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The Brothers York

Page 82

by Thomas Penn

  Brown, Sir George, 416, 495, 504, 505, 515, 518

  Bruges, 51, 77, 194–5, 260–1

  Buckingham, Henry Stafford, 2nd Duke of: married to Katherine Woodville, 123; at Elizabeth Woodville’s coronation, 130; at the Anglo-Burgundian tournament (1467), 167; friendship with Richard, Duke of Gloucester, 313; at visit of Louis of Gruuthuse, 325; and Edward’s invasion of France (1475), 360; Edward IV’s mistrust of, 370–1, 401–2; at Clarence’s trial, 405; supports Richard’s claim to the throne, 461–2, 467–71, 487–9; role under Richard’s protectorate, 473; suggests princes are sent to the Tower, 473; and Hastings’ execution, 482; created constable of England, 490; at Richard’s coronation, 494; rebellion (1483), 506–7, 511–16; executed, 515

  Buckingham, Humphrey Stafford, 1st Duke of, 26, 27

  bullion crisis (1464), 94

  Burdet, Thomas, 388–91, 394

  Burford, 40

  Burgh, Sir Thomas, 225–6

  Burgundy, Anthoine, ‘Bastard of Burgundy,’ 125, 147, 151, 162–3, 167–8, 444

  Burgundy, duchy of, 381–2 see also Charles the Bold; Philip the Good

  Butler, Eleanor, 521

  Cade’s rebellion, 7, 144, 227

  Cadwaladr (king of Britain), 4, 53, 106

  Caerleon, Lewis, 501, 505

  Calabria, Duke John of, 157–8

  Calais: defence of (1477), 385–6; factionalism in, 437–40; supplies credit to Edward IV, 50, 71, 95, 180, 190; Hammes fortress, 316, 349, 539, 540; refuses entry to Warwick and Clarence (1470), 234–5; support for the Yorkist cause, 20, 22–3, 25; trade embargo with Burgundy (1470), 257; Warwick in charge of, 17, 18–19; wool merchants, 16–17, 22, 78–9

  Calais Staple, 71, 148, 190, 191, 257

  Cambridge, 373, 525

  Canigiani, Gherardo, 148–50, 155–7, 179–80, 184, 240, 334–5

  Canterbury, 26, 85, 87, 131, 141, 295, 336

  Carmeliano, Pietro, 497

  Castiglione, Baldassare, 167

  Castleford, 46

  Catesby, William: Hastings’ deputy in Northamptonshire, 426; aids Richard’s regime change, 468–70, 473, 480–3; 491; seditious rhyme about, 529–30; Speaker of the House of Commons, 521; advises Richard not to marry Elizabeth of York, 549–50; captured at Bosworth, 563; conviction by Henry VII, 565

  Caxton, William, 118–19, 377, 423; The Game and Playe of the Chesse, 347–9; publishes Malory’s Morte d’Arthur (1485), 555–6

  Cecily of York (daughter of Edward IV), 206, 350, 359, 377, 417, 434

  Cely, William, 437, 518

  Chaderton, Edmund, 316

  Channel Islands, 55

  Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy (formerly Charles of Charolais): estrangement from Philip, duke of Burgundy, 87–8; Lancastrian sympathies of, 91–2, 201, 251–3; seeks alliance with Edward IV, 116–17, 124–5, 161–2, 169; invades France, 131; marriage to Margaret of York, 140, 146–7, 160–2, 171, 193–6; succeeds as duke of Burgundy, 169; admitted to Order of the Garter, 207; support for Edward IV in exile, 253–4, 257–60; equivocation over England alliance, 309–10; agrees joint invasion of France, 323–4; signs truce with Louis XI, 330; invasion of the Rhineland, 333, 353; and Edward’s invasion of France (1475), 360–1, 363–4; rift with Edward IV, 367, 368–9; campaigns in Switzerland, 379; death, 380, 381

