Voices From The Cosmos

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Voices From The Cosmos Page 12

by C B Scott Jones

  SMALL GRAYS: There is no chain of command. Chain of command is an Earth concept. Humans can become another species that works together. It can join the Confederation. It can be part of the species that work together.

  Q: Most religions of the world accept life after Earthly death. 96% of Humans accept this as fact. What is the alien concept and is there an equivalent life after death for them?

  SMALL GRAYS: Death is a physical concept. Even after our physical stops, the remainder of our race assimilates the memories of us and that remains to be used by others. So we may stop in the physical but remain living as information.

  Q: What mutual benefits are in place between different civilizations?

  SMALL GRAYS: We work together. Most races work together. There is a sharing of resources including Humans. We do not see these as benefits. There is just sharing.

  Q: What will help the Human race survive? Is the Human race expendable? Are we in danger of decimation sometime in the future?

  SMALL GRAYS: Humans are always wondering about being less. There are always times when Humans are less and sometimes they are more. More or less, it does not matter. The Human race is not expendable. The races need Humans to collect and produce Hybrids. The races will always need Humans but the Humans do not always need the other races.

  Q: Would there be a sharing of resources with different species in the future. This could affect the Earth financially. Would our leadership agree to share resources? How best can we manage our natural resources without destroying ourselves?

  SMALL GRAYS: Humans have a backward-looking view of resources. We have a forward-view of resources. Other races were collecting Earth resources before Humans. Humans have claimed Earth resources as theirs, they are not theirs to own. The resources belong to everybody but belonged to the other races first.

  Q: When you say other races, do you mean the Native Americans or other alien races?)

  SMALL GRAYS: Not Native Americans, before them. Humans can avoid destroying themselves by sharing resources.

  Q: Are some races hindering or helping us? Do they have a respect for intelligent life?

  SMALL GRAYS: There is no hindering or helping. There is sharing and collecting. We have a respect for intelligent life. We have a respect for Human life.

  Part 3

  1) Social Structure:

  SMALL GRAYS: Our race, the Small Grays, is a group society. We share all thoughts, all actions, and all consequences.

  Q: It seems that some groups of Grays do not share the same information. For example a group that collects Humans in Montana, may not know information about Humans that are originally collected in New Jersey?

  SMALL GRAYS: Yes, it is true; there is localized information and greater shared information. When Humans are collected from a new area, we do not know about them until we are in close contact with them. We do not have leaders, as we all share decision making. Decision-making is carried out by a group consensus. When something unexpected happens, when a Human behaves erratically during collection, we have to stop and regroup and concur before continuing. There is no individual decision-making or autonomy as with Humans. This is seen as a benefit and a detriment.

  2) Social Change:

  SMALL GRAYS: The Grays were around before Humans and will be around after Humans. There is no social change in Gray society. Gray society has a meaning for Humans due to the collections and the fact that part of Humans is incorporated into the Hybrids that then are spread around the galaxy. This social period is the same as other social periods, it is no different. The Grays have always done things this way. Humans think that they are the only species in the galaxy. They are Earth-centric and must expand their viewpoint.

  3) Social Inequality:

  SMALL GRAYS: All Grays are equal: thoughts, actions and consequences are shared. There are no Grays that are less or more than other Grays. Sometimes a Gray becomes injured or damaged. They naturally stop but their information remains to be shared by all others. The conduct and characteristics that are like “Human nature” are that we have some emotions, we have compassion, we have a sense of order, we have memory, we learn, we appreciate diverse forms of life and we can plan in the short term.

  Part 4

  Q: What are people thinking and doing there?

  SMALL GRAYS: Grays act and think together as one unit. No Gray thinks or acts by itself.

  Q: What kinds of people are there?

  SMALL GRAYS: The Grays are one people among many races.

  Q: Who is included and who is excluded? What rules and norms govern behavior there? How are roles assigned and tasks divided?

  SMALL GRAYS: None are excluded unless they are damaged. Roles are assigned and tasks divided according to group consensus.

  Q: Who says so? How are people socialized? Whose interests do these social arrangements serve?

  SMALL GRAYS: The group decisions and group consensus affect the whole of Gray society.

  Q: Who benefits and who loses? What powerful people, processes, institutions, and structures influence these arrangements? When, how, and why do people resist?

  SMALL GRAYS: There is consensus. If there is resistance, it is assumed that a Gray is damaged and he stops. Change only occurs through new learning and consensus.

  Q: Is this process or system relatively sustainable?

  SMALL GRAYS: Yes, sustainable.

  Assessment of the Small Grays

  Both species of Grays appear to be nocturnal with an aversion to daylight and strong artificial light sources. Unlike the Nordics they do not normally appear on Earth during daylight hours. There are reports that, if they do, they bundle up in some sort of clothing.

