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Christmas of the Vampire

Page 2

by P. S. Power

  “Cow. It’s better fresh, but the animal is still alive, so you can set up an energy link.” He pulled out a straw and handed it to the man, who went a little wide eyed.

  “Thanks. Um, energy link?” He held the glass bottle in his left hand, his right nervously wiping his left leg. It was the kind of jitteriness that Vampires really shouldn’t have, but normally did for the first few decades.

  The question was surprising to Rich, who regarded the boy for a few moments as if he were mentally damaged, then he relented and explained, not wanting to blame him for not knowing basic things. You had to be taught after all. He had been.

  “You know not to kill what you feed from, right?” He tried to sound conversational, remembering that he hadn’t understood that once himself. Before he died, but still, everyone was new once.

  “Yeah, Stacy said not to. So we wouldn’t be caught or found out.”

  Richard nodded. Those were valid points after all.

  “Yes, but there’s more to it. When you feed you aren’t gaining energy from the blood directly, but from the life of what you take into yourself. It forms a link between you and the beings you connect with. This living energy is what keeps you alive and animated. If you kill what you eat, in very short order you’ll run out of energy and have to feed again. One feeding, done correctly, can leave you with energy for over a week. Sometimes more. It doesn’t take a lot.” That was a problem with some of the young ones. They felt hunger, but hadn’t had time to learn that what they wanted was energy, not blood itself. They’d drink and drink, trying to feel full, but that didn’t help. Multiple links did.

  “Which is why there are six different cows’ blood in this. I know it looks small, but I think you’ll find it more satisfying than what you’ve been partaking of.”

  He gestured to the bottle and watched as the man sucked one the straw, making a face when the first of it hit his mouth.

  “Ugh. I guess cow isn’t all that good?”

  “No, that’s the blood thinner we have to use so it won’t coagulate on us in the refrigerator. It’s pretty horrible, but you aren’t drinking this for the flavor, it’s all about the power it can provide you.” He was about to order the man to drink when he took a breath and did it on his own.

  Smart. Not because Richard would have hurt Jonas if he didn’t, but if the young man hadn’t been willing to try, he wouldn’t have a job. The boy finished the blood, stopping with an embarrassed smile when the cupful of liquid made a slurping noise. Foul tasting or not, it was clear there had been real hunger involved. Color flooded into his cheeks then, making him seem far more alive.

  Energetic too. He stood, looking around, as if not sure where to start. That wasn’t his job though. Richard was the one in command, so it was his part to tell the boy what to do. Also to care for him and make certain he had what was needed.

  “We could use one or more of those computers, I think. If I give you funds, can you see to that? Do you have a vehicle?” There was the matter of a license as well, and insurance, since no employee of his could be seen as a law breaker. Even if he was one. There was no indication of that at this point however.

  It turned out that Jonas had all of those things and even knew what computers to purchase. More than that, he could use his skills to build them, which would lower the price considerably. Richard had to admit he felt impressed, especially since the man had everything set up within a few hours, having stopped to pick up four different kinds of rum as well.

  It was a very nice start.

  “Alright, I need to call my wives and let them know that I may not be coming home. Then you and I will wait here for the Lesser Demon Balthias to come and escort us to his Mistress. She’s The Mistress of Souls, a Greater Demon. There may be others of her kind there as well, so you need to do exactly what I tell you. If you fail in that we might well both die or end up as slaves.” He wasn’t trying to sound sinister, but his voice held a practiced weight to it that made the other man blink and he settled the bottles of alcohol in the refrigerator for cooling.

  “Wait… there are Demons?”

  Richard didn’t even bother feeling bad about the words this time. It was clear that, whoever his master had been, the woman wasn’t very well educated. That or she’d simply failed to pass on what she knew. She’d had three years, so it was one or the other. Jonas had on a black suit, which looked a little shabby for meeting with Demons, but would probably work well enough for the public. They didn’t want to see people doing that much better than they were after all. Especially government workers. They would have to make sure he had more than one thing to wear however. They didn’t have time for more at the moment, so it would have to serve.

  “Yes. There are… hundreds of different things in the world. It isn’t just Vampires and humans. There are even different kinds of Vampires…” He shouldn’t have had to point it all out and it made him feel just a little angry, with the man’s creator. Stacy. What kind of name was that for a Vampire anyway?


  “Yes. You and I are of different strains for instance. We may meet others this night as well. We don’t have time for all of what’s needed, but I’ll give you the short briefing. Pay attention however, because failure to do so might end our existences.”

  “Right.” It was less doubting this time at least.

  Giving the younger Vampire a stern look he started.

  “There are at least six kinds of Vampire, each with different traits. There are three different types of shape shifter that approximate the legends of the werewolf. Most don’t call themselves that however. The main sort can transform into many different kinds of animals, but only one for each individual and prefer to call themselves ‘shifters’. When in doubt, ask what to call someone, as politely as possible. In a conflict you should be able to hold your own with a single one of that kind. In a group, they’ll kill you. They like each other’s company, so keep that in mind.

