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A Life Changing Encounter

Page 8

by Alexa Kane

  “Like it? Kyle, I love it, did you pick this yourself?” If so, then he has amazing taste.

  “Yep, there’s a matching g-string in the box too but you can’t wear a bra because the back dips, that’s why I picked that one over another one. It’s got some built-in pads or some shit, I don’t really understand but it should keep your boobs in place.”

  Chuckling, I walk over to Kyle and softly kiss him on the lips, “Thank you Kyle, you’re amazing. What’s the work thing tonight?”

  “I didn’t really listen, I haven’t been to one in a while and my boss got mad at me over it. He said I am dropping the ball and need to pick my game up, somehow that means socializing with a bunch of snobs. I thought it would be more fun if I took you.”

  “Oh I see, so you’re dragging me along for entertainment?” Not that I mind in the least, it feels like we will actually be going out on a real date.

  “No,” he leans in to whisper in my ear, “I’m taking you so I have something to look at. Oh, and I wouldn’t mind a quick fuck in the bathroom for payment for the dress I got you.”

  “Kyle, I’m not fucking you in the bathroom, you would ruin this dress and you would definitely ruin my hair. Speaking of hair, I should start getting ready. What time do we have to leave?”

  “An hour or so,” he shrugs.

  “An hour!” Does he not understand women at all? “Kyle get out, I need to get ready and that’s not much time.”

  Stripping off, I jump into the shower and wash myself down in a matter of minutes.

  When I get out of the shower, Kyle is down to his boxers and when he sees me he looks disappointed, “But we normally have sex in the shower.”

  “Not tonight Kyle, I need to get ready and I can’t do that with you loitering, go back to your own apartment and come back when it’s time to leave.” If this party is going to be as fancy as I’m expecting it to be then I have work to do.

  “Fine,” he huffs. Picking up his clothes he sulks out of the bathroom and a few minutes later I hear the front door slam.

  Panicking over how little time I have to get ready; I pull out my makeup and get to work.

  Kyle walks back into my bedroom about an hour later when I have only just finished my hair and makeup. He looks gorgeous in a full suit and I am floored by how attractive I find him right now.

  I mean he always looks damn fine but there’s something about a man in a suit.

  “I think I like being ogled by you.”

  “Huh?” did he say something?

  “I like the way you check me out all the time, most girls do it subtly but you stare at me with your mouth hanging open and I like it.”

  Embarrassed at being caught checking him out and not aware that my mouth was hanging open, I drop my towel and pull on the g-string that Kyle brought me.

  A loud groan catches my attention and I turn around to see Kyle biting his knuckles, “Is something wrong?”

  He removes his knuckles to say, “You look, fuck, put the shoes on.”


  “Here,” he opens the box and pulls out some sky-high heels, “Put them on.”

  Doing as I’m told, I slowly put the heels on and then start modeling my outfit, or lack of one in my case.

  Kyle must be looking at me like I was looking at him earlier and I see what he means, it feels pretty good to be ogled like this. “Do you want to help me with my dress?”

  He doesn’t tear his eyes away from my body as he says, “No, I want to stay here.”

  “But then you will get in trouble with your boss,” I tease.

  “Don’t care, can’t leave this room without fucking you or I’ll have a huge boner the whole night.”

  “But you’ll mess up my hair,” I whine. I spent ages getting it just right and there is no way Kyle can have sex with me and leave it alone.

  I’m confused when he runs from the room but when he returns a few seconds later with a chair and begins stripping out of his suit, I catch on pretty quick.

  He sits naked in the chair and wraps his hands around the back legs, “I promise I’ll be good, just sit on me but leave the heels on, in fact stay just like that, you’re perfect.”

  Feeling pretty good about myself, I grab a condom from my bedside drawer and saunter over to Kyle’s naked body. When I roll the condom down his thick cock he groans but surprisingly he doesn’t move his hands. Then I straddle him and pulling my g-string to the side, I slide down onto Kyle’s hard cock.

