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A Life Changing Encounter

Page 11

by Alexa Kane

  “I’m not a good fuck Pretty Girl, I’m the best fuck you’ve ever had and there will be no going back for you.” Before something else comes out of her smart mouth, I crash my lips down on hers.

  Silencing her with my kiss and grinding my erection against her.

  This is turning out to be my best birthday yet and it’s only just started.

  Chapter 20


  I feel mildly better after spending the rest of the day with Alice but I’m still worried that I’m in over my head with Kyle.

  It’s impossible to stay mad at him and I’m worried that I’m going to waste some of my best years with a man that will never love me back.

  Alice assures me that it’s only a matter of time before Kyle realizes that he’s already in a committed relationship and I shouldn’t push it but it’s hard to be patient when your heart is on the line.

  I’m only twenty-five but if I waste the next three years of my life with Kyle like Alice did, then it might make it harder to meet someone else and pushes the likelihood of me starting a family before I’m thirty right out the window. Alice was lucky to meet someone like James but what if I’m not that lucky?

  To motivate Kyle a little bit, I have dressed in a skin tight red dress for his party, my ass looks amazing and my tits are nice and perky. Sometimes I don’t know which body part Kyle likes the most so I have decided to show off both tonight.

  I’m a little disappointed when we walk in that he notices Alice first, it feels like he’s taken a knife straight to my heart when he picks her up in a huge hug and tells her that she’s beautiful.

  But then he does something really surprising, he hugs James and tells him it’s nice to see him again.

  What the fuck?

  Kyle was pretty much trying to steal this guy’s fiancé five months ago and now he’s acting like they are friends.

  When he stumbles a bit, I realize that he is already drunk and a drunk Kyle is friends with everyone.

  I’m pleased by the sight of the watch I brought him sitting on his wrist but I’m not sure I like his choice in outfit. I know he loved the t-shirt my brother got him but wearing it to a nice party like this is a little strange.

  It’s also going to bring up some questions that I’m not sure he is ready to answer.

  When Kyle’s eyes lock on my body, his mouth drops open and he makes no move to close it. He literally falls at my feet and runs his hands over my body, spinning me around and yep, I’m pretty sure he just kissed my butt.

  Highly embarrassed by the attention we are getting, I try to pry his hands off me, “Kyle, get up, we’re in public.”

  “Then don’t wear such a sexy dress in public,” he manages to stand but doesn’t let go of me, “Hey, you just got upgraded from Pretty Girl to Sexy as Fuck Girl. You have no idea how hot you are right now. Let’s skip my birthday and go home.”

  Laughing, I manage to ease his strong grip on me, “I’ll still be here later but your friends went to a lot of effort to throw you this party, you can’t leave now.”

  His stares at me so intensely that I feel like I might burst into flames at any moment, “Promise me.”

  “Promise you what?” I think I need a drink if I’m going to get through this party, I’m clearly behind everyone else and it shows.

  The way he is staring at me is stirring a fire deep in my belly, “Promise me that you aren’t going anywhere.”

  That is a dangerous promise to make, I never want to leave Kyle’s side but I want more than he is willing to give me.

  Sure he can give me what I want right now but it’s the future that I’m worried about, I want a husband and a family to call my own. If Kyle can’t even ask me to be his girlfriend then what hope is there of more?

  Deciding to save that battle for another day, I whisper, “I promise Kyle.”

  His grin is contagious and he leans down to place a gentle kiss on my lips, “Want to dance Pretty Girl?”

  Nodding my head in agreement, I follow Kyle out to the dance floor.

  Kyle is an amazing dancer and I love every second on having his hands on me in public. His friends are dancing around us but it’s like I’m the only one Kyle sees.

  It makes me feel special.

  It makes me feel hope.

  Someone starts feeding us drinks and it’s not long before I start to feel tipsy.

  Kyle keeps pulling me in for pictures and then makes me help him choose the best one to send to Dylan.

