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Gus (Bar 28 Book 1)

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by JJ Harper

  © JJ Harper 2020

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places or incidents are the product of the author’s imagination and are used factiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons living or dead, events or locals are entirely coincidental.

  The author acknowledges the trademark status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/ Use of these trademarks is not authorised, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owner.

  All rights reserved.

  Cover design by Jay Aheer @Simply Defined Art

  Edited by Tanja Ongkiehong

  Proofread by Mildred Jordan

  Formatted by Brenda Wright, Formatting Done Wright

  All Gus wants is a night out and a hot hook-up before he starts his final year of university.

  Max has always been a player. One look at the sexy guy with the black guyliner and he’s found his bed partner for the night. What neither of them expected is the deep connection. Gus runs from his feelings. He doesn’t have time for a relationship. When Max wakes up and finds his bed empty, he’s disappointed, more than he thought possible.

  Then Gus turns up as the newest bartender at Bar 28, the bar Max owns with his brother. Max isn’t going to let Gus get away from him again.

  Can you really trust your instincts and believe you’ve found the one person you’re meant to be with?


  Chapter One Gus

  Chapter Two Max

  Chapter Three Gus

  Chapter Four Max

  Chapter Five Gus

  Chapter Six Max

  Chapter Seven Gus

  Chapter Eight Max

  Chapter Nine Gus

  Chapter Ten Max

  Chapter Eleven Gus

  Chapter Twelve Max

  Chapter Thirteen Gus

  Chapter Fourteen Max

  Chapter Fifteen Gus

  Chapter Sixteen Max

  Chapter Seventeen Gus

  Chapter Eighteen Max

  Chapter Nineteen Gus


  About JJ Harper

  More by JJ Harper


  For Rae

  You know why

  One day someone will walk into your life and

  make you see why it never worked out with anyone else


  “August, are you listening to me?” My mother’s insistent voice jolts me back from the mirror.

  “Yes, Mum. I’m eating healthily.” I’ve only been back in my flat for a few days, and she’s checking up on me. It’s a good thing the remains of yesterday’s pizza I’ve just eaten cold can’t speak up. “I don’t have much time. I’m getting ready to go out. Liam and Will are on their way over.”

  “Oh, I like those boys. What are your plans?”

  There’s no way I’m going to tell her that I’m on the pull, that I fancy a hook-up before the term starts again. I mess with my hair a bit more.


  “Sorry. We’re going to a couple of bars, nothing too drastic.”

  “Let me look at you, then.”

  With a sigh, I switch to the FaceTime app. “Hi, Mum.” I place the phone back down on my dresser and fasten the button on my jeans.

  “Why am I looking at the ceiling, August?” My mum’s chirpy amused voice makes me smile.

  I pick up the phone and look into the camera. She smiles back. I’m so lucky my parents have never batted an eye over me wearing make-up. Tonight I’ve gone all out, my eyes are heavily lined with black kohl with perfectly blended grey and black eye shadow.

  “You look lovely, August. Mind that little smudge on your cheek, and I wish you didn’t wear those lenses. Your eyes are gorgeous as they are.”

  I have heterochromia, with one iris bright blue and the other emerald green. I’ve covered them with blue lenses. It stops people from staring when they first meet me.

  “Now show me the rest. What are you wearing?” I hold the phone in front of my leather waistcoat and lower it to my black skinny jeans. “Are those my jet beads around your neck?”

  I look down at the lengths of silver and black chains. “Um, possibly. You never wore them anyway,” I say with a grin that I hope will let me get away with it.

  “You look great. I don’t know how you squeeze into those jeans. Ooh, I like the leather cuffs. Are they new?”

  My phone chimes with an incoming text. “The guys are here, Mum. I’d better go.”

  “Okay, honey. Make sure you take care and stay safe, August.”

  “I will. I always am.” I laugh and roll my eyes.

  “I saw that. I’m your mother, I’m allowed to fuss. Have a good time. We love you.”

  “Thanks, Mum. Love you too.” She ends the call, and the screen goes blank.

