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Voices From The Cosmos

Page 18

by C B Scott Jones

  Q: Can some races render implants fallible?

  The Oranges: Not that we know about. We do not install the implants. You must ask the Grays.

  Q: Can we interfere with the functioning of implants?

  The Oranges: Not that we know. Again, you have to ask the Grays. Please wait. (Here the Researcher had to wait a short time before proceeding.)

  Q: Are they the same races or different groups of the same race that are carrying out the abductions?

  The Oranges: Come. (Interview resumed) The races that are carrying out the collections are the Grays and the Oranges assisted by the Nordics and the Reptilians. You know this already.

  Q: How do they travel and is this travel with or without vehicles?

  The Oranges: We do not have our own craft. When we hear of a need to mine somewhere else we go with the Grays on their craft. We cannot travel without craft.

  Q: How long can Hybrids and Oranges stay on Earth? Why has the Hybridization program taken so long?

  The Oranges: Oranges cannot stay above the land for very long. We can exist for a short time to quickly move to a nearby location in the night.

  Q: Does ultraviolet radiation hurt you?

  The Oranges. Yes. We can exist for a very long time under the land. We do not know about the Hybrids. Ask the Grays.

  Q: What and who are the Indigo Children? Is there a specific race that is producing the Indigo Children?

  The Oranges: We do not know about the Indigo Children.

  Q: Have you heard other races talking about them?

  The Oranges. Yes but we do not know any.

  Q: Why are some species interested in hydrocarbons? Are they rare in the galaxy? What about other minerals and gases: hydrogen, boron? What purpose do these species put hydrocarbons to? Are we in conflict for these resources?

  The Oranges: Please read the questions. (Researcher stops to read questions for Oranges.) There is no conflict. There are plenty of resources. Humans have the whole Earth, the seas, the skies and they talk about conflict? The hydrocarbons are fuel and nutrition for the Grays and for us too.

  Part 2

  Q: They obviously find our Human civilization to possess valuable galactic characteristics, some of which they probably lost eons ago, or they wouldn’t be interbreeding with us. They certainly possess the ability to destroy our Human civilization, but have not, why?

  The Oranges: Please read to us. (Researcher stops to read questions.) There is no need to destroy Humans. There are plenty of resources. Humans have many qualities that the Grays need for the hybrids. We help them but we do not know what for. We do not often interact with Humans.

  Q: Is this intergalactic ethics - being held to certain behavior by other ET civilizations? Or is it just that their self-interest benefits more by using us for their own needs rather than simply destroying us (a similar model of how things operate on Earth)?

  The Oranges: We do not interact with Humans because few Humans come underneath the Earth. Some who come down to our levels hear us and go away. They do not stay to interact with us so we do not know about them. This is not ethics but the facts.

  Q: Given the billions of likely planets in our galaxy alone, there couldn’t be anything very unique and special about Earth. Although the need to mine some of the debris circling Saturn is puzzling - - the implications of which implies a gigantic civilization that is widespread in our galaxy with a vast need for ongoing raw material supply. I would very much appreciate your insights on what all this implies about the nature of intergalactic inhabitation, the inhabitants in a portion or all of our galaxy. Are they dominant or is there a cacophony of conflicting vested interests in our galaxy like here on Earth?

  The Oranges: There are many galaxies that even we do not know about.

  Q: Is that why the Grays are producing the hybrids to travel to these unknown locations?

  The Oranges: We do not know. We do not ask the Grays. You should ask the Grays.

  Q: What are the intentions of each race? What is each race’s ongoing purpose and when will this be completed?

  The Oranges: We only know our own intentions, our own ongoing purpose and this will go on forever. Our intention and purpose is to mine.

  Q: You also said that you help the Grays collect Humans that come under the ground.

  The Oranges. Yes, that too.

  Q: Will there be a scenario like a “shock wave” from a distant part of the galaxy that will wipe out Earth? Will it hit the Earth and its oceans?

  The Oranges: We do not know about this. If this happens we will learn about it and go to another location until it passes.

  Q: What does the future of the Earth look like, say in 2012? What types of scenarios, based on fact, will Earth experience?

  The Oranges: We do not know. We only know what is now and what information is brought to us. If there is anything that will harm us we can go elsewhere.

  Q: Are there specific races that are influencing our leaders and the process of civilization? Does any one race or a combination control our civilizations? If so why is this permitted?

  The Oranges: None that we have heard about. Most races stay away from Humans.

  Q: Would other civilizations be able to counter the possible Earth changes? Are the Orbs more positive to Humans?

  The Oranges: Ask the Orbs if they are positive. They carry information to us. I do not think that the Oranges could alter or prevent any Earth changes. We just go to another location until these changes have happened and then come back.

  Q: Regarding other controlling civilizations, what can we do as Humans to enter this chain of command?

  The Oranges: If you mean the Confederation, you will have to wait until you are asked.

  Q: Most religions of the world accept life after Earthly death. 96% of Humans accept this as fact. What is the alien concept and is there an equivalent life after death for them? Are there any races that believe in a God? What do the Reptilians believe?

