styles; made him wealthy and powerful. He became astute and very-needed. With his-connections, he found the power of a true-vocality for which he was greatly, rewarded. With all his City-connections he started his own business and sold it for a cool $100 million... And then he retired and became a 'Jet-setter', native-philanthropist and council-member with the native board. ...Bo Jon's reputation, had also proceeded him...

  Prey, was taught the worth of a dollar, the committing of work and the idea of what professionalism meant. So everything just was the dedication of acumen and accomplish. Her intelligence went well into the law-field... Contentiously, inspiration and accountability allowed her to graduate within three-years, and having National Guard duty-in two. All her instructors were impressed by her cognitive-potential and legal-context. An indelible-proficiency, taken in a full-grasp. Her many theories and theses were nearly, break-throughs in Criminal Justice. With her-performing, was developmentally, and devotedly, an ideal implication; redeeming and as a substantial. ...She'd taken a load of laundry to the washing-room and straighten her apartment on a Sunday-evening. ...'Trudy', had to be gassed for the coming-week, and to be ready, for Monday's protocols and provisions. She kept her-portfolio in her-trunk and an extra-one on the entryway-table. In some ways she tended to be her own woman. Unlike her uncle Bo Jon, Prey had tactical-skills, one's which could take-down a foe in three-seconds weighing 300 pounds, besides being a-crackshot; she was skilled in knife-weaponry from Korea to Japan to Latin-America to Africa she knew many 'lethal', damaging and disabling-moves...

  Once-in spirit, twice-in mental and three-in knowledge; were some of the propitious-pretentions of work and life.. Although, women weren't usually, in-charge of defense; she understood the precepts of the science of detection and capture... One had to be eminently, possessive and aggressive; to bring a criminal to justice. From druggies to thieves; killers and even legal-disputes, you never know what will happen. It was spontaneous and immediate. ...So being a law-enforcer meant one had to be competent, to be able to do so. That reality of 'infamy', was not to be taken unseriously. The inspirationally, and vitally, aware-instigation; would always need to be there. What in learning-'liturgy', were focused and a fulfillment, in all-'practicality'... It felt well into the foundation of commitment and virtual-compliance... She'd loved every bit-of it. Staminaed and structured, reasons and resign-by the 'throes' of Criminal Justice work, played upon her very tenuant-mind...

  Bo Jon could see that she had what it took to be an investigator and the sharpened-skill of corporal-compliance... That Monday-morning, she rode along the seashore before work. It was June, all the kids would be out to enjoy the ocean-shore. She would be out-jogging this morning; she had to be at the Clerk's Office by 8 am, there were some new-cases coming down from the Lower-Courts' appraisal, at the city-D.A.'s District Division Unit... It was suspected that a quotas-provision, of what was area-Conservancy; in what were the new-convictees who were to be rounded-up, processed and re-courted... This would take several-weeks to start and fully-complete. The implications for a city like L.A. meant somebody would be making the crime-elements aware by nightfall; but criminal-justice had a way to 'out-do' this; they had stake-outs waiting from top-to-bottom layouts, in differing-neighborhoods... They were to have a informative-communique meeting with assignees, associates and lead-unit personnel... It was kept 'hush-hush' until the dockets were formalized and prosecuting-attorneys was on-board. ...By the next-Friday there were to be 105-subpoenas on as many persons from drug-dealers to delinquent-mothers and fathers, to any 'first-rate' law-violators... All enacted policing-staffs who were to form surge-teams by that Monday, at 10 am...


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