  I shove my phone into my front pocket, forcing it into the tight space. Then my wallet goes in a back pocket. I hook my front door key to one of the chains around my neck, the black hardly noticeable among the other pendants.

  I open the door and step outside. It’s September, but we’re still in the midst of the heatwave keeping the summer feeling going, and at eight thirty, it’s still warm.

  “Fucking hell! Gus, are you trying to kill me?” Will clutches his hands over his heart. “Damn, I wish I topped because I would so do you.”

  “Yeah, you wish.” I push him with my shoulder and catch Liam staring at me open-mouthed. “Liam, you’re catching flies.”

  “How can you look like this? You’re the perfect nerdy geek. Your picture comes up on Wiki as the definition. You look all hot and sexy and shit, like every gay guy’s wet dream.”

  “I think there’s a compliment in there somewhere, but I’m not completely sure.” I love shocking people with my change. These guys should be used to it. We’ve been friends from the first freshers night out, three years ago, but they still get a jolt when I do. “I’m on the prowl tonight, boys. Lead the way.”

  “We’re going to get a couple of drinks before we hit Bar 28. It’s been open a while now, probably since you left for the summer. It’s so cool. The cocktail bar is on the ground floor, but the club is below, and it gets some serious hot bump-and-grind action.” Will grins. “It has the best-looking bartenders and servers too.”

  “It sounds perfect. I hate that you live close to here and get to find out all the best places when I’m stuck at home in the arsehole of nowhere.”

  “The Cotswolds is not the arsehole of nowhere. It’s pretty.” Liam nudges me with his elbow. “I’ll have you know my grandparents live there.”

  “I rest my case. It’s for old people.” I grumble, making them laugh.

  We make our way into town, Liam cracking dumb jokes. Will pushes him off the pavement when he jabbers on about bossy bottoms and never getting laid. The street with most of the cool bars is busy now, mainly with students coming back for the new term or even worse the new kids away from home for the first time. We pick one of our favourite pubs. It’s LGBT-friendly, the rainbow flag stickers in the window giving it away to any new customers. It’s easier for me to be in places I feel safe. I’ve been hassled too many times for the way I dress and that I wear make-up, but the only looks I get when we walk in are of approval. Coming to a big city for uni was a good idea, and starting the final year of my physics degree makes me feel alive again.

  We weave through the crowd to the bar and wait for one of the bartenders to see us, then g
ive our order and make our way to the other side of the room, out of the immediate bar area. We’re here to talk and catch up, not getting jostled around by people who can’t wait for their next drink. The place is classier and bigger than it seemed from outside. Polished high-top tables take up most of the large stylish room. Shiny brass stools with black leather seats stand in front of the bar, and on the edges, leather chairs and sofas are gathered around low oak tables, giving plenty of opportunity to lounge. Nearly all the seats are taken by equally stylish people. Which is why, I imagine, large mirrors adorn the walls, allowing the patrons to check each other out, as well as making sure they still look their best. We pick a high table, and I look around.

  Yum. Who is that? At the end of the bar stands an incredibly attractive man, who’s not even pretending to check me out. He’s tall and muscled, not crazy spent-hours-in-the-gym-and-live-on-protein-shakes muscly but looking good in a fitted short-sleeve shirt that shows off his pecs. His face is chiselled, his jaw strong, and his cheekbones high. His dark hair is short, almost a buzzcut, yet it suits him. The scruff on his jaw highlights his full lips. Then his gorgeous mouth quirks up into a small lop-sided half smile, and his eyes twinkle. He’s not even ashamed I caught him checking me out. His eyes roam lazily over me, lingering on my virtually bare chest, then coming back up to my face. Desire is radiating from him. I’m sure if I was closer, I’d be able to see his eyes darken. He looks as if he’s about to move towards me when a guy steps up to him, breaking his eye contact with me. He frowns, disappointment written all over his face, but he takes the drink the other man is holding out for him.