  The Oranges: Many questions again. We have already talked about God. We do not understand about living after you are dead. If we are damaged we stay in the Earth. There is no going on after we have stayed in the Earth. We do not know what the Reptilians believe.

  Q: What mutual benefits are in place between different civilizations?

  The Oranges: Most of the races that we know are working together. It is only Humans that are not working with the races.

  Q: Why is this?

  The Oranges. Perhaps, Humans will be accepted into the Confederation when they can work with the other races.

  Q: What will help the Human race survive? Is the Human race expendable? Are we in danger of decimation some time in the future?

  The Oranges: Humans are fragile. They prefer to live on the outside of the Earth and at constant risk. We live inside the Earth and our risk is less. Humans have more risk of decimation than the Oranges. We cannot see the future.

  Q: Would there be a sharing of resources with different species in the future. This could affect the Earth financially. Would our leadership agree to share resources? How best can we manage our natural resources without destroying ourselves?

  The Oranges: There is already a sharing and it has not harmed Humans or the Orange race. There have been some Humans in the past who have shared and interacted with us. There are some people you call the Mud People. They know about us and our lives in the Earth. Talk to them.

  Q: Are some races hindering or helping us? Do they have a respect for intelligent life?

  The Oranges: All races respect each other. We have a respect for all intelligent life and non-intelligent life also. The rest of the question we do not know about. Have these answers been sufficient.

  Q: Yes, we may come back and ask some more. We thank and respect the Oranges. The next race to be interviewed is called the Angels by the other races.

  9: The Exobiology Project:

  Talking With The Angels

  Specific Questions for The Angels:

  This curre
nt race, the Angels, has been called several different names by other races: some also call them the Lights or the Smooths. But I do not think we can confuse them with the Angels of Human history and mythology. I have chosen to retain the name of the Angels for this interview.

  Q: Who are the Angels and where do they fit into the scheme of other races?

  ANGELS: Angels are a gentle race of people who are intermingled with humans for a long, long time.

  Q: Are you what humans call Angels?

  ANGELS: Yes.

  Q: You have referred to yourself as a people, rather than a race? Why is this?

  ANGELS: We call ourselves a people because we are closest to humans than any of the other races. We consider ourselves a people. We fit in with the other races on a peripheral level. We do not act with the Grays or Nordics except to travel with them sometimes on their craft.

  Q: What is the main purpose and intent of Angels? Do you have a group mind like the Grays?

  ANGELS: Our purpose is to guide, to impart knowledge, to help and to direct. The intent is to provide humans with mental maps of how to become better humans. We have a group mind like some of the other races but on a different level. We can also interact on a mental level with many of the other races.

  Q: How do the Angels benefit from interacting and guiding humans?

  ANGELS: There is no benefit except that we guide and help. It is what we do. Humans always have to have something back for what they do, we do not have to have something back.

  Q: How do Angels work with the Nordics, the Grays, the Orbs and any other race?

  ANGELS: We work with the other races to access the location of humans. We work with many humans but not all humans. We interact with the Orbs to access information and we can send the Orbs with information. We can send Orbs to scout and see where humans are.

  Q: Is there a Central Being, a Universal Source, which we refer to as God?

  ANGELS: Yes, there is a central intelligence but it is everywhere. This intelligence is all knowing, all seeing, all acting, is forever and forever and does not fade.

  Q: Have you ever seen or interacted with God?

  ANGELS: We have never seen God but we have interacted with God.

  Q: What was that interaction like?

  ANGELS: It was not like anything, it was unique. There was total acceptance, total care, and total peace. There was total light, an absence of dark, everything was clear and shiny.

  Q: Was this total light God?

  ANGELS: No, this was where God was, we have not seen God.

  Q: Are the Elementals a manifestation of what we call God?

  ANGELS: All races are an expression of God. The Elementals and Orbs and the Angels are closest to the expression of God.

  Q: Is the confederation God?

  ANGELS: No. The confederation is not God.

  Q: The other races have talked about other races such as the Darks, the Greens, the Propers, and the Roughs. Are there other races that are interacting with humans that we need to contact?

  ANGELS: There are many other races that are interacting with humans. Humans are just discovering multi-dimensions outside of the common dimension, which is the Earth dimension. There are multitudes of these dimensions where other races are available to talk to. Most are very Earth-like and the people very human-like but there are differences.

  Q: Are there dimensions that are mirrors of Earth, alternative dimensions?

  ANGELS: Not exactly of Earth and there are no mirror people of people that exist on Earth today. But they are very similar.

  Q: So someone doing a kind act on Earth, would not have a mirror person in another dimension doing a kind act or an unkind act?


  Q: Can we call on and interact with these other dimensions?

  ANGELS: Yes. Just ask them.

  Q: What percentage of humans is interacting telepathically with non-human races?

