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Gus (Bar 28 Book 1)

Page 2

by JJ Harper

  “Yeah, you too.” He winks, then ambles over to the girl. He’s such a flirt. I’ve never wanted to be in a relationship, and now I’m too busy to have a boyfriend. Having someone to share my bed for a night is enough for me. Which means getting to the club and finding my hot guy.

  “Did he turn up?” I ask Steve as I walk up to the door.

  “Oh yes, and boy, he’s a looker.” He laughs. “He’s got good time written all over him.”

  “Keep your hands and eyes to yourself. I saw him first.” I clap him on the shoulder, then pull the heavy door open and walk inside. I make my way through the busy bar to the door in the corner that leads into the staff area and the office that has the monitors for the CCTV cameras. Both the bar on this level and the club downstairs have cameras set up for security. Tonight, however, I’m playing voyeur. I want to find the sexy guy, then work out the best way to approach him. I scan over the bar area, but there’s no sign of him there. Fuck, there he is, dancing with a guy. Damn, just my luck. Pain stabs me. From disappointment, jealousy? I have no idea. But then I recognise him from the bar. He’s his friend. The night is looking good again. I study the monitor more closely, but from what I can make out, no one seems to have caught his eye. I’m transfixed as he moves beautifully to a beat I can’t hear.

  He’s still going after fifteen minutes. Then his friend says something in his ear. He nods, and together they walk away. My turn. I hurry out of the office and downstairs.

  I’ve been dancing for what feels like hours. The tunes are killer, and the guys around me are hot, and I mean that in a really good way.

  With my arms up in the air and my eyes closed, I sway to the beat, losing myself in the deep bass when a pair of hands take a soft hold of my hips. My eyes pop open. I’m about to turn down whoever has interrupted me, only to see the delicious guy from the pub. His eyes sparkle in the multicoloured lights over the dance floor. He’s moving the same way as me, languidly, absorbing the beat inside him. I shuffle closer and let the music direct my body.

  His smile is sensual and lazy as he leans into me. “I’m glad I’ve found you on your own. I thought you’d have been snapped up by now.”

  “I’m fussy who I dance with,” I reply, and my eyes roam over him. “And who I let touch me.” I bite on my bottom lip, pleased as he switches his gaze to my mouth. I love this part of flirting, the dancing around each other, sending out signals and receiving them in equal measure. I’m more than interested in this guy. He’s everything I like in a man. Apart from tall, dark, and sexy, he’s handsome, confident, and sexy. And he has a great dress sense and a killer smile and is sexy. Did I mention sexy? I think I did, but I seem to be losing my ability to concentrate around him. I’m smart, I promise.

  “Then I consider myself incredibly lucky that you’re allowing me to do both with you.” He’s shouting over the music, but I hear the humour in his voice.

  “Yes, you are.” I press closer still so our bodies touch from our chests down to our groins. Fuck, he seems to be filling out his jeans very nicely. “My name’s Gus.”

  “I’m Max,” he says in my ear, his warm breath making a shiver run down my already overheated body. We carry on dancing, not bothering to talk, letting the music take over. As the beat slows, his hands slide around my hips and slip down over my arse, giving a firm squeeze. I press against him even more and glide my hands up over his chest, feeling the solid muscle I thought he was packing when I first saw him, and over his shoulders to wrap around his neck. He bends his head and brushes his lips over mine. I’m happy to take that as an invitation for more and press back. As his tongue slips over my bottom lip, I open to let him in. His kiss is strong, commanding, full of promise, and I melt into him. His hands tighten on my arse. I grind my hips to his as our tongues tangle, moaning when he moves back, ending the kiss.

  “Fuck,” he says, his eyes dark and blazing. I lift my thumb to his swollen bottom lip. He licks the pad before I can pull away.

  “Maybe later, if you’re good.” I wink and move against him again, getting lost in his eyes, in his touch. As I let my hands roam over his hips and up his back, he feels familiar, like I’ve known his body forever. I don’t want to stop touching him.

  After we dance through a few more tracks, he speaks again. “Shall we get a drink?”