  “Then there are the other breeds, they are too numerous to mention at the moment, but you’ll eventually run into some of them. Each group holds to their own rules, morals and ethics. Most of them are understanding of youth, but when in doubt, keep to silence if possible. Very few things will be angered by lack of speaking.”

  That led to the part he didn’t really want to mention. He certainly wasn’t going to name anyone else if he could help it. It was said that just speaking the name of a Demon could be enough to summon it. Richard had never tried that, and didn’t want to start then, just in case it was true.

  “There are four kinds of Lesser Demons, one for each of the main cultures in the world. They have different names, but they aren’t things to play with, in the main. You might be tempted to work with one in the future, at some point. It can be done, but if you choose that path take pains to protect yourself. What you should never do, if you can help it at all, is work with a Greater Demon.”

  Like they were going to do in a few minutes. He really needed to get his phone calls done first, before he had to leave, just in case he never made it back. “They can’t be predicted. You can’t outthink them and in a fight it is very difficult to survive one of that sort, much less prevail. Not impossible, but very few are rumored to have done it. One of them is said to be able to use her abilities to enslave our kind against their will. That isn’t the norm. In fact, it’s a new threat that needs to be taken very seriously. Do you understand?” The boy wouldn’t of course, not on the level he needed to, but if he said no, Richard wasn’t going to take him along.

  No one really understood an unknown threat at first. That’s why they were so dangerous. You wouldn’t know what to do, or which way to jump and that would lead a person into death as often as not. It was worse for them, because so few things could do that to a Vampire. How did he explain to someone so young that the very thing he needed to have nightmares about was what they were about to face? In the end he decided not to. It would, he hoped, be enough if Jonas was just very polite. It had work
ed for him with The Mistress of Souls so far. The Technician too, come to think of it. They were two of the small handful of their kind that always seemed reasonable. That was their danger though, wasn’t it? They both took the forms of alluring young women, and seemed so kind and gentle.

  A person could be led into error easily by such, if they weren’t careful.

  “I think I get it.” He shrugged, then spoke, showing more insight than Richard had expected. He was very bright indeed, it seemed. “These are people that I can’t beat and probably can’t understand. I know I don’t want to be anyone’s slave if I can help it.”

  “Good! We’ll go over this in greater depth at a later time. I need to finish some things up. We’re expected at seven, and so far in all my dealings with her, the one we are going to see, has been very prompt.” In fact he only had about fifteen minutes to get everything set up.

  His first wife, Alice, was not at all pleased to hear what the evening held in store and insisted on going along.

  “I won’t let you stand alone against such… monsters.” Her voice was firm and it would have been bothersome if it wasn’t such a potentially dire situation.

  “That isn’t happening dearest. Prepare the others, in case I do not return. I’m not going alone however. Jonas, my new man here at the office, is going with me.” Not that he’d help at all if things started to slide out of control, but it did get his wife to go quiet for a moment, considering something.

  After nearly half a minute she spoke again, her voice most firm indeed.

  “I understand. I hope both of you survive Richard. Tell this new man I wish him the best of luck.”

  “I will.” He didn’t need to however, because Jonas had already heard for himself. Alice didn’t know he was a Vampire of course. He could be a human, being taken as a sacrifice, or to use for trade. It wasn’t the plan, but if need arose he might prove useful that way regardless.

  Then with great deliberation, Richard went and pulled the plastic bag of rum bottles from the ice box. Then, a moment later, recalled the things weren’t referred to that way anymore. Refrigerators they called them now. It was hard to remember things like that at times and would only become harder as he aged. Eventually the very old tended to stop bothering to adapt at all. That tended to be near the end of their lives.

  Carefully he put Maci’s letter in its envelope and placed both in his front jacket pocket, taking a few moments to comb his hair, and suggested that Jonas do the same. First impressions were important after all.

  Then, without warning he felt himself grabbed by the back of the neck and lifted into the air. The world blurred for a moment and he found himself stumbling forward, having to use all his strength not to fly into the undecorated evergreen tree almost directly in front of him.

  Jonas wasn’t as quick and nearly struck a redheaded girl that was dressed like an elf. Another, darker haired young woman moved in and snagged the new Vampire from the air, bringing him to a dead stop. She smiled, setting him upright, then patted his arm gently.

  “Hi! Merry Christmas!”

  Chapter two

  There was music playing and a cold breath of air behind him, which got Richard to look around carefully. It was the Lesser Demon Balthias that stood there, looming, his head just under the ceiling above. It took all the will he had not to move away in fear from the beast, the great horns on his head white and gleaming, the skin a burnt red mixed with brown and the face looking slightly like that of a man if he were part bull. The feet were hooves and the waist and shoulders were covered with long wooly hair. He smelled like a thousand things, but the main one of those was cedar wood. It wasn’t truly unpleasant, but the Demon was still something to behold.

  Jonas was focused on the young ladies in front of him, his attention riveted. That wasn’t really his fault, since there were three of them and each was very attractive in her own way. Too young for this age to consider them as appropriate however. At least two of them were older than that however. Possibly thousands of years old.

  “I’m Keeley, this is my sister Darla… The elf you nearly crushed is Hally.” There was a hand held out to the younger Vampire and he took it, his face pleasant and more than a little clueless.

