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Goddess Choice

Page 17

by A Lonergan

  She lead the way from the willows and back to the front line. Cent’s younger sister was the first to approach her after everyone had said their goodbyes. She held out a gold trinket on a chain but from my distance I couldn’t tell what it was but I could hear her words.

  “You are fierce, noble and capable of the most difficult things. You are brave and true.” She clasped the chain around Jessa’s neck and took a few steps back.

  Centaurus kissed his daughter’s head as she passed him. He nodded to Jessa once. It was time.

  My beast tore from my skin with a vengeance. He was ready for battle. He was ready to bring justice, as was I. I knew Jessa was completely capable on her own but Beast didn’t or he didn’t care. He was ready to rip heads. The ground shook as we made our way to an unknown land and an unknown town.

  Apollo would probably be waiting and I knew it was making Jessa antsy. Just as we were about to pass through the waterfall, a man came through.

  I had to blink a few times to believe what I was seeing. Keenan smiled to me before rushing to Jessa’s side. The Centaurs were the first to block his path. Cent held his spear to my brothers throat and snarled at him. There wasn’t much I could do as a bear so I threw myself down on my rump and toyed with the dirt. I was indifferent again. There wasn’t much excitement about my brother coming to the rescue.

  Beast grunted his agreement with me.

  Chapter 30


  I couldn’t believe Keenan was by my side. I couldn’t believe that both brothers would be walking into battle with me. I gazed down at him in his camo and war paint and smiled. He was so different from the beast trailing slowly behind us.

  Keenan brushed his bangs from his eyes and looked up to me. “This is a pretty impressive army you’ve pulled together.”

  I shrugged, not entirely sure what to say.

  “I’ve never seen this many creatures together before.” He lowered his voice to a whisper and stared at Sibil. “Are you really riding a Unicorn?”

  Sibil must have answered for me because his face went slack.

  “It’s been an interesting journey thus far.” I patted Sibil’s strong neck.

  “That’s the understatement of the century. When Shaskia told me I needed to hurry to prepare for battle, I had no idea... she must have though. She was too amused. It’s hard to believe she isn’t your blood. Both of you are too similar.” His words rocked me to the core and for the first time in months, I was taken from reality.

  “Jessa, one day, things will be different.” For the first time in months, maybe years we were enjoying some downtime from the training. “You won’t remember this but you are meant for bigger things than combat and running from your enemies.” Shaskia ran her hand down my face and looked into my eyes. “You look so much like your mother, it’s unreal. Thank the gods for that.”

  I didn’t know why she spoke of my mother that way. We had only been gone for a few weeks and mother had too much work going on.

  Shaskia kissed my forehead. “The Fates are mysterious beings and it’s been whispered that you will meet them. That you will change so much. This is why you train. You train for your future.”

  We had studied The Fates and many other mythological creatures and legends when we hadn’t been sparing. Training was for the mind and body, Shaskia reminded me often.

  “The Fates won’t care about little me. I haven’t done anything important.” My voice squeaked out.

  “Yet.” Shaskia kisses my forehead. “The Fates see all the things and they see your victories in the future. You made quite an impression as a baby.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “A baby? Babies can’t do anything.”

  Shaskia didn’t say anything and rocked the swing back and forth. We hadn’t been in this house long but I liked it. It had a big bed for me to sleep in and it had been too long since I had had a good sleep. Hotel beds were for the birds, as Shaskia had said.

  “What would you like to learn about next lesson?” Shaskia words entered one ear and right back out the other. I didn’t much care for lessons lately. I was too tired to think of anything but bed and food. Shaskia groaning drew my attention her way.

  She rolled her eyes “You’re hard headed, you know that?”

  “I’ve been told I get that from you.” I stuck my tongue out at her and she stuck her tongue out right back. Her purple eyes sparkled in the sunlight.

  “Why don’t I have eyes like yours?” My question made her frown. She looked away from me.

