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The Life of a Prostitute

Page 42

by Doris Joe

  I tried to process that. “So... I’m the father?”

  Susan gasped and pushed me. “Of course! Who else would I let knock me up?”

  “Let me? So on our camping trip... you weren’t protected? On purpose?”

  Susan looked at Melissa, “Guys are really slow sometimes, aren’t they?”

  “But why?” I said. “I thought having a kid squicked you out.”

  Susan buried her face against my chest with one arm around me and the other around Melissa. “Because I don’t want to lose you.”

  I met Melissa’s eyes while stroking Susan’s hair. “That would never happen. I told you... we’re a family.”

  “Well, we sure are now,” said Susan. She looked up. “Angry?”

  “Shocked,” I said. “Amazed. But not angry. You know I wanted to have a baby with you too. But now how the hell am I going to deal with two pregnant women at the same time.”

  Melissa said, “We’ll take it easy on you. It’s going to be a big change. For all of us.”

  I started pulling Susan and Melissa to the bed.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Seeing if I can give you both twins.”

  “But that’s not how... never mind. Let’s try anyway.” Melissa laughed and pulled Susan onto the bed with her. Melissa awoke and stretched, the bed sheet falling to expose one lovely breast.

  “Uh? Gone? Where’d she go?”

  “She was gone when I woke up.”

  Melissa yawned, trying to clear her head. Then she covered her eyes and groaned.

  “Oh no. What did we do?”

  I touched her arm. “We got a little carried away.”

  “I’ll say. Letting you sleep with my best friend, letting her watch us... what were we thinking?”

  Melissa groaned again. “And she left? That’s bad. She’s probably so embarrassed.”

  “Somehow I don’t think Susan gets embarrassed that easily.”

  “Oh, you don’t know her. We’ve been friends forever. She’s outgoing, but she’s no slut.”

  “I didn’t mean she was. We all just got... carried away, like you said. So should we talk to her?”

  “It’s better if I talk to her first. Alone.”

  “If you say so,” I said, “But Melissa, how are YOU feeling about it?”

  Melissa stared at the ceiling. “I don’t know. I should be horrified, right? But I think I’m okay. I never thought we’d ever do anything like that, but it went so naturally. It seemed right.” When I first met Melissa, she was shy and guilt-ridden. Her strict parents had poisoned her mind against men and all things sexual. But Melissa had read, learned and had found her own morals for life. She fought the shame and fear instilled by her upbringing and through sheer determination, Melissa had pushed her boundaries and grown.

  I supported her where I could and challenged her when she needed it. Her strength astonished me as did her growing lust. As Melissa freed herself from guilt and shame, she developed into the most loving, lust-filled woman I’d ever known, and I was the lucky target of her passion and curiosity. I said, “I thought you’d need a lot more time to think about what we did?”

  “I thought about it last night... after you and Susan fucked the second time.”

  “You were awake? Uh, I was going to tell you about that...”

  “I know. You screwed her a second time.”

  “Actually, it was more like she screwed me. When I woke up Susan was already on top of me.”

  “And I bet you fought really hard to push her off too,” said Melissa, nudging me.

  “I... at first I thought it was you! Honestly. I couldn’t see anything, and you wake me up like that often enough.”

  “You thought it was me? Oh, that’s so sweet! But then you realized it was Susan and...”

  “And I couldn’t stop her. I... didn’t really want to, either. I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t need to be sorry. I mean, I practically pushed you on her the first time. I think that means you had permission last night.”

  “So you just lay there and let us do it?”

  “Uh huh. Pretty hard to sleep with you two shaking the bed and moaning. And well... it turned me on.”

  “Oh, did it?” Melissa blushed. “Yeah. Don’t know why, but the thought of you making Susan feel as good as you make me feel... it’s exciting. And last night was special. She hadn’t been with anyone for so long. And she has a little crush on you, you know. I’m glad we made her happy.”

  “Happy’s not exactly the word I’d use. So what does this mean?”


  “I mean, you’re okay with me sleeping with other women now? I can hit the bars and sleep with anyone I want?” Melissa wrinkled her nose. “Gross! No, of course not.”