  “Jonas Carver.” The contact wasn’t a long one and the Demoness didn’t flinch from it, looking happy instead. Like it was just a social call and she didn’t mind the new man being brought along at all.

  Then, there hadn’t really been a choice in the matter, so it wasn’t truly his fault. He’d been planning to ask if Balthias could take him along, but hadn’t had the chance. No doubt the Greater Demon had ordered it.

  Before anything else could happen there was a sound from across the room. It was a dark place, with a lot of exposed wood, but large enough for everyone to have plenty of space. The floors were smoothly polished, but clearly weren’t new. The furniture was however, with a theme that ran to leather in a deep brown, with a lot of girlish looking throw pillows that worked, but weren’t exactly what he’d have expected. The whole place smelled like cinnamon and baked goods. That was coming from the tray being held by the rather nicely dressed white woman that came into the room.

  It wasn’t a racist comment, the woman was one of the Manthori. Her skin was bone colored, her eyes a deep blood red and her mouth held nearly a hundred sharp teeth that were in double rows. They were one of the more distinctive kinds of Vampire. Jonas stared in a way that was a little inappropriate, but managed to break that off pretty quickly, smiling. He very wisely didn’t say anything at all.

  “Oh, good, cookies!” This came from the redheaded elf girl, who was, if Richard had to guess, actually just a human in costume. A cute one too. She looked about the same age as the others, so about sixteen, but had a little more reality to her than The Mistress of Souls did. She was lean, and had an attractive costume. A nice green and red thing made of fake fur. Her shoes didn’t have bells on them, and were sneakers, but the socks were red and white stripes that went past her knees and she had a little cap on to help bring the whole thing together.

  The two Greater Demons were dressed in nice outfits, but they looked casual and practical. Jeans and sweaters. Like they were doing part of the work decorating themselves. The place looked like no one had really started on it yet, but that was probably fine, it was only the fifth day of December after all.

  “Richard!” The Mistress of Souls swooped in on him and surprised him with a small hug. “So glad you could make it. Dinner will be in about half an hour. Can I get you any refreshments while we wait?”

  It wasn’t expected at all and seemed a lot more friendly than not, given he was interrupting what looked like a party. If it had come from anyone else in the world he might have thought he was actually a guest. Almost anyone.

  The Technician moved in and held out her hand shaking professionally.

  “Nice to see you again Richard. Keeley mentioned that you had a letter for us to look at?” She actually blushed and looked away, then shook her head. “Sorry, that was a little too direct of me. Let’s see to those refreshments first. Rebekah? Could you see to that for our new friends here? You should have some insight into what might be needed there.”

  The female Vampire handed the tray she had to the elf, smiling with her mouth closed.

  “My pleasure.” She vanished into the other room, where, from the sound of it, food was being prepared by something a good bit faster than a human.

  Jonas watched her leave, then turned to look at Richard, which was meant to be a subtle glance, but turned into a yelp and some frantic movement. It was directly away from the Lesser Demon, at first, but then the new Vampire jumped forward, putting his body in front of the girls in the room. It was ridiculous of course, but still fairly brave. The boy simply wasn’t a match for the Lesser Demon at all. The look on his face said that he got that too. It was so scared that Balthias laughed.

  The Mistress of Souls patted him on the shoulder gently, but it was the elf girl that spoke.
  “That’s what I said the first time I saw him too. Then there was gibbering and some crying. He’s OK. Really nice in fact.” She smiled and moved past them all, then touched the giant beast on the arm, as if to show how safe he was.

  Jonas actually recovered better than Richard thought he would, chuckling a little.

  “Oh, sorry, I wasn’t trying to be rude. Just startled a bit. Sorry.” It was a little weak sounding, but it got a bow from the giant.

  “It is, as the Lady Hally said, not an uncommon thing. Well met.” The voice was a low rumble that existed on the verge of being too deep for a human to hear, but everyone seemed to be able to in this room. Even the human girl. If she was really just a human at all. They couldn’t count on that.

  The dark haired Demoness gestured to some comfortable looking leather chairs near a fireplace. There was a small blaze going, contained behind a metal screen, popping merrily in time with the music. It wasn’t natural, but Richard was almost certain it was a real fire. The Technician caught him looking and smiled.

  “Keeley insisted we celebrate this year, so I thought I’d add a bit of fun. Not that I have anything against celebrations, but I’ve never been a huge fan of Christian holidays.” She spoke without a lot of emotion, even as her sister rolled her lovely eyes towards the ceiling.

  “It isn’t about religion. Just relax and let yourself have fun with it.”

  Before any kind of argument or deep discussion could take place, a second tray came from what Richard suspected had to be the kitchen. It held an array of meats and cheeses in various combinations. It was all food that he and Jonas could eat he noticed. Well, they could consume anything, but things without carbohydrates were best. Eating too much sugar would make them feel weak and ill. That apparently wasn’t the plan for the evening, as the Vampire Rebekah had made sure they had things that were both attractive and appropriate. Again, a thing that a guest would have been given.


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