  “There are many things you wouldn’t understand right now but someday, someday you will know.”

  I gasped for air as the memories floated away. My stomach was aching and my head was dizzy. I was thrown over Sibil sideways and Keenan was mounted behind me. I tried to push myself up but at the pace we were riding and the way my head felt, it wasn’t going to happen.

  “We’re almost there, just hold on for a second.” Keenan’s words gave me the strength I needed to get my bearings in order.

  I shoved myself off of Sibil and landed hard on the rocky ground. My head smacked a piece of gravel and I could feel the blood welling up at my temple.


  Crawley was the first one by my side and he growled at anyone that got remotely close to me. He sniffed me over, looking for wounds before he licked my head. I couldn’t help but giggle at it.

  “How long was I out?” I rubbed my tender head as I spoke.

  “A good day.” Keenan hopped off of Sibil and rolled his eyes at the monstrous bear staring him down.

  I looked around at the vast nothingness. All I could see for miles was empty rolling hills. No wild life, no buildings. Nothing but grassy hills. Panic filled my stomach. It felt like it had before Jericho had picked me up. Everything felt the same. Everything was the same. I retched into the grass and before I knew it, Keenan was pulling my hair from my face and soothing me.

  I tried to look around him to find Crawley but my body was weak and rejecting everything about the situation but I couldn’t help but think of him.

  He was never far from my mind since his admission about the protection of Zeus. My heart was torn and I felt guilty. I felt guilty that I hadn’t told him how I felt that I had hoped it wasn’t the gods influence. That I wanted to kiss him and fall into his arms for comfort when this whole thing got rough but scared was an understatement. I was scared to tell him my feelings and something happen. I retched again. Bile burned up my throat.

  “Silly girl, what happens if something does happen and you never said anything? He’ll go to the underworld and never know.” Sibil’s usually soft, melodic voice rang through my mind shrilly.

  “But what if the gods are playing games out here too?” I thought back to her as I rested my head on my hands.

  “This is protected land too, for hundreds of miles, we will see no one, no gods, no creatures unless they have settled and hardly any animals. They’re pretty skittish around here. It’s too open, not enough places to hide from prey.” Sibil’s voice got softer as she walked away to graze.

  Keenan continued to rub my back and it was making me sicker to my stomach. I wondered where Crawley was.

  My chest felt warm and I immediately felt the comfort I was seeking. The warming sensation was starting to make my skin itch. I sat up and pulled my T-shirt away from my skin. Seated in between my breasts was the gold amulet Prim had given me. A soft iridescent glow was coming off of it and it made me smile. It reminded me of her. The pendant was long and in the shape of a rectangle. It had a single green gem in the center of it. It was probably the most expensive item of jewelry I had ever worn but money aside, it was the most valuable because Prim had given it to me.

  I imagined her smiling face and her carefree attitude. I grasped the pendant fondly and closed my eyes.

  When I opened my eyes, Cent was kneeing in the grass beside me and Keenan had walked away.

  “Hi,” My voice came out small.

  “Hey,” His eyes landed where
my hand was and he raised his eyebrows. “Prim spends much time with the healer in our village. They created that just for you. I’m not sure what it does or what it will do but Prim made it with love, like everything else she does.” He bit his plump bottom lip nervously. “It was the first thing she’s ever crafted. Keep it safe.”

  “Of course.” I nodded my head, at loss for words.

  Cent stood up to leave and Cristoff took his place. But instead of kneeing he collapsed on his back and looked to the clouds.

  “I could never get tired of the clouds.”

  “That’s such a feminine comment coming from you.” I snorted.

  He let out a short laugh. “Whatever. Seems like Cent will never get tired of watching your ass.”

  I could have choked on my tongue. “Excuse me?” I started to laugh but wasn’t sure if he was serious or joking.

  “Don’t tell me you’re that dense?” He folded his arms under his head. “By the way, you’ll probably want to have your head checked out.”

