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A Life Changing Encounter

Page 10

by Alexa Kane

  “Why wouldn’t you just tell me that?” I like that idea a whole lot better than her going to meet some random dude I don’t know.

  “Because, I don’t know, isn’t it weird?” she pushes me off her and this time I let her.

  “Why would it be weird Pretty Girl?” I follow her back to the bedroom where she grabs her shoes and handbag.

  “Because you used to fuck Alice and the last time you saw James you told his fiancé that you loved her and asked her to marry you.” Jessica tries to duck past me to walk out the door but I grab her around the waist.

  She seems upset and rather uncomfortable all of a sudden and I’m guessing it has to do with Alice.

  She’s been so cool up until this point that I hadn’t even realized all that shit bothered her.

  “Look at me Pretty Girl,” she hesitates a moment but then turns those stunning chestnut eyes directly into my line of sight. “I can’t change my past but I can tell you that I’m sorry. I would be happy to come to dinner with all of you but if it makes you uncomfortable then I can stay here.”

  Going to dinner with Alice and James doesn’t actually sound like a bad idea.

  Alice means a lot to me and if she’s going to marry this chump then I want to at least make sure he is a decent dude that will treat her right.

  Alice deserves that and I realized all too late that I wasn’t the man to give that to her.

  I panicked when I found out she was engaged and acted rashly when I asked her to marry me.

  If she turned around and she yes, I think I may have panicked and bolted, I really didn’t think that shit through.

  Alice was the one constant in my life when my world was changing and my friends were moving on with their lives.

  I didn’t want to lose her like I was losing everyone else.

  If I could take back those words to make Pretty Girl feel better then I would but unfortunately, I can’t change my past.

  “I would rather go alone, Alice has asked me to be her maid of honor and I was going to help her with some wedding stuff tonight.”

  “That’s fine Pretty Girl, I hope you have a nice time.” I kiss her gently and then let her go.

  She hesitates before leaving and I thought for a moment that she might change her mind and ask me to come.

  Watching her walk out that door sucks but it’s not fair to her that I’ve been taking up all her free time.

  She needs her independence just like I need mine.

  Pulling out my phone, I ring Alex and see if he wants to get that drink after all.

  Chapter 18


  “You’re quiet, do you not like your dinner?”

  Looking up from my plate I see a concerned looking Alice staring back at me, “Sorry, the food is great, it’s just…”

  “Kyle?” Alice asks knowingly.

  I look at James, I feel slightly uncomfortable talking about Kyle in front of him but weirdly he seems okay with it. “Yeah, he um, wanted to come to dinner tonight.”

  James chokes on his food whereas Alice looks like a Cheshire cat, “Because he wanted to spend time with you?”

  I shrug, “I don’t know, who knows how his brain works.”

  Kyle is confusing but one thing I do know is that I don’t want to let him go and I sure as hell don’t want to watch him flirting with Alice.

  “Jess just face it, he likes you, like really likes you and you like him back.” This seems to make her incredibly happy but even though we like each other, that doesn’t mean there is a future between us.

  I eat my meal, delaying the inevitable but Alice keeps watching me.

  When I finish everything on my plate and put my fork down, I have no choice but to admit, “Okay, I really like him but it’s not like it can go anywhere.”

  For some reason Alice looks confused, “Says who?”

  “Um, you?” she was the one that told me to fuck him to get over Charles and she knows better than anyone how he works.

  She waves her hand in front of her face, “Yeah but that was before, he’s changed and quite frankly I think it’s sweet. Kyle has met his match with you and whether he likes it or not, he’s hooked.”

  “That’s not true.” I wish it was but if Kyle knew the depth of my feelings for him then I’m pretty sure he would dump me.

  “Um, actually it is. Dylan rang me and told me about the erection thing.” At the word erection, the couple at the table next to us look over sharply but Alice waves them off.

  “I can’t believe he told you about that,” that’s so embarrassing and the next time I see him he’s going to pay for that.

  “Um,” James shifts uncomfortably in his seat, “Do I want to know? I feel like I should go to the bathroom for this conversation.”

  Alice shifts her attention to James and my embarrassment continues, “Kyle can’t get an erection from anyone but Jess here.” James raises his eyebrows but seems rather pleased with this news, “Add in the fact that he hasn’t slept with anyone else since you two started seeing each other and the fact that he invested fifty thousand dollars in your brothers’ company and I would say his affections for you are pretty clear.”

  James thinks this over for a minute and then says, “I think we should get some champagne, Kyle has been a thorn in my side for some time now but it seems you’ve done the trick to make him move on. I feel like I should thank you or something.”

  Both Alice and James are laughing like this is the funniest thing in the world but I’m not laughing.

  I’m not even smiling.

  “Fuck both of you,” I cross my arms over my chest and glare at them, “But I do want some of that champagne and I also want desert. You’re paying by the way.”

  “Anything you want,” James signals the waiter but I have to take a moment to myself.

  I’m sick of Alice telling me that Kyle is different with me, that Kyle has feelings for me when the truth is that if I asked him to be my boyfriend, he would run in the other direction.