  There was definite mutual awareness and an attention to what the other said and answers came reciprocally: turns were taken However, the Grays are strongly connected to the point of there being no individuality. Gray society is pure socialism, with no autonomy. Everything is consensus: all values are shared and agreed upon. Grays live by prearranged rules and norms that are mutually agreed upon by all.

  Material goods are produced by the Grays, i.e. medical instrumentation, transportation and implants but very little value is placed on cultural items such as art, music or writing.

  Grays seem to judge each other in terms of their own culture but are very aware that there are other races and cultures that are very different and act very differently from the Grays. The Grays accept these differences and do not seek to impose changes on Humans and include Human characteristics into Hybrids. Also, Grays do not judge other races and accept that other races have different ways of being and doing. It was assumed that by interacting with one Gray that I was interacting with the group.

  Grays do not appear to have a spoken language or social prohibitions as seen on Earth. They do not appear to have religion and see the universe as property belonging to all. The concepts of marriage and life after death, as accepted on Earth, do not seem to exist in Gray society.

  While the Grays do not have a spoken language, they are quite capable of making themselves understood. Both abductees and others who have contacted Grays have been able to understand them. They appear to be more “vocal” than the Large Grays, and to have a wider range of concepts and understanding.

  It has been noted by other researchers that the Grays employ a great many symbols that have meaning to them. Some of these symbols have been incorporated into Human understanding and culture i.e. the Rune glyphs. Some of these Rune glyphs have been noted in crop circles. This might be a useful study but direct communication with the Grays appears to gather more information, than from symbols alone.

  We thank the Small Grays for their cooperation. The next race to be interviewed will be the Robed or Hooded Reptilians.

  4: The Exobiology Project:

  Talking With The Hooded Reptilian

  Part 1

  Q: How do they cooperate? Is there a Confederation that is acting together?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: We do not cooperate. We are not pa
rt of the Confederation. The Confederation acts together. It also works with us.

  Q: Will you become part of the Confederation?


  Q: Why not?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: NR: (No Response.)

  Q: Are there rules for joining the Confederation?


  Q: Will you be honest with your answers?


  Q: Do you have a code of ethics or a morality that you uphold?


  Q: Can you tell me some of the principles?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: Those who do not work together, are not in the group, and are excluded.

  Q: The group known as the Hooded Reptilians has an Earth reputation as being aggressive and negative. Is this so?


  Q: Can you explain how you came by this reputation?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: We do not have emotions like the Grays and the Whites (Nordics). When we work it is with no emotion. We do not offer compassion. We do not offer options. We do not offer kindness. We do not offer calm. We do not offer emotions that are offered by the other groups. We do not have emotions.

  Q: Thank you.

  Q: Are the Reptilians cooperative?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: No. We have no emotions. Cooperation involves emotions. We have no emotions and do not cooperate.

  Q: Is there more to the Orbs, observed by others and can they manifest responses? Are there different types of Orbs?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: We do not discuss the Orbs.

  Q: Can you tell me if others have Orbs and what or who they are?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: Others have Orbs, we do not. We have never had Orbs. We will never have Orbs. We will never talk about the Orbs

  Q: For an emotionless species you get quite irritated with my questions!


  Q: Can the different extraterrestrial races also manifest responses and are they positively oriented? Are there inherent conflicts detrimental to our interests?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: There are many conflicts within and between the different races. There are disagreements between those species that have emotions and those who do not have emotions. We manifest responses but we do not manifest emotions.

  Q: Is there a hierarchy of races, for example between the Nordics, Grays, and Reptilians?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: No. There are many more of the Small Grays, fewer of the Nordics, and even less of the Reptilians. It seems as if there is a hierarchy because the larger Reptilians and Nordics move around the small Grays, Reptilians are taller and more oriented. Each of the races has its own routes and purposes.

  Q: Can you explain to me the Reptilians routes and purposes?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: We assist the Grays in the movement of Humans.

  Q: When you say move, do you mean physically, as in craft?


  Q: Do you own the craft?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: We do not own the craft. No race owns the craft. They are made by the Grays. We are the ones who make the craft move.

  Q: We often see the Small Grays but not the Reptilians on Earth, why is this?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: We rarely come to Earth. We move the craft and move the Humans.

  Q: There have been Reptilian insignia seen on craft, does this imply ownership or some other reason.

  HOODED REPTILIAN: Not ownership, we move the craft. The insignia are signs to certain parts of the craft.

  Q: Would that be like the Grays are in this part of the craft and the Reptilians are in this other part?


  Q: Can other alien races prevent abductions?


  Q: The other races said that Humans could prevent abductions by asking for them to stop.

  HOODED REPTILIAN: No that is not so.

  Q: Are you sure?


