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by Danny E. Allen

  Chapter Two

  The Fatima Ascension

  ...Knowing, they were bevwacked with anywhere from installed withh children, to public housing to posh estates, the perpetrators were to be brought-in, and booked... Prey, was assigned a six-man task-force on a tandem-contact, amelioration. ...Where instances and skills were of utmost-importance. L.A.'s and Prey's history were one-form of a staunch-mosaics; as many of the city's citizens, were... Of late, in the last 40-years; the many fathoms and fates had evolved... From the 'eclectic' and emboldened; to the 'freewheeling' and facetive. The scenes, had changed; by the wicked nominal-terms of life, and lifestyle. With its 'heyday', in mode and opulence; waning L.A., was fast becoming a facade of over-emaculance... In a four-decade period, the economy, population and crime, deepen in a fissure of utter, self-autonomy... Prices, poverty and propositions, changed from being a-'leader' to a gravely, losing-ground confinement. ...The once grand-suspicion and donation, was ever-growing withdrawn. Pride, promise and promotion were growing predominators...

  ...The 'price' of presiding, within the city; was coming at a very high-price. The many leaders were inundated-with governmental, economical and social down and out-'soliloquies'... The infrastructure was affected-from the ground, 'up'... ...Taxes, terms and trials were tested, within a 12-year recession. ...With higher-prices, came deeper financial-woes. Everyone from individual to industry, felt a resounding 'drop', in prosperity. The 'wealthy' lost worth; the commerce, raised-prices; and they either couldn't keep-up or reached 'deeper' into the pockets till compromising and leaving town... But 'fortune' wasn't everything; hardwork, discipline and willingness were still-'worthy', if daunted-profitings. The spirit, and 'ideology' of a city, lived-on. And many were embellished; by the new, seeming-terms, of life. It was complicated, a complex of over-expensive and oblivious-indulgences... A systematic-preclusion, to what was to come. An 'ill-certain' and forged-'deterrent', ominousness for which a famous-city, had to atone and dignify.

  Everywhere-from Hollywood to Beverly Hills to Palm Springs to Watts, were all affected. The very 'macrocosm'-itself, was influenced... From the 'Devan' to a devoid of life and living, paid and repaid; in the development of charters and chances... The evidences, and experiences, were ones of a fate and endurance. Some survived, others-left, leaving a better-recourse by baring-down and surviving. Arnold Schwarzenegger, and the forgotten-terms before, marked a transition of a-time. Prey was raised in the 'thick' of it. But the children and tribe of 'Cherokee', which had many-ways of resilience. As many native, ethnic and social groups, they tended to 'outlast', events with self-propriety. California, was one-place you didn't easily, give-up on. ...Intentions, and any incentive-inspirations meant one could flourish under otherwise inclement-terms... But many 'obstacles' are overcome by commitment, and devotion. With the guiding-and responsible-hands of her-family, was as the conferring of principles; and an alluding of what was a composing and perceptiveness; meaning she became a 'student-of-life' in the metropolitan city... City-life was an espousal and inspiration; requiring 'tact' and 'toll', for which purpose and propriety was to be evinced and done-right in one's intentional-'duty'... Prey, understood and enjoined in what was her area of Northern-Los Angeles and its many attributes...

  While Prey was still-in college, her family left the Los Angeles area for more settling-times east of the outer-basin... To the clean-'air' and climate of the valley-east of the Sierra Nevadas... Prey had connections in Los Angeles; all her-friends, acquaintances, and it being her-hometown, was what made the decision to remain-behind. She figured that was where she wanted to call home, for now. After NG-ROTC years, she applied for and received a position with Los Angeles city/county District-D.A.. Where she proved her innate-compelling duties. After Syracuse, she was raring-to go. And in the only home, she ever knew... It took: a bit-of dedication and reserve, to do so. Alone, she became commited to her-job and was truly motivated to 'solve' crimes. Her first boss, Captain Roy Singleton, took her under his arm as he knew of her uncle-Bo Jon... Never seeing such 'Cherokee-smarts'; and solved cases, that any detective would only 'wished', they could do... For her 'very first'-cases, she was to solve domestic-violence case-load... There were 10-cases in the crime-folder all to be submitted, processed and personally, written-up...