  Apparently the two of them have become friends and text each other regularly, it became apparent when Kyle started laughing at things I did in my childhood that only Dylan knows about. I’m not sure that I like this budding friendship but I do like that Kyle helped him out with his company.

  Kyle is such a genuine guy and it only makes me fall for him even harder.

  As the night goes by it becomes clear that I shouldn’t have worried about Kyle hugging Alice and telling her that she’s beautiful. I think he has told every single one of his friend’s wives and girlfriends that he loves them while wrapping them up in his arms.

  Kyle is an affectionate guy but it makes me wonder why he can’t express his feelings to me when it’s so easy for him to do it with others.

  Mason must sense my sadness as he comes over to talk to me, “I’ve never seen Kyle like this with a girl before.”

  “People keep saying that to me but it doesn’t change the fact that I’m still his fuck buddy.” I shouldn’t be bitching about Kyle to his best friend but so many people have said that to me tonight, it makes me think that I’m special when I’m not. I’m just another girl that has let him between her legs.

  “You just have to be patient with him, it will all click one day.” He seems distracted and keeps looking around the room.

  “People keep saying that too but when is it going to click for him? Next year? Ten years?” How much of my life do I waste trying to get him to see me how I see him?

  A small smile touches Masons lips and I find it weird when he reaches over to hug me, he doesn’t seem to normally touch anyone except his wife.

  Speaking of Eva, those two have been glued to each other all night, I wonder where she is?

  When his hands start to drift to my lower back, I get nervous, do I push him away? This feels kind of inappropriate.

  All of a sudden, Mason is pulled from me and I see him duck out of the way just as Kyle takes a swing at him. He’s so drunk that he misses and falls to the ground.

  “Kyle, what the hell are you doing?” I help him up off the ground but he rounds on Mason again, clearly angry over something.

  “You gotta problem Kyle?” Mason asks while ducking another poor attempt at a punch.

  “Yeah I gotta fucking problem. My problems with you!” he points at Mason angrily, “Touching what’s MINE!” he swings around to point at me and I have to duck out of the way of his arm to avoid being hit.

  “Oh, my bad, I thought that she was fair game seeing as you spend so much time touching my wife. I thought we could swap for the night.” Surely Mason is joking, he is extremely possessive over his wife that his comment doesn’t make any sense.

  “Swap?” Kyle asks confused. “Swap?” he asks a little louder.

  We are definitely drawing a crowd now but weirdly everyone seems to be enjoying this.

  My eyes meet Eva’s and I’m confused when she smiles at me and gives me a thumbs up.

  What the hell is that supposed to mean?

  “Yeah you know, I fuck Jessica, you fuck Eva, or I could just fuck both of them.” Mason is smiling way too brightly for someone that has to keep ducking punches.

  It’s becoming clear that this is just some big joke to wind Kyle up but Kyle is too drunk to notice. Mason is very territorial over Eva and there is no way in hell he would ever consider letting another man touch her so I don’t know why Kyle hasn’t figured that out yet.

  Kyle puffs his chest out and gets right up in Masons face, “No one fucks Pretty Gir
l but ME, you got that, brother?”

  “But she’s single right?” he asks with a shrug of his shoulders, “That makes her fair game.”

  “Argh!” Kyle leaps at Mason and tackles him to the ground, he gets one good punch in before he is being dragged away from everyone towards the bathroom.

  Luckily he rented the entire second floor of some club otherwise I’m pretty sure the night would be over.

  Both Alice and Eva run up to me exclaiming how awesome that was but I’m worried about Kyle.

  Excusing myself from the conversation, I make my way over to the men’s room where I can hear raised voices.

  Pushing the door open, I see Alex is trying to reason with Kyle but somehow he seems even more worked up.

  Walking straight up to them, I touch Kyle’s shoulder and he instantly relaxes.

  “Pretty Girl,” he sighs deeply before wrapping his arms around my body and holding me close. “I’m so sorry for the things he said about you, I would never let anyone touch you, ever.”