  “Then what, Melissa?”

  She considered. “Well, Susan’s my best friend. You’re my boyfriend. Last night was just between us.”

  “So if I slept with anyone else...”

  “I’d cut off your nuts and leave you to bleed out on the bed..”

  “Melissa!” “I’m not sharing you with just anyone. You’re the only good guy I’ve ever found. But Susan... well, we’ve always told each other everything, shared everything.” She paused. “Last night we just went too far. But it’s not like it will ever happen again. She just needed some attention.”

  “I think I get it,” I said. “But look, I’ve got this good friend Ralph who’s always wanted to screw you...”

  Melissa gasped. “I’m not sleeping with any of your friends!”

  “Good. And I don’t want you to. So we’re clear: you were okay ‘sharing’ me with your best friend, but I’m not okay sharing you at all. You’re mine, okay?”

  “Okay,” said Melissa, and kissed me. “I want to be yours. I don’t need anyone else. Besides, it was just one night. Oh! I’d better call her.”

  Melissa found her phone. “She’s not answering. And she’s offline. Oh! We slept in. I’ll be late for yoga. I’ll talk to Susan there.”

  “You never told me Susan was in your yoga class.”

  “It took a lot of persuading, but I got her to sign up. Look, why don’t you go home? Clean up, get a change of clothes. Can you come back later for dinner?”

  I hugged her. “Of course. It’s Saturday. Where else would I be but with you?” ~~~~ As I walked to my apartment building, my thoughts were on Susan. The first time I saw her, I wanted her, but she had that effect on everyone: a tall blonde with almost supermodel looks. Someone like her could never be interested in an ordinary guy like me. Plus she was so outspoken and loved to party... my quiet ways would bore her to death.

  How wrong I was. Susan admitted she would have given me a chance, I could hardly believe it. She seemed to have developed a thing for me since Melissa had been telling her everything we did. Images from last night filled my head: Susan getting naked with us, showering with us, watching me with Melissa, letting me eat her and fuck her... it was all I could think about.

  When I walked into the lobby of my apartment building, Susan was waiting.

  “Uh, hi,” I said. “What’s up? How did you know where I live?”

  “Melissa’s pointed out your building to me once or twice. And your name’s on the directory. Can we talk?”

  We rode the elevator in silence. Susan avoided my eyes.

  Letting her inside, I said, “I’d apologize for the mess, but it’s always like this.”

  Susan looked at the mess. “Guys are all alike. You all need a maid. Or a mother.”

  “Susan, have you talked to Melissa? You just disappeared this morning. She’s worried. She was going to meet you at yoga.”

  “Oh, yoga. I forgot. Why do I let her talk me into those things?”

  Susan looked at her phone. “Yeah, she’s left, like, a million messages.” She started sifting through the texts and voice mail.

  “Look, call her. She’s probably not at her class yet. I need to grab a shower... I still haven’t cleaned up fr
om last night. Make yourself at home, okay?”

  Susan nodded as she thumbed Melissa’s number.

  In the shower, I tried to think. What was Susan doing here? Why did she just leave Melissa’s place without a goodbye? The shower curtain opened and a very naked Susan stepped inside.

  “Susan? What the hell?”

  She put her arms around me. “Melissa didn’t answer. I haven’t had time to clean up either. Wash my back?” She smiled mischievously. Last night, the shower with Melissa and Susan was playful and erotic. This time it was just awkward. I soaped her up, unsure and hesitant. When she closed her eyes to rinse, I admired every inch of her body.

  Susan cleaned me and spent a few moments fondling me with soapy hands while she watched my face. My body didn’t react. It felt wrong. It felt forced.

  We dried off, but when I went to find clothes, Susan stopped me.

  “Can we just stay naked for now? I really liked it last night Like you said, it makes being open a lot easier, somehow.”

  “Uh, sure, Susan. You know I’m comfortable with it. If you are.”

  Naked, she led me back to the living room. We sat on the couch.

  Susan said, “So, anyway, about last night...”

