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A Life Changing Encounter

Page 9

by Alexa Kane

  There is a slight pause and then both Mason and Jayden burst out laughing.

  This shit isn’t funny, it’s fucking serious.

  It could be life threatening.

  Jayden is still laughing but manages to pull out his phone and push a few buttons, the next thing I know, I have Alex on speakerphone.

  Mason lights up and exclaims ‘good idea’ before tapping away on his phone, Cage’s voice comes through loud and clear a few minutes later.

  They make me explain the entire story again but I’m hoping that Alex and Cage will be a little more helpful. Alex probably not but surely Cage will take this seriously.

  As it turns out, no one takes my dick seriously.

  The four of them are laughing so hard that Mason falls off his chair and Jayden has tears running down his face, “Fuck you guys, this shit is serious and you’re just making fun of me.”

  Just as I’m about to storm out of my so-called best friend’s house, Mason calls out, “Go see Jessica.”

  What kind of advice is that?

  No magic remedy or no you’re not going to die, just go see Jessica.

  He’s fucking crazy.

  One thing is for sure though, I won’t be coming back here in a hurry.

  I start driving towards my parent’s house but think better of it at the last minute, if I tell my dad I’m having sex with this one particular girl then he might tell Mom and who knows what crazy shit she will get up too.

  Taking Mason’s stupid advice I decide to go and see my Pretty Girl, hopefully when I show her my broken dick, she won’t laugh at me.

  When I enter her apartment I’m surprised to see that she’s home and I’m even more surprised when I see her with her arms wrapped around another dude. She is looking at him like she is in love with him or some shit.

  This is fucking bullshit.

  I promised not to sleep with anyone else but so did she.

  I feel fucking betrayed.

  This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me and I feel enraged, slamming the door to her apartment shut, I yell, “Who the fuck is this?”

  The guilty parties jump apart and Jessica stares at me in shock while the dude is looking at me weirdly.

  He should be running for his fucking life.

  “Kyle, don’t be rude-”

  “Don’t be rude, are you fucking kidding me right now? How about you tell this fuck head to get out of our apartment.”

  He raises one eyebrow and has the audacity to ask, “Our apartment?”

  Jessica’s eyes widen until they look like saucers and she turns to this dude with her hands raised, “I can explain, it’s not like that.”

  Hang on, why does she owe this guy an explanation, has she forgotten I’m here or something? “I would like an explanation, because I had the chance to fuck someone today and I turned her down…FOR YOU!”

  “Wait,” Jessica’s attention is now back on me and she looks pissed, well that makes two of us, “You were going to fuck someone today?”

  “No, one of the fucking interns came into my office and threw her bra on my lap, she tried to fuck me and I said no, she even put her hand on my dick, which brings me to another problem…I think my dick is broken.”

  She crosses her arms over her chest and pops her hip out, I love it when she stands like that, “So let me get this straight, you had a naked intern in your office and she touched your dick but you didn’t fuck her because your dick is broken?”

  “What? No, that’s not it at all. First of all, she was only half naked and when I pushed her away I realized my dick was still soft so she said she could help with that and touched it but I panicked and ran away. The whole office saw her tits when I ran, ask anyone, I didn’t fuck her, I promise.”

  “Why was she in your office in the first place?” she asks quietly.

  Stepping closer to Pretty Girl, I wrap my arms around her, “I’m sorry Pretty Girl, I fucked her sometime last year and I guess she wanted another round. She kept coming into my office and she must have figured that if she stripped off I would fuck her but she’s wrong. I only have eyes for you Pretty Girl.”

  “Really?” she asks with these damn adorable puppy dog eyes.

  “Yes, really,” leaning down, I take her lips with mine. My hands reach around to cup her ass and all of a sudden a familiar sensation comes flooding back. Pulling back from Jessica, I grab my crotch then exclaim, “My dick’s working! Mason was right, he said to come see you and now my dick’s working again. How the hell did he know that would work?”

  I owe him an apology; he is one clued up dude.


  “Yeah, I looked at a bunch of naked chicks on my phone in my truck but my dick was still soft so I panicked and drove to Mason’s house. Mason, Jayden, Alex and Cage all laughed at me but Mason was right that I should come see you. You got my dick working again Pretty Girl!”

  Jessica doesn’t look excited like she should be, it’s a miracle that my dick’s not broken. “Um, I’m not sure, is that, I feel like I should be offended by some of that.”

  “And I feel like I’m going to be sick.”

  Turning my attention back to the dude I had forgotten about, I say, “Why are you still here?”

  Jessica shoves me, hard, “Kyle, that’s my brother.”

  “Oh,” whoops, “My bad.” Holding my hand out for him to shake, I have to wait a few seconds for him to return the gesture. “I’m Kyle.”

  “I’m Dylan,” he says cautiously.

  “Sorry about earlier, when I saw you all embraced and shit I thought you were fucking and got mad, no hard feelings?” My dick isn’t broken and this dude that was hugging Pretty Girl turns out to be her brother, this is the best fucking day ever.

  “I guess not?” Dude seems pretty confused still but I can’t help feeling like I’m the king of the world right now.

