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Christmas of the Vampire

Page 3

by P. S. Power

  He didn’t trust it, but he didn’t refuse to eat either. It did look good. Besides that, in their culture being allowed to eat meant you weren’t the lowest in the group. It would have been expected that they be ignored, or perhaps given only blood, but instead they were being treated as equals.

  Rebekah shocked him then by snagging some meat and cheese from the platter herself and having some. It was a bold move, one that marked her as someone to reckon with in her own right, not just a slave. Then she moved the tray so that the others could have something from it, including the Lesser Demon Balthias. That was almost shocking, since Richard knew for a fact that the being was trapped into being there. The lady Vampire explained without waiting, understanding what he had to be thinking.

  “The Mistress of Souls is a kind master. She likes to make certain that all are included in her celebrations. At least those in her favor. Elis, the other of our kind here, isn’t, and he has to stay in his room, waiting, with no entertainment.”

  There was no more explanation on that topic, but sitting alone in a room, if that was the actual punishment, was a lot less harsh than what he would have expected. She wasn’t even starving him it sounded like. That was how it was normally done. Vampires didn’t sleep in coffins, they were pinned in them against their will, staked in place so they couldn’t easily get out, and then starved until they died for the final time. It wasn’t a thing that anyone wanted to get around of course, so when that happened it was almost always others of their own kind doing it.

  They all settled in comfortably enough, the elf jumping to her feet to get them beverages. It turned out to be hot chocolate, which he thanked her for and pretended to sip at. It was a kind gesture, but he couldn’t really handle the sugar in it. They made small talk, which ended up being mainly about holiday plans and what church he and his wives planned to attend. He hadn’t decided yet, but it was a good idea. Politicians all attended some kind of religious meetings to make themselves seem more moral and good. Jonas looked baffled, but the Greater Demon that Rich had heard called Keeley explained it to him.

  “Perception is very important. If you plan to work with the public you need to keep that in mind. Especially as a Republican. We should get you a cross tie tack. Some new ties too. That’s the only one you have, right?” She pointed at the blue and black stripped thing casually, which got the younger man to look both baffled and slightly embarrassed.

  “Um, well, that easy to tell? It wasn’t really a thing for me before. After I left Coretechs, because of my change, I didn’t really need them and even before that, work was pretty casual about what the I.T. guys wore. It was a sweet job. Good pay and when we put in notices to the head office about people doing stupid things like putting magnets on the side of their computer towers, they made sure it never happened again.” He grinned and shook his head a little. “Which no one here cares about at all. Sorry.”

  Oddly enough that got a chuckle from The Technician. She looked alive and happy suddenly, staring right at Jonas, her blue eyes nearly jewel like.

  “Oohhh. Richard, I like this one. Once you have him trained, make sure he comes back to me. I’ll set him up as the head of the national I.T. department. So nice to hear a former employee speak well of the company.”

  Before he could say anything in response to try and protect the man the other Demoness spoke up, her voice just slightly hard.

  “Sorry sis… He’s with Richard and that puts him firmly as one of my people. If you want to poach him we’ll have to work out a trade.” She smiled then and looked directly at Jonas and then Rich. “Not that you two are property, but there are rules to things like this. It really might be a good thing for you though Jonas. Darla owns Coretechs, and as you mentioned, it’s a good company. I have a job there too. Part time, in the mailroom.”

  The talk of work and religion stopped then, since the meal was announced by a woman dressed like a chef, in a white smock and cute red hat. She was about forty as far as looks went, but when the scent hit him from across the room he realized she wasn’t human at all. What she was, he didn’t know, but it wasn’t normal, that was for certain. She smiled though and directed him to his seat in the other room, which had a solid gold goblet in the center of the place setting, instead of a plate. To his right was a similar set up for Jonas, the cup identical, except that it was made of silver. He couldn’t help staring at the implied wealth of those vessels. Who just happened to have a set of things like that sitting around? It was clearly designed to show separation in rank, without slighting anyone.

