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Voices From The Cosmos

Page 17

by C B Scott Jones

  Orb1: Humans can bi-locate with their minds only. It would be very difficult for Humans to bi-locate with their bodies. They are toodense. Humans can further develop their ability to bi-locate with their minds.

  Q: Are there Orbs that are autonomously intelligent? Are the majority programmed or are some intelligent and able to act on their own? What kinds of information do the Orbs carry? If a Human calls them and asks for help, will it be given? Will they respond to an individual Human? Are they individuals? Are they protectors? There are Indigenous peoples on Earth who believe that the Orbs are protectors of Humans. Is this so? Can the energy and information, that Orbs carry, be useful to Humans? Can the Orbs enter Human chakras or energy points on the body?

  Orb1: We are all intelligence and autonomous asexplainedbefore. We can carry information for any race. Orbs can be protectors of information. They cannot be aggressive protectors of Humans from other Humans. We can protect from other races by the information that we carry. All information is useful but information for another race will not be given to a Human. Orbs can enter the Human body but prefer not to do so, it is toodense.

  Q: Are the Orbs that visit some the same or different Orbs, are they carrying messages that can interpreted, are they independent or where do they come from?

  Orb1: The Orbs that are called are on theirjourneyto other places. They are from many places. You must call other Orbs that are specific to you; you can justmentallycall them.

  Q: On some craft, abductees have noted a serpent-shaped insignia. Is this indicative of control by any one race? Are the ships manufactured by the Reptilians? In many Earth cultures there is a reptilian motif in their mythology. For example, in Egypt, there is a myth that a disabled craft was incorporated into a pyramid that was built around it by Humans. Is there a relationship between different insignia seen on different craft?

  Orb1: We do not have information,currently, about these insignia. We willask.

  Q: Many Earth cultures believe in a Power that created the galaxies. Do any of the races have similar beliefs in a Creator, either now or in the past? Is there an intelligent source in the Universe?

  Orb1: We do not have such abelief. We do not know of such acreator of the universe.

  Q: Are there Rules of Communication, that we should know about, when interacting with different races. For example, the Nordics prefer for us to use Initial Caps when referring to other races but not places, this does not seem so important to the Grays. The Large Gray refers to Humans as “limited”: are there things that we should know that are not being told to us? Are there things that the different races do not want to tell us? Are there rules within the galaxies, such as honesty? It has been reported by some abductees that some races lie, is this so? What about cooperation? Do the races not tell some things because it would be harmful to Humans? Are there other reasons?

  Orb1: Each race has its own rules of communication. Some races consider Humans as “limited”, because they are different and do not share a group mind. There arestrengths in both ways of being.

  Q: Humans have a strong sense of time, which is related to the revolutions that the Earth makes around the Sun, the Moon around the Earth, and Earth’s rotation through the galaxies. How do the different races think about time? If there is a sense of time, is there any information about the future of the Earth in 3, 6, 9, 12, 13, 16, 19 revolutions of Earth? Can we help different races understand how we use time? Do all races have no sense of the future? Do races act in self-interest only, or is there some altruism? If most races act on a group consensus basis, why is there an NR response? Is it that the races do not have the information or do not want to answer?

  Orb1: Orbs do not have predictive powers as explained. Like us, many races do not have the information that you look for. But we can go and find some information if asked.

  Q: What other species should we be contacting and interviewing? What other questions should we be asking of these races?

  Orb1: Humans arebetter at this.

  Orb1: You have asked questions of the main races that arecurrently interacting with Earth and Humans. Questions will arise as the races emerge for questioning.

  Q: Human evolution is said to be going through some major changes, for example with more Indigo Children being born and recognized. Is there a Higher Order of living that we should be searching for? Is there a connection with a source that we should be looking for?

  Orb1: There is nosource that we know about except the other races and ourselves.

  Q: Another remote viewer has perceived that the Gray race was once an autonomous race and that another, more aggressive, race subdued them to what they are today. Is there any more information on this?

  Orb1: This is not so. The Gray races can be aggressive; they did not arise from another aggressive race nor were subdued by them. Grays are not usually aggressive to Humans but they can be if provoked. They have weapons. They are strong. That is why Humans arealteredbefore interacting with the Grays. This is not to prevent Humans from becoming aggressive but so that the Grays do not have areason to be provoked and to become aggressive.

  Unanswered Questions from the other Races.

  When interviewed individually, two of the races were unable to answer some of the questions posed to the races. The Large Gray and the Hooded Reptilian were unable to answer the following questions and these are now asked of the Orbs.

  Large Gray.

  Q: The Large Gray was asked if the Earth would be invited to join the Confederation and the Large Gray answered that the Earth would be invited but could not answer when. It was also asked about concepts such as “life after death” and it gave its standard “Humans are limited” response. It would not elaborate. The Large Gray could not answer complex questions, such as the difference in beings acting and thinking as individuals. It could not state if there were any major, Earth, historical events in which their race had interacted.