  Charles VII, king of France, 18, 55, 56, 59

  Charles VIII, king of France, 443, 510, 534–5, 542, 553

  Chartres, 98

  Chastellain, Georges, 248, 252

  Chertsey Abbey, 294

  Cheyne, Sir John, 401, 402, 455, 495, 500, 505, 512, 515, 531, 562, 563

  Chirk Castle, 91

  Cicero, De Officiis, 160

  Cinque Ports, 64

  Clairet, Pierre, 378

  Clarence, George Plantagenet, Duke of: appearance and character, 85–7, 138, 154–5, 204, 222, 302, 312, 345, 486, 571; birth, 8; detained at Ludlow by Lancastrian troops (1459), 21; relationship with Edward IV, 28, 116; sent to Philip of Burgundy for protection, 39; returns to London for Edward IV’s coronation, 51–2; created knight of the Bath, 52; created duke of Clarence, 54; at Elizabeth Woodville’s coronation, 130–1; granted lands by Edward IV, 138–9, 154–5; at the Anglo-Burgundian tournament (1467), 167; marriage to Isabel Neville, 138, 172–4, 210–11; uncertain prospects of, 175; on judicial commissions, 176, 196; draws up ordinances for his household, 203–5; claim to the throne, 220; and Robert Welles’ uprising, 230–2; escapes to France with Warwick, 233–5; assists restoration of Henry VI, 241, 247, 255; defection back to Yorkists, 263–6, 272–4; dispute with Richard over Warwick inheritance, 301–4, 311–13, 315, 343–4, 349–50, 358–9; resumption of lands, 344–7, 349–50; proposal to marry Marie of Burgundy, 383–5; Edward’s distrust of, 387–8; trial of Burdet and Stacy, 388–92; Twynyho trial and execution, 392–4; arrested and imprisoned in the Tower, 394–5; trial, 402–5; execution, 406

  Claver, Alice, 422

  Clifford, John, Baron, 46

  cloth trade, 95, 105, 118–19, 123, 145, 156, 172, 181, 201, 244

  Clugny, Ferry de, 185, 267

  Cobham, Eleanor, 218, 391

  Colchester uprising, 539–40

  Colet, Henry, 551

  Collingbourne, William, 455, 530–1, 541

  Colonna, Egidio, De Regimine Principum, 222

  comet (1468), 200–1

  Commynes, Philippe de, 251–3, 257–8, 309–10, 364, 365–6, 384, 430, 447

  Constable, Marmaduke, 518

  Constables of England: role of, 68–9; Edward of Lancaster, 36; John de Vere, Earl of Oxford, 249–50; John Tiptoft, 68, 70, 103, 126; Richard, Duke of Gloucester, 222–3, 289; Richard Woodville, Earl Rivers, 203; Thomas Stanley, 555

  Conyers, Sir John, ‘Robin of Redesdale,’ 210, 240, 310

  Cook, Sir Thomas: relations to John Forster, 121; loans to Edward IV, 130; rents house to Canigiani, 149; prosecuted for Lancastrian activities, 193, 196–8; during Henry VI’s restoration, 256; flees to France at Edward’s restoration, 275

  Coppini, Francesco, 23–4, 25, 26, 28, 33, 43, 51

  Corbet, Sir Richard, 216

  ‘Cornelius’ (shoemaker), 191–2

  Coudenberg Palace, Brussels, 171

  Courtenay, Henry, 202, 205–6

  Courtenay, Peter, Bishop of Exeter, 512–13, 516

  Courtenay family, 233, 241, 512, 516, 571 see also Devon, earls of

  Coventry: council meetings at, 16, 19, 178; parliament (1459), 21; refuses aid to Margaret of Anjou, 37; Edward IV at, 176, 178; executions of Lord Rivers and John Woodville, 178; Warwick marshals forces at, 273–4; Margaret of Anjou submits to Edward IV, 290; Edward V visits (1474), 346–7; warned against support for Clarence, 399–400