  I nod and wait for him to move, but he doesn’t. Instead, he leans down and drops another firm kiss on my mouth, a brief one that has me pouting and reaching for more. He grins, lifting his hand off my bum and clasping mine. I’m not one to let anyone take over. I’m usually the one in charge. Because I’m small, most men feel the need to be in control, but I’m always quick to prove them wrong. Max seems to have blown that obsession of mine out of the window. I follow him like an extremely eager puppy to the bar. He says something to the cute bartender I can’t hear. His bright blue eyes flash to me as he nods at Max.

  “Same again?” he asks.

  “Wow, I’m impressed. There must be about a hundred people in here, and you know what I’ve been drinking.”

  “You’re pretty easy to remember.” He looks pointedly at my face, then down to my chest.

  I laugh and give him a wink. “Yeah? Maybe I should have your number,” I joke. Max sidles closer to me, and the barman’s smile falters. Max is scowling at him, his full lips tightened in a thin line. I frown. I may have the hots for him and hope to get lucky, but he has no claim on me.

  “Sorry, it’s against the rules to hand out numbers,” the barman says with a shake of his head. His voice still holds a glimmer of humour, but it seems to be aimed at Max rather than me.

  Max puts his hand around my waist, his thumb on the bare skin above the belt on my jeans, stroking back and forth. Heat burns through me, and I tremble. His smile is back, his eyes warm and inviting. We take our drinks, and I can’t help shooting a grin at the bartender, who winks back. We stroll to a quiet roped-off corner. Max unhooks the brass clip and lets the thick red rope drop.

  “Are we okay to sit here?” I happily collapse next to him on the leather bench, grateful for somewhere to sit.

  “We are. I cleared it with Beck.” He nods to the bartender, who’s still looking our way. Max picks up his bottle of beer and takes a long swallow.

  “D’you bring all the guys you pick up here to this corner.” I’m not the slightest bit put off at the thought. I know what I want from this, and it’s nothing more than a good orgasm, maybe two if I play my cards right.

  “This isn’t something I usually do here, but you’re tempting enough to break my rule.” His answer is serious, not the flirty comeback I expected.

  “You said I’m your kind of sin. What did you mean?” I sip at my drink. His eyes are back on my mouth. “You like watching my mouth. Are you imagining it around your cock?”

  Max grins at me, his eyes full of heat. “I wasn’t, but I am now. Are you always this forward?”

  “No, not always, but with you? Why not? I think we’re a sure thing tonight, don’t you?” I cock my head to one side. “Have I got it wrong? You don’t seem the type to want to date.”

  “You’re not wrong, although I’m curious to know why you think I wouldn’t want to date.”

  “Oh, honey, you have bad boy written all over you. I bet you get every man you want, maybe a few of the women too.” I don’t like the idea of him with anyone at all. I want him to be mine.

  He shakes his head. “No women, definitely not. And no to having who I want, or maybe it’s that I rarely find a guy I really want.”

  “Then perhaps you should make the most of it and take me home.” I finish my drink in one gulp and stand up. Max studies me for a while. What does he see? I’m probably too forward, and he likes to be the instigator. Well, that’s just tough luck for him. I’m not sure when I’ll get a night out like this again. I must concentrate on my work this year if I want to get the First I’ve been working towards from day one. Plus, I’m going to have to look for a job, probably in a bar, where I can work arou
nd my lectures and studying. I wait for him to make up his mind for a few more seconds, but he stays silent, contemplative. What’s he thinking? “Look, Max, if you’ve changed your mind, then that’s fine. I can go back to my friends and have some fun on the dance floor. No harm done.” I step away from the table and head back to dance again.

  I’m pissed off with him, but he’s perfectly within his rights to change his mind. I hate that he has, though. I really got a good feeling from him that we could be great together. Disappointment courses through me. I like him. He has something very special about him. I want to get to know him, but I have to be realistic. It seems he isn’t on the same page.

  His hand is on my arm after I’ve only gone a couple of paces. It’s a gentle touch, but it makes me smile, and I turn back to him. “Good choice.” I smirk and grab his hand and lead him towards the exit. I wink at the bartender, who gives me a knowing smile.

  As soon as we get outside, I pull out my phone and fire off a WhatsApp to the group chat I have with Liam and Will, telling them I’ve left and will let them know when I’m home. It’s something we agreed on from the start and saves any of us from getting worried and start calling. Totally not what you want when you’ve pulled.

