Book Read Free


Page 12

by Riley Edwards

  “You promise?” JJ asked.

  “Yes, son, I promise. I will get your mom,” I assured him.

  “Okay, I’ll go with Uncle Mac.”

  Mac was standing in the doorway and spoke for the first time, “Come on, JJ. Let’s get out of here, buddy. Reid will be home in no time with your mom.” Mac tried to smile at JJ, but it looked like a cross between a scowl and grimace.

  I knew Mac was feeling this almost as badly as I was.

  Mac took JJ’s hand and started to lead him out of the room when JJ pulled free and ran back to me.

  “I love you, Reid.” JJ wrapped his arms around my middle.

  “I love you too, little man.”

  I closed my eyes and hugged him back. Please God keep him safe.

  With a chin lift, Mac and JJ were out the door. I heard the elevator squeal to life and knew they were gone.

  “Let’s roll,” I yelled to Austin.

  I’m coming for you Ava Kelley, and when I find you, you are mine…




  I slowly cracked one eye open, then the other. Unconsciously I blinked trying to get the gritty, sandy feeling to subside. What is wrong with me? Lying there in the dark, my eyes open but unseeing, I tried my hardest to focus on my surroundings. It was difficult to concentrate with my head throbbing and the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. I was definitely moving, and I had no control over my body as I swayed with the motion. Bile rushed up. I quickly swallowed it down as I struggled to move my arms and legs. Nothing worked, I couldn’t move. Panic surfaced, my breathing was rapid and choppy. My body jerked, and my head slammed into something hard, pulling me from my fog.

  Memories came rushing back. Carl. Gunshots. Rick dead. JJ! I hoped to God that Carl didn’t find JJ and take him too. I moved around as much as I could in the confined space to check if I could feel anyone else in here with me. Nothing. I was alone the best I could tell.

  The smell of rubber and musk filled my senses. Trunk. I was in the trunk of a car.

  “JJ,” I whisper-yelled.

  I strained to hear anything over the loud swooshing of tires rushing over the asphalt. I blew out my breath in a long sigh when no one answered. I had to believe that Reid had found JJ and would keep him safe until I could get out of here.

  The car came to an abrupt stop, rolling me to my side. My head once again banged into something hard. If I didn’t have a concussion before the trunk ride, I certainly had one now. Excruciating pain bloomed on my forehead, traveling behind my eyes and temples. Sweet mother of God that hurt.

  I heard the car door open, I had a choice to make. Did I pretend I was still unconscious or did I scream my head off as soon as the trunk opened? I remembered what Jacob taught me; if I ever needed help from a crowd of people always call out, “fire.” He drilled that into my head over and over. Onlookers will always turn to see a fire, but if you called out for help, most of the time people didn’t want to get involved and would ignore you. Sad, but true.

  I never thought I would ever be in a situation where I would need to test that theory, but there I was, locked in the trunk of psycho Carl’s car. I had no idea if I would be in an area where someone would even hear me.

  The door slammed, and I was down to milliseconds, I had to make my choice.

  Hush, Ava baby. Don’t make a sound.


  The truck opened, and cool, crisp, fresh air hit my face. I kept my eyes closed, and my lips sealed tight. It was harder than you think, not screaming and fighting once the trunk was opened. And when I was lifted out and thrown over Carl’s shoulder it was even harder not to bite him and spit in his face. But my hands were tied, literally tied, behind my back and my feet were bound. I was completely and utterly defenseless. Jacob was right. I needed to wait, be patient, and my opportunity would arise where I could take him off guard.

  I opened my eyes when I was securely in a fireman’s carry, and Carl couldn’t see my face. My field of vision was limited from the angle. But what I could see was familiar. It was my house.

  Carl kidnapped me and took me to my own house? Was he crazy? Reid and Mac would find him straight away. Well, of course, he was crazy, only a crazy person kills someone and kidnaps another.

  I heard keys clinking and the sound of metal sliding into the deadbolt. Where on earth did he get keys to my house? Reid and Mac were the only two people who had spare keys.

  He had keys to my fucking house!