  Cromer, 269

  Crowland, Lincolnshire, 209

  crusades, 23–4, 103–4

  Curteys, Piers, 422, 492–3, 551

  Dalleghiexia, Luchino, 219, 221

  Dallugo, Count Ludovico, 58–9

  Danvers, Thomas, 192, 491

  Darell, George, 57

  Dartmouth, 233, 241, 411, 516

  Daubeney, Giles, 505, 512, 562

  De la Pole, Richard, 571

  Delalaunde, Sir Thomas, 225

  Dengayn, William, 340–1

  Denmark, king of, 198

  Derby, Thomas Stanley, 1st Earl of see Stanley, Thomas

  Desmond, 7th Earl of, 203, 250, 536

  Desmond, 8th Earl of, 536

  Devon, Humphrey Stafford, Earl of, 205, 210, 212, 215, 217

  Devon, John Courtenay, 15th Earl of, 275, 283, 287, 288

  Devon, Thomas Courtenay, 14th Earl of, 49

  Dighton, John, 503

  Dinham, John, Baron Dinham, 20, 490

  Doncaster, 45, 103–4

  Donne, Sir John, 123–4, 231, 383, 423

  Dorset, Thomas Grey, marquis of: becomes Edward IV’s stepson, 119; at Elizabeth Woodville’s coronation, 130; marries Anne Holland, 154; in Prince Edward’s council, 370; at reburial of Richard, duke of York, 376;
at the trial of Stacy and Burdet, 389; at wedding celebrations for Richard of Shrewsbury, 401; companion to Edward IV, 430; Scottish campaign, 428, 431, 434; rivalry with Hastings, 438–40, 452; reconciles with Hastings at Edward IV’s deathbed, 448; on royal council after death of Edward IV, 450, 460; at Edward IV’s funeral, 455; takes sanctuary in Westminster, 472, 478, 487–8; and Buckingham’s rebellion, 513, 514; attempts to desert rebels, 545–6

  Dunstable, 36

  Dunstanburgh Castle, 72, 75, 76, 77, 102

  Dymmock, Andrew, 440, 445

  Dymmock, Robert, 495

  Dymmock, Sir Thomas, 225, 228, 229

  Edgecote, battle of (1469), 215–17

  Edinburgh, Treaty of, 420

  Edinburgh Castle, 435

  Edward III, 4, 54, 83, 106, 120, 319

  Edward IV (formerly Duke of York, Earl of March): ancestry and claim to the throne, 4; appearance and character, 28, 50–1, 57–8, 63, 84, 257–8, 282, 331–2, 365–6, 411–12, 429–31, 443, 571; birth (1442), 8; childhood in Ludlow, 10, 13; flees with Warwick to Calais (1459), 20; relationship with Warwick, 22–3, 28; promoted by the Yorkists as rightful heir, 25; at battle of Northampton, 27; becomes heir to the throne, 32; at battle of Mortimer’s Cross, 3–5, 32; claims throne of England, 40–3; raises funds to defeat the Lancastrians, 44–5; at battle of Towton, 45–50; conciliatory policies, 50, 306; coronation in Westminster Abbey, 52–3, 55; regarded as usurper, 53–5; welcomes envoys from Milan, 56–9; governance of, 59–60, 70–1; appropriates land, 64; and international trade, 95–6; and royal finances, 44, 64–5, 70–1, 94–5, 103–4, 104–6, 144, 165–6, 179–80, 410–11; execution of the Earl of Oxford, 67–70; sieges of Northumberland, 72, 74–6; protectionist policies, 78–9, 172; planned Scottish campaign, 76, 84, 89–90; fury at Somerset’s defection, 92; deals with insurgencies, 93–4; encouraged to marry, 98–9; introduces ‘papal tax,’ 103–4; carries out recoinage, 104–6; marriage to Elizabeth Woodville, 106, 109–13; illegitimate children of, 116; relations with Burgundy, 116–19, 161–2, 163, 166–9, 172; acts of resumption, 138–9, 344–5; raises funds for war with France, 189–90, 328–30, 333–5, 355–8; negotiates with Louis XI, 201; attempts peace with Neville brothers, 201, 207–8; receives Burgundian order of the Golden Fleece, 207; response to Robin of Redesdale’s uprising, 209–10; imprisoned by Neville brothers in Middleham Castle, 217, 221; conciliation with Warwick and Clarence, 221, 224–5; at battle of Losecote Field (1470), 230–1; warning to Clarence, 239–40; takes refuge in Holland (1470), 242–5, 253–4, 260–1; returns to England, 266–75; restored to the throne, 276–7, 299–300, 308–9; medical treatments, 321–3; preference for Richard over Clarence, 313–14, 340–1; trades insults with Louis IX, 352; invasion of France (1475), 353–4, 359–63; and the Treaty of Picquigny, 366–9; rumours of illegitimacy, 368–9; building projects, 373–4, 409; health, 386, 390, 413, 430–1, 447–8; mistrust of Clarence, 387–8, 391, 397–8; imprisons Clarence in the Tower, 394–5; trial of Clarence, 403–5; regret over Clarence’s execution, 406–7; raises funds for war with Scotland, 425–6; Scottish campaign (1482), 435–6; favours to family, 446–7; death, xx, 448–50; funeral, 454–7; declared illegitimate, 486; marriage declared illegitimate, 521; displays of wealth, 29, 56–7, 142–4, 409–10, 442–3