  Alex leaves the room along with two other guys that were also trying to calm him down but Kyle doesn’t even look up when the door opens again. “I know Kyle but he was just messing with you.”

  He pulls back slightly and places his forehead against mine, “It wasn’t very funny.”

  “Coming from the person who kissed me the first night we met because I looked like Mason’s wife.” It seems like Kyle enjoys playing jokes on people but doesn’t enjoy it when someone returns the favor.

  He has the good sense to look sheepish, “I guess that’s true.” He seems frustrated with himself for some reason, “It’s just that the thought of someone touching you makes me sick. It makes me so angry that I want to kill someone.”

  Sighing deeply, I’m not sure how to explain this to Kyle without making him panic, “That’s what happens when you care about someone Kyle.”

  He scratches his head slightly and looks down at the ground, “Do you, um, do you feel that too?”

  “Yeah I do, plus a whole lot more.” This conversation shouldn’t be happening when Kyle is so wasted, this would be hard enough for him to accept when he’s sober.

  “What do you mean?” he seems genuinely puzzled but I think it’s pretty obvious how I feel about him.

  “I mean that, fuck, I promised I wouldn’t say anything to you but I’m falling for you Kyle, hard. I think I might be in love with you.” As soon as the words leave my mouth, I realize what a colossal mistake that was.

  He pulls back from me and starts shaking his head, “No, no, no. Take it back. Take it back!”

  Take it back? I get that it must be hard for him to hear but it’s not like I expect him to say it back to me. I don’t expect anything in return from him. “Why? It’s how I feel Kyle.”

  He is still furiously shaking his head as he says, “It’s too much, I just need you to take it back.”

  “Fine, I take it back, I don’t love you Kyle, in fact, I hate you right now.” I’m so sick of pussy footing around my feelings.

  Everyone says that I should be patient around him but what about me and my feelings, do they not matter?

  “Pretty Girl, you don’t mean that.” His face softens and he tries to reach up and touch my face but I push him away.

  “Well if I can’t love you then why can’t I hate you?” I know I’m being irrational but for some reason I can’t stop.

  I don’t need him to commit to an entire future right now but I need to know that we have a chance, that I’m not just wasting my youth being with a man who will never love me.

  He seems to think about it for a moment but when he says nothing, I turn around to leave. He is quick to grab my arm and push me up against the wall, boxing me in with his huge frame. “I, I really like you Pretty Girl, more than I have liked anyone.”

  I’m quick to say, “That’s not true.”

  “It is true, I-”

  “No, it’s not. You told Alice that you loved her, you fucking asked her to marry you!” I’ve kept that inside for long enough but no one knows how much that hurts me. Knowing he could say those things to Alice then turn around and tell me that he hasn’t liked anyone else more than me.

  It’s all bullshit.

  He’s just a player and I’m his latest conquest.

  Kyle seems to deflate at my words, “I’m sorry Pretty Girl, really, I am.”

  “I guess that’s it then,” it was fun while it lasted, more than fun actually but all good things have to come to an end eventually.

  That seems to get his attention, “I think you are mistaken.”

  “No I think I’m right on the money, I’ve enjoyed the time we spent together Kyle, thanks for helping me get over Charlie.” I used Charles nickname on purpose to rile Kyle up and it seems to be working.

  He leans down so close to me that if he came any closer, our lips would be touching, “It’s Charles and nothing about us is over because I’m never letting you go.”

  That’s what he doesn’t seem to get, he can’t tell me that he’s never letting me go but then at the same time not be willing to commit. “That’s a long time Kyle, I’m not sure you’re prepared for that.”

  “That might be true but you’re still not getting away from me.” A squeal escapes my lips when I am hoisted over Kyles’ shoulder, “Damn Pretty Girl, why did you have to wear such a short dress?”