  I touched the cut that had already healed over and showed him my clean fingers after.

  “I wasn’t meaning your injury. I was meaning your sanity.” He laughed again.

  “I’m not the one that had pearls sewed into my legs, now did I?” I cocked my head at him, my words full of sass.

  “You’re the one that’s been staring at the bear with googly eyes, I would say your sanity is bad off.” He lifted an eyebrow at me.

  I couldn’t deny it even though I hadn’t realized it.

  “You also stink of him. I didn’t think you two were getting that cozy just get.” He picked at a piece of grass.

  I stuck my tongue out at him. “That isn’t what happened. Keep your mind out of the gutter.”

  “Just making sure we aren’t marching into battle with a little baby on our hands.” He tossed the piece of grass at me.

  “Oh my gosh! Definitely not!” My eyes widened in horror. I couldn’t believe we were talking about this.

  “I’m sure Artemis will be pleased to hear that her lackey is still a virgin.” He chuckled.

  “Cristoff, not another word.” Crawley’s rough voice made Cristoff and I freeze. I couldn’t breathe.

  Had he heard our conversation?

  “‘Fraid so, love.” Sibil’s voice answered my rhetorical question to myself.

  Oh gosh....

  Cristoff jumped up and speed walked away as fast as he could. Great, I was left alone with the beast. That was what I wanted though, right? Now I wasn’t so sure. I was mortified and I was sure it was written all over my face.

  He sat beside me and cupped my face. His emerald eyes searched my face before landing on my lips. His tongue snaked out and wetted his bottom lip before his eyes focused back on mine. His pupils were shot and his breathing was labored.

  He had a button up shirt on that had been buttoned up wrong. I instinctively started to unbutton it. He didn’t stop me, just watched me curiously as I started to undo his shirt. Once I had all the buttons undone, I realize what I had done. I could see his chest and washboard abs staring at me. I gulped. I couldn’t handle what I had just accomplished. I started to button the fabric up quickly, making sure no one was watching. My hands stilled as I noticed Keenan staring at me, standing next to the Unicorns.

  “He knows you don’t belong to him but it doesn’t stop the jealousy from raging in his heart.” Sibil’s words pushed me to finish the task i had started.

  Once all the buttons were securely fastened, I was able to look Crawley in the eyes. He had his eyebrows raised and looked shocked to his core. I was just about as shocked as he was.

  “I was about to ask how you’re doing but damn, you seem to be fine.” His fingers trailed down the side of my face to my hair. He wrapped a strand around his fingers and tugged gently.

  “Um, I don’t know what possessed me to do that.” I stammered over my words, kicking myself in my mind for not being able to handle all situations.

  “I like that you want to take care of me.” His voice tumbled with beast’s approval.

  I gulped. It was time.


  I couldn’t make up my mind and by the time I did... the Unicorns, Centaurs and Cyclops were ready to get the show on the road and i wasn’t able to talk about my feelings with an audience.

  The beast tore through Crawley’s skin effortlessly. Even though it had been easy and somewhat painless to him, I knew the cracking and popping of his bones would haunt me for a long time. I tore my gaze away from beast.

  Keenan was mounted on Sibil and Cristoff was on Freya and I felt like I was out of place. I didn’t feel comfortable riding in front of Keenan and I didn’t want to have a heart to heart with Cristoff again. I couldn’t stomach his no filter vibe.

  There were many other Unicorns but I couldn’t bring myself to ask them that favor. I decided I was going to walk beside them. There was no point in me riding to begin with, besides speed. I wasn’t their superior and I didn’t need to be treated like one. I was their equal, going into battle with the same task at hand.