  I interrupted. “Melissa said says she’s fine with everything that happened.”

  “Are you sure? I was certain she’d need emergency therapy.”

  “Yeah, I was worried too. But she doesn’t freak out about sex anymore. She said last night was a special thing just between the three of us.”

  Susan said, “She’s come a long way. You really saved her, you know.”

  “Melissa saved herself. I just let her be who she needed to be, without judgment. And maybe encouraged her a little.” Susan hugged me and looked into my eyes. Her expression was strange. Scared. To break the awkwardness, I asked, “So how do YOU feel about last night’s antics? Don’t tell me you’ve done a threesome before.”

  “No, that was a first for me.”

  “Why did you leave?”

  Susan was silent, and then she said, “When I woke up you two were all cuddled up together. I felt awkward, and I wasn’t sure whether Melissa would freak out. So I slipped out.”

  “So, no regrets?”

  “Uh, I dunno. Maybe.” She paused. “I’m not on the pill.”

  I just stared. “What?”

  “I haven’t had a steady guy for a while. So I stopped taking it. It gives me trouble.”

  “But last night... I came in you. Twice!” “I know! I tried to say something... tried to stop you, but then you were in me and it had been so long. You were so good, and it was so naughty... doing it with Melissa like that. With her boyfriend. I planned to just let you do it for a while then get you to pull out, but when we really got going, well, I wasn’t exactly thinking. Later, I woke up and you were all naked and warm beside me and... well, you know. I don’t think I was even fully awake that second time.”

  I shook my head in disbelief. “You should have said something. I could have stopped. But, I wasn’t thinking clearly either. When you let me... well, it was a dream come true.”


  “I’ve fantasized about you for a long time. But last night, I never asked you if it was okay... you know... to come in you. I should have made sure. I shouldn’t have assumed. I’m sorry.”

  We hugged. Susan rested her head against my shoulder. I smoothed her back. “Anyway, shouldn’t we find a drugstore?” “That Plan B or whatever?” said Susan. “That’s the thing. I can’t. I took it once, and it made me sick as hell. The doctor said that might be why I always had such trouble with the pill. The same stuff is in both, only more.”

  “Oh. Well, it’s probably okay. When Melissa and I did it when we were camping it turned out okay. It was just the right time in her cycle. We got lucky.”

  We used my phone to find an ovulation calculator and entered Susan’s details.

  “Oh, damn it,” she said. “If this is right, I’m ovulating today. The worst possible time. Guess that’s why I was so horny, huh?”

  I put an arm around her. “It’ll be all right.”

  “Bullshit! I can’t have a kid. I can barely take care of myself. And my job...”

  I said, “It was both our fault. You’re not alone. If it happens, and whatever you decide, Susan, I’m with you, okay?”

  She looked at me with derision. “You’re going to ‘do the honorable thing’? It’s not the 1950s, you know. A woman can take care of herself.” “Of course. I just mean I’m not going to take off on you. I’ll do everything I can.” I smiled, “You know.... paint the baby’s room, fetch you pickles and ice cream, feed you ice chips during the delivery...”

  Susan gasped and shoved me away. “You total asshole! That’s not funny!” But she smiled a little.

  “I’m serious, though. I’m with you through this. We have to tell Melissa.”

  Susan said, “No way. If she finds out I fucked you without protection, she’ll kill me then fret herself catatonic. You know how she is. She doesn’t need to worry along with us.” “It’s not right to keep this from her. But yeah... it would completely stress her out. I guess we can wait until we’re sure.” Susan hugged me for a long time. She pulled back to look at me with damp eyes. “It would be better if you were an asshole, you know. Then I could get mad. I meet the only good guy in the entire city, and I give him away to Melissa.”

  “That’s nice of you to say, but let’s be real. I’m nothing much. I’m not rich, and only slightly handsome...”

  Susan made a face.

  “...So what’s the big deal? You’re gorgeous. You can have any guy you want.” “Yeah, and you know how well that’s worked out for me. Mel told me everything you’ve done for her. I mean, she’s so happy now that she’s with you! It’s hard not to be jealous.” Susan leaned in and kissed me. “You transformed her, you know. Maybe you could transform me.”