  The ten-cases, required footwork, facilitation and framework; by what were 'odds' and ordinances; proctored, perfected and brought-forth for prosecution. Seven-days later, 12-assignments were declared violators and arrested by Prey and six-officers who'd never seen such turn-arounds in a case-study, so large. After that Prey was assigned personally, by an assistant-P.A. to handle some of their 'not-so-simple'-portfolios... Her first assignment-duty was a robbery-assault and break-in... One-Tom Connors, a 23-year old white-male with wealth, violence and evading the law, were his-motis operandis... He was known to take advantage of any situation-necessary. He could talk and defend, his-way out of a case in eight-hours.

  Prey knew, what to do. He was very-confident and cavalier, and that was his 'weakness' and forte... It was said, 'the river only runs deep after the rain'... Soon she identified and articulated the very-simplicity of a certain-insurgence, which would bring a criminal to stand-before the judge.

  Tom Connors, was a Black-belt in Karate known to break people's arms oh-so delicately. The Sam's Club store was where a 'rich' man could afford, even more. He'd just picked-up a four-case of vintage-beer, when, out of no where, a Cop stood before him with a hand on his-holster gun... In a split-second, Tom threw the 50-lb case at him breaking his-arm and running to make a getaway in his-Ferrari... In 15 minutes, he was gone. But Prey knew where he'd go... They staked-out the Monterrey-freeway. Why? Because 'speed' was an Adrenaline-thing, and crime wasn't anything if not 'exciting'. They tracked him to his posh-house in a quiet-neighborhood. ...When he arrived, the officers had arrived at his home. Then, the next-move was done... He wasn't going to stay-there long. So Prey had the place blueprinted by city Housing Authorities... There were weaknesses in the print, for escape. And Prey, knew what that was... He'd made a trick-door to a passage way into the rear carport. And when he tried to escape, Prey stood there and said: '...You're under-arrest, put your hands on the wall'... She knew he wouldn't be taken easily, he rushed her and within a quick-second Prey made a defensive-move. He was on the ground and in handcuffs in three minutes-flat. Even he, was surprised. With each apprehension and capture, Prey had a plan to 'outwit', recover and arrest each assailant.

  At first everyone thought she was superficial, 'phoney' and overdone, but her-team recognized she was a criminal detective to be reckoned with. It was not just action but purpose and pride...that carried-forth in all she did. From docket to documentation to deriving, it all stood for a precise-dedication of her scheme... She almost revolutionized the prosecuting-force. In spirit and specialty, she ramrodded the once 'fallacy' of city-courts' detective work. Existentially and favorably turning specialty crime work on its axis... Exacting, a 'quotient'-code on standard court-work, purposefully and prognostically, deliberations were skills, again. The police Captain tried to 'buy'-away the 'prime' court-enforcer; but her-Chief refused... Quite the opposite, she became a 'trainee' for days when crimes were 'heavy'... And now, as a consummate Force-work, she had became installed as a preliminary-associate...

  As her 'prime-devotion', now she was expected to engage a collective of vying, disciplined-work; objectivity and adroitly, being-in as 'little'-time, as needed. An especial-concertion, obligated in effective and instinctive-inspiration; as an individual-detective... In those cases, it was a 'force' of two-associates and five-officers; processed and officiated in-designs and deliberations. Prey was in the 'thick' of it. Sam and Prey, were assigned senior and assistant to the prosecutory-proctors; and Prey, took the lead with 'finesse'. ...In the first case, was a robbery by three-assailants in their-thirties. Wearing all-black, six-foot; or near, sho
wing a shotgun and .45 mm... Leaving, in a white-sedan, west on Berkshire Hwy. 'Case-active', six-days, with no sign of their whereabouts... Checking with all city, county and state agencies; picked-up some clues. Second case: Pat Brown, a college-student, turned bombing and arson-assailant. ...Tied-to Supremacist; has a daughter in Texas; neither Texas-police nor daughter had seen her.

  ...Possibly, being hidden-away in Supremacist safe-house.

  ...Could be anywhere from bikers to prison-releasees, have taken her-in. Possibly, able-to commit next-crime; urgent, APB nation-wide and federally... Focus and foster, being definitively, attuned and considered by future 'motis' and hide-outs... ...The third-case was examined, and the rest were pro-coded into the next-day's enlistment. The precepts-purposes were quartered, and retained. ...Prey and her-team expanded and exacted in an inventure-and imminent-explication... An 'opus' of council-conjecture that were adduced; and new-activity to be explicated and expended-in a program-processings... By that afternoon they were to go into activation-mode. The four-cruisers and the lead-receded to the target's residence. An apartment-house, on the mid-Eastside. They arrived quietly, before six pm. They were ready for a stakeout. But Prey figured the three would be to excited to sit hiding-out with $20,000 in easy-money. Prey thought they'd be ready to 'hop' out of the area; or being cavalier, go spending on a spending-spree.