  Hours passed... the sun was setting. I could feel my feet screaming at me for a break but I kept pushing on, just like all the others. We hadn’t stopped in miles and my stomach was clenching in starvation. I had no doubts there was blood in my shoes. I had never walked so far in my life, especially not with the sun beating down on me. My face felt like it was going to crack and fall off and my tongue had probably shriveled up too. My feet dragged but I kept on. I was starting to fall behind but at least I was going to get there. Cent had offered to give me a ride but I had declined politely. This was something I had to experience for myself. I needed this.

  The more I thought about it, the more exhausted I became and eventually I was swaying instead of walking. Just when I thought I was going to collapse, beast scooped me up and flung me over his back. I slumped forward and my mind went blank.

  Chapter 31


  She had been practically sleep walking. She was pushing herself too hard and had never done anything like this before. The cyclops and unicorns were nomadic, it was a norm for them to travel this much. The Centaurs had been nomadic years ago and they could adjust back, I was sure. They were very fit creatures and I knew most of them hadn’t even broken a sweat. I wasn’t sure how they had kept themselves from sunburn but it was a miracle. Jessa and Keenan’s faces were beet red.

  Even though Jessa slept, she kept a tight hold onto my fur but even if she loosened her grip, I knew she wouldn’t fall. I would always catch her.

  I had caught myself from saying so many snarky things to her through out the day. A part of me had wanted to tease her, trip her up, anything to get a rise out of her but the other part of me, it saw how strong she was and it made me respect her. There was no way I could tease her with her head held high like that. She was a wonder and it was no surprise that Cent and many of the other males in our party had their eyes on her. She was a force to be reckoned with.

  I had been shocked to hear her conversation with Cristoff. I was mad that he had broached that subject with her though, I was pleased other males could smell me on her. It was a territory thing that Beast loved. I was surprised my scent had lasted on her this long. Kissing shouldn’t have marked her like that. But all the same, I was satisfied.

  The only thing i wasn’t satisfied with was her ability to push me away. We had shared tender moments just for her to pretend like they hadn’t happened. I had hoped we would have gotten a few moments alone, I didn’t want to march into battle with out one more talk, one more look, one more kiss... hades, anything. I just wanted to know where we stood and it was driving me insane.

  When she had unbuttoned my shirt, I couldn’t keep my thoughts clean. Even with all the others in our party, my mind had snuck off to a dark place of heated moments and whispered promises. I had wished so desperately that she could have heard my thoughts, that we could have shared one private moment, one last time but I knew the t
ime was coming to a close. The Unicorns were starting to get antsy and fidgety, which wasn’t like them at all.

  I knew that if Jessa had been awake, she would have felt the change. The change of Zeus’ protection. I couldn’t feel the difference but she would. She was more sensitive to the gods and their influences. She had proven that to us many times already. I laid her on the ground as we got to the out skirts of the town. I didn’t know whether or not I should wake her. I looked to Cristoff and he pointed to the woods.

  He knew I needed time and it gave me some hope. My bones popped and cracked as my body shrunk back to it’s true form. I whined and groaned until I was on my hands and knees and all my fur was gone, I stood to my full height and stretched my body out. Cristoff brought me his saddle bag and I pulled on some cargo pants. I didn’t fool with a T-shirt, there was no point, I didn’t know how much time we had but I knew it was limited.

  I pulled Jessa back in my arms and ventured farther into the woods. I blew in her ear, trying to wake her up. She wrinkled her nose and pushed her face into my chest. I could feel her squeezing her eyes closed against my chest. Her breathing tickled my skin.

  “Am I dreaming?” Her sleep filled voice reached my ears.

  “Depends, what do you want to happen next?” I chuckled as she sucked in her breath.

  She smiled against me. “Where are we?”

  I pushed my nose into her neck. “Wherever you want to be.”

  I could feel a frown pulling at her mouth. She pushed away from me. “What’s going on? Where is everyone?” She tried to stand and let her. I set her on her feet and took a step away from her.

  “I’m tired of not knowing.” I scratched my head. “I need to know where we stand!”

  She looked at me shocked. “Crawley... I- I don’t know what to tell you!”


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