  My mind was racing with all sorts of sick scenarios. Had he been in my house when I was sleeping? Did he let himself in when I wasn’t home? I tried to think if there was ever a time something was missing or out of place. I was coming up empty. But Carl was a cop, and if he had been in my house, he would know how to leave without a trace.

  He gently laid me down on my oversized couch and went to work untying me. Perfect, when these bindings came off, I was going to claw his eyes out. Never in my life had I wanted to inflict so much pain on another person. Not even Jimmy. And Jimmy was a despicable human being, but I just wanted him out of my life for good. I never wanted to see him again. And after Mac takes him to the station and has him processed, I never would. That chapter of my life was over.

  I couldn’t stop the tears from falling when I thought about poor Rick. His fiancé was going to be devastated. I knew that feeling all too well. Losing the person that you thought you would grow old with. I knew what it was like to have everything stolen from you, there would be no raising children together, no watching the man you love walk his daughter down the aisle, no grandchildren to spoil. All of her hopes and dreams would be ripped from her hands and her heart. She will be left with nothing but a fractured half-life.

  “Oh good, you’re awake. We’re home now,” Carl said as he licked the tears off my cheek.

  Disgusting pig.

  I remained quiet, I didn’t know what I was supposed to say or do in this situation. My legs were still bound, I couldn’t do anything but bide my time.

  “Eva, will you please bring Ava a glass of water? And I want a Sprite with a splash of cranberry,” Carl yelled. “You must be so thirsty, and we cannot have that.” He brushed my hair out of my eyes, and his face came into focus. His nasty breath skirted over my face and I flinched at the foul odor. Either he didn’t notice my grimace, or he knew he had stink mouth and didn’t care.

  And who the hell was, Eva?

  “I am so happy you finally get to meet my wife, Ava.” Carl smiled brightly.

  I didn’t know if he was addressing me as his wife, or if he was saying he was happy I finally got to meet his wife. Either way, this man was a few tools shy of something or other. I didn’t know how the saying went, and I didn’t really give a shit at that point. Carl was crazier than I thought.

  I waited for someone to bring me a glass of water or answer back, but no one did. My feet were almost undone, and I was fast losing my cool. I needed to know if there was someone else in the house before I made my move.

  Hush, Ava baby. Just wait.

  “I see that look in your eyes, Ava,” Carl snarled. Whoa! Talk about a change of mood. “Don’t even think about trying to leave me. If you run, that son of yours dies.”

  “No, Carl I wouldn’t.” I tried to placate him.

  “Yes, you would, you lying bitch. You have a lot to make up for. I have waited a long time, and you should be grateful. I let you raise that little bastard child until he was old enough for you to pop your titty out of his mouth. Now he’s someone else’s problem.”

  That was it. I couldn’t hold it in anymore.

  “Fuck you! You crazy piece of shit. You’re delusional if you think there has ever been a time I ever looked at you with any kind of attraction. I loved my husband. And only my husband. And if you ever call my son a bastard again I will fucking kill you, do you understand me?” I screamed back.

  “Fuck me?” Carl smacked me across the face, and blood immediately started pouring out of my nose into my
mouth and onto my couch. “Watch your dirty little mouth before I wash it out with soap. Where is Eva? Stupid woman. Now you need to clean up. Get up.”

  Before I could get myself off the couch, Carl had me by the arm and was yanking me to my feet.

  “Good there you are, go and get Ava some clean clothes. And hurry up next time, would you?” Carl said.

  I looked around the room, but we were alone. Who the hell was he talking to?

  Let it go, Ava baby. Don’t make him angry.

  I bit my tongue to prevent myself from calling Carl out on his crazy. I was beginning to question who was actually crazier here, me or Carl? After all, I was the one hearing my dead husband.

  After being pulled up the stairs, undressed and pushed into the shower, I stood under the lukewarm water horrified. Wasn’t it now I should’ve been fighting? Carl was distracted, having some make-believe argument with an imaginary woman. But I was afraid. He seemed too agitated, frantic even. If he still had the gun from earlier, I needed to wait until he was asleep, or not so anxious. I needed the upper hand. If I could just play along for a little while and get him to drop his guard I could figure out a way to call for help or get out of here.