  Orb1: We do not have that answer either as it is too far into the future for us to perceive. We do not have that information. Large Grays and Reptilians will not answer complex questions. It is beyond the group mind. Simple questions and answers arepreferred.

  Hooded Reptilian

  Q: In addition, the Hooded Reptilian was asked if his race would become part of the Confederation and answered, “No”, and did not know answer why this was so. They did not seem to care whether races names, that were part of the Confederation, were capitalized, as the Nordics insisted. They also did not answer the question regarding if Grays and Reptilians would be allowed to travel near the Earth if Earth joins the Confederation. They also did not seem to know much about the Confederation. Finally, the Hooded Reptilians did not think it mattered if Humans survived and would not answer how we could assure that we would survive.

  Orb1: As mentioned the Grays and the Reptilians have a limited understanding. They cannot react autonomously. They cannot predict the future. They act very muchin the now. The Reptilians do not care if any species survives. Humans are respected because they are able to communicate with their minds and their bodies.

  Q: With thanks and respect to Orb1: We will return with more questions at a later date.

  8: The Exobiology Project:

  Talking With The Oranges

  The following group, the Oranges, is not traditionally extraterrestrial as they are mostly found within the Earth’s surface. However, as they interact with all other extraterrestrial races and provide minerals to other races they have been included in the interview process.

  Q: Who are the Oranges and where do they fit into the scheme of other races?

  The Oranges: Please read through all the questions first so that we can peruse them and decide what we want to answer. When all the questions have been read through, please start at the beginning and we will answer where we can.

  Q: Thank you, I will do that.

  The Oranges: Please wait...we, the Oranges are chemists, you would call us chemists. We are also vulcanologists, we are metallurgist
s: we are people who study and mine minerals and metals. We fit into the scheme of other races by providing raw materials. We are very practical and we provide a service.

  Q: But who are the Oranges, where did you come from?

  The Oranges: We have always been here. We are a separate race from the Grays and the Nordics although we know all of these races.

  Q: If you mine these minerals and metals how is it that we haven’t seen these metals being transported to craft?

  The Oranges: The craft come underground through their physics.

  Q: Do you ever come above ground?

  The Oranges: Rarely and only to transport members of our race to other locations. We do not come out, just to come out.

  Q: Where are there others of your race?

  The Oranges: We are everywhere there are minerals to collect.

  Q: Do you use mechanical means to collect the minerals?

  The Oranges: Sometimes mechanical, other times electrical, sometimes molecular. We have many ways to collect the minerals. Please read through our answers. Have we covered all your questions?

  Q: (At this time the Researcher stopped to read through the questions and answers for the Oranges.) - Yes.

  Q: You seem very practical and efficient and able to understand the Human mind. Have you had interactions with Humans?

  The Oranges: Yes, in mines and deep underground. Many ancient Humans went into caves to meet us but we rarely meet Humans now that want to interact with us.

  Q: What is the main purpose and intent of the Oranges? Do you have a group-mind like the Grays?

  The Oranges: Our main purpose is to mine and that is our only purpose. If you need an approximation of who we are, we are cousins to the Grays, that is the closest we can come to who we are. We look a lot like the Grays but we are taller and thinner.

  Q: Do you actually have an orange skin?

  The Oranges: It is more of an Earth tone, as we are constantly interacting with different minerals and we absorb many minerals. Yes, we have a group mind like the Grays and can interact and communicate with them very easily.

  Q: How do the Oranges work with the Nordics, the Grays, the Orbs and any other race?

  The Oranges: We provide minerals for their use for food and nourishment and for maintenance and for fuel. We interact with them all but we are not them. We work in a cooperative manner to provide what they need.

  Q: Do they provide something that you need?

  The Oranges: Yes, but it cannot be expressed.

  Q: Please try.

  The Oranges: It is a form of energy exchange, an information exchange. It is similar to Humans receiving telecommunications, we learn about what is happening across the galaxy but there is much more than that.

  Q: Is there a Central Being, a Universal Source, which we refer to as God?

  The Oranges: This is a concept that we do not understand. If you are asking which is the strongest race, then the Reptilians are the strongest. If you are asking which race is the most powerful, then it is the Confederation, not one race. If you are asking which is the most altruistic, it is the Orbs. There is not one race that is all of these things.

  Q: Are the Elementals a manifestation of what we call God?

  The Oranges: As we understand the Human notion of God: that God is omnipresent: everywhere and knows everything. The closest races that come to that are the Orbs and the Elementals. Yet, they still do not come close to what you call God. It seems to us that what you call God has different interpretations across Earth. It could be that all races, including Humans, are manifestations of God? Is this answer sufficient?

  Q: Yes, thank you.

  Q: The other races have talked about other races such as the Darks, the Greens, the Propers, and the Roughs. Are there other races that are interacting with Humans that we need to contact?

  The Oranges: Each solar system has its own life and some can interact with Humans as we are communicating. Some cannot and you would not want to communicate with them, they would see you as food, or a threat. There are other races, or what you call races that interact with Humans but they are not easy to communicate with. Be very careful, some of them have dark selves.