  Almost instantly, his hands come up to grab my waist but then he catches himself and goes back to gripping the chair legs. “Fuck Pretty Girl, I don’t know how long I’m going to last.”

  Slowly moving my body up and down I take great pleasure in watching his eyes roam my body. I’ve never felt sexy before but with Kyle it’s like I’m the sexist woman on earth.

  It’s an empowering feeling and his moans and groans spur me on until I’m riding his cock hard and fast. When I shatter around him, I feel his release and I have to grab his shoulders for balance.

  Kyle’s breathing is heavy and I’m sure mine is the same, “That was intense Pretty Girl.”

  “Tell me about it,” scared of the feelings that are flooding to the surface and afraid of what I might say, I run to the bathroom and get cleaned up.

  Kyle follows me in and places his hands on my waist, pulling my body slightly so our lowers halves are touching, I feel him kiss my shoulder softly before he says, “Your hair still looks beautiful.”

  “Good,” I whisper, still slightly out of breath, “Will you help me get dressed?”

  He runs his hands over my stomach and up to my breasts, “Sure.”

  Around forty-five minutes later we are pulling up outside one of Seattle’s nicest hotels that looks rather empty for having a big event on tonight. When we walk inside it becomes clear that we are later than I thought, everyone is already seated at a table and I glare at Kyle to let him know that he is in trouble.

  He doesn’t seem to have a care in the world though and walks confidently over to his allocated seat. To my surprise, I find my name printed elegantly on a small piece of paper which is soon replaced with a bowl of soup.

  For some reason, I expected my tag to read Kyle’s date or plus one and it only makes me like him so much more that tonight has been so well planned.

  Well, except for being late.

  Throughout the course of the meal, I am introduced to a bunch of people but their names and occupations go in one ear and out the other. I’m finding it hard to concentrate with Kyle proudly telling everyone that I teach the first grade.

  Charles hated telling people what I did, it’s like he was embarrassed of my occupation but Kyle is busy telling everyone about our field trip to the aquarium.

  Halfway through dinner, Kyle gets a text and pulls his phone out of his pocket. He gets this stupid smile on his face while he is staring at his phone and when he looks up at me it’s almost like he has tears in his eyes. “Do you want to see something amazing?”

  “Always,” especially if it makes him look like that. Kyle showing that much emotion is doing something to my insides and if we hadn’t already had sex before we came here, I think I would be asking Kyle to go to the bathroom with me.

  He leans closer to me so that I can see his phone and I can’t help the stupid smile that crosses my face, “She’s beautiful Kyle.”

  Eva is holding a beautiful baby girl in her arms and Mason is holding both of them like he is never going to let them go.

  I would love nothing more than to find someone that loved me as much as Mason loves Eva, just the look on his face says it all.

  “Her name is Emily, I would normally ditch something like this and run straight to the hospital but when Eva gave birth to Olivia, I snuck past the nurses and busted straight into their room.” He takes a moment to chuckle slightly, “Eva had her breasts out and was trying to get Olivia to latch on, as soon as Mason saw me he lost his shit and Olivia started wailing, then nurses ca
me running in and yelled at me. It was this whole scene so now I’m banned from hospitals whenever Eva has a baby. I’ll have to wait until tomorrow.” He seems really dejected that he has to wait to meet his niece but I think it’s sweet that his family means so much to him.

  “It’s pretty late anyway Kyle, I’m sure they will be going to sleep soon, why don’t I set my alarm extra early for you tomorrow?” I would love nothing more than to go with him but that goes beyond the boundaries of our relationship, or lack of one.

  “Thanks Pretty Girl, that would mean a lot to me.” Kyle finishes off his dinner but he keeps glancing at the picture on his phone and his mood seems to have only gotten better as the meal progresses.

  Straight after desert, Kyle tells the table that he wants to dance with me but when we get a few feet from the table, he informs me that the only dancing we will be doing tonight is in the bathroom.

  I start to open my mouth to try and persuade him to wait until later when a body steps in our way.

  A body that belongs to Charles.

  Fucking. Great.

  Mustering up the fakest smile I can muster I say, “Hi Charles.”