  The meal went well, with multiple courses. At each they were given a different type of blood, not just goat. There was cow too, which he was very used to, plus something he didn’t really recognize clearly, but had encountered before, long ago. He thought it might have been wild deer. That was followed by a mix of human blood. It was very good, but he almost balked at the idea, having been trying to keep himself from imbibing. It had rich energy links, with connections to at least six people. All living.

  Rebekah saw his face twitch and figured it out without needing anything to be said.

  “From a blood bank. Live donors, all paid for their efforts. I’m hoping to tempt you into not banning that as part of your reforms. I think that a lot of us on the fence might be more willing to make some changes if that’s left to us. I understand that some would like the willing to be kept on as blood sources as well.” She didn’t elaborate and didn’t have to.

  It was a large concern in their community. Also a bit heavy handed to push human on him at a meal with Greater Demons, knowing he couldn’t respond any way other than politely. As it was, the only thing that kept him calm was the Christmas music coming over the wall mounted speakers. It was a lot better quality than was normal. There was almost no perceptible distortion at all.

  “I’ll think on the subject. Next time just ask.” Centuries of unlife had taught him how to manage his anger, so he didn’t lash out. It was a good thing, since he still needed to show the letter to the Demons and get out alive. Being upset wouldn’t help him in that at all, so he didn’t allow himself the luxury.

  Besides, the girl was probably right. If they could open facilities, ones that told people what they were really doing, or at least what the blood was for, and paid for the services rendered, it would probably be alright. As far as that went he didn’t really have anything against the idea of Vampires feeding on people, as long as it was consensual. Too many of their kind just took without asking though. Especially the Manthori. They didn’t have the looks to seduce things from people without use of mental coercion.

  That Rebekah wasn’t demanding he not try and change anything at all was probably a sign that she was a good person. If they were ever going to be accepted as part of the world, they had to have rules in place, ones that were followed. He almost started into his speech about how what he was doing wasn’t for the ones like him and Jonas, who could easily pass as human, but for the Vampires like her, that should be allowed to go to church and the local shopping center, without being hunted or feared. Luckily a new topic came up, presented by Hally the elf, which distracted them all.

  “I was thinking that we could pool our money and sponsor a child for Christmas.” She blushed, looking around the table then, probably realizing that no one else would understand what she meant.

  “At school, we have this tree and there are names on it, of kids who probably won’t get any presents for Christmas, because their families are too poor. I don’t have a lot of money myself, but I thought that we could maybe get together to make at least one kid happy.” Her eyes went to the plate in front of her, which had something that looked like an English spice pudding on it.

  Oddly enough, even though everyone else at the table was a Demon or a Vampire, all the heads were nodding, at least slightly.

  The Technician tilted her head.

  “Alright, I’m in. Let me know how much you need and how many children we have to cover. I noticed that sad looking
little tree in the hallway. It would be fitting for us to do something about it.” She sounded pleased, for all her words were slightly cold. “You in Keels?”

  There was a shrug and a nod from her as well. It was strange to hear The Mistress of Souls referred to in so familiar a fashion, but it was just as strange to hear them planning to give gifts to the needy. Rich kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. For there to be a catch, or a hook. Something that would make it serve them directly. Nothing was spoken. They just offered up the funds for the project without concern for what it would cost them.

  Jonas sipped his blood for a bit before speaking.

  “I could throw in a couple of dollars I think. Once I get paid I mean.” He looked at Richard and smiled. “I mean, if we live through the night. Balthias seems really nice though, so maybe it will be OK? I was kind of told that The Mistress of Souls was a real bad ass and it was strongly hinted we might not make it through the night. So, you know, any tips on how to survive that would be appreciated.” There was a happy lilt to his voice.

  Richard wondered if they’d even make it through the next few seconds. Greater Demons could be extremely touchy about titles. To make it worse Jonas turned and smiled at Keeley.