  There were three-of them, the main-assailant was identified by a video turned-in from bank and License Bureau; named one: Paul Singleton, as the main-robber; a known felon, drug-pusher and across state-deliverer. He probably needed money, 'bad'. And his two-hinchmen were druggies, as well. The other two were identified as lower-class crime elements; what they did was first-class bank-robbery; leading to a ten to sixteen year prison-term in the state Pen. With a recent-act they were probably ready to be caught or make a run for it. ...Turning that down; 'I want to count our winnings'... 'Yeah, our little gambling-trip payed off, big-time'... 'Yeah, nothing but tens and twenties: that's how I like it'. The guy watching the TV was the smart one, he knew the fastest-way to know if they were on-the-run, or just hiding-out, would be on the news... He didn't want to be captured before he-knew it. Then one noticed an LAPD car pull-up, the leader knew it was no coincidence. ...'Come-on, head-out back...' He(the leader), was known to carry a weapon. The leader-enforcer didn't want a shoot-out or be the unlucky-one to find someone at home.

  She had another-plan. She was dressed casually, she learned from the detective squad how to 'undercut' criminals' 'appendability'. She and the squad compared notes-on a regular-basis. ...She looked like a teenager with her hair-up. So she grabbed a kid's bicycle and pretended to ride up to the door while chewing-gum... From the door, the leader had watched the young girl walk her bike up, totally oblivious to the police-car down the street. She rang the bell as if gentle and innocent... The leader thought he'd be able to make a run for it with the child as a shield. She watched as the door slowly, swing open. Then Prey grabbed him lightly by the wrist and threw him in one-move to the ground on his face dumbfounded. The others looked-on in astonishment. Before they could move Prey drop-kicked with a slap on the cheek to one and punched the other with a fast deliberate move.

  All three were down and their weapons confiscated. As the four-officers walked in, Prey was handcuffing and standing them up and aiming them for the door. All that was left was to read them their rights and escort to the cruiser. ...After booking, the unit was to find, capture and convict Pat, as a possible bomber/arsonist; she wouldn't be as 'quaint', or obedient. It would take some expedience and inspiration to both apprehend and implicate a second-class explosives expert. Pat B., was a former-Marine, gone bad. With the loss of her civilian-job, the abandonment by her-absentee alcoholic-husband and pyrotechnic-abilities going to waste; she installed herself to carrying-out 'revenge'... Experiments, and much aggravation-later, she'd bombed the City's Tax Bureau, the post-office and the courts on the outskirts of the city...

  Empowered, and embellished by self-imposing, no one stood in her-way... Now, as 'old is new', she was on the California FBI-file... ...Prey had the case after the Bureau couldn't do anything with it... Prey, was thought to possibly, have the potential; to do something significant to open-wide the case. The crime-evidence was unsealed and exposed, to Prey's dutiful-intellect. After turning-pages, reviewing-statements and viewing-photos, she had new-ideas and implications... Prey, had made an inspiration into an affirmative-instance and intention. ...Into an effective-diligence and determination, a focalness made-proper and preeminent. ...What became a new-cause and incurrent-precept... Pat, was to be a perpetrator, higher-up on the ranks of a criminal... Resounding, and now, being taken-up by the city's legal-force. Prey, edged-out any obstacles to the 'call'; being-solved and now fully-sanctioned, by all-concerned. ...An 'order' and implication, intended and incensed-by practicality, and chance...

  Prey, never-let her-peers down; she'd thought there'd always be a 'first'-time. But her crime-professor had assured her, even the best could 'fail'. A proprietary and process, was needed under every-grounds... So even, inspiration had its 'limits'. ...Pat B., was last-seen in the California Hills countryside... Where bikers, pot heads and the wasted, lived-in general coexistence. ...There were drug-bust, killings, shootings and the like almost-weekly. Design and dispelling 'friction', happened to the same individuals. So luckily, it was hard to assume and deduce, their-part and motive; in the case. The last-incident was in October of '05, with the finding and evacuation of San Jose College campus on the outskirts of L.A,-proper... ...She'd chose her-site well, and accurately. The call came-in, a day after the sighting and defusing... But there would always be a first-time detonation... The case-cooled, when bomb-making material was sighted. ...And were examined and watched-for a 50 mile-radius for explosive-material, were observed. But that didn't stop her from carrying-out explosions. A truck sitting-out on a vacant truck-stop exploded with an 'intense'-force.