  Q: I have interacted with dark selves before and have been able to manage the interaction and disconnect afterwards.

  Q: Be very careful. We do not interact with them. We choose not to interact with them, although some live close to us in the Earth.

  Q: What is your opinion of Humans?

  The Oranges: Do you really want to know?

  Q: Yes.

  The Oranges: Humans are greedy. They have the whole surface of the Earth, they have all of the seas, they have all of the air but they still want more. They have some of the underground but want more even though they can only handle some depths. They do not want to share or give acceptance to races that have been here for ever and only mine what the Humans cannot mine and take what the Humans do not need.

  Q: Thank you for your opinion.

  Q: What percentage of Humans is interacting telepathically with non-Human races?

  The Oranges: It is very small.

  Q: I felt that it was between 5-10% of the Human race.

  The Oranges: It is greater than that but only a few can interact with us and the other races. To interact with us needs a motivation and a need. We do not communicate with everybody who has the ability. Many are sleeping in this regard and we do not communicate with them.

  Q: So there is a potential to communicate, like so many two-way radios that are not switched on?

  The Oranges: Yes.

  Q: At the Skinwalker Ranch, UT, were the Oranges active and interacting with the other races?

  The Oranges: Yes, we have always been there and many other places. We interacted mostly with the Grays at that ranch.

  Q: Is there anything else that you can tell us about the ranch and the interactions that scared the rancher and investigators?

  The Oranges: The rancher created most of his own fear. He was fearful for his animals.

  Q: What about the caution not to dig at the ranch. Did the previous owners know about the Oranges?

  The Oranges: They did not have knowledge of us directly but knew that important work was going on below the ground. They heard the noises and smelled the smells and felt the hot air.

  Q: Why are other races at that specific location?

  The Oranges: Multiple reasons: to collect Humans, to convey messages between races, to provide access to the site, to mine (we), to collect animals and many other reasons.

  Q: Why and how do these races interfere with Humanity?

  The Oranges: To interfere means, to Humans, to interact, to make their lives difficult to carry out in the ordinary way. Just by our races being there interferes. There are levels of interference. On a minimal level, we just are there and being there interferes. We collect Humans

  Q: So Oranges also collect Humans?

  The Oranges: Yes, sometimes but only if they come underground.

  Q: That sounds very quick and trite.

  The Oranges: It is so.

  Q: What else?

  The Oranges: We sometimes interfere in a way by creating a lack of minerals so that Earth movement happens.

  Q: Does this mean Earthquakes?

  The Oranges: Some of them.

  Q: Why are the Oranges helping the Nordics and Orbs?

  The Oranges: They bring us information. We need the information to do our jobs. What is it you are doing?

  Q: (Here I was sneezing). Sneezing. Something irritates the nose and we sneeze.

  The Oranges: We do not sneeze.

  Q: Are there other locations where the Oranges are either working alone or with other races?

  The Oranges: Everywhere.

  Q: Are under the sea?

  The Oranges: Under the land, under the sea. We like mountains and Earth that has many layers. It is easier to work.

  Part 1

  Q: How do they cooperate? Is there a Confederation that
is acting together? Who do they act as messengers for? Why cannot Humans access information that they are carrying? How best can Humans communicate with the Orbs? Does the information that the Orbs carry, bubble-up into consciousness? Are the Orbs autonomous? What is their intent? How do they work? What can the Orbs tell us about the Confederation?

  The Oranges: There are many questions. Please read them over and we will respond. These questions are mainly about the Orbs. We interact with them but do not understand everything about them. You must ask the Orbs.

  The Oranges. We have.

  Q: Are the Oranges part of the Confederation?

  The Oranges. No. We are close but it takes a long time.

  Q: What do you need to belong to the Confederation?

  The Oranges. We need to stay where we are until the Confederation asks us to belong.

  Q: Is there more to the Orbs, observed by others and can they manifest responses? Are there different types of Orbs?

  The Oranges: These are questions for the Orbs. We cannot answer them.

  Q: Can the different extraterrestrial races also manifest responses and are they positively oriented? Are there inherent conflicts detrimental to our interests?

  The Oranges: Most races work together. Most races are positive to each other except the Darks and the Reptilians and the mix of them.

  Q: Does that mean that the Darks and the Reptilians breed?

  The Oranges. No, it is not a breeding but a mixing.

  Q: I don’t understand that, is it like the Hybrid program?

  The Oranges. Something like that.

  Q: Can other alien races prevent abductions?

  The Oranges: No. The Oranges help the collections. Most other races will help with the collections when needed.

  Q: Even the Darks and the Reptilians?

  The Oranges. Yes, if there is a need.

  Q: Who are the good guys, who are the bad guys and what can we learn from them?

  The Oranges: Those are Earth concepts. In your interpretation the Darks and the Reptilians are bad guys, everybody else is good or neutral. We do not have these distinctions.


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