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Her Hero: Next Door

Page 14

by George H. McVey

  “Approaching the dwelling most of the external Tangos are DOA or restrained. A few have fled indoors. Preparing to breach on four fronts. Stand by.”

  “Roger that Eagle. Control, invite the Alphabet boys to the party. Guns, drugs, and kidnappers all in one place.”

  “Roger, Thorn. FBI, ATF and DEA tangents are in route. Hold primary for Taskforce commander.”

  “Roger. Control, be advised Primary will need medical treatment. He took some lead persuasion to surrender.”

  “Medics will make their way to your position as soon as the site is secure.”

  Kris then let his weapon drop back on the lanyard around his chest and reached up and removed his helmet. Then he walked over to Gregori Volkov and knelt down flipping the man over and yanking his hands behind his back, zip-cuffing him. Then he flipped the Syndicate leader over so that he was face up. “I tried to warn you, vyperdysch but you wouldn’t listen. Even Igor told you that you were no match for me, but you thought you knew better. Now what do you have? Your organization is in ruins. Your drugs and guns will be held and then destroyed. You won’t even get a trial because the cartel you bought from had ties to terrorist organizations. With the money trail from you to them you will be spending your time at Guantanamo Bay or someplace even worse for the rest of your life, and for what? Because a beautiful woman didn’t want to let you use her body. It’s a shame really, you had a wife and could have had a thriving business, but you chose my woman. The one created for me and then you couldn’t believe that anyone could stand against you. Now you have nothing.”

  Gregori spat at him. “I’m still alive, florist. As long as I have life I have opportunities. I will yet see you dead and your woman under me.”

  Kris stepped on the place he’d put three bullets in the man’s leg just below his knee. He placed the muzzle of his machine pistol against Gregori’s crotch. “Perhaps we should see how high you scream with three slugs in your personal playground. I’m pretty sure the medics would get here before you bleed out but I’m not so sure they’d be willing to patch that part up.”

  He reached behind himself and slipped the clip from his colt 1911 back up piece and pointed it at the man racking the slide. “Instead I’ll just put one in you. You’ll bleed slower.”

  The man looked at him and behind the anger there was fear. “You wouldn’t dare. They’d arrest you.”

  Kris shook his head. “No, my mission parameters only said I couldn’t kill you; didn’t say nothing about shooting you in the crotch.”

  He smiled at the man and slowly started to squeeze the trigger until there was the click of the hammer falling on an empty chamber. Kris stood up and smiled at the dark stain that suddenly showed at the man’s crotch. “Well, I guess we know how brave you really are, vyperdysch. You’d better hope they let you change your pants before you leave, otherwise that ride to prison will be very uncomfortable.”

  There came a shout from the office and then Eagle, Sparky and the medic walked into the room. The medic got right to work on Viktor Morozov. Eagle and Sparky walked up to Kris and Raisa. Sparky reached into her mission pack and pulled out a white tactical suit minus the bullet shields. “Thought you might want to put on some clothes before the counter terrorism task force commander shows up.”

  Raisa smiled at her friend and nodded, taking the suit she stepped into the bathroom. Kris looked at Eagle. “Casualties?”

  “Minor bruising on our end. Several on theirs, all within mission parameters though.”

  Kris nodded. “Good; mission success then.”

  Both Eagle and Sparky nodded. “She was helpful, by the way.” Eagle said about the bodyguard.

  Kris nodded. “I had no doubt she would be, but Mac wouldn’t ever let me offer her a slot. Besides, she’s about to jet off to Europe with a world-famous rock star.”

  Sparky sighed. “Yep. Yay me!”

  Kris laughed. “Listen, I’m going to kiss my woman and then put her in your hands, Sparky. She needs to tell the FBI guy what happened to her and then you see her home. I’ll be there as soon as I get this mess wrapped up.”