  The lot had debris strewn-over a 50-yard area. Then, the call came-in from Mrs. Pat Brown; explaining that she was 'not gone'... ...Experience and experimentation put her-on the map. Then, a long 'silence'. There was some sort of score to be settled. And as usual it was mainly, in her-'mind'. That's where the case arrived-in front of Prey... The Feds, realized she had emotional-problems which in the best interests of the case was handed-over in an essential-spearhead. Since no-one had been hurt, the processing of the case became forward-work, in enforcement. The case, readvised and reexamined-itself. Now, a general-place and execution were to be predicted and pre-animated... If she and Prey were 'smart', the 'two' would probably, end-up in a similar place after-all...

  In embellish and emboss, Prey was working-on her own. It would be a case of indemption and redemption, over all. Prey wanted to take her-time, it being a new 'reverential'-case... ...Be resolved and dutiful, in the would-be passed by a preferential-evidence. The case, ended with the phone-call; and debris-evidence... There were many, who were desisting-it. But one thing, 'stuck-out'. The 'call' and the 'site', no one but the bomber understood the importance-of each. An instantaneous-'reality'. A careful-reclusion, that was set-in time. From explosion to expounding; the spoken-words were resolute, and resolvent. ...The especial-'spector' of absolving and assimilation. What upon inspection helped to lean the case in one direction, or the other... In what would-be the exam-simulation of terms and trials... The college, and the truckstop, were both intentional and indolent-facts. Between the two, were a set-perspective, and decision... And now, proseminations were 'ideal' to her-actions... Tuesday, was warm in the afternoon, the trees of the valley blew back-and-forth, when her team reached the 'Connoe Valley' city-mobile home park. 40 residents lived there. For weeks to months, and rarely over two-years.

  There were two people; Prey and her-squad wanted to question. If Prey and her team were right, there was a plotted-region, for an uncovery of t
he case. The issues and understandings, were to be explicated-by the designs of course and kind... A network-comprising for which a careful-convocation and consumption in what was being able to be congealed, and extenuating with content and confess... ...In an articulation, by what was a conferrence and revealing. The conventional-proctor, of accentuation and propitious-care. What was an emulation and effective in requirements to be brought-forward and actuated. There were many infinitudes to the motives of the crime-committers; efforted from thought to action... The idea, and implication; authorized and beatific... The 'idiom' and ardency, for which individual and intention-resolved themselves, into arrival and embase. The convenings and precariousness, adventured-into violence and purpose... The actual-presentation, formed by Prey, her team and the actual-person: Pat Brown...

  ...Prey found-out a lot, on the factors of place and time. The emerging and primordial-of a sort and space. The engaging and ingenuity for which a woman such Pat Brown could hatch a plan, such as this. The sun was going down over the ocean as the eastward rays fell on a mobile unit thought and referred to, as Sandra Luce's'... ...An officer knocked on the door three-times. A heavy-set woman appeared. A lady of a large-size, answered. The woman thought to be 'skinny', active and a once former-Marine was arrested for unlawful use of explosives and other-crimes. Sandra Luce aka Patricia Susan Brown had faked her name but not her-attitude. Her Operandi was'off', at least as far as her dossier. She worked at the truckstop and her husband, a former chemical-worker gave access to bomb making material. Her son in-law was enrolled at the college. The Marines was what she'd been enlisted but allowed as an early-furlough for her weight. In spirit and specialty she fit the make-up of a scarred and vengeful criminal...

  It turned-out, she was a drug-user and abuser probably Oxycontin taken once too often. She filled out on the booking sheet as a Cause Celeb of issues, identities and discursions. By the facts of the case, she was a lit-cigarette in a powder-keg waiting to happen. She was booked, and then there was the final-day's task. A known-thief of jewelry, cars and cigarettes... Three, well encircled purloined implicits that were an act of convenience, and money. As most robbery suspects he acted in plain sight. What most of us take for granted and even laugh at a human mistakes thieves see as an opportunity for wealth. And California was a Mega-hub for dispensable money. If you didn't start here you came here to possibly find your lucrative riches, illegally. ...Sammy Smits, was a careful-philanthropist of a wealthful-heart... He'd spot twenty-touches in half an hour of cruising the city. Everything from jewelry stores to cars to drug stores with weak security... And he'd have it fenced in eight-hours. ...As he knew, what the cops were looking for...