  I said, “If you’re pregnant, you’ll be transformed all right.”

  Susan pulled me close, her warm breasts pressing into me. “So you fantasized about me, huh?”

  “Uh, of course, Susan. You’re beautiful. Fun. A little wild. You’re completely sexy. You know that.”

  “I really liked last night, you know. Being with you. And I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard in my life. Or so many times.” Susan guided my hand to her breast and kissed me. Soon we were running our hands over each other, and she pulled me down until I was lying on her on the couch. She spread her legs and I could feel her folds wet against my dick.

  “Fuck me again,” she said, an eager, hopeful look in her eyes. “Hard. Just don’t come in me, okay?” She was so brash, so sexy. My heart was pounding at the thought of taking her again. Melissa would be disappointed she wasn’t there to watch us, I thought. It got her so hot the previous night. Maybe I should call her so she can come over.

  Susan reached down to guide me into her.

  I was soft. She stroked me a few times and rubbed me along her wet slit, but there was no response.

  I couldn’t believe it. Beautiful Susan, alone in my apartment, eager for me to fuck her and I wasn’t hard?

  With a wry smile, she said, “Did I wear you out last night?”

  I rolled off her. “No. Just give me a minute.” Without a word, Susan scooted down and began licking me, all around the head and occasionally sucking me into her mouth, all while keeping eye contact. She alternated between stroking my soft member, licking the head then caressing my balls.

  That should have been more than enough. The sight of her working away, looking up with that mischievous expression, eager to get me hard should have caused a powerful reaction. Instead— nothing.

  It occurred to me then that maybe Melissa wouldn’t be okay with what we were doing.

  I stroked Susan’s head and pushed her off me. “Let’s stop this, Susan.”

  Frustrated, she went back to working on me. She was skilled and knew all the tricks that would normally g
et any man hard in minutes, but it wasn’t working.

  She stopped and rested her head on my thigh. She said, “Didn’t that feel good?”

  “It felt wonderful, but I don’t know... this doesn’t seem right.”

  Susan was quiet for a moment. “Were you thinking of Melissa just now?”

  I said, “Well, sure. But I always think of Melissa.”

  Susan considered that. “Always think of her, huh?”

  We sat up.

  “I wonder,” she said, idly reaching over to fondle me. “Did you ever consider you’re in love?” “Huh? I like you, Susan, but I don’t know you well enough for that.”

  “Oh for...” She whacked me. “Guys are so clueless. Not with me! With Melissa.”

  Shocked, I said, “What? I mean, Melissa’s wonderful, but it’s way too soon for anything like that... isn’t it?” “Is it? I’ve seen how you two are together. Picture this: what if Melissa was here right now, beside us like last night, naked, her hand guiding you into me, asking you to fuck me, and holding my hand while she watched us fuck each other like animals?”

  More images from last night returned. It was so exciting having Melissa watch, not just accepting me fucking her best friend, but actively encouraging us. I started getting hard. Susan noticed. “Ah... someone likes having threesomes with his girlfriend. Naughty boy! So if she was here, you’d be fine. I think even if you just had her permission to be with me, you’d be okay. But you can’t go behind Melissa’s back, can you? Because it might hurt her. And you can’t hurt someone you love.”

  I thought about that. It was all new. I’d never been in love. I didn’t know the first thing about it. Susan said, “We were so good together last night. We had a real connection, didn’t we? I came here thinking that maybe you might like to be with me instead of Melissa. Especially if... you know, you’ve knocked me up.”

  “Uh...” She sighed. “I guess I was only thinking about myself again. I should have seen it... it’s obvious now.” She forced a smile. “You’re right. We can’t be doing this. I’m sorry for tempting you.” She took a breath and stood. “I’d better get home. And you, big guy, need to get back to Melissa. And tell her you love her. Because I’m pretty sure you do.”

  As I sat there and thought while Susan dressed. She kissed me gently and let herself out.


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