  Just wait. They’re coming.

  “Stop being a jealous bitch and get my wife some clean clothes,” Carl yelled.

  Holy shit, we had both lost our minds. I was officially crazy too.

  “Are you ready for me Ava? I have waited too long to consummate our love. The time has come, I get to finally have my wife,” Carl said as he stepped into the shower stall with me fully nude. His small erection pointing right at me.

  I couldn’t stop the tremors from wracking my body when he reached for me, there was no way this man was going to touch me.

  “Don’t fucking touch me! You’ll have to kill me before you put your filthy hands on me,” I spat out.

  “Funny, Eva said the same thing. But she quickly learned her place.” Carl grabbed a fist full of hair. “You will too, my beautiful bride.”


  Rivers Of Blood


  I watched Mac leave with JJ, and my heart was literally pounding in my chest. I didn’t want JJ out of my sight. I know that made me a dick, Mac would always protect JJ, but it felt wrong watching them leave. I had to get the hell out of here and find Ava.

  “Let’s roll,” I yelled to Austin.

  I looked around the loft again, Rick’s dead body was still lying on the floor covered with a sheet. The blood stain was like a beacon not allowing me to forget that Rick gave his life for my woman and son.

  I was being pulled in two different directions. I wanted to be the one to handle Rick’s body. He was more than an employee, he was a close friend, and I didn’t leave men behind, ever. I owed him the respect of personally taking him to the medical examiner’s office.

  The only comfort I had was I knew Rick, he would want me to go after Ava. Hell, if my sorry ass was lying on the floor dead and his woman was taken, I would expect him to leave me and go after his woman. Yet, I still couldn’t stop the guilt.

  What a cluster fuck. I am so fucking sorry, Rick.

  My phone vibrated in my pocket, in my haste I fumbled the phone and almost dropped it. I needed to calm the fuck down and get my head right. My woman needed me, and I would be of no use if I was clumsy and unfocused.

  “Yeah,” I answered.

  “CCTV shows Carl’s car turning onto Ava’s street,” Dustin answered.

  “The fuck? You sure?” I asked.

  “Absolutely. I dialed into the security cams outside your house. And sure as shit, the dumb fuck took Ava to her own house.” Dustin paused. “Reid, he carried her into the house over his shoulder. She looked unconscious. I texted Mac and told him to keep an ear out, in case any of the neighbors call it in. Hopefully, everyone on the street is already asleep.”

  “Goddammit. Thanks for the update, Austin and I are on our way there now. I have to call Damion.” I quickly disconnected the call.

  My hands were shaking as I dialed Damion. What if Carl had already hurt Ava? What if he had already killed her, or… the more my mind played the what if’s, the more my hands shook. I was going to rip Carl’s balls off and feed them to his crazy ass.

  She needs you calm, Reid.

  My body locked tight. I hadn’t heard that voice in over five years. I quickly glanced around the room then at my phone to see if maybe I hadn’t disconnected my call with Dustin.

  She is safe for now. Go and get our girl.

  Please, Jacob, keep her safe.

  I must’ve lost my mind, talking to my dead friend, but, at this point, I was willing to do, or try, anything to keep my woman safe. Even if that meant pleading with her dead husband.

  “Damion, Carl was spotted at Ava’s house. We can’t all roll up in the neighborhood. Those bikes of yours can wake the dead. You know the Mountain Lake trail behind the house?” I asked.

  “I know the trail. I will get some of the guys to hang back. You got an idea how long they been there?” Damion asked.

  I moved to the elevator where Austin was already waiting for me and stepped in.

  “Hour tops. I’ll wait for you, we’ll go in together. I’ll be there in ten,” I told Damion.

  “On my way. Don’t fuckin’ roll in there on your own dammit. You don’t know what kind of fucked up shit he’s doin’,” Damion instructed.

  I closed my eyes and prayed to God, Carl was not doing any of the fucked-up shit Damion was talking about.

