Book Read Free


Page 11

by Riley Edwards

  I shouldn’t’ve been surprised she heard that conversation. I wasn’t exactly quiet.

  “Sweetheart, I need you to take a breath. I’m not gonna lie. This is gonna fucking hurt, but you need to know.” I took a deep breath myself. “Suzie has been badly beaten.”

  Please, God, don’t let her ask me details.

  “WHAT?” she screamed, “Where? How? How bad?” She was rapid firing all the questions I didn’t want to answer.

  “Ava, baby, calm down.”

  “Don’t call me that. Don’t ever call me that again. That is not yours. I’m not your baby.” I was surprised by her outburst.

  “Okay, Ava. I won’t, but I need you to calm down.”

  Her tears were killing me. I wanted to pull her in to me and hold her, but I was afraid to. “I don’t know who did it or why. She has been beaten, that’s all I know. There is an ambulance on the way now.”

  “Where is she? Was Michael there? Is he okay?”

  “Michael is on duty tonight. He’s on his way to her now.”

  “You’re not answering me, where is she?” she tried again.


  “At the café,” I answered.

  She launched herself at me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I hugged her back as tightly as I could and let her sob into my neck.

  “It’s all my fault. She is hurt because of me.”

  “No, Ava, it is not your fault.”

  My phone beeped in my hand. I flipped it open and held it up to see Rick’s message without letting go of Ava. He was in the garage downstairs.

  “Rick’s here, Ava. He’s gonna stay with you and JJ while I go to the café.”

  “Please, don’t go,” she begged.

  “Sweetheart, I have to go and check on Suzie and the café. Rick will be here, you’re safe.”

  I heard the lift doors open and Rick walked into the room. He looked like he was getting ready to kill someone. When he saw Ava in my arms, he quickly softened his scowl and stopped in the doorway.

  “You’re right, you need to check on Suzie. I want to go to the hospital,” Ava said, wiping her face and nose on my t-shirt.

  “Okay, sweetheart. When she is settled in, I’ll see what I can do,” I lied. There was not a chance in hell she was leaving this safe house, but there was no reason to argue with her now.

  “Please hurry, Reid.” My heart was breaking seeing her in pain, but knowing that she didn’t want me to leave her made me the happiest I’d ever been.

  “I will. Promise.” I quickly kissed her before she could pull away.

  I didn’t give a shit Rick was in the room. I didn’t care that I could taste her tears. I poured every ounce of my soul into that kiss. I couldn’t say the words yet, but I wanted her to know that I loved her.

  “Please be safe, Reid.” She rested her forehead on mine, the same way I had done to her and JJ earlier at her house. “I need you to come back to me safe.”

  Just as I was about to promise her I would, it hit me. She had been promised a safe return in the past. Only, he didn’t return.

  “Ava, listen to me. I swear to you; I will do everything in my ability to be safe. I will be back as quickly as I can.”

  “I know you will. I trust you,” she whispered.

  I pulled away and walked to the door, I passed Rick with a chin lift, no words were needed. He would protect my woman. And my boy.

  That’s what they were, even if she didn’t fully understand yet.

  My woman, my son. They were mine.


  The past comes back to bite


  Reid had been gone for hours.

  I tried sitting in the living room with Rick, making small talk, but I couldn’t do it. My nerves were frayed. I finally gave up and came back to cuddle with JJ. I tossed and turned, waiting for JJ’s soft breathing to lull me to sleep, but it wasn’t working.

  Reid called to check in with Rick and give him an update. Rick’s responses were clipped and short, his side of the conversation gave nothing away. When Reid got on the phone with me, he told me that Suzie was at the hospital and Michael was with her. She wouldn’t be allowed visitors tonight. He asked me a bunch of questions about Suzie and if anyone had given her a hard time, or if someone had threatened her. Of course, no one had.

  The last twenty-four hours played in my mind. How had this become my life? I turned onto my side and willed myself to go to sleep. My mind would not turn off as I thought about my last conversation with Suzie.


  I threw the covers off and ran into the living room.

  Rick flew off the couch and reached for his gun. “Damn, woman, you scared me,” he chastised.