  “Cool, so how about I take you both out to dinner?”

  Chapter 16


  I’m not sure whether I should be concerned or happy that Kyle and Dylan get on so well.

  I guess it makes me happy as it would be awkward as hell if they didn’t like each other but it just makes it harder since Kyle fits so well into my life but we can never be more than what we are.

  Fuck buddies.

  Even though he’s pretty much been living at my house since we met and he has been bringing more and more of his stuff over, he still hates labels and we can never be in an official relationship.

  I have no idea how Alice did this for three years, it’s only been three months and I’m already in so deep that I’m not sure how I’m going to get out.

  Kyle has brought us to a really nice restaurant and has insisted that he is footing the bill and we should order anything we want. Dylan seems to think nothing of this but it makes me feel uncomfortable, it’s easy to forget that Kyle has money and I’m worried that if we keep going places like this it’s going to become obvious that I don’t fit into his world.

  Kyle ducks off to the bathroom just after we order and I try to avoid eye contact with Dylan, I can tell that he has been dying to ask me questions ever since Kyle stormed into my apartment exclaiming that his dick was broken.

  Which is still one conversation that I’m not sure I understand.

  Dylan’s smile is almost contagious, “So, where the hell did you find this guy?”

  I sigh heavily, I hate revealing this part, “You remember that guy Alice slept with on and off for years.”

  “Vaguely,” he nods his head but seems confused.

  “Well, that’s him,” I gesture in the direction of the bathroom.

  Dylan’s smile is fully gone from his face now, “So…now that Alice is engaged, she has given him to you?”

  “Gee thanks,” that’s exactly how I feel, like I have gotten someone’s leftovers or Kyle is only with me because the girl he really wants is now taken.

  “I’m sorry, that’s not what I meant but Alice always des
cribed him as a good time only kind of guy. If I remember correctly, he unlocked your apartment door with his own key.” His raised eyebrow isn’t helping right now.

  Muttering under my breath I say, “Yeah, a key that he had cut himself.”

  Dylan bursts out laughing, “How the hell did he manage that?”

  “I have no idea, made friends with my landlord I think,” it’s still a mystery to me how that one happened.

  After a moment, he starts nodding his head like he has come to some kind of conclusion. “He seems like a good guy Jess and you’re happy, really happy so he must be doing something right.”

  “I am happy but you are right about him being in it for a good time only, we have no future together.” Which is not something I like to be reminded about, it’s easy to forget what things are really like when we spend so much time on our own.

  Dylan however, doesn’t look convinced, “Are you sure? Because the dude I saw today can only get an erection from you and that can only mean he is well and truly sunk.”

  “What do you mean?” Dylan doesn’t answer though as Kyle sits back down at the table, so I’m left reeling over his comment. How can that mean that he is sunk? And what does sunk even really mean?

  Guys can be so confusing; I’ll have to get Dylan alone later.

  I’m still mulling over his comments that I only partially listen to their conversation. “So Dylan, what do you do in LA?”

  “I have a digital print company, we print large scale items like billboards etc.”

  “That’s pretty cool, can you print on t-shirts?” I roll my eyes at this, Kyle is probably already planning t-shirt ideas in his mind.

  “Um, we can print on canvas and a whole bunch of other media so yeah I guess we could do t-shirts too.”

  “That’s awesome, what brings you up here?”

  “We are trying to expand and I want to buy this new printer which will increase the quality of our prints but it’s expensive so I have a meeting with a potential investor tomorrow.”

  “How much do you need?”

  “Fifty thousand all up but at this stage, I would take anything.” My brother has always worked really hard and I have no doubt that his meetings will go well while he is up here.

  Our food is delivered and Kyle chews his first mouthful thoughtfully, “I’ll give you fifty grand.”

  Both Dylan and I spit our mouthfuls of food back on the table, we get some strange looks but he can’t be serious?

  He’s talking about fifty thousand dollars like it’s fifty dollars, this is ridiculous.

  Kyle keeps eating like what he said is no big deal but I can’t bring myself to move, “Kyle, you shouldn’t say things like that.”

  He looks at me out of the corner of his eye, “Why not? I was serious.”

  Dylan stares at Kyle in awe, “You mean you would actually invest fifty thousand dollars into my company?”

  Kyle shrugs like it’s a no brainer. “Yeah of course, but on one condition.”

  Once again Dylan lights up but I’m worried about what this condition of his will be. “Name it, anything, it’s yours.”

  Kyle points his fork at Dylan and in all seriousness he says, “You have to print me some t-shirts.”

  Dylan’s laughter rings out around the restaurant, “Deal, I’ll print you as many t-shirts as you want.”

  They shake hands and start talking business ideas, meanwhile I’m completely numb.

  My fuck buddy just went into business with my brother.

  I eat my meal in relative silence but I do catch snippets of their lively conversation and it involves Dylan tracking down old photos of me and putting them on a t-shirt for Kyle.

  After desert, I’m so confused over tonight that I just want to go to bed. Kyle leans over to say, “Are you alright Pretty Girl? You’ve been quiet tonight?”