  Raisa came out of the restroom dressed and Kris still thought she was as sexy as hell. Sparky must have grabbed a suit a size too small because it fit like a second skin. He took Raisa into his arms and pressed his lips against hers, diving deep into her mouth trying to wash away the lingering taste of Volkov. She moaned in the back of her throat and molded her body as tight against him as his gear would allow. When he finally released her she wobbled a little on unsteady feet and Kris smiled. “Sparky is going to sit with you while you talk to the FBI about what happened today. Then she’ll take you to the lake house. I’ll be there as fast as I can get away from the debriefing here.”

  Raisa nodded. “See you at home, lover.” Then she let Sparky lead her away. Eagle smiled and then laughed. “I figure you’re gonna be putting a ring on that sooner rather than later, Thorn.”

  “Soon as I get home, is my plan.”

  “We’ll miss you, oh fearless leader.”

  Kris grinned. “Well our payday this time may make it so none of us have to keep doing this for a living. Have the boys packed up our bounty?”

  “Yeah, and I had it sent back to the storage facility.”

  “Let’s meet tomorrow and split it up.”

  “Roger that. Going to include Sparky and the boss in the take?”

  “Yes, to Sparky. I’ll make a contribution to Mac’s kids’ college fund, otherwise he won’t accept it.”

  Just then there came a flurry of men in suits and jackets with letters on the back. Time to debrief and turn over the prisoners.

  Chapter Twenty

  R aisa was glad to be home and that’s how she thought of the lake house now. Home. This was where she and Kris had solidified their relationship. Where he’d told her he wanted to marry her and where she dreamed of raising a family with him. This was home. She showered and then showered again, trying to wash the feel of Gregori’s hands off her body. She’d brushed her teeth and used a whole bottle of mouth wash before she got into the shower and she still didn’t feel clean. She knew that it would take some time in Kris’s arms to drive the memory of that fat toad’s touch and tongue out of her mind. She was looking forward to his helping her with that. She’d just dressed in one of her new sexy sleeping gowns when she heard his feet pounding up the stairs. He hadn’t even taken the time to get out of his tactical gear or clean his weapons. He came up into the room and stopped when he saw her in the pink silk baby doll negligee. A smile took over his face and he headed straight for her. Raisa raised her hand and held it up in the universal symbol for stop. “Don’t you come one step closer, Mister Lawson. I’ve gotten clean and put on this brand new nightgown. You are not about to get gunpowder, glass and who knows what else on me. You get yourself clean before you come to our bed.”

  His smile widened. “Our bed, is it?”

  She glared at him. “You know it is and it better remain that way if you know what’s good for you. I know people now. People with special skills. They’ll help me kill you and hide the body if you think you can pull anything over on me, mister.”

  He started dropping gear on the floor and stripping out of his tactical suit. “You’ll be putting all that where it goes when we’re done, mister. I’m your lover not your maid. Let’s get that clear right from the start.”

  He nodded. “Yes ma’am, as long as it can wait until after we’re done.”

  She smiled a sexy smile at him and cocked her hip. “Darling, ain’t nothing happening until we’re done tonight, you got that?”

  “Yes ma’am.” Just then Friday spoke to them. “I’m sorry Thorn, but Mac is on the line with a priority alpha emergency call.”

  “Patch him through, Friday. Mac, what’s wrong?”

  “Gregori just killed his FBI escort and is headed your way. One of the agents had the location of the lake house. He’s armed and considered dangerous.”

  “Thanks for the warn

  Just then Friday piped back up “Security alert, the house has been breached.”

  Kris grabbed up his HK MP7A1 and ran over to the control panel beside the bed. He hit the back of the night stand and a drawer popped open showing a strange looking head piece with a single lens on it like for a camera. He put his palm on the reader and the bed slid to the side. “Raisa, get in the safe room.”


  “Now honey, I need to know you’re safe before I handle this.”

  She bit her lip to keep from telling him she needed him to be safe too because this was who her man was, a hero through and through. She quickly went down knowing he was going to close her in. As the bed slid back in place she heard him say “Kill the lights except in the safe room, Friday.”