  Tonight is not playing out the way I expected. I planned to get him back to my place and in my bed as soon as I could, but now? Now it seems like a completely different scenario, one that is racing out of control. The moment my fingers touched his bare skin, I felt the burn, the rush of heat as it raced through my bloodstream. Nothing and no one has ever felt like that before, like there’s something there, something worth holding on to. His brash mouth has me intrigued. I can tell he likes to take control, but so do I. Then he gives me an out, but my head is screaming “Hell no.” There’s no way on earth I’m letting him get away. The feelings he’s bringing out in me are alien to me, but not unwelcome. The thoughts of protecting, of keeping him are nothing I’ve ever had for a man before. Yet bizarrely it doesn’t faze me. I want to know more about this cool, confident man, even as he strides away from me. There’s no fucking way I’m leaving him to find someone else for the night. I know Beck would be on him in a flash. I stand up and reach him before he hits the dance floor.

  Once we’re outside, I can’t hold back any longer. I have to kiss him again. Damn, he tastes amazing. He’s as eager as I am, and soon, we’re locked together, our tongues dipping in and out of each other’s mouths as we give and take. It’s a kiss full of promise and need. We need to get to my place.

  I grab his hand. “This way.” I want this man more than I’ve wanted anyone in a very long time. He laughs, complaining about being short as he takes two steps to every one of mine as we rush to get to my apartment.

  When we reach the building, I punch in the code to open the large glass door and head for the lift. The door opens, and we step in. I press seven, and before the door has closed, I’ve pushed him against the back wall, his face clasped in my hands. I don’t have long, but I need to kiss him again. He grabs my arse and pulls me into him. His hard-on presses against me, and I grind my own into it. Our mouths are locked until the ping of the door opening makes us break apart. Taking his hand, I lead him down the corridor to my door. He stands behind me with his hands tight on my hips as I fumble to get the key in the lock.

  “Having problems?” He chuckles. Then the door swings open, and I yank him inside.

  I love my flat. It took me a long time to save up for it. The new building came with a price, but I lucked out on snatching one of the apartments on the top floor. Gus has walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows and seems engrossed in the view of the river, even though he won’t be able to see much now it’s dark. I’m more interested in watching him, drinking in every inch of him, etching him in my mind. God, the things I want to do to him, to have him do to me. One thing is for sure. This is important. Tonight is going to make or break me because, for the first time in my life, I know that one night will never be enough for me. I’m trying to play it cool by leaning against the wall as he walks around, brushing his finger over the dining room table, picking up a pillow from the couch. He’s exquisite, so calm and collected. He knows exactly what he wants tonight.

  Finally, Gus stops a few feet in front of me. “You okay?”

  “I am. I’m trying to hold back from grabbing you and dragging you to my bedroom.”

  “I’m pretty sure I’m okay with that.” He steps closer until there’s barely an inch between us. His bright blue eyes are dark, his pupils blown. “What do you want to do with me?”

  “Everything. I’m trying to work out where to start.” I reach out and stroke my fingertips down his face and neck. He shivers as his eyes flutter closed, and his lips part. “You’re so responsive, so bold, so sure, and so fucking beautiful.”

  “Have you looked at yourself? You’re the beautiful one. You’re my fucking wet dream, my every fantasy.” His hands are firm on my chest, stroking over my pecs. My nipples immediately harden under his touch. His fingers move nimbly to undo the buttons of my shirt. He’s taking his time. I wouldn’t care if he ripped them, scattering the buttons over the floor. He spreads the fabric apart, and I grin when he gulps at the sight of my hard, muscled body, making every painful hour I put in at the gym worthwhile. He presses a kiss in the centre of my chest, then moves over to my nipple. His tongue flicks out over the nub, and he tugs it with his teeth. I hiss and flinch at the sharp pain, but he licks the sting away, then blows over the dampened skin. I shudder and get ready to take charge when his hands move to the buckle of my belt.

