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The Life of a Prostitute

Page 43

by Doris Joe


  It was getting dark when I returned to Melissa’s apartment. “Why are you dressed?” I said when I walked in.

  “Hope you don’t mind, but I invited Susan over to eat with us again. I think we all should talk together.”

  “Oh, so you... talked to her? What did she say?”

  “Not much. She wasn’t at yoga, but I got hold of her later. She says she’s fine with what we did... she was more worried about me. But something’s wrong. I could hear it.”

  So Susan had not told Melissa about our afternoon together, or about her possibly being pregnant. I decided that even if Susan didn’t want to, we had to tell Melissa.

  When Susan arrived, she said, “What’s this? You’re not running around naked?”

  “We don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

  Susan grimaced. “Guys, it’s your place. You kids like prancing around in the buff, go ahead... it’s not like I didn’t see it all last night.”

  “You sure?”

  “Go ahead, guys. Besides, I’ve started to enjoy it.” I looked at Melissa and she shrugged, so I moved behind her. Kissing her neck, I pulled off her top, then kissed and nibbled her exposed shoulders. I held her breasts when I released her bra. Freeing her from her jeans, I stroked her tummy and squeezed her bum, then just wrapped my arms around her from behind, enjoying the feel of her. When it was her turn, Melissa gave me a similar treatment undressing me.

  When we were both naked, we glanced at Susan. She had a wistful expression.

  “Does he always undress you like that?” she said.

  Melissa stroked my cheek. “Most of the time. Sometimes I get dressed just so he can undress me again.”

  Susan said, “You... uh, is it all right if I get naked too?” “If you’re okay with it, go ahead,” said Melissa.

  “Can... can he do it?”

  I looked at Melissa. She smirked and nodded. I stepped behind Susan and began stripping her, kissing her shoulders and neck, slowly removing one thing at a time. When I crouched to lower her pants, I kissed her flat tummy that, for all we knew, held the beginnings of our child. The thought was frightening but exciting too.

  When I stood up, Susan hugged me, resting her head on me. Her warm body and breasts caused me to stir.

  We dimmed the lights and lit candles to make Susan more comfortable, and sat, ate and chatted.

  Susan seemed nervous, but I felt sick. I couldn’t stand it. Looking over at Susan I said “Melissa, there might be a problem about last night...”

  I told her about Susan’s visit that afternoon and the chance she might be pregnant. Melissa listened in stony silence.

  When I finished, Melissa fixed Susan with a cold stare. “You let him fuck you without protection. Then went to see him. Behind my back. And tried to fuck him again?”

  Susan looked stricken. “It wasn’t exactly like that... I wasn’t...” She trailed off, searching for a response.

  The room seemed chilly as Melissa glowered at her friend. Susan said, “It was so good last night. There was a spark there... with him. I’m sure there was. I thought... look, I don’t know. When there’s magic with a guy, I go after him. You know me. I was excited. I didn’t even think about you. It was selfish, I know.”

  Melissa turned her attention to me. Her mouth was tight. “And you? What the hell were you thinking? “Yeah,” I said, “I guess I wasn’t. But we didn’t do anything.” “You sure tried, said Melissa. She paused, and then stood up, gathered my clothes and Susan’s into her arms in one big bundle, opened her apartment door and tossed it all into the hallway.

  “Get out,” she said calmly.

  “Melissa, let’s talk about...”


  Susan started crying and ran out to gather her clothes. Melissa shoved me outside and slammed the door, bolting it behind us.

  Susan knocked and tried the doorknob. “Melissa! Come on!”

  From behind the door, Melissa said, “Go away! Go fuck your new boyfriend.”

  Susan and I scrambled to pull on our clothes. Luckily, none of Melissa’s neighbors were around. I heard Melissa crying and stomp to her bedroom.

  We knocked and pleaded, but Melissa ignored us.

  Susan dried her eyes. “So, ‘new boyfriend’... your place or mine?”


  We were devastated we had hurt Melissa. We needed a plan. My apartment was close, so we went there to think what to do.

  When I got in the door, I automatically stripped off my clothes, before it occurred to me to leave them on. Susan hesitated then stripped too. Oh well.