  Turning away from him, I tune in to Will and Liam’s conversation, but it’s about a TV program I haven’t watched. I scan around the room again, but no one else catches my attention. At least not as much as he does. When I bring myself to look back in his direction, he’s staring at me again. The slow, lazy smile he had earlier comes back. This time it’s me who’s interrupted.

  “Come on, Gus. Drink up. It’s your round.” Will taps the back of my hand.

  “Yeah, sure.” I finish my drink and weave through the crowd to reach the bar. Using my shoulders, I nudge the people who are just hanging around without moving back once they’ve got their drinks. I slot myself in and try to catch the bartender’s attention. A glance in the mirror behind the bar tells me the sexy man is behind me. Not so close I can feel him, but his eyes are on mine in the mirror, giving me a glimpse of their colour. The rich dark brown, with flashes of gold sparkling through, is stunning, captivating. When he notices me looking back, his face breaks out into the sexiest fucking smile I’ve ever seen. It reaches his eyes, which are screaming mischief at me. His full lips are wide, and damn, I want to lick the dimples in his cheeks. My tongue darts out and slicks over my lip. His smile turns more feral as lust flashes in his eyes.

  Why couldn’t we be in the club already? It’s not fair. I mentally stamp my feet at the lack of opportunity to grind against him. Maybe, just maybe, I could tell him where I’m going to be later.

  I have to break our gaze when it’s my turn to order—two beers and a gin and tonic. A hand lands softly on the small of my back. I’m not even surprised, and I slowly raise my eyes. Yup, he stands behind me now, smirking. “Hi,” I say, managing not to squeak, which is a win for me.

  “Hello. You look like my kind of sin,” he whispers in my ear. Goosebumps break out over my skin, and I bite down on my lip, stopping me from moaning.

  My dick swells in my tight jeans, making me grateful for the bar hiding my growing erection. “That’s good to know.” I match his smirk, then pay for and collect my drinks. “You’ll find me at Bar 28 later.” I step past him and get back to my friends.

  “What’s with the grin?” Will asks.

  “I don’t know what you mean. Can’t I have a good time?”

  “Just by buying a few drinks? Not likely. Spill.”

  “Okay.” I fill them in on what happened. They immediately try to look. “Stop it!” I hiss. “I’m trying to be cool here. For once I didn’t blush or say something dumb.”

  We stay for a few more drinks. Then when we’ve got a decent buzz on, we head over to Bar 28. The streets are full of people enjoying the warm evening and perhaps with the same idea as us—having fun. We queue up at the side of the building. The line isn’t too long, but a couple of bouncers seem to decide who’s getting in or denied entrance. A group of about six guys, all well oiled with alcohol, have been refused entry and are making a show of leaving, but no one pays too much attention to them. When it’s our turn, the bigger of the two huge, muscled bouncers lifts the rope to let us step inside. “Have a great evening.” He winks. I smile but don’t comment.

  “That was weird,” Will says and looks back over his shoulder, but the man is facing out into the street again.

  Damn, I like this place. The cocktail bar is already full, but we turn to our right and down the stairs. The muted sound of a bass rhythm grows heavier the closer we get to the wide black double doors. My heart pounds in time to the music, and I grin at Will and Liam as they pull the doors open.

  The room is dark enough to set the mood for some bump and grind. One of the walls is made up of smoked-glass mirrors, making the room seem larger than it is while giving its occupants plenty of chances to check out the other dancers. The bar along the wall on the other side of the entrance has people two-deep waiting to be served. It’s busy but not so full you can’t move. For a club that isn’t specifically gay, there seem to be more men than women. I’m in heaven. My eyes are drawn to the dance floor, where men grind against each other. No signs of any inhibitions here. It’s exactly what I’ve been waiting for.

  “Shall we get drinks?” Will shouts and points over to the bar. I nod and follow him. I have more than a few sets of eyes on me as I weave through the throng.

  If the sexy guy from the other bar doesn’t turn up, I won’t be lost for choice, although the thought of not seeing him makes me feel a little deflated. What is it about him? Maybe it was the way he looked like he wanted to drag me away the moment we saw each other. I’m pretty sure I would’ve let him.