  “Enough. It’s my turn.” I kiss him, my lips firm on his, then do what I’ve wanted to do since I got him through the front door. I throw him over my shoulder and carry him out of the living room and down the hall to my bedroom. When we get inside, I drop him on the bed, and he laughs as he bounces. I pull off my shirt and let it fall to the floor. Gus takes off his waistcoat, hanging it over the side of the bed. I strip fast, leaving me standing in a pair of tight black briefs. The proof of my arousal and need is showing as a damp patch on the cotton at the tip of my very hard dick.

  He looks surprised when I kneel down and unlace his boots. I pull them off, then take off his socks. This is more than I’ve ever done for a hook-up before, but I don’t give myself the time to ponder why. I sit back on my heels and watch him try to get out of his very skinny jeans. He shimmies them down his legs, and I grab the hem and help him out, grinning as I do. “Don’t fucking laugh. Skinny jeans are fucking hard to get off quickly, let alone elegantly. At least I’m not hopping around the room.” He laughs, and I love it. Hook-ups are usually quick and don’t spare any time for fun or humour. More like get in, get off, get out.

  Gus has propped himself up on his elbows, his legs parted and the thick outline of his dick prominent in his underwear. “Where shall we start?” he asks with a quirky smile.

  “Here.” I push my thumbs into the waistband of my briefs and push them down. Once they’re over my arse, I let them slip down my legs and kick them to the side. I step closer to the bed, taking my dick in my fist and tugging it slowly, leisurely from base to tip, up and down, as I keep my eyes fixed on Gus. “You like what you see?”

  Gus seems to have trouble swallowing as his Adam’s apple bobs hard, but I’m surprised when he pushes himself onto his knees and crawls to me. Precum is already beading on the head of my cock. He hesitates, looking up through his long black lashes. “Are you clear?”

  I try to think what he means as he hovers over my cock. Then I understand. “Yes, recent check-up and have the paperwork.”

  “I’ll take your word for it.” Then the tip of his tongue flicks over the slit, licking up the salty-sweet pearl. He hums quietly as he tastes me, causing another bead to form.

  “You are sin. You are every dirty thought or dream I’ve ever had. Get your mouth around my dick. I can’t wait to see what you can do.” I growl, wiping the head over his lips. He opens for me, his gaze never leaving mine. “Christ
, you’re going to take all of me.” I feed him my length, inch by inch.

  When I reach the back of his throat, I feel the constriction as he swallows around me. As much as I want to thrust in, I let him take control. Gus shifts. I expect him to use his hands, but instead, he places them both on my thighs and continues to lick, suck, and slurp. He takes a deep breath in through his nose and takes me into his throat again. My balls tighten, drawing inside. I’m about to come. Luckily, he seems to get the sign too and pulls off me. His lips, reddened and swollen, spread into a mischievous grin.

  “Fuck, that was close.” I pant and tug on my balls, pulling them away from my body. “Get naked, Gus.”

  Gus slides farther up the bed, then slowly pushes his snug-fitting boxers down over his arse. His cock springs free and slaps wetly onto his stomach. I get up on the bed and sit between his spread legs. I drop wet kisses on his thighs, travelling closer to his dick.

  “You’re something else, Gus. You deserve a reward for that epic blow job,” I murmur as my mouth reaches the apex of his thighs. I can’t resist nuzzling his groin, lapping at the crease, then kissing the base of his prick. I’m surprised at my tender actions. Again it’s something I wouldn’t do for a random hook-up. That’s all about getting off as quickly as possible. But with Gus, it’s different, natural. I like it. I continue to kiss up the underside, licking over the thick vein that pulses under my tongue. As soon as I slide my mouth down him, he lets out the most beautiful debauched moan and grips the duvet in tight fists. I work him as eagerly as he had, humming as I lick and suck.

  “Stop, Max. You need to stop.” Gus pants, his orgasm on the brink of erupting. There’s no way he’s doing that until I’m inside him. Allowing him a small reprieve, I come off his cock and move up to kiss him. My tongue licks over his lips, dips inside the warm heat, and strokes over his tongue. Then I pull back, smirking, and push his legs up to his chest, eager to do something else I wouldn’t normally do with someone I plan to have only a one-night stand with. I repeat the same process on his hole. I lick and flick over his tight pucker until he’s a babbling mess. Then I quickly grab the lube and stretch him. My fingers slip inside him as he writhes and moans.


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