  We sat beside each other, staring at the floor.

  “I always fuck things up,” she sniffled. “What are we going to do?”

  We talked, thinking how to apologize, how to undo the damage and regain Melissa’s trust. I began to understand why threesomes rarely worked. Susan cried a little more so I held her. Her warm breasts against me felt wonderful as always.

  “Can I stay with you tonight?”

  I looked at her, incredulous. “You have got to be kidding.”

  “Just to cuddle! That’s all. I don’t want to be alone after all this. Tomorrow we can go see Melissa and patch things up.”

  Sleeping with Susan in my own bed sounded wonderful. It also sounded like another betrayal. I doubted we could stop at cuddling.

  Before I could refuse, there was tapping at my door. Melissa let herself in with the key I had given her weeks before.

  When she saw us together on the couch, she said, “Returned to the scene of the crime, huh?”

  I went to her. “How’d you know we’d be here?”

  “I know you. And I know Susan. Of course you’d go to your place to talk.”

  I said, “And that’s all we were doing, Melissa.”

  “I know. Is it okay if I join you?”

  Melissa stripped off her clothes and pulled us into a three-way hug.

  “I’m sorry I blew up, guys,” she said. “That was childish.”

  Susan’s eyes were damp. “I’m sorry too, Mel. I didn’t mean to...”

  Melissa shushed her and turned to me. “Can I borrow your bedroom? I need to yell at Susan in private for a while.”

  “This involves me too, Melissa.”

  “I don’t blame you... as much. Just wait here, okay?” Melissa pulled Susan down the hall to my bedroom and closed the door. I figured it was best for them to have it out in private. They had been friends a long time, and I had confidence in Melissa. Her parents had poisonous beliefs about sex, but to their credit, they also believed in forgiveness and practiced it. Melissa had inherited that trait.

  I listened to Melissa yell at Susan from behind the bedroom door. That was followed by mutual sobs and then low murmurs. Finally, I heard a few giggles.

  When all was quiet, I knocked on the door.

  Melissa stepped out. “It’s okay,” she whispered. “She’ll be okay.” Susan sat on the edge of the bed, huddled with arms crossed over her knees.

  Melissa and I returned to the living room.

  “She’s okay?” I asked. “How are you, Melissa?”

  She shrugged and nodded. “Am I okay that she might have let my boyfriend impregnate her? No, I’m still a little pissed off about that. And you! What the hell were you thinking this afternoon?” “Yeah,” I said, “I feel terrible. At first, I was excited... like a continuation of last night. I thought how much you’d want to watch us, then it registered we shouldn’t have been doing anything without you. I’m sorry.”

  Melissa shook her head. “Guys... always thinking with their little head first.” She looked at me slyly and then said, “She told me you couldn’t get it up for her.”

  “Oh, great,” I groaned.

  “Because you were worried I’d be hurt.” She pecked my cheek. “Still, don’t ever do that again.”

  I nodded. Melissa was a wonder. A weaker woman would have thrown me and Susan out and never talked to u
s again. I hugged her tight.

  “So, are you and Susan okay now?”

  “I’m not happy, but I can forgive her.” “Seriously?” She sighed. “Well, we can’t blame her for last night, can we? I mean, I urged you on her. Even put you inside her. I was so excited, I didn’t even ask if it was okay. She should have stopped us, but I remember the first time we went camping. We were just as weak then as she was last night.”

  I forced a smile. Melissa took my hand. “Listen... Susan’s parent split up when she was little. It was ugly, and life for her was... chaotic... for a long time. Her mom moved a lot. Lots of money problems. I think that’s part of why she keeps running off with rich guys. She wants to be secure, not have to worry.”

  “I had no idea, Melissa.” “So, she gets a little needy. But that’s fine. I like being there for her. And she’s always been there for me. Always. But right now she’s terrified to wind up a single mother like her mom—struggling and alone.”

  “She won’t be alone,” I said. “She has us.”

  Melissa’s eyes searched mine. “Us?”

  “Well, of course. We’ll be there for her... we’ll deal with this together, right?”

  “So you... you wouldn’t want to just be with Susan?”

