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Voices From The Cosmos

Page 30

by C B Scott Jones

  Q: In their interactions with Humans, how often does this happen and why is this interaction carried out? For observation? Are they monitors for the Confederation?

  S: We used to interact with Humans and gave them many things, as a father would do, but then we left the Humans on their own. It seems that Humans are still striving and wanting new things and have not yet settled into that steady state of happiness that we have found. We only interacted to share some of what we had learned. We have not visited Earth and Humans for a long time. We may do so in the future. We are not monitors for the Confederation. There is no need for us to do this. They get everything they need from the Orbs.

  Q: Can the Sirians help Humans if the entities are asked? How can Humans ask for help? If they can help us, in what way can we ask for this help?

  S: We cannot help Humans in this respect. We visited with Humans and have told them what we had learned. Humans have taken some of this learning and applied it but the learning to be happy and satisfied has not yet been learned.

  Q: What use do the Sirians make of Earth resources? Do they need these for survival?

  S: The Sirians have no need of Earth resources. We are able to get what we need in the way of minerals and nutrition from our own system. Earth was only a way-station and an exploration. We have a duty to give concepts and ideas wherever we travel so that progress is maintained in the different galaxies but we have no need to return. We can interact mind-to-mind but this is usually with just one Sirian mind and one other mind. We do not share what we perceive with others like other races.

  Q: Are the Sirians positively or negatively oriented towards Humans?

  S: We are positively oriented towards Humans as a father would be to his children. We are interested when one of the races that we have connected with contacts us later. We can then “glean” other information not spoken.

  Q: Does that mean that while we are in communication you can access other information from my mind that is not related to what we are talking about?

  S: Yes.

  Q: Why are Grays interacting with us on a conscious level and not others?

  S: The Grays have always communicated with and contacted Humans. The Grays are our children also. We taught them many of the things that they know and brought them to Earth to interact with Humans. We have done this with many races, introduced them to each other.

  Q: Are there other entities in the Universe? Why, how, and who?

  S: From your knowledge you have been in contact with many races but have only a partial knowledge of these races. It is like receiving a small document from a race but not knowing all about that race. We cannot tell you all the races, there are too many to tell about.

  Q: Do the Sirians have the ability to look into the future?

  S: We do not look into the future. We only assess what is going to happen from what we know already. It is a safer way than trying to look at what might happen. Humans are always wanting to know what will happen in the future instead of being satisfied with what they have had and what they have now.

  Q: Are the Sirians helping, hindering or ignoring us?

  S: We have helped Humans in the past and from this knowledge that we have Humans they will have to find their own path and future. Humans are striving and making life much more difficult for themselves than it need be. We, the Syrians have found ways to be content with what we have.

  Q: Do the Sirians have knowledge of the Confederation; is the Confederation just of our galaxy or of the universe?

  S: We have our own Confederation in our system and every system has its own Confederation. Sometimes these Confederations overlap in jurisdiction but they never meet and never intrude on another’s jurisdiction.

  Q: Are the Sirians a Galactic or Universal entity?

  S: We consider ourselves in many ways: we are local, we are galactic and we are universal, as we travel to many different part of the void.

  Q: Regarding the Rules of the Confederation – are these also applicable to non-members, such as the need to respect and cooperate with other races?

  S: We follow all of the Confederation rules which are mostly the same throughout all of the Galaxies. We would expect even those who are not in the Confederation to respect those same rules, they make sense to everybody.

  Q: Do the Sirians have a sense of who people are? Do they have autonomy or are they on a mission for others, or for another group?

  S: We only have a responsibility to ourselves, to make ourselves happy, to impart our knowledge to other races, but we have no responsibility after that.

  Q: What questions should Humans ask of the Exobiology entities?

  S: Humans are ever questing after new knowledge, new weapons, and new technology. They should be asking about what can make them happy and contented? They should be asking other races how they can achieve happiness and be content with what they have.

  Q: What should the Exobiology entities be asking of us or want to ask of us?

  S: Different races have different requirements of Earth and Humans. The Grays have their own requirements, which you have found. Other races use the Earth for mineral resources. We have no requirements of Earth or Humans and have nothing to ask.

  Q: Are there Exobiology entities that are detrimental to human interests? Are there entities that we should not interact with?

  S: There are many races that are detrimental to Humans and one particularly to Humans who are focusing their mind on other minds in the galaxy. These are called The Spikes. They travel very fast, very swiftly through the void and can be detrimental to Humans and to other races.

  Q: Have I encountered The Spikes yet?

  S: No, you would know if you had.

  Q: Do the Sirians have a concept of God – of a Universal source?

  S: We have no concept of a Universal source of knowledge. Yes, we help other races with information but we are not God. There is no universal source that we know as God.

  Q: Do the Sirians need two genders to reproduce like we do or do they manipulate DNA to reproduce and how?

  S: We are not composed of DNA as Humans are. We are a different composition and do not die as Humans die, we persist. That way we do not lose any memory or abilities that have to be relearned. The human way of replenishing is wasteful as it takes many years for a new being to acquire the knowledge that the older ones have. It is better to persist and retain all knowledge and memory.

  Q: Is Earth toxic to the Sirians i.e. such as ultraviolet is toxic to Grays?

  S: Nowhere in the universe is toxic to us, we can shield and protect ourselves from most damaging elements on most of the planets. Those that we cannot shield ourselves we do not visit.