  “The plainclothes cop!” I blurted out. “Did Mac stick a cop in the café?” I asked.

  “What? Today?” Rick asked.

  “Yes, today. Did Mac order a cop to sit in my café all day today?”

  “Not that I’m aware of,” Rick said, his phone already out of his pocket.

  “Last time I talked to Suzie she was checking in the rest of today’s order. She said that there was a plain clothes cop sitting in the corner all day today. He just sat there drinking cranberry and sprite. She didn’t bother with him because she figured Mac had ordered it. She’s a cop’s wife, she knows better than to blow someone’s cover,” I rushed out. “And then she asked me to hold on because the cop was knocking on the door, she thought he had left something. When she got back on the phone she sounded different. I missed it. She knows better than to ask where Reid was taking me. Shit, Rick, she sounded scared.”

  “Did Mac order an undercover to sit on the café today?” Rick spoke into his phone.

  “Shit, Reid. Ava said Suzie told her there was a plain clothes cop sitting in the café all day.” He paused a second. “No, Suzie didn’t give her a name, just said that he sat in the corner drinking cranberry and sprite.” Another pause. “Yep, he also came back after Suzie locked up, she let him in.” Rick walked to the windows and looked out. “Fuck, Reid. I hear you. I’ve got Ava. See you soon.”

  Rick pocketed his phone, and looked at me. “You did good, Ava. That was good information.”

  “What did he say?” I asked.

  “Mac didn’t order an undercover, neither did Michael. They’re gonna ask around,” Rick said.

  Shit, shit, shit, this was not good news. I was praying I was overreacting.

  I heard the elevator come to a stop and started to run towards it. Thank God Reid was back. I needed him. I didn’t want to but I did.

  “Ava! Get in the room with JJ. NOW!” Rick whisper-yelled.

  “What, why? Reid’s here,” I said, taking a step back.

  “No, he’s not. He’s at the hospital. No one is supposed to be here. Get JJ and get in the vault. Hurry.”

  Rick had his gun drawn and pointed towards the elevator. I turned to run when I heard the gunshot.

  I winced at the sound. My ears instantly started ringing. Another shot rang out and I had to close my eyes at the sound. I covered my ears with my hands, trying to get the pain to subside.

  I dropped to my hands and knees. I had to get to JJ. As soon as I uncovered my ears to crawl, the ringing was back. I looked over my shoulder as I started to crawl. Rick was on the floor, blood pooling around his head.

  “No!” I cried. “No, no!”

  I tried to move, but my body was no longer going forward. Someone had grabbed my foot. I tried to kick the hand off but their grip tightened. I turned to my back and tried kicking with both feet.

  “Carl?” I screamed. “What the fuck?”

  “Be still, Ava.” He twisted my ankle. God almighty, that hurt.

  “What are you doing?” I was still struggling to get away.

  “Stop moving,” he demanded.

  “Are you fucking nuts? You killed Rick.”

  I kicked as hard as I could and made contact with his stomach. I took advantage of his momentary shock and yanked my foot out of his g

  I twisted and got to my feet, making a beeline to Rick. I needed his gun. It was on the floor next to his body. Blood. There was so much blood. I needed that gun.

  Please, God, keep JJ in that room.

  “I wouldn’t try that bitch, or I’ll shoot you here and now. Then I’ll kill JJ,” Carl sneered.

  My blood went cold and my heart was pounding in my ears. I was paralyzed. Did I go for the gun? Did I risk JJ’s life?

  Ava, baby, don’t move.

  Had I completely lost my mind? I closed my eyes and tried to shake my dead husband’s voice from my head.

  “Good choice.” Carl walked over to me, shoving his gun in my back and grabbing my arm with his free hand.

  “Why are you doing this, Carl?” I didn’t understand what was going on. Carl was a cop. He was Jacob’s first partner when he joined the force.