  “I’m fine, it’s just been a long day.” That has turned into a weird ass night.

  “Okay, well sorry for keeping you out late. Dylan are you staying at our place or did you want me to drop you at a hotel?”

  Dylan looks at me sideways when Kyle says ‘our place’ but it’s like it didn’t even register with him what he was saying.

  He hesitates like it just occurred to him that Kyle will be staying over too. “Um, I was going to sleep on the couch but that was before I knew she had company.”

  “Her couch is amazing right? And don’t worry, Jessica looks pretty tired so we will just go to sleep, no funny business I promise.” He places his hand over his heart like he is making some kind of pledge and it only makes me more confused.

  He’s acting like a real boyfriend, what kind of fuck buddy stays the night and doesn’t have sex? Since that very first time we had sex, Kyle can barely keep his hands to himself.

  When we get back to my apartment, Kyle kisses my head and tells me to go straight to bed. I comply as I want tonight to be over but as I lie in bed, I can hear Kyle rifling through my cupboards as he is telling Dylan that he has no idea where the spare sheets are.

  They eventually get sorted and soon Kyle is slipping into bed beside me, his arms go around my waist and he brings my body flush against his but then that’s it.

  Did he seriously mean no funny business?

  We have had sex every night since we started sleeping together, it seems almost weird to go to sleep now, “Kyle?”

  “Yeah Pretty Girl?”

  “Were you serious about not having sex with me?” I can barely voice more than a whisper as I feel almost embarrassed bringing this up.

  He pulls my body closer to his and snuggles down with his head burrowing into my hair, “Yeah, you have school tomorrow and I didn’t mean to keep you out so late. Go to sleep and I’ll make sure you get up on time, if you’re lucky, I might even make you pancakes.”

  “Why?” I ask, not sure I even want to bring this conversation up.

  “Why what?” he asks quietly.

  “We are fuck buddies so why are you acting like we are more, it’s confusing.”

  He is silent for so long that I’m not sure he is going to answer me, “I like you Pretty Girl, can we just leave it at that.”

  “Sure Kyle,” I say disappointed, “Goodnight.”

  It takes a long time for me to go to sleep after that, Kyle keeps saying that he doesn’t want anything more but his actions are saying something entirely different.

  Alice assures me that he never acted like this with her and it has to mean something but that I shouldn’t push it, if I do he will run and that’s the last thing I want to do.

  I’m falling in love with Kyle and I have no idea if he will ever love me back.

  Chapter 17


  My phone has been blowing up lately and it’s suspicious, very suspicious.

  Eva invited me over for dinner and told me I could bring a guest if I wanted.

  Ashley text me and told me she made a fresh batch of brownies and that she could drop the extras over to me.

  Alex asked me out for a beer which hasn’t happened in a long damn time.

  But it’s the text from my cousin Symon that confirms my suspicions, she said she’s coming to Seattle soon and wants to meet my new fuck that looks like Masons wife.

  Are they all talking about me behind my back?

  Because if they are then I don’t like it, I don’t like it at all.

  I hear the key turn in the lock and I jump up from the couch to greet Jessica, “Hey Pretty Girl, how was your day?”

  I wrap her up in my arms and give her a big kiss, it’s been boring without her around today.

  She gives me a big kiss in return but then runs into the bedroom, “It was good, how was your day?”

  I follow her into the bedroom and watch as she gets undressed, “It’s better now and I like your thinking.”

  Just as I reach for my shirt to whip it over my head she crushes my dreams, “Not so fast, I’m going out for dinner tonight and if I don’t get a move on I’ll be late, some p
arent cornered me after class to talk about their kid and it’s delayed pretty much everything.”

  I fold my arms over my chest, “Where’s my invite to this dinner?”

  Apart from Sunday night we always eat dinner together.

  She starts dressing again and then pushes past me to walk into the bathroom, “Umm, you don’t get one.”

  “And why not?” what the hell is with everyone lately? Pretty Girl doesn’t want me to come to dinner and all of a sudden my friends who neglected me are dying to hang out.

  Somethings up alright.

  “Just,” she touches up her make up even though she already looks perfect and avoids looking at me, “I don’t think you would like the company.”

  Cornering her in the bathroom, I back her up against the wall and place my hands on either side of her head. Leaning in nice and close, I growl, “Are you going to meet up with some other dude?”

  She giggles uncomfortably, “Well, technically this dude is seeing someone and she will be there too.”

  “It’s not that douchebag Charles is it?” I thought she was through with him, especially after that party where he made a fool of himself.

  “Nope,” she shakes her head and tries to duck under my arm but I don’t let her, “But I’m pretty sure you won’t like their company.”

  Now I’m dying to know who she’s going to dinner with, “Who is it?”

  Jessica starts to get impatient but she’s not the only one. “Just let me go to dinner Kyle and I’ll tell you all about it when I get back.”

  “No,” pushing my crotch up against her I see her eyes darken, “Tell me now or you won’t be leaving this bathroom for another few hours.”

  She seems to contemplate my suggestion before shaking her head, “No, fuck, fine…I’m going to dinner with Alice and…James.”


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