  Then the bed clicked into place and she was alone.

  As soon as the bed covered the safe room Kris flipped down the monocle for the night vision goggles and grabbed up his tactical suit. He pulled the ear piece out of the helmet and tossed the suit in the corner that you could see coming up the stairs, and then he moved to just by the wall. He pushed a button on the window and the shades closed, blocking out all moonlight. Then he waited. A few minutes later he saw Volkov coming up the stairs, a Glock nine-millimeter used by the local FBI agents in his hands. Kris keyed the mic. “Drop it, Gregori.”

  His voice came from the corner where the suit lay and Volkov opened fire on the corner emptying his clip into it. Kris waited until he reached for a second clip and tapped the trigger of his MP7 still set for a three-round burst and watched as all three rounds punched into the man’s heart. Gregori tumbled down the stairs and lay still. Kris waited a full five minutes looking for any movement from the body. When he was convinced that Volkov was dead, he flipped up the night vision goggles and spoke to Friday. “Turn the lights back on and call Mac.”

  He grabbed the top sheet off the bed and quickly covered the corpse as Friday dialed Mac. “Control.”

  “Mac, it’s Thorn. Gregori is dead, can you call the FBI and send a clean-up crew?”

  “Will do. I’ll have the clean-up crew deliver the body to the Fed’s at the boat doc. There’s no reason for them to bother you again.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate it.”

  “This puts an end to your contract, you know.”

  “I know and consider this call my resignation. I’m done chasing shadows.”

  “I’m going to keep you on the roster. If nothing else you can consult and help plan for other operatives. That should keep the big wigs off your back.”

  “Thanks. How soon will that crew be here?”

  “About ten minutes, they were already in route.”

  Kris just laughed. “Thanks for the vote of confidence there.”

  “Hey, Volkov wasn’t even up to the task of sneaking up on Raisa, let alone on you.”

  “I know but I don’t want to have to spend a lot of time with people in our hallway. He’s at the foot of my bedroom stairs. And the blood splatter is at the top of my staircase.”

  “Well, tint the bathroom walls and the two of you go have a long shower or soak and by the time you’re done they’ll be gone. I called Sparky; she’s going to direct them.”

  “Roger. Friday, end call.”


  Kris went to the back pack and grabbed a small blue box then walked to the panel and opened up the safe room. Raisa came racing up into his arms. “Is it over?”

  “It is sweetheart. Gregori is dead; he’ll never bother us again.”

  “What about Nestor and his brother Viktor?”

  Kris sighed. “Friday, call Igor.”

  “Calling Igor.”

  “Kris, my brother, twice in a week. This can’t be good.”

  “Gregori is dead. I need a favor.”

  “Name it.”

  “The Morozov brothers. I need them to not become a problem or try to restart the Syndicate.”

  “I will handle it. But someone will need to fill the power vacuum left by Gregori’s absence.”

  “No my brother, this city is under my protection now. There will be no more crime family.”

  “You are sure, my brother?”

  “Yes, this place is mine. Let it be known I will handle anyone who violates my city.”

  “And what about when you are gone chasing the shadows?”

  “I’ve retired and if she says yes I’m going to be getting married soon.”

  “Well, that will break Annya’s heart.”

  Kris laughed. “There was never anything between me and Annya, Igor.”

  “I know that, you know that but Annya, she was convinced you would come back to her one day.”

  “Tell her to find a good man and love him with all her heart with my blessing.”

  “Congratulations, my brother. I will handle the Morozov’s and will inform the brotherhood to stay out of your city.”

  “Thank you, my friend.”

  “This clears my debt to you, Kris.”

  “I agree, we are square.”

  “Da svadania.”

  Raisa looked at him. “So you’re going to marry me, are you?”

  Kris took her by the hand and led her into the bathroom. He touched a spot on the glass wall beside the door and when a slider panel lit up, he slid his finger down it and the walls darkened and the light in the room grew dim. He turned on the shower and started taking off her clothes. “What are you doing, Kris?”