  “Oh, come on, baby, I know you’ve been waiting for me. I remember how you looked at me and flirted with me before Jacob knocked you up,” he scoffed. “I know you wanted to be with me, but then Jacob trapped you with that brat and you had to stay with him. But I will not have you tramping around now.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “It’s okay, baby. I understand. You needed to raise the kid. Well, he’s old enough now to be without you. Mac can have him. We can be together now.” He licked from my jaw up to my ear. “I have been patient and waited, but I will not have other men showing up in the middle of the night.”

  I shook at the disgusting feel of his nasty tongue on my face

  “That’s right, baby. I know you like that. It’s our time now.” He misunderstood my shiver, sick bastard. “That man showing up at your house last night made me very angry.”

  “You’ve been watching me?” I felt like I was going to throw up. “You… you vandalized my house?” I asked.

  “It’s time to go, baby. No more chit-chat.” Pain radiated from the base of my head and down my spine.

  Please, Reid, help me.

  My world went black.


  Iron Claw


  Something was wrong. Very wrong. Rick wasn’t answering his phone. Mac and I were in Mac’s SUV racing to the safe house. Austin was following behind.

  After Rick’s call, Mac and I tried to find out who had been sitting on Ava’s café and why. We had nothing to work from. ‘Cranberry and sprite’ wasn’t a whole lot of information. No physical description, no name, nothing. Cranberry and fucking sprite.

  After what seemed like hours we pulled up to the warehouse apartment. Wordlessly, exiting the vehicles, we were perfectly in sync as we navigated the emergency stairwell without a sound, our weapons drawn and ready. At the top of the stairs I stopped, placing my ear on the door that led into the apartment. No sounds. I cracked the door open and waited. Still nothing.

  We entered the apartment and white-hot rage shot through my body. Rick was lying in the middle of the floor, blood pooled around his head.

  “FUCK!” I roared. All of my training flew out the window. I did the worst thing I could’ve done and ran for the bedroom. I had to find Ava and JJ.

  I entered the room Ava and JJ planned on using. Empty. The bed was a mess, the sheets and comforter half off the bed. My heart rate spiked, someone was going to die for this.

  I heard Mac and Austin yell “clear” from the other room.

  Fuck! Gone! They were gone.

  Falling to my knees, I grabbed my head and screamed.

  “Reid?” I barely heard the whisper.

  “JJ?” I called out. “Where are you, little man? It’s safe.” I quickly swiped my tears away.

  I watched as JJ crawled out from under the bed. Fuck. I forgot to check under the bed.

  As soon as he cleared the bed he jumped into my arms and started screaming for Ava.

  Mac and Austin rushed into the room. Austin stopped short when he saw me shake my head at him. His shirt and hands were covered with blood, the last thing I wanted JJ to see.

  “I want Mama,” JJ cried.

  “I know, little man. We’re gonna get your mom.” I held my own tears back.

  “He took her. She was crying and there was gunshots.”

  “Who took her, JJ?” I asked.

  “Carl,” he answered. A fresh wave of tears started.

  “Do you know Carl?” I continued to question JJ.

  “No. I was at the door listening. Mama called him Carl. He yelled at her that they could be together now. He said that my dad knocked her up.”

  “Wait, he mentioned your dad?” Mac asked from the door. He was vibrating with anger.

  “Yes. He said my dad knocked her up and made it so she couldn’t be with him. I wanted to help Mama, but my dad told me to get under the bed and hide.”

  “Your dad?” Mac asked.

  “Yes, Daddy told me to get under the bed and hide. He said that’s what Mama would want me to do.” JJ stopped and pulled my head to his and whispered in my ear, “You believe me, right?”

  “Yes, little man, I believe you. I believe your daddy was protecting you tonight. You did the right thing.”

  “I didn’t help Mommy,” JJ admitted.

  “Yes, you did. You did exactly what your mom wanted you to do. You stayed safe. You also listened and gave us all the information we need to help your mom.”

  “Are you going to get Mama, Reid?”

  “Yes, little man, I am. First, I need you to do me a favor. I need you to stay here with Uncle Mac…”

  “No. No. No. Don’t leave me, Reid. Please don’t leave me,” JJ blurted out.

  I knew it was killing Mac that JJ was clinging to me and not to him. He was JJ’s uncle in every way. He was Jacob’s best friend.