  “Maybe you and I could go to the other room and chat about it Keeley?” Now he sounded hopeful, as if he wouldn’t mind a little bit of female company. It was almost charming enough, if she’d been a real girl. Heavy handed, but on that line that most women actually loved. It made them feel just special enough without being offended.

  Instead of a rush of death or storm of anger she… nodded and smiled gently. It was very pretty, but could mean anything, except for the fact that her words were nearly as gentle.

  “Possibly, though we should all go and discuss that letter now I think. As for the Mistress of Souls… I don’t think you need to worry. I hardy bite at all, and really, I bet you can’t say the same.” She stood then, smoothly, with a grace that should have been a sign to the man, and might have been, if his mind wasn’t still playing catch up. It took longer than it should have but his mouth finally dropped open.

  “Oh…” Then, thankfully, he stopped talking.

  They were brought drinks in the other room, again by the elf, who had a tray this time and handed him a spiced rum drink that was actually something he could get down. It wasn’t too strong either, since his heightened senses didn’t really need it. It was good and carried just a hint of clove, cinnamon and licorice. Jonas drank his too fast, not savoring it, as if the alcohol could actually affect him in any way.

  The Demons all had eggnog, as did Hally. From the scent hers didn’t have rum in it though. Probably a sign that she was actually no older than she looked. Rebekah had the same thing he did and made a small salute with the clear glass mug in her hand.

  “To Christmas.” Her words were clear, even past all the teeth. That meant she wasn’t young. It would take decades, at least, to learn to do that.

  “To Christmas!” Everyone joined in and raised their glass.

  Then, without waiting, hoping he could get out while everyone was still in a good mood, Richard pulled the letter from his pocket and moved to deliver it to the Mistress of Souls, bowing a little as he did. She set her drink down on the low table beside her fine chair and examined it, first looking at the envelope, then taking it out and looking at the piece of paper inside. She didn’t speak for nearly a minute, then passed it to The Technician, who did much the same. After a few moments the blonde got up and vanished, but only after handing the two things to Rebekah, who sniffed them both for a long time.

  “Written by an immature female. One that had been eating pasta and cheese. She was very scared. The crayon used is a common brand.” Then she held the papers, not knowing what to do with them for a few seconds, finally passing them to the girl dressed like an elf.

  She tried to look at them too, her face screwing up as she did.

  “Um… it says… ‘Help… Santa stoled mean Greater Demon…’ I think there is a name here, but I can’t read it. The picture is obviously Santa though. I mean, he looks a bit thin, but look at the hat. If the Greater Demon is the woman wrapping him up, that might mean something.”

  The Mistress of Souls nodded.

  “My thoughts on the matter too. This is clearly a note from a young girl that saw Santa Claus being kidnapped by a Greater Demon and who decided to report it to the only human authority that might believe her. A known Vampire. That speaks of intelligence.” She stood and looked across the room at where the blonde Demoness suddenly appeared, holding a flat metal bar with engravings on it.

  She waved a hand for the letter, which got Hally to hop up with decent speed to deliver it. Then she flattened the paper on the side table, moving the whole thing to the empty space between them all. Slowly she ran the flat silver and copper metal piece down the page, words appearing on the back of it as she did.

  “It tells us what the intent of each word was, when it was written. This says ‘Please help me. Santa Claus has been kidnapped by an evil Greater Demon that has been threatening me. Her name is Ma’at…’ naturally.” There was a gusty sigh and a shake of the head. “Of course it would be her. No one else would bother torturing a little human child by taking Santa Claus. Well, this is rather a headache, isn’t it?”

  Two things happened then, at nearly the same time. Hally stood and looked concerned and Jonas asked a simple question. It was one of those things he probably shouldn’t have spoken out loud, but at least it wasn’t him trying to pick up a Greater Demon.