  Standing up, I walk into the bathroom and I’m alone for about two seconds before Alice walks in behind me.

  Rolling my eyes, I try to walk into a stall but she blocks my way, “I came in here to pee Alice, move.”

  “No,” she crosses her arms over her chest in defiance, “Jess I truly believe that you are the first girl that Kyle actually cares about more than himself. In time, I think he’ll understand that he wants to be with you but for some reason he freaks out over words and titles. I can tell how much he means to you and I honestly believe that with time he’ll come around to the idea of commitment, I mean he’s already committed to you, he just doesn’t want to admit it.”


  I guess that’s not such a bad thing.

  We haven’t been sleeping together for that long really and maybe Alice is right, maybe Kyle will wake up one day and realize he can’t live without me.

  But do I want to wait around for that day to come? And what if it never comes? Am I going waste valuable years of my life waiting around for Kyle like Alice did?

  Will he ever want to commit to me enough to marry me? Have a family with me?

  I know it’s too early to think like that but I already see Kyle in my future, he’s the man I want by my side even though he’s a big idiot.

  Nodding my head in agreement, I walk into the bathroom stall and try to stop the tears running down my cheeks.

  It’s not fair on Kyle to want a lifelong commitment after only three months together. Alice is right, in time he may realize that he wants to be with me and if he doesn’t, well, I’ll just have to find the strength to let him go.

  Chapter 19


  “Happy Birthday!”

  I’m woken up by my Pretty Girl jumping up and down on the bed, butt naked, “Damn girl, you are the best present any man could ever ask for.”

  She slaps at my chest before getting out of bed, “I’m not the present…yet.” She winks at me then grabs a few presents out
of her dresser and jumps back into bed with me. “Here, this one is from Dylan.

  Sitting up excitedly, I can’t wait to open this one, “It looks like a t-shirt, is it a t-shirt?”

  “Just open it,” she says coyly.

  I rip open the packaging and to my utter delight I pull out a white t-shirt with Jessica’s face on it, it has Pretty Girl written above the photo in pink lettering. “I love it, this is the best present I have ever gotten.”

  She groans as I put the t-shirt on and covers her face with her hands, “That photo is horrible.”

  “No it’s not, how old are you? And more importantly, where was this taken?” she still looks beautiful just a lot younger and is dressed up, with her hair in curls that are placed on top of her head.

  She parts her fingers slightly and mutters, “It was taken the night of my senior prom, don’t judge me.”

  I pull her hands down from her face, “I could never judge you and you look beautiful, questionable taste in hair styles but beautiful.”

  Her face lights up and I lean down to kiss her, getting excited over the prospect of my next present, I take my new t-shirt off but I’m careful to fold it and put it on my nightstand, there’s no way I want it to get crinkled.

  After a few more kisses Jessica asks, “Don’t you want my present?”

  “Yeah but I thought sex was my present?” after waking up to see her naked, that’s the only present I need.

  “No, I got you an actual present, here.” She hands me a perfectly wrapped present, complete with a bow and I almost feel bad opening it.

  Carefully, I unwrap my present and I’m dumbfounded by what I see. She’s made me a scrapbook of my life.

  Opening the first page, it has the number one on it and a few photos and bits and pieces, each new page is a new year in my life.

  “How did you get all of these pictures?” I ask in awe.

  She seems almost shy as she says, “Um, I got Mason’s phone number off Alice and when I told him my idea, he helped me get the photos but don’t worry, your mom still doesn’t know about me.”

  “This is amazing,” I can’t help but laugh when I get to my teenage years, Mason and I used to get up to some funny shit.

  My college years are like a blast from the past and it makes me miss how close all us boys used to be. In my later years there are even a few pictures of Alice and I but what I like seeing the most is this last year. Jessica features in quite a few photos and I like that she’s in here, she’s become really important to me.

  When I turn to the last page, it’s empty, “Why is the thirty page empty?”

  “Because you’ve only just turned thirty today and haven’t made any memories yet, I thought we could add to it.”

  “This is the best present ever,” placing the scrap book next to my t-shirt, I settle between her legs.

  “Really? Because that’s only half of your present.”

  I start kissing her body and working my way down to her pussy, “What’s the other half? Please tell me it has something to do with your fine ass.”

  She giggles and then moans as I reach that sweet spot between her legs, I’ve never been one to enjoy going down on a girl but Pretty Girl has the sweetest tasting pussy and I can never get enough.

  “I brought you…ahhhh…a, watch.”

  “A watch huh? Maybe I can use it to see how long it takes to make you come.” Running my tongue through her folds causes her to cry out and I fucking love it when she whimpers.

  “Kyle, it’s your, ahhhhh, birthday. Let me go down on you.”

  “There will be plenty of time for that later, right now, I want you to come all over my face.” It doesn’t take long to get her worked into such a frenzy that I have to hold her lower half down on the bed.

  I’ve never had a girl in my bed that I’ve been this sexually attracted to, it’s like I can’t get enough of her even though my tongue is buried in her pussy.