  “Little man, I need to make a phone call. I’m gonna step right outside the door.”

  “Right outside the door where I can see you,” he demanded.

  “Yes,” I agreed.

  JJ climbed off my lap and sat on the floor.

  I got to my feet and approached Mac. “Who’s Carl?”

  “Carl Allen. He was Jacob’s first partner. Jacob fucking hated Carl. Not only is he a shit cop, but he was always making lewd comments about Ava. Jacob kicked his ass then asked for the reassignment. He was my partner after that,” Mac explained.

  Motherfucking douchebag.

  I pulled out my phone and dialed the only person I knew would help with no questions.

  “Yo,” he answered.

  “Damion, it’s Reid. Marker.”

  “Whatcha need?” he asked.

  “Tonight Carl Allen killed one of my men and took my woman, had my boy hiding under a bed.”

  Before I could even finish he was mobilizing.

  “Iron Claw, let’s ride.” I heard yelling and grunts in the background. “Where we headed?” he asked.

  “I’ll have an address for you in a minute. I’ll meet you there.”

  “No, Reid. You stay clean. Your woman and son are gonna need you. We got this. Family, bro.”

  “Appreciate that, brother. But I know you heard me. This motherfucker came into my house, killed my man, took my woman, and scared my boy. I will be the one to slit his fucking throat.”

  “I hear that, we’ll wait for you, my men are ready.”

  “Copy that. Out.”

  I disconnected and glanced at Rick. Fuck.

  I closed my eyes and gathered my thoughts. How had tonight turned to such shit? A few hours ago, I finally had my woman in my arms. Now she was gone, and I’d been outsmarted by a Goddamn psychopath.

  “Here’s Carl’s last known address. Start there, and I’ll work with Dustin to find any other locations he could’ve taken her to,” Mac said as he walked up beside me.

  “The motherfucker beat Suzie, knowing that one of my men would lead him right to Ava.” I blew out a breath trying to hold in my temper. “How could I have been so damn stupid? He had to have been watching. How in the fuck did we miss that?”r />
  “This is not on you, Reid. None of us thought about that. We were all concentrating on Jimmy.” Mac tried to make excuses for my lapse in judgment.

  “FUCK!” I roared. “If one hair on that woman’s head is hurt his death will be slow and painful.”

  I watched as Austin covered Rick’s body with a bed sheet. He died trying to protect my woman. Another good man dead because of my inadequacy.

  As much as I wanted to be here when Rick’s body was picked up, I had to get to Ava.

  “No one call April. I need to be the one to notify her.” I instructed, referring to Rick’s fiancé.

  “You ready?” Austin asked.

  “Almost,” I answered him. I turned to Mac, “I need you to take care of my boy.”

  I didn’t give two-shits at the moment if I offended him by my statement. I didn’t have it in me to care about hurt feelings.

  “Not even a question. You know I will,” Mac replied.

  I walked back into the room to JJ. He was sitting on the floor, rocking back and forth. Jesus Christ, how was I going to leave him? In all my life I had never been so torn. JJ needed me, yet I had to find Ava.

  “JJ.” I waited for him to look up at me. As soon as he did, he was on his feet running to me. I caught him when he hurled himself into my arms.

  “Did you find her?” he asked.

  “Thanks to you, we have a good place to start. Uncle Mac is gonna take you somewhere safe so I can go get your mom,” I told him.

  “No! No Reid. I want to be with you,” JJ yelled. He grabbed my shirt with both of his little fists and pulled me to him. “Bad things happen when you’re not here,” he whispered.

  “I want you to listen to me carefully, little man. Uncle Mac will not let anything happen to you.” I didn’t know how to make JJ understand I had to be the one to get Ava. “I love you, JJ. You and your mom are the two most important people in the world to me. I would never leave you with anyone I didn’t trust with my life. Do you know why?”

  JJ shook his head no.

  “Because you and your mom are my life.” I waited for him to digest what I had just told him. “Your mom needs me right now. I need you to do me a favor and go with Uncle Mac. I promise I will bring your mom to you as soon as I have her.”


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