  “Wait, Santa is real?”

  Balthias, grumbled a little, laughing at the ignorance of the man across from him. The Vampire, who should have known better.

  “Yes. He is as I am. A being made of energy. The thoughts of children from all over the world have created him, and he is a most powerful being. He embodies the feeling of the season, just as I am the Lord of Fear. The threat to this… Maci, must be very dire indeed, if he sought to protect her from a Greater Demon. It is not a thing to take on, if other options would serve.” Unspoken was the idea that letting the girl die was exactly such a thing to try first. At least for Balthias.

  No one spoke for a moment, until Hally took a deep breath and pulled herself up, looking brave and scared at the same time. Richard could smell her fear, a delicious thing that made him want to chase her, just a little. Jonas actually moved forward on his seat, which got The Technician to glare at him long enough he forced himself back.

  “We have to help her.” Hally said, her voice slightly higher in pitch than it had been. “Santa too, if we can. I’ll…” For a second it seemed like she was going to sit down, which would have been the wise course of action, but then she kept going, which would, no doubt, bring trouble for all of them. “I’ll do it. I’ll go and find this girl and Santa and save him. If I can.” She seemed determined, if nothing else.

  How she planned to find anyone Richard didn’t know. Indeed he really expected the others to tell her to sit down and let the grownups talk. The prudent thing to do would have been to leave the girl. It was his responsibility to see to her, if she was from his new territory, but no one would expect him to take on a Demon for her. Not even Hally seemed to think that.

  No, she planned to go alone.

  Of course she couldn’t even drive yet, so there was little enough chance of that.

  “Darla, can I borrow some money? I promise I’ll pay it back. It may take a while, but… I might need to get a plane ticket or two.” There was an odd sense of steel and purpose to the words. Why that was, Richard Swerlin didn’t know, but he certainly couldn’t let a young girl go off and die alone. He considered sending Jonas for a minute, but then decided to see what the Demons had to say about it all. It wasn’t really his business after all.

  He really doubted that they’d let their servant run off alone like that just to save a children’s fantasy. That turned out to be correct, after a fashion.

  “Keeley and I will see to
Ma’at. While we arrange for that, the rest of you can go and find Maci and then see if you can free Santa from whatever she used to trap him. It might be too much for you, but we’ll try to keep in touch.” The Technician stood, her sister joining her after a few seconds.

  “What?” It was the giant Lesser Demon that spoke. “You intend to send Lady Hally into danger? That… I do not understand it. I cannot face a Greater Demon and protect her at the same time.” He seemed very nearly angry over the idea, which got a small nod from Rebekah.

  Whatever else they were, these beings loved their human girl it seemed.

  The darker Demoness waved a hand at them all, a strange move that carried more meaning than it should have.

  “We have to send her. Maci is a five year old girl. I don’t know what she’s been through, but if a Greater Demon has been anywhere near her life, she’s probably seen more fear and terror than a person ten times her age. Ma’at isn’t exactly known for being sweet and gentle either. We can’t just send three Vampires and a Lesser Demon at the child and expect her to deal with it. What would you do if you suddenly saw the rest of you coming out of the night?”

  Jonas looked embarrassed and ducked his head.

  “Uh, scream like a little girl?”

  “Exactly. A sensible response too. But a girl in an elf costume, come to help save her and Santa, that almost makes sense.” She looked at her lighter sister and waited, as if not certain what to do then. That got a nod. “First we need to find Maci and Ma’at. Hopefully not at the same location. If they are… Well, then Keeley and I will go in alone. The rest of you wouldn’t even be enough of a distraction to be worth the effort of throwing you at her bodily.” She smiled and wrinkled her nose a little, seeming almost cute about it. “I mean that too. Even you Balthias. She isn’t nice like me, locking you in a bottle for a hundred years. I can’t even imagine what she’s been doing to Santa.”

  There was a silence in the room then and The Technician, sighed.


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