  “You told me I had to get clean but there is a crew coming to remove Gregori, so I thought you should join me and we’ll get clean together, and maybe dirty too and then clean again.”

  “Ah,” she said lifting her arms and letting him pull her top off. “You still didn’t answer my question, Kris. You told the head of the Brava that you were going to marry me, but I don’t remember you asking or me saying yes.”

  Kris kissed her and then stepped into the water pulling her behind him. “Well I had this wonderful romantic plan for proposing but that got shot all to hell, literally.” He kissed her again and then sunk to his knee in the shower. “This will just have to do because I can’t stand to wait another moment.” He held the diamond he had palmed in his other hand. “Raisa Felfan, will you marry me?”

  “Yes, my hero next door, most definitely I will marry you.”

  He slipped the ring on her finger and then stood and took her in his arms and just like he’d said they got clean just barely before they were getting each other dirty and then they cleaned each other again. Much later he carried her to their bed and he proceeded to love her again and again as they celebrated their life, love and engagement long into the night before slipping off to sleep in each other’s arms.


  Three months later.

  R aisa stood beside her new husband of less than an hour. The ceremony had been wonderful. They’d met in the front of the church, their friends from Blackguard standing as witnesses. Mac as Kris’s best man and a recently returned Nova as Raisa’s matron of honor. Charlotte had sat in the front filling in for both mothers. The only person missing was Stephan; he had six more years on his prison sentence for money laundering. Kris had looked so handsome in his tux and he hadn’t been able to take his eyes off her in her cream-colored wedding gown. She’d worried when she’d put it on this morning, the fit being a bit tighter than she remembered but she smiled at the reason why.

  Now at their reception they shook hands with everyone as they entered and before long Nova and Charlotte came up and stole her away to change into a simple gown instead of the yards of fabric she’d married in. Once they were in the changing room Raisa turned to Nova. “Okay spill it, I thought you weren’t going to be able to be here, what changed?”

  “The beyatch fired us. She didn’t like that I wouldn’t let any boytoy she wanted into her suite so she called her label and had us fired.”


  Nova shrugged. “No skin off my nose, she was a pain to try an
d watch out for. Besides Mac already said he has another detail for me. Some author whose having some trouble with a stalker. Supposedly a quiet type, just a few book signings and tv interviews, so that’s awesome. I’ll find out more next week.”

  The whole time they’d been chatting, Charlotte kept her eyes on Raisa. “So when did you plan to tell us you’re pregnant, young lady?”

  Raisa gasped as her hand slid down to her belly. “How in the world did you know? I just got it confirmed this morning. I haven’t even told Kris yet.”

  “Honey, I’ve been around a ton of pregnant women. I know that glow when I see it and I saw you struggle to zip up that wedding gown.”

  Nova looked at her and grinned. “Kris is gonna totally flip. I bet he asks me to move in and guard you 24/7 as soon as he finds out.”

  Raisa frowned. “If he does, you will be telling him no way no how, Nova Caswell; do you hear me? I’m not going to be molly coddled by you or anyone.”

  “Besides, I’m not due for six months. I may just wait as long as I can to tell him.”

  Charlotte laughed at that. “I’m willing to bet you don’t make it through the night without telling him.”

  Nova nodded. “You can’t keep anything from him. Because you LOOVE HIM.” They all laughed and Raisa blushed. She knew they were right and she didn’t really want to keep it from him. She wanted to watch her big strong hero freak out just once.

  They all hugged and she headed out to the front table and sat beside him. He looked at her and she knew he could see something was up by the way he looked at her. “What’s up with you?”

  “I just got married, what’s up with you?” She said teasingly.

  He stared at her a bit longer then smiled. “That’s strange, I just got married too.”

  “Well aren’t we lucky.”

  “Yes, I’d say we’re the two luckiest people on the planet right now.”


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