  ANGELS: Most humans have some telepathic ability, most have just a little ability. Everyone is born with this ability but some maintain this to adulthood. It is a vital ability for an infant to have. It is a survival ability. As people age they do not need it and it atrophies. Some humans who are born with a strong ability, and who go through adversity in childhood, retain more of this ability. It is for survival.

  Q: Why are other races at that specific location (Skinwalker Ranch)?

  ANGELS: Another race that was present at the ranch was a being we call the father-being.

  Q: What is the father-being?

  ANGELS: It is an ancient race that lives in natural elements, like stones, and living entities such as trees. It is slow, ancient, wise, and can be accessed but it is very difficult to understand and interpret.

  Q: Is there a similar mother-being?

  ANGELS: Yes, in the sky. It is also difficult to comprehend the mother-being because her communications are difficult to catch and know.

  Q: Why and how do these races interfere with humanity?

  ANGELS: The only races that interfere with humans are those that collect humans for hybrid and other purposes.

  Q: Would the Angels interactions with humans be seen as interfering?

  ANGELS: No, we help and guide humans, we do not interfere.

  Q: Do Angels understand the concept of free will?

  ANGELS: Yes, we help and guide but the human does not have to follow what we say.

  Q: Are there other locations where Angels are either working alone or with other races?

  ANGELS: Angels are everywhere there are humans.

  Q: Do Angels also work with hybrids that have a high percentage of human in them?

  ANGELS: Yes.

  Q: Were the entities that my brother and I encountered in Dorset in the 1960s Angels?

  ANGELS: Yes, we were the beings that you saw after you saw the light. We came because you and your brother were talking about Angels.

  Q: I do not remember that?

  ANGELS: You asked each other if Angels existed, we came to show you that we did.

  Q: My brother saw a craft first, before the beings came into the house, did you come by way of the craft? Or do you have wings and can fly?

  ANGELS: Yes, we came as it was the quickest way to come. We do not fly, we do not have wings.

  Q: Can you bilocate like the Nordics?

  ANGELS: No, we cannot bilocate but we cantranspose.

  Q: What does that mean?

  ANGELS: It is a way to get from one place to another with the original body. Nordics send a copy ahead. We can send the original body through transposing. Transposing takes energy and time so we are often carried by craft. The craft were coming to that location so we transposed to the craft and came to your location.

  Q: Were the Grays there to collect my brother and me for their purposes?

  ANGELS: Yes, but we spoke with you first. Then they took you to the craft for their purposes. We transposed elsewhere when that happened so we did not have any knowledge of the Grays work and what they do.

  Q: What did we talk about?

  ANGELS: We talked about the reality of Angels. We talked about the future roles of humans? We talked about certain humans that have roles to play in human history. We talked about how some humans are successful at this and others are not.

  Q: Did we talk so we could hear each other or with our minds?

  ANGELS: With the mind only.

  Q: Was there important information given to us?

  ANGELS: There was information shared but you have remembered most of it already.

  Q: I do not remember specifics.

  ANGELS: You have already remembered it and use it in your everyday life.

  Q: Were we told anything about the future?

  ANGELS: Yes, you were told about the future. How you would live in many places and meet many people. Not to be surprised when others recognized you and you did not recognize them. That you and your brother would retain many of your abilities.

  Q: Were we told anything about the fu
ture of the Earth?

  ANGELS: No, just about yourselves. But, you can ask.

  Q: Do Angels have the ability to access information about the future?

  ANGELS: In some respects but we have to ask too.

  Q: Who do you ask?

  ANGELS: The Record Keepers.

  Q: Who are the Record Keepers?

  ANGELS: They are a form of Elemental that keep the records.

  Q: So the Elementals can tell us what will happen in the future?

  ANGELS: Only some of them, the Record Keepers. The one that you spoke to before was not a Record Keeper.

  Q: Why would that Elemental not refer me to the Record Keepers?

  ANGELS: Because they did not know.

  Questions Asked of all Races:

  Q: How do the Angels cooperate? Is there a Confederation that is acting together? Who do they act as messengers for? Why cannot Humans access information that they are carrying? How best can humans communicate with the Orbs? Does the information that the Orbs carry, bubble-up into consciousness? Are the Orbs autonomous? What is their intent? How do they work? What can the Orbs tell us about the confederation?

  ANGELS: We have answered some of these questions. We cooperate with all races but only work with humans. Yes, there is a Confederation and Angels are part of the confederation. We do not act as messengers except to humans, Orbs act as messengers. You have information about the Orbs that we do not need to add to.

  Q: Can the different extraterrestrial races also manifest responses and are they positively oriented? Are there inherent conflicts detrimental to our interests?

  ANGELS: Yes, there are conflicts between different races, more than you have learned already. Just because we do not stay all the time on Earth, does not mean that we have less conflict. There will be conflicts wherever there are races.

  Q: Who are the good guys, who are the bad guys and what can we learn from them?

  ANGELS: That is a totally odd question as you know so already. Humans sometimes know who are the good and bad guys but do not acknowledge it or act upon the knowledge.

  Q: What and who are the Indigo Children? Is there a specific race that is producing the Indigo Children?


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