  Q: How do the Sirians sustain themselves, with nutrient baths etc? All entities have the need to survive. Humans need food, water, air, sunshine to exist. Do the Sirians need these same things or something different? Do they need warmth, shelter, etc. to survive?

  S: We do none of these things. Our ways are far too different to explain to Humans.

  Q: Are the Sirians surprised by the way that our species is socially organized? How does this differ from their social organization? It is hard for us to conceive of a species that is not centrally controlled. We conceive of centralized control as a means to prevent destruction within and between people. Is this process in place in the Sirians world?

  S: We are not organized as Humans are organized. We are mainly autonomous but we do abide by the rules. Mainly we rule ourselves and are happy with ourselves and with others. We do not have to have others decide for us, we can decide ourselves.

  Q: Is there anything, within the next 25 Earth years (rotations around our Sun) that Humans should be concerned about?

  S: NR

  Q: Do the Sirians manifest a sense of creativity? Do the Sirians manufacture anything? Do the Sirians have writing, music, or art?

  S: We think of ourselves as logical and content. Writing, music, art are for others to enjoy. We do not need to produce things for
others to enjoy, we satisfy ourselves. We do not manufacture anything except our means of travel and these are utilitarian and plain. Humans seem to be constantly producing things for others to enjoy and a disappointed when others do not get the same level of enjoyment as the maker. We do not strive to make other Sirians happy, only ourselves, and then everybody is happy and content.

  Q: Do the Sirians get sick or have illnesses? Do they have any internal or external threats? Do they die? How do they deal with death?

  S: We do not have illness or threats, we do not get sick and die, we persist.

  Q: Are the Sirians surprised that Humans can reach out and communicate with them and how often does this happen? When does this happen and from where? Is this contact carried out telepathically?

  S: No, we are not surprised, many have reached out to us and we respond each time. We are not required to respond but consider many races our children and still need help.

  Q: Native American people, such as the Hopi and other races, have described how their ancestors had a connection to races from Sirius and the Pleiades. They claim that these races were their ancestors and that they are still interacting. There is some folklore that these beings were escaping from Sirius and the Pleiades. How did they come to Earth and are they still able to communicate?

  S: We did come and help many of the first people of Earth and these memories have persisted in human memory for many centuries. We came before the Hopi and other races were gathered into their own groups. We have very early people concepts and help.

  Q: What potential does Earth have for the Sirians?

  S: None.

  Q: Are the Sirians interested in our technology?

  S: We are not interested in Earth technology; we have our own in the form of our craft and need nothing else. It is discriminatory of Humans to think that all races are wanting Earth technology, which is yet very undeveloped. It is like a child holding up a toy to a parent and asking if the parent wants the toy, the same as the child wants the toy.

  Q: Is there any further information about the other races outlined in the first paragraph that will soon be interviewed? Who can we talk to? Are there dangerous entities?

  S: We have told you about a dangerous entity and you know others.

  Q: What do you do to survive and what do you do for pleasure?

  S: We do not have to do anything to survive, we just persist. Our pleasure is to persist.

  Q: Thank you. Following is a dialogue opportunity for the Sirians.

  Dialogue with the Sirians

  S: We have nothing to dialog. We are content and happy with ourselves. Humans appear to be never happy with themselves or with others, or the world in which they live. They are constantly seeking change although they do not like change. They damage their world then expect others to come and manage the damage. We would rather stay away and let Humans manage their own world and their own problems. This is a wise thing for a parent. We hope that Humans will eventually learn from us to be happy and content.

  Q: Thank you. If the Sirians exist elsewhere in the universe, may I do a site visit?

  S: Yes.

  Site Visit

  It was very difficult to visit the Sirian home world. I could get so far, and then all that could be perceived was a thick mist. Perhaps this was a defense of sorts to prevent intrusion from other races. I tried penetrating the mist but seemed to get turned around and directed back. There did not seem to be a way to get through these defenses. I tried going around, going above and under but to no avail. The Sirians do not appear to welcome visitors to their system, even though they gave permission.


  We would like to thank the Sirians for all of their responses and cooperation. We would also like to say that we honor and respect the Sirian race. As a second follow-up to the primary interview, several, additional questions were proposed.

  Q: Humans do not persist, they die and Human memory is not continued within that individual. If there is life of the Human spirit after death, what happens to that spirit? Does it just live as a spirit and how can it relate to a Human who is still alive?

  S: We also honor and respect Humans and will now refer to Humans and Earth on a level with Sirians. Humans prefer to live in a temporary world.

  Q: What does that mean?

  S: Humans prefer to live in a world in which they make everything temporary, they are always looking to the next change, the next move, the next meeting with other Humans. They do not live as if the world was permanent. It has persisted for millions of years. There have been changes but not all at once and not in the same place. Humans react as if all of the changes will occur all at once and all in the same place. Humans thus create a state of impermanence for themselves and others. Rather than enjoying what they have now, Humans are constantly looking to see what is coming, including being in the spirit world.

  S: Humans, to be truly happy, need to live in the present and not be so consumed with the past and the future. There is always a need to make some plans for the future but not to make it the total focus of their lives. Yes, Humans continue to persist on different levels that are non-corporeal, after the death of the physical body and all of their memories and skills persist. When the Human chooses to re-enter the Human body, there is a taboo in most societies about past memories being present. The Human condition is engineered for new information and children are taught set patterns that exclude what Humans have already learned. There can be a two-way communication between Humans who are living on this level and Humans who are living on other levels. Bonds of family and friendship facilitate such communication. .