  “What? I’m not going to leave you, Melissa.”

  Melissa’s eyes became misty. “I’m happy to hear that.“

  Hugging her, I said, “I can’t leave you. You’re everything to me.” I paused. “Though Susan does have bigger boobs.”

  Melissa pushed me away, only to see my grin. “You’re a dick,” she smiled.

  I pretended to think about it more. “Hmm... no, it could never work without you. I’d need you to change diapers. I wouldn’t be able to handle that at all.” When Susan walked into the living room, Melissa was hitting me hard with a cushion.

  Susan said, “No, that’s not how you do it. You need something hard. Let me get a frying pan or a baseball bat. We can take turns.” While fending off Melissa’s blows, I saw Susan’s eyes were red but otherwise she looked okay. Better than okay, since she was still naked. If Susan would be hanging around us, I would have to curb my habit of gawking whenever I saw her without clothes.

  “So,” said Susan, “when Melissa’s done beating you, got any dessert? I could use a sugar rush right now. But if it’s chocolate fondue again, I’m leaving.”


  All we had were cookies, the cheap crumbly ones you get in a bag from the store. The three of us sat beside each other on the couch and talked.

  I offered to clean up crumbs that had fallen on Susan’s boobs, and she sweetly informed me where she’d stuff her cookie if I tried. Melissa found that particularly funny.

  Melissa said, “I can’t believe we’re doing this again.”

  “Doing what?”

  “Sitting here naked, joking around.”

  Susan nodded. “It’s nice. But feel free to leave if you have somewhere to go. Your boyfriend owes me a good screwing after leaving me all hot and bothered this afternoon.”

  Melissa’s face was the picture of shock.

  Susan laughed. “God, I’m kidding! After what we’ve been through, if he brings his pecker near me again I’ll cut it off.” “Yeah?” I said, “Well, you keep that ravenous snatch of yours away from me or I’ll staple it shut.” Once we stopped laughing, Susan said, “Oh! Melissa, speaking of getting knocked up, I saw what’shis-face... you know, Mr. Porsche. He drove past me on my way to your place. I don’t think he saw me, though.”

  “Mr. Porsche?” I asked.

  “Oh, yeah!” said Melissa, “Tell him about that guy!” Susan sat back and said, “I went out with him a couple years ago. He was pretty rich. Great car, great condo, great hair, shitty taste in clothes. I should have known from the start that he was just another asshole looking for a hot blonde for arm candy.”

  “C’mon,” said Melissa, “tell him!”

  “He flew me to Paris,” said Susan.

  “Really?” I said. “I guess he WAS rich.” “Well, it wasn’t a private jet, but still. For a long weekend. Of course, I’d never been there, so I was like a little girl taking it all in. We stayed at a fancy old hotel, walked around, saw the Louvre, Napoleon’s tomb, all that stuff. Then at night, we walked to the Eiffel tower. It was all lit up. Just incredible.”

  “And...” prompted Melissa. “Oh, well in Paris people are making out everywhere. At the cafes, kissing on the street, everywhere. There’s a big park on the way to the Tower. While we were walking through it, couples were screwing on the park benches.”

  “No way.” “Yes! One couple, the girl was sitting in the guy’s lap, facing him. She was wearing a skirt, so they weren’t naked or anything, but it was obvious what was happening. We walked right by them on the path.”

  “The City of Love, huh?” I said. “Another couple was even more obvious. She was bent over the bench; he was behind. Even with just the streetlamps, it wasn’t subtle. What’s-his-face told me in France it’s normal for everyone to have a lover. You’re married, and it’s just accepted you’ll also have someone on the side. Part of the culture. I don’t know if that’s really true.”

  Beside me, Melissa was squirming a little. Was this getting her turned on?

  “I need to move to Paris,” I said. I expected a whack in the arm from Melissa, but she looked lost in Susan’s story. “So, anyway, Mr. Porsche got so turned on seeing this, he decided to do the same—bend me over a bench and fuck me right there. At least we were off the main path. But the thing is, I wasn’t on the pill then either. He knew he had to use condoms, but he did me bareback anyway.”