  Before going out to rob, he'd even schedule his clients for two-hours that afternoon. It was all-cash and carry, in ten-hours. ...And the police couldn't catch-him. Prey looked at the weakness in their investigations: sites and semantics... As sure as the cops, he was a 'civil-servant'; for illegal-resources. He even had his-lawyer lined-up. Prey, reoriented the evidence around accommodations and commandments... If you cut him-off at the knees, he'd wince in-pain... ...And 'yeah', that kind of hurt would make anyone ask for'mercy'... Prey and Sam decided to work-together to disarm this crook of stealing. Sam loved 'stealing'-crimes because everyone had their own reason for criminality. It was like watching a surgeon at work, to see what was at the source and eradicate it... The two-teams, flanked the high-wealth, commercial, residential and estate-areas. It became familiar with some of the policing-teams, for the zones. Criminal-elements were attracted to the region.

  But a crook, like Sammy Smits, was too easy or hard; depending on your point-of-view. The police had certain-protocols, which a thief was able to fly under the radar... In fact L.A. thieves were in a certain-underworld; that made some'rich' and others long-term veterans. Some were naturals, and others learned; but one thing for sure, it appealed to certain-individuals. Like her-partner, with his enjoyment in capturing violators, a certain mental-drama was to be played-out. But for Prey, he was certainly, a high eschelon-burglar. He was not particular, but was opportunistic. The victims ranged from cash to cars to Oxycontin anything that made cash for the culprit. They had upwards of 200 crimes in six years by Mr.Smits. He wasn't the best but was an intricate stealer. He was probably, worth between 600 to 700 thousand in stock merchandise. Because he was so prolific his case remained open. But now Prey was on the case. It was an evening-drive along, checking-out hot-spots, open stores and quiet but wealthy and secluded estates...

  One needed to have a good-eye for both chance and entry. Prey figured if he was active he'd be somewhere money was a lesser-priority. A certain premise and compromise for a self-virtue and venerateness... When safekeeping became a second-and third-priority. A careful purposeful presonerate adjustment and latitude... About 8 pm, they were heading down Mulholland Drive heading for the freeway, when Sam made a casual call about the only traffic, was trucks, Prey asked what kind... He said just one right now, a U-Haul, then Prey asked him to low-profile it, till she could reach up to him. It was in the opulent estate of Mershire Estates, where there were $10 million homes. Most of the occupants wouldn't be moving that time of night. Sam was in an unmarked car with his officer driving... The truck turned down five lanes and the two men in jumpsuits, walked-up to a secluded-house and went-in. That's when they knew they had someone.

  Prey and Sam arrived to the two exiting then dropping their ill-gotten goods and ran into the bushes... Three officers took pursuit and a block away one-Sammy Smits was caught and booked on multiple burglar-charges. Prey's logic aided the discovery of a crime-spree professional, who'd taken his typical-route of reclusion which had served its purpose under typical-circumstances. Eight new-consignees awaited her, in her dossier-folder. Everyone went home, to meet at the office, at 8 am... ...The moon-rose in the sky over Prey's apartment building. The west winds picked-up from out to sea and the shores were rushing into high tide... The night partying for a Tuesday night came to an end as down-shore ships came in with their off-loads. Prey slept good that night. By 6 am, sunlight began to light the eastern sky. Traffic was beginning to pick-up and Prey was jogging on her road for 30-minutes along a 6-mile trail. She arrived home to eat a bagel, bacon and eggs. After a shower, cleaning up and dressing for the day.

  Dressed in a two-piece suit she put on her holstered Berretta and knives, and headed toward the car. She drove her '60 Buick to the adminstrative parking lot and registered for the day. The completion of the day, was to be an intention and essence, for the day... Then, the prosecuting-attorney left them up to their day's activities and events. Prey was thanked for the day, before capture; and wished her the 'best of luck'. ...'Several more apprehensions, as those yesterday; and I'm going to put you in a recommendation...' -...'I couldn't have done it without my team.'. The entire unit-applauded, then got down to business. Instance and ordinal were then performed and inflexed. There were 8-dossiers to be enacted by day's end... Each of the three-teams got down to work. Each taking-off to differing points of purportment. The 'prize', was the performance of duty; purposeful and proprietized...