  I can feel him tugging at the material but I couldn’t care less if my ass is on display right now, I just want him to put me down. “Put me down Kyle!” when he opens the bathroom door and starts walking towards the exit of the club, I start hitting his backside but it achieves nothing.

  He stops to say goodbye to a few people which infuriates me even more, what the hell is he playing at?

  As soon as we get outside, I feel the chill in the air but Kyle still doesn’t put me down. He only lets me go after he shoves me into a waiting taxi but even then, I’m pulled against his side.

  He buckles me in and then whispers into my ear, “You’re mine Jessica, this may not be the type of relationship that you are used to but you are mine and I’m not letting you go.”

  Chapter 21


  “So, Pretty Girl, I was thinking for winter break that you could come on our ski trip, it will be a completely expenses paid trip, I’ll pay for everything, I’ll even organize everything but we do need to buy you some pretty ski gear.” I thought Jessica would be excited about the prospect of a free trip but she’s just lying on the couch staring at the TV.

  She’s been weird for a few days.

  Things were a little strained after my party but then they got back to normal only to get weird again.

  I thought that doing something nice might cheer her up.

  I mean, every single one of my friends will be on this trip with their families, she will get to meet the whole shebang.

  This is a step forward and I thought she would be jumping at the idea.

  Sitting down next to her, she continues to ignore me, “Jessica,” nothing, “Pretty Girl,” I poke her in the side and she groans dramatically. “Are you alright?”

  “No, I’m sick and tired and dying. Leave me alone,” she clutches her stomach and she does look a bit pale.

  I lie down beside her and cuddle her body up against mine, “What can I do to make you feel better Pretty Girl?”

  She groans, “Nothing.”

  “Are you sure? I can make you soup.” My mom always made the best soup when I was sick and it always did the trick.

  She groans again, “No, just go away Kyle.”

  “I’m not leaving you while you feel sick, are you crazy? Let me take care of you.” She does actually look pretty awful, I wonder what’s wrong with her.

  She makes some weird grunting noise that I presume means that she agrees and then after a few seconds her breathing changes and she’s sound asleep.

  I lie with her for about an hour before carefully getting up and going into the kitchen to make dinner.<
br />
  I have no idea how to make soup but luckily I find a tin of soup in the cupboard and begin heating it up. I make some toast too and when I’m done, I have to admit that I did a pretty good job.

  Hopefully it does the trick and makes her feel better, I hate seeing her like that.

  Placing our meals and the toast on the coffee table, I gently wake her up, “Pretty Girl, Jessica love, I made some dinner, you need to eat something.”

  She slowly opens one eye and looks from me to the bowl sitting in front of her, “What is it?”

  “Soup, do you want me to help you eat?”

  She nods her head slowly and I help her into a sitting position, “Thanks Kyle.”

  “Anything for you Pretty Girl,” I spoon a few mouthfuls into her mouth but then she gets agitated and takes the bowl from me.

  Sitting back I grab my own bowl but keep an eye on Jessica in case she needs my help.

  Once we are done eating, I clean up and then sit back down on the couch. Jessica looks a lot better and I pull her into my side, “Feeling better?”

  She looks up at me gratefully, “You can be pretty special when you want to be Kyle.”

  I kiss her softly on the forehead and then broach my earlier topic, “So, Colorado?”

  She looks confused, “What’s Colorado?”

  “I was saying earlier that I want you to come on our ski trip this year, I’ll pay for everything but I need to know your answer today, I forgot about the trip entirely and I need to get onto booking everything.” That’s if there is anything left to book, I really dropped the ball on this trip but Jessica seems to constantly distract me.

  I’m sure Eva would have thought of me and included me in their booking, she’s great like that but it’s not just me this year and I don’t think Jessica would be keen to sleep on a couch with me every night.

  She still seems a bit out of it as she says, “When’s the ski trip? I have school that I can’t really miss.”

  I chuckle over the fact that she really isn’t paying attention to anything that I’m saying, “That’s the best part, it’s over winter break.”


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