  Her thighs start crushing my face and I know it won’t be long now before she explodes. Just as she grabs my hair and pulls roughly, I feel those juices that I love so much flood into my mouth. Taking my time, I lap up every drop and take pride in the fact that her body has become so limp that she can’t even hold her head up.

  Kissing my way back up her body, I enter her in one swift movement and she immediately wraps her body around mine.

  Every inch of her body is touching every inch of mine and the feeling is unreal.

  It’s like we are making love.

  Fuck, we’re making love.

  I’ve never made love with a woman before.

  My heart rate increases but not because I’m about to blow my load but because I’m enjoying the sensation and it freaks me out.

  I’m thirty and I’m making love to a woman that I really care about.

  My Pretty Girl.

  Pushing those thoughts to the back of my mind, I start pounding into her body relentlessly.

  She comes for a second time with my name falling from her lips and I explode inside of her, not sure of these new feelings that are washing over me.

  As we lie on my bed and recover, she hands me another beautifully wrapped present, “Your watch.”

  “Thanks Pretty Girl,” kissing her lips once, I open my present but I’m not overly thrilled with what I find. “How did you afford this?”

  “What do you mean? Do you not like it?” she wraps the sheet around her body and sits up, looking upset.

  Following her movements, I sit up in bed and rest my back against her headboard, “Of course I like it, this is the exact one I wanted but this is a fifteen-hundred-dollar watch. It’s not something a teacher should be buying.”

  She scoffs harshly, “So just because I’m a lowly teacher that means that I can’t buy you a nice present?”

  “That’s not what I meant, I appreciate the gesture but I don’t want you to spend that kind of money on me.” This is way too much, she should be saving that money to buy herself things. I don’t need anyone to spend this kind of money on me.

  “Why not?”

  “Because you can’t afford it,” I snap.

  “You don’t know what I can and can’t afford Kyle and if I want to spend that kind of money on you then that’s my business.”

  “Fuck,” how the hell did this turn into an argument, “It’s a nice watch, thank you.”

  I’m well aware of the fact that teachers are underpaid and the last thing I want is for her to spend her hard-earned savings on me. I’m not worth it.

  “Your welcome, I’m going to shower then make you breakfast, don’t follow me.” Watching her walk away from me makes my chest ache.

  I’ve known for a while that she’s into me but I’ve ignored it because I haven’t wanted to face the facts.

  She wants to be my girlfriend but I don’t do girlfriends, I never have and it’s not something that I want to start now. Things are great between us but they get ruined by labels, I can’t understand why girls always need to label things.

  What happened to the saying, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it?

  Turns out that I feel like an even bigger asshole when I sit down at the table and Jessica dishes me up French toast with bacon and maple syrup.

  We eat in silence so I decide to extend an olive branch, “Would you like to come to my family lunch today?”

  I expect her to smile and graciously accept my offer but that’s not what happens, instead she raises one eyebrow and looks pissed off. “That would involve meeting your family Kyle and it would blur the lines of this non relationship that we have going on.”

  I feel like I’m being led into some kind of trap, “Um, so you don’t want to come to lunch?”

  She eyes me wearily, “How would you introduce me to your family?”

  “As my friend,” which is the truth.

  She raises one eyebrow, “So I’m just your friend?”

  “Yeah, friend with…benefits?” I’m obviously doing something wrong as she seems really mad al
l of a sudden and she is taking it out on her plate.

  “Sorry, I have plans.”

  “Okay,” for some reason I feel disappointed but she’s right that meeting my family would blur the lines of what we have going on. I don’t even know why I suggested it but the thought of leaving her on my birthday doesn’t sit right with me.

  Hanging out with Jessica is starting to get complicated.

  I liked it better when we didn’t talk about feelings and shit, feelings scare me.

  Feelings also seem to put Jessica in a bad mood, as soon as I am finished breakfast she starts cleaning everything up, “You better get going so you aren’t late for your lunch.”

  Looking at my new watch, I say, “I still have heaps of time.”

  She keeps cleaning up and says over her shoulder, “You should be with your family on your birthday not some chick that you fuck on the side.”

  Standing up, I walk into the kitchen and cage Jessica in against the bench. She looks everywhere but at me so I grab her chin and force her to face me, “You aren’t just some chick that I’m fucking alright. You mean more to me than that but I can’t give you want you want, I can’t put a label on this and I’m sorry for that.” Her eyes have trouble staying in one place but eventually she caves and holds eye contact with me. “You are the best chick I have ever had the pleasure of fucking and I like hanging out with you, you’re an awesome chick Pretty Girl.”

  She softens slightly with my words but I can tell she is still upset.

  I wish I was the type of guy who expressed his feelings in poems and shit but I’ve never been like that. I come from an amazing family but for some reason commitment scares me, even commitment with someone as amazing as Jessica.

  “I like hanging out with you too Kyle and I guess,” she gets a smart smile on her face and I don’t think I’m going to like what’s coming. “You’re an alright fuck too.”

  “I’m just alright, am I?” she did not just go there.

  She squeals when I pick her up and place her on the bench, parting her thighs so that I can stand between them.

  She places her arms around my neck and says, “Why don’t you prove to me that you’re a good fuck?”


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