  An 'idea' of all 8-cases were brought to an exacting-culmination... There would be 3-parts to the cases, planned to be reexamined. -They were 'Locale', cause and capture. With the evidence mounting against each assailant; there needed to be care and concertion-objectified. Sam was the veteran and Prey, second in-command. Each person and espoused design; and to be illuminated and reigned-in... If any of the factors were diverse, and the case could go awry; so with inception and delineation, a certain 'charm' had to be ensued... An exacting-extirpation had to be garnered, and affixed... Novice-officers, came to a realization the foot-and paper-work were a general facsimile in how a genuineness of design had to be carefully, crafted. ...Each instance and enumeration have to be carefully, plotted-out. Or your backside would hang at the D.A.'s office... Sam took t
he lead, and main-lobby. Prey, had learned some main and important-points; about Prey's 'sharpness' was beyond Sam's, she played 'back-up' very-well. The important 'ins' and 'outs', had to be respected.

  Each officer had the invitation to be an agent-of enforcement; but also one-diverging of the 'beaten-track' and you became the 'target' of professional-dispute. An officer, had to care-for self and others, enough to be especial and essential in exacting. The pride and purpose, was to converge and dutifully-commend their-job and the proper-judgment of a sanctity and assertion. Prey's crew were performing-professionals, now given extra-work in their-role.

  Prey didn't hide her D.A.-associate-badges. She had two of them; legal-enforcement and court-prosecution. ...Able to both capture and appeal-in courts. There were only so many of these. An A+ student, a Lt. in the National Guard and court-designee by accomplished cerebral task. She knew what to do and how to bring into its affirm. All the proper departments recognized her and she appreciated this-in what was diligence and determination.

  The schedule and scale, was now taken up and the next-scope had to be forwarded and reinforced. She kept a line on what was becoming of each case but also she was a semi-overseer of which the D.A. made direct-incursion and inquiry... With any case she took up, she represented the established figure-head and confunction. She loved it and the proper-pretense-power to carryout the job of material-reciprocation... Not to be taken, lightly. There was purposefully, purporting to all concerned. And there was exciting, as uncertainty; which had to be carefully congealed. It was strategic and strident, in form and fashion.

  Prey, had been a driven-individual a parlayed-individualist, willing to act on her own. All she did, was with a focus on decisive, impunity; and high intellectual-agility... Her mind, body and spirit was with of the 'gravity' and gratuity. From her-basis as a learning-youth, with Bo Jon; and learning on the reservation, to graduating from college and ROTC-National Guard at 21. She was astute conservative and conversive individual. ...Others came to learn from her and as an independent-idea.

  She was an inspirationalist, surviving and certifying ideas and intellect... She was truly an advancive-entity. And now, toward the attainment of her dreams; she fostered a deep-dedication to the very-fluency of her-attaining and attest. ...The many 'hills and valleys'-of duty and determination; grew in a well-sprung maelstrom of ideals... ...Her true-virtues and values, were brought-forth and expressed devotedly, and definitively. ...Prey had often sat-out on uncle Bo Jon's ranch-house porch, pondering 'life'. With all its infinite-potential, she wanted to be a formitive-impactual; to go beyond the 'limits' of what was time and test; saw a shortening... Her uncle always said to accept no-limits, to act with the force of presence and vision; that could not be deviated, or divorced. If you came to an obstacle, seek-out its deepest-core; and act to overcome in a deepened-virtue... And so she grew with determination, leaving no-stone unturned or power-unchallenged, or subverted. She took-on all that life had to offer.

  And as she grasped the'gravity' and gravitations that were acknowledged and understood. A potent-defiance and development, she became a rector and reverent-of implicit and ideal-skills, that mattered. She learned the 'solo'-skills, of intent and instilling. The hallowed-auspicion of hope and design. One, where one conceived and met the ideas and instances, taken to institution; followed and fulfilled... In what was the 'atoned'-level of precisionary-proctor. A held-entitlement of the 'fixtures' of the native; in the purpose of the crime-solving compliment, and the innate self-empower; to be a woman of exacting-skills... She knew not to take any of it for granted. And of held-inspirings by implemental-knowledge taken and fully-understood... She was an assizing-by semantics in the growing and learning of achievements... From bravery to running, to competence; she became adroit and in-command. ...Her-drive of decisive and depiction, allowed her to achieve in the principles of Criminal Justice, and personal-proficiency...


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