  Edward of Lancaster (son of Henry VI): birth, 12; John Morton appointed as chancellor to, 21; debarred from succession, 30; re-instated as heir to the throne (1461), 36; escapes to Scotland after battle of Towton, 49; escapes to Flanders with his mother, 82; proposed marriage to Anne Neville, 237; proposed marriage to Elizabeth of York, 239; letter to Warwick on government, 248; killed at battle of Tewkesbury, 287–8

  Edward of Middleham (son of Richard III), 507, 509, 524, 526

  Edward V: birth (1470), 256; declared heir presumptive, 299–300; established in Ludlow, 335–6, 342–3, 370; visit to Coventry (1474), 346–7; at Mary of York’s burial, 433; at Christmas (1482), 442; informed of Edward IV’s death, 453–4; detained in Northampton on the way to London, 465–7, 470–1; arrives in London under Richard’s care, 472; taken to the Tower, 474; declared illegitimate, 485–6; disappearance of, 496–7; plot to rescue from the Tower, 500; killed in the Tower, 503; references to in official documents, 520

  Edwards, John, 438, 440

  Elizabeth, Queen consort to Edward IV (formerly Elizabeth Woodville): family background, 113; marriage to Edward IV, 110–13; queenly role of, 116, 120, 143–4; churching (1466), 141, 142–3; coronation of (1465), 127–31; profits from Thomas Cook’s disgrace, 197; family members killed in insurgency, 221; during Edward’s deposition, 246–7; reunited with Edward (1471), 276–7; re-coronation ceremony, 308–9; and Clarence’s trial and execution, 405–6; dislike of William Hastings, 431; on Edward V’s succession, 449–50, 453; seeks sanctuary at Westminster (1483), 472, 475; releases Richard of Shrewsbury from sanctuary, 484; marriage declared illegitimate, 485–6, 521; talks with Margaret Beaufort, 501–2, 505; grief at sons’ death, 504; leaves Westminster sanctuary, 523; resigned to Richard III’s rule, 545–6; retirement to Bermondsey Abbey, 568–9; death and burial, 569

  Elizabeth I, Queen, 571

  Elizabeth of York (daughter of Edward IV later queen consort of Henry VII): birth, 141; betrothal to George Neville, 224; proposed marriage to Edward of Lancaster, 239; proposed marriage to the dauphin of France, 351, 366, 395, 413–14, 444; dances with Edward IV, 325; at the ‘marriage’ of Richard of Shrewsbury, 402; at Christmas (1482), 442; at Richard III’s Christmas festivities, 544–5; Richard III rumoured to plan to marry, 548–51; marriage to Henry VII, 565–6; crowned queen, 568; death, 570

  Elrington, Sir John, 456

  Eltham manor, 119, 121, 159, 373–4, 409

  Empingham, Lincolnshire, 230

  Empson, Richard, 469

  entertainments, 57–8, 143, 309, 325

  Essex, Henry Bourchier, Earl of, 60, 110, 221, 283, 376, 439

  Exchequer, 44, 64–5, 144, 155, 355, 410, 520, 536, 537–539

  Exeter, Anne, Duchess of, 266

  Exeter, Henry Holland, Duke of, 154, 253, 258, 266

  Farwell, Alice, 99

  Fastolf, Sir John, 361

  Fauconberg, Thomas Neville ‘the Bastard’ of, 260, 290–2, 295, 304–5

  Fauconberg, William, Lord, 20, 46, 47

  Faunt, Nicholas, 295

  Ferrers, William Devereux, Baron, 223

  Ferrybridge, Yorkshire, 45–6

  Flanders: under Philip of Burgundy, 33, 51; international trade, 79, 148, 244, 437, 442, 532; Margaret of Anjou flees to, 82; Anglo-Burgundian peace talks (1467), 171; trade embargo on English cloth, 172, 201, 378; Lancastrian exiles in, 202; marriage of Charles the Bold to Margaret of York, 193–6; Edward IV in exile, 244–5, 253–4, 257–62, 267; celebrations at Edward’s restoration, 289; and piracy, 235, 244, 334–5; William Caxton in, 377; death of Charles the Bold, 382; French threat to, 396, 434; under Maximilian I, 432, 441, 443; John Morton in exile, 515, 534, 539

  Fogge, Sir John, 26, 105, 146, 165, 176, 192, 197, 199, 212, 489, 545

  forced loans, 355, 425, 522, 546

  Forest, Johanne (Janet), 536–7

  Forest, Miles, 503, 536

  Forster, Agnes, 121

  Forster, John, 121, 197, 357, 360, 426, 483

  Forster, Sir Stephen, 121

  Fortescue, Sir John: chancellor to Edward of Lancaster, 21; in exile with Margaret of Anjou, 82, 124, 192; letter on government reform, 248–9; detained after battle of Tewkesbury, 290; pardoned after Edward’s restoration, 306; A Declaration upon Certain Writings Sent Out of Scotland, 328; The Governance of England, 318–19