  “Copy that. Out.” I disconnected and shoved my phone back in my pocket.

  “We got this, Reid,” Austin said. “She’ll be fine. You know that we all have your back, and Ava’s. I guarantee you will have your woman in your arms in the next twenty minutes.” Austin tried to calm me down as the old elevator vibrated as we descended.

  “Twenty fucking minutes too long, Austin. You know what he can do to her in twenty minutes?” I asked, still thinking about what Damion said.

  “You can’t do that to yourself. Ava is smart and strong. She will do everything she can to keep herself safe until you get there. She knows you’re coming for her.”

  I knew what Austin was trying to do, I also knew that Ava was a strong, smart woman. But, Carl was a lunatic, completely unhinged, and I couldn’t predict what someone like him would do. He could be torturing her right now, or he could simply be trying to play house. I had no idea what his intentions were.

  “Why do you think Carl brought Ava back to her house?” I asked once we got into the car.

  “Who the fuck knows why that piece of shit is doing anything he is doing? What you cannot do is drive yourself crazy trying to get in his mind.” Austin stopped for a minute, and I was worried this was bringing up bad memories for him. His sister was taken by her ex and held for a day. She’d been raped repeatedly during those hours. Just the thought of that happening to Ava made me want to rage and put my fist through the windshield.

  “Listen,” Austin continued. “I know this is only going to worry you more. But, I also know if I don’t tell you, you’ll put your foot up my ass when you find out.”

  “Find out what?” I asked. I snuck a look at Austin, but in the dark, I couldn’t make out his expression.

  “Dustin sent over Carl Allen’s file. He had a girlfriend, Eva Martin. They dated for just over a year. Apparently, Eva’s parents got worried last month when they hadn’t heard from her in over a week and called around asking if any of her friends had seen her. No one had. They’ve filed an official missing person’s report. The local detective’s notes say that the Martins’ called Carl. He told them that he and Eva had broken up, and that Eva had told him she was going to move home to Tennessee. But she’s never shown up in Tennessee, and there is still no trace of her in San Francisco.”


  This shit just keeps getting worse.

  “What do you think? Did Eva leave him and then he snapped? Or did he kill Eva and go after Ava as a
replacement?” I wondered out loud.

  “I don’t know. We don’t have a whole lot to go on. Without more information, I can’t give you anything more than a gut feeling. And my gut is telling me Ava has always been Carl’s end game. That Eva was a stand-in until he could get to Ava,” Austin theorized.

  “Why?” I hated not having all the information. I loathed going into a situation without a plan of attack based on up to date intel. I trusted Austin and was interested in why he thought Carl wanted Ava.

  “I briefly skimmed Jacob Kelley’s request for a partner change. Either Mac didn’t remember this or Jacob never told Mac. But, Jacob found pictures of Ava in Carl’s locker. The pictures were taken without Ava’s knowledge. They were all candids of her; at the grocery store, walking into the gym, her going to work. Creepy stalker shit. The Captain questioned Carl, but he explained it away by telling the Captain that he thought Ava was cheating on Jacob. Carl said he took those pictures while he followed Ava to get Jacob proof of the affair.”

  “How in the hell is this sick bastard still a cop? Christ almighty, he is a complete fruitcake. The SFPD better hope to God that my woman is not harmed. This shit is whacked.”

  I pushed on the gas and wished I was in my Camaro LZ1 rather than the Rover. I finally turned onto West Pacific Avenue and followed it until it dead-ended at the Mountain Lake Trail. Three Harleys were parked next to the guardrail, I wasn’t sure how Damion and his guys got there before me, but I was grateful. Austin and I would have to take the last three blocks on foot.

  I slammed the Rover into park and jumped out, not even bothering taking the keys out. I tapped my right hip to ensure my Sig Sauer P226 9mm was secured in my holster as I took off in a full sprint.

  Damion, Trig, and Blaze were waiting just outside Ava’s side yard fence. Goddamn, they looked like a bunch of scary motherfuckers. Each over six feet, all of them wore full beards, add their black leather cuts and guns, and no one in their right minds would fuck with them.


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