  “Why Jessie, don’t you look beautiful tonight.”

  Eww, I used to love it when Charles said nice things to me but now it just feels wrong.

  “It’s Jessica,” looking up at Kyle I can see his jaw ticking. For some reason it really bothers him that Charles still uses my nickname.

  Just when I thought this situation couldn’t get any worse, Charles’ new girlfriend walks up and places her hand on his arm.

  She seems taken aback when her eyes land on Kyle but then she smiles.

  She fucking smiles at Kyle.

  My Kyle.

  “Hi Kyle,” she practically purrs his name and it makes me sick.

  The image of them fucking at Kyle’s Christmas party seems to be the only thing playing in my mind right now and it won’t stop.

  She’s stunning.

  Blonde, tall, luscious breasts that are spilling out of her dress, she’s so beautiful that I could picture her on the cover of a magazine and I become instantly jealous.

  I also hate her.

  It’s completely irrational but I hate this woman more than I have ever hated anyone before.

  Kyle moves my body so that I’m now standing in front of him and he wraps his arms around me from behind. “Sup,” he says awkwardly.

  Charles’ eyes move down to where Kyle’s hands are placed on my body and they seem to darken.

  “It’s so good to see you again, we must catch up.” I don’t like the way that she says ‘catch up’, it seems to have a hidden meaning.

  He clears his throat awkwardly, “Um nah, I’m good, have you met Jessica?”

  She gives me a once over and doesn’t seem very impressed with what she sees, she nods in my direction as some form of greeting and then reattaches herself to Charles.

  Charles introduces her to us as his girlfriend Annabelle and I hate that she has a nice name, I also hate her face and the fact that she has had sex with Kyle.

  I wonder if it’s too early to leave?

  After a few minutes of awkward small talk we manage to slip away to the dance floor, Kyle wraps his arms around me and we begin moving slowly to the music.

  Placing my head on his chest I get the feeling that I’m not good enough for him, he has probably slept with hundreds of girls that are as beautiful as Annabelle and there is no way that he is satisfied with just me.

  It’s clear that Annabelle would drop her panties for Kyle in a heartbeat and it makes me sad to think that he will be able to move on from me so quickly.

  My mood improves as we dance but my self-esteem is still at an all-time low.

  When Kyle whispers in my ear that he’s ready to go, I jump at the chance to leave but I make a quick stop at the restroom first.

  My plans of a quick escape are dashed when I find Charles standing outside the bathroom door, “Are you waiting for Annabelle?

  “No, I’m waiting for you,” he gently grabs my arm and pulls me around the corner to an empty hallway.

  “What do you want Charles? I’m about to go home.”

  “I made a mistake,” he brings one hand up to cup my face but I push it away, “It’s only ever been you Jessie but I’m only just now realizing it. I was a fool to push you away and if you take me back, I promise I’ll marry you.”

  “Take me back? Marry me? Are you high?” He never once wanted to talk about marriage when we were together and now all of a sudden it’s like I should be pleased he would even consider it an option.

  “No Jessie, I’m the clearest I have been in months, I love you and I want you back.”

  “No,” I say harshly. He only wants me back now because I’ve moved on.

  “You really think that you have a future with Kyle? He fucked my girlfriend Jessie and I’m sure he’s fucked countless others while he’s been with you. Don’t be so naïve.”

  His words cut me deep but they aren’t true, they can’t be true, “Kyle already told me that he slept with Annabelle, unlike you, he’s honest with me.”

  He seems surprised that I already know about Annabelle and I figure that must have been his secret weapon to get me to run back to him.

  His eyes darken and then he lashes out one more time, “Where is he now huh? I bet you anything that he is fucking her right now.”

  “Sorry to disappoint but I’m not fucking anyone,” Kyle walks around the corner and he does not look happy, “Although, I imagine that’s exactly what you wanted to happen when you told your girlfriend to corner me and drop her dress to the floor.”

  “What?” I ask, feeling completely nauseated with the image of her standing naked in front of Kyle.