  “Asshole,” I said. “You have no idea. But it wasn’t like I protested all THAT much. We took our time, then the Tower was closed by the time we finally got there. I was super pissed that I never got to go up. The rest of the trip was him parading me around Paris, showing me off. On the last night, he offered me to one of his buddies.”

  “Uh, what?” “Yeah. He had a friend in Paris. Offered me to him as a ‘loaner’ while he went out drinking with some business partners. Said for me to ‘be nice’ to his friend. Can you imagine? Of course, I freaked. Nearly killed the bastard. I flew home by myself. And that’s when I found out my reaction to that Plan B stuff.”

  By now I could see Melissa was really squirming and breathing hard, her chest flushed and breasts rising and falling. That gave me an idea. I whispered to Susan, then stood up and took some plates back to the kitchen.

  When I came back, Susan had stood and moved behind the couch. We exchanged a look then she grabbed Melissa’s wrists, pulling her arms up behind her head. “Hey!” exclaimed Melissa. Susan held Melissa’s arms tightly and twisted, forcing her to turn until she faced backwards on the couch towards Susan, knees on the seat. Melissa’s lovely ass and wide hips looked delicious as I approached from behind.

  I crouched over her and whispered, “Did that story turn you on? Would you like to be the one fucked across a park bench while people walk by?” I fondled one hanging breast and toyed with her pussy. She was soaked.

  Melissa hesitated then whispered, “Yes.”

  I was hard by now. I said, “One day I’ll do that to you. But for now...”

  I buried my dick in her with one slow stroke.

  “Aaaahh,” breathed Melissa, lifting her head and arching her back to receive me. Susan held her tightly to the couch and grinned at me. I grasped Melissa’s hips and started fucking her slowly. Each time I bottomed out, Melissa grunted and pushed her ass back against me. She rested her head on the back of the couch and held on to her friend as I took her.

  Soon I was stroking into Melissa steadily, losing myself in the sensations of her warm pussy, the sight of her shapely ass and back, and the sound of her little gasps and grunts of pleasure. Each time I pressed forward it also caused Susan’s large breasts to sway a little as she eagerly watched us fuck.

  Soon Melissa was so lost in lust that Susan released her arms. Melissa h
eld the back of the couch in languid submission, letting herself be taken.

  I was so immersed with Melissa that I didn’t notice Susan moving to join her friend on the couch. She got on her knees beside Melissa then waggled her bum, looking back at me with raised eyebrows. I pulled myself from Melissa. She raised her head as she felt me withdraw, awareness returning from her lust-induced stupor enough to realize her best friend was now beside her. I tentatively positioned myself behind Susan and looked at Melissa expectantly.

  She nodded. “Just be careful.” Susan smiled then pushed back, sinking me into her snug pussy halfway. I gripped her hips and drove the rest of the way in myself.

  “No problem getting hard now, is there big guy?” she breathed, eyes lidded.

  I took Susan firmly, holding her hips, and, despite the risk, tried to get as deep inside as possible. Melissa kept her position, watching us, breathing with excitement. I loved how much it turned her on.

  When I felt the urge to come rising, I pulled out and pushed back into Melissa, fucking her again with determined, forceful strokes. I alternated between Melissa and Susan several times, careful to withdraw from Susan each time the need to come rose. In the end, I was fucking Susan with abandon as she huffed and grunted, pushing back to match my strokes. When I reach under her to tantalize her clit with two fingers across her clit, she stiffened, and in a few moments gave a short gasp and came.

  I stayed inside her as long as I dared, then pulled out to plunge balls-deep into Melissa.

  “Ah... God!” she exclaimed. I gave her several more strokes before unloading into her welcoming body.

  I stayed mated to Melissa, savoring the afterglow and the sight of the women presented before me. I leaned over to kiss Susan’s shoulder and cup one breast, and then did the same to Melissa.

  The girls turned around, and I sat between them, hugging them to my sides.

  “I didn’t think we’d do this again,” said Melissa, resting her head on my shoulder. “Is this going to be a regular thing?”

  “I don’t know,” I said. “What if it is?”

  Melissa looked over at her friend. “Susan, are you okay?”


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