  Fotheringhay: birthplace of Richard III, 10; Edward IV at, 83–4, 209; Edward IV signs treaty with Duke of Albany, 433–4; home of the House of York, 83, 373; reburial of Richard, Duke of York, 375–6

  Fox, Richard, 543

  France: Louis XI assumes the throne (1461), 59; negotiations with Warwick (1467), 161–2, 169–70, 176–9; retakes Gascony (1453), 11; sack of Sandwich
(1457), 17; support for Henry Tudor, 534–5, 542; trade with England, 16, 366, 369, 409; Treaty of Arras (1482), 443–5; Treaty of Picquigny (1475), 364–9

  Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor, 526

  Free, John, 68

  Frise, James, 321

  Fulford, Sir Baldwin, 61

  Fust, Johann, 160

  Gainsborough, 225–6

  Gascony, English loss of (1453), 11

  Gate, Sir Geoffrey, 216, 234, 246

  Gaunt, John of, 8, 88

  George of Podebrad, king of Bohemia, 141

  George of York (Edward IV’s son), 413

  Gigli, Carlo, 38

  Gloucester (city), 93, 285, 502

  Gloucester, Humphrey, Duke of, 8, 218, 391, 458, 459

  Goddard, William, 394

  Grantham, 33

  Gravelines, 148, 330, 437

  Greenwich, 62, 127, 163

  Grey, Sir John, 110

  Grey, Sir Ralph, 79, 102–3

  Grey, Sir Richard, 119, 370, 401, 430, 465, 470, 488

  Grey, Thomas see Dorset, Thomas Grey, marquis of

  Grey family, 175–6

  Grey of Ruthin, Edmund, Lord, 26

  Grimaldi, Luigi, 410

  Grocyn, William, 499

  Gruuthuse, Louis de: Anglo-Burgundian negotiations, 147; hosts Edward IV in exile in Holland, 245, 254, 257, 261–2, 266; visit to Edward IV’s court, 324–5; created Earl of Winchester, 326

  Guildford, Richard, 562

  Guisnes Castle, 97

  Gunthorpe, John, 194

  Gutenberg, Johannes, 160

  Guto’r Glyn, 563

  Habington, William, Historie of Edward the Fourth, 572

  Habsburg, house of, 384, 395, 414

  Hammes Castle, Calais, 349, 539, 540, 545

  Hanseatic League, 77, 198–9, 244–5, 262, 266–7, 310, 333, 334–5, 344

  Harewell, Roger, 404

  Harlech Castle, 76, 174, 200

  Harpisfield, Nicholas, 254

  Harrington, Robert, 481

  Harrington, Sir James, 271

  Harrington family, 233, 342, 359, 555

  Haselden, Thomas, 132–3

  Hastings, George, Lord, 570

  Hastings, Katherine, 499

  Hastings, Ralph, 81

  Hastings, William, 1st Baron Hastings: rise of, 60–1; hostility to duke of Somerset, 80–1; on Edward IV’s character, 84; commercial activities of, 95; master of the king’s mints, 104–5; intercedes with Edward IV on behalf of Elizabeth Woodville, 110–11; at the Archbishop of York’s enthronement (1465), 135; Anglo-Burgundian relations, 153, 423; Anglo-French relations, 170, 378, 426–7; witnesses Henry Percy’s oath of allegiance, 224; royal tournament (1467), 160; appointed on judicial commission, 176; exiled in Holland with Edward (1470), 254, 262; at battle of Tewkesbury, 287; captain of Calais garrison, 300–1, 437–40; friendship with Richard, duke of Gloucester, 313; visit of Louis de Gruuthuse to Windsor, 324–5; and the Treaty of Picquigny, 366; granted Tutbury estates, 345–6; at the reburial of Richard, Duke of York, 376; defends the Calais garrison, 385–6, 395–6; at Clarence’s trial, 403; companionship with Edward IV, 430–1; conflict with Anthony Woodville, 448; on royal council after Edward’s death, 450; hostility to Woodville influence, 452–3; at Edward IV’s funeral, 455, 456; aids Richard in detaining Edward V, 468–70; executed, 480–3


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