  “That’s right,” he walks straight up to me and pulls me close, tucking my small body underneath his arm. “Apparently Charles here gave her a free pass for the night to fuck me, she was rather fond of the idea until I turned her down.”

  “You turned her down,” Charles grinds out, obviously not happy that his plan to win me back didn’t work.

  I can’t believe this.

  How can someone stoop so low?

  What I ever saw in Charles to begin with eludes me because right now I’m disgusted with myself that I ever let him into my bed and even more horrified that I fell in love with him.

  Kyle squeezes me reassuringly and begins to walk us towards the exit but not before having one last dig at my ex, “Why would I fuck someone else when I have everything I need right here?”

  Chapter 15


  I’m back in the office this week but I would much rather be on another field trip with Jessica’s class. That shit was fun.

  Aubrey, one of the interns that I made the mistake of fucking last year has come into my office about three times so far today.

  It’s getting close to lunch time and I’m about to call it quits for the day.

  She’s hot, with her dark red hair and fake tits but I don’t remember her being this clingy and she doesn’t seem to understand that I can’t fuck her.

  Just as I am about to leave for lunch, she waltzes back into my office and shuts the door. I don’t miss the fact that she flicks the lock into place, “Hey Kyle, do you want me to go and get you some lunch?”

  “No thanks, I was just about to go and get something myself,” and never ever come back.

  She struts over to my desk and perches her butt on the edge, rather close to my chair, “I could be your lunch.”

  “No thanks Aubrey, take a hint,” I go to stand but she pushes me back down onto my chair.

  She starts licking her lips and unbuttoning her shirt, “Don’t be like that Kyle, you know you can’t resist me.”

  Aubrey’s shirt is now all the way off and her bra is thrown in my lap.

  Groaning, I place my hands over my face in annoyance, I can’t believe this girl, we only fucked once, or was it twice? I can’t remember.

’m startled by the feel of her body settling onto my lap, “Shit Aubrey, get off me, I can’t do this.”

  Why are women all of a sudden trying to have sex with me? I’m really happy sleeping with Jessica but it’s like the world all of a sudden thinks that I need to be tested.

  Like it can’t believe that I can be monogamous.

  “Why not?” she rocks her crotch over mine and pokes her chest out so her tits are in my face but my crotch doesn’t even react.

  Pushing her off me, I get up and go to reposition my dick when I realize that it’s not even hard, “Wait, my dicks not hard.”

  “I can help with that,” she walks over and rubs her hand over my crotch but still nothing.

  Jumping away like her touch has burned my skin, I become worried, I wasn’t going to fuck her because I meant what I said to Jessica but my dick should still be at least semi hard after that.

  After all, it doesn’t take much to get me going.

  Grabbing my things, I high tail it out of my office. I can hear a squeal of protest behind me but it’s not my fault that she’s topless and the rest of the office can now see her tits.

  Jumping in my car, I wonder if I should go home or go straight to a doctor. Maybe I should double check that it’s not working first, after all, I wasn’t keen on Aubrey as soon as she walked in.

  Grabbing my phone, I start looking up naked chicks but no matter how many I look at, it’s the same thing…nothing.

  My dick’s still soft.

  Panicking I drive straight to Mason’s house, he’ll know what to do. When I arrive, I see Jayden putting the trash out so I grab him and haul him into Mason’s house next door.

  The three of us take a seat in the living room and I become nervous, what if something is seriously wrong with my dick?

  “What’s this about Kyle? Ashley will wonder where I am soon.”

  “This is serious Jayden, I think, I think my dick is broken.” All I get in response is two blank stares, “I’m sorry but I think this calls for a little more panic.”

  Mason leans back in his chair, “Why don’t you elaborate?”

  “Okay fine, so I’ve been sleeping with this chick and I said I wouldn’t sleep with anyone else and I haven’t. Today one of the interns that I fucked last year came into my office, stripped off and tried to fuck me. I pushed her away but then realized my dick was still soft, like not even a little bit hard. I jumped in my car and started looking up naked chicks on my phone but still nothing. This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me. My dick is broken!”


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