  Q: Who are the good guys, who are the bad guys and what can we learn from them?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: These are Earth emotions. There are only those races that have emotions and races that do not have emotions. You can learn from all of them.

  Q: Can some races render implants fallible?


  Q: Again, other races said that Humans could render their own implants fallible.

  HOODED REPTILIAN: No. If they fail, they are replaced. Nothing is infallible. The only way that something can be rendered infallible is if it is made that way. Implants are fallible as they are made and can fail.

  Q: So Reptilians cannot render implants fallible?


  Q: Can we interfere with the functioning of implants?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: Yes. Humans can interfere with the functioning of implants. They also become fallible on their own. They are replaced.

  Q: How can Humans render implants fallible?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: They can take them out.

  Q: Do the Reptilians take part in the collection of Humans, the examinations, the implants and the scenarios?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: No. We move the craft. We can also be seen alongside the Grays as we determine where to go next.

  Q: Are they the same races or different groups of the same race that are carrying out the abductions?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: The Grays and the Nordics carry out the abductions. There are no other races that collect Humans.

  Q: The Grays and Nordics speak of the Hybrids as a race.

  HOODED REPTILIAN: They are not a race.

  Q: I have noticed that you do not insist on the races’ names being capitalized. (I have capitalized them in this transcript.)

  HOODED REPTILIAN: This is a Confederation matter. We do not place importance on races as does the Confederation.

  Q: Would you prefer it, as Earth is not part of the Confederation, not to capitalize?


  Q: How do they travel and is this travel with or without vehicles?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: We move with physical vehicles. We take the Grays and the Nordics where they need to go.

  Q: Can you travel like the Nordics, sending your non-physical body into a prepared body ahead of you?


  Q: How long can Hybrids stay on Earth and why has the Hybridization program taken so long?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: Hybrids belong to the Grays and the Nordics. We have no interest in or information about the Hybrids. They are not a race. They are a by-product.

  Q: What and who are the Indigo Children? Is there a specific race that is producing the Indigo Children?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: We are not interested in these children. They are human. They have always been human. All Humans are the same.

  Q: What are you interested in then?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: Travel, craft, our own race.

  Q: Do you have culture, such as music, arts, song?


  Q: You sound mechanical, according to Earth characteristics, are you mechanical or physical?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: We are physical. We are not mechanical.

  Q: Why are some species interested in hydrocarbons? Are they rare in the galaxy? What about other minerals and gases: hydrogen, boron? What purpose do these species put hydrocarbons to? Are we in conflict for these resources?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: The Grays bring Earth matters to us for fuel, for nurture, for cleansing, for breathing, for sustenance, for “greening”.

  Q: What is “greening”?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: We have chlorophyll in our skins for nutrition.

  Q: Like the Grays?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: Yes. There is no conflict for resources. Resources are everywhere.

  Q: That is what the other races have said.

  HOODED REPTILIAN: That is true.

  Part 2

  Q: They obviously find our human civilization to possess valuable galactic characte
ristics, some of which they probably lost eons ago, or they wouldn’t be interbreeding with us. They certainly possess the ability to destroy our human civilization, but have not, why?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: The Reptilians do not possess any Human characteristics. The Reptilians do not possess any Gray or Nordic characteristics. The Reptilians are their own species. We do not breed with other races. There is no need to destroy Human civilization. We do not have any plans to destroy Earth. The Confederation would not allow it.

  Q: So you follow some of the Confederation rules, although you are not part of the Confederation?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: There are simple Confederation rules that apply to all races.

  Q: Is this intergalactic ethics - being held to certain behavior by other ET civilizations? Or is it just that their self-interest benefits more by using us for their own needs rather than simply destroying us (a similar model of how things operate on Earth)?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: Each race has its own self-interest. Those races who belong to the Confederation act within Confederation rules. All those who are not in the Confederation still have Confederation rules.

  Q: Can you tell me some more of the Confederation rules that non-Confederation races have to follow?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: Certain areas that we can and cannot travel in.

  Q: So Earth is an area where travel is allowed?


  Q: If Earth joins the Confederation will Reptilians and Grays still be allowed to travel near Earth?


  Q: Can you tell me more about the Confederation. Is there a Council, as we have been told? Are there representative members of each race represented, such as our United Nations?


  Q: Is your answer because you cannot answer or do not know?

  HOODED REPTILIAN: We do not know.

  Q: Given the billions of likely planets in our galaxy alone, there couldn’t be anything very unique and special about Earth. Although the need to mine some of the debris circling Saturn is puzzling - - the implications of which implies a gigantic civilization that is widespread in our galaxy with a vast need for ongoing raw material supply. I would very much appreciate your insights on what all this implies about the nature of intergalactic inhabitation, the inhabitants in a portion or all of our galaxy. Are they dominant or is there a cacophony of conflicting vested interests in our galaxy like here on Earth?


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