  Will orders three tequila shots and hands them out. “To a great night out!” In one gulp, we down them. I shudder at the burn. Time to stay away from shots. A couple of gins will keep me from getting into too much trouble.

  “Time to dance, boys!” I shake my arse and head onto the dance floor. I lose myself to the beat, turning down a couple of handsy guys, wanting to be left to dance for now.

  “I’m not sure, Dean. I’ve had a hell of a week,” I answer his plea to go out tonight. I own a cocktail bar and club, hence the idea of a night in a pub isn’t always appealing.

  “Don’t be so boring, and you know there’s a guy out there just waiting to drop to his knees for you,” he taunts me. Yes, I’m known for being a man-whore. Although it’s all got so staid lately, I can’t be arsed to go through the whole pick-up routine. “Please, I’ve had a shit week and need to go and have a few beers. It doesn’t have to be an all-nighter.”

  Letting out a huge sigh, I give in. “Okay, I’ll meet you at Trader’s around eight.”

  “You’re a good mate, Max. I owe you one,” Dean says cheerfully.

  “You owe me way more than one.” I laugh. “See you later.”

  And that’s why I’m now crammed into a packed pub, waiting for Dean to come back from the bar with our drinks. As always, I’m checking out the men. And hello! Across the room sits the hottest, sexiest guy I’ve seen in, well, like ever. He’s dressed as if the only thing he wants to do tonight is fuck. He’s bare-chested under an open black leather waistcoat. His face is artfully made up with smoky black eyes and perfectly applied guyliner. I’ve always loved this look on a guy, but he’s taking it to a whole new level and putting every guy in here to shame. He’s beautiful, yet not preening around like a peacock. He wears the make-up like it’s part of him, an extension of his personality. It’s not a shield. It’s
an invitation to be bold.

  Dean is still at the bar, but it looks like he’s getting served now. I glance back at the hot guy. Oh yes, he’s checking me out too. I give him a small smile, letting my eyes roam over his body, enjoying his reaction. There’s no shame in being caught. It’s why we’re here. I take a step towards him, but Dean reaches me and hands me my drink, and reluctantly I turn away from Sexy Guy.

  “What’s up?”

  “I'm beginning to think that coming out was a good idea,” I say smugly to Dean but keep my eyes on the man I'm determined to be with tonight.

  After a few more minutes, he leaves his friends and head to the bar. “I'll be back in a minute,” I tell Dean as I move past him.

  “What? Where are you going? Scrap that question. I can see what, or rather who you’ve got your sights on.”

  I step up behind the object of my every fantasy. His eyes meet mine in the mirror behind the bar.

  He purrs out a greeting, which makes my heart beat faster. He seems as attracted to me as I am to him. “You look like my kind of sin,” I whisper huskily in his ear, then revel in the sight of his shudder and the goosebumps that pebble over his skin.

  “That’s good to know.” He takes his drinks and smirks at me. “You’ll find me at Bar 28 later.” He walks back to his friends, not waiting for me to see if I’m interested. Like I’m going to turn him down. This evening is going to be a good one.

  I hurry back to Dean. “I need to make a call.” I walk out of the bar, grab my phone from my back pocket, and call the number for behind the bar at Bar 28. It rings for a long time. Good, the bar is busy. When it’s answered, I recognise the voice. “Leo, hey, it’s Max. I want you to do me a favour. I need you to go and speak to Steve at the door.” I carry on with my instructions.

  “On it.” Leo’s bright laugh comes through the line. Then with his voice heavy with mirth, he says, “You have a good night, boss.”

  With that sorted, I go back inside, where Dean is looking over at a group of girls that have just walked in. We have a couple more drinks as he focuses on one of them. She looks like she’s in her early twenties and is eyeing him up as keenly as he is. Dean won’t need me here anymore. He’s gone and pulled for the night. “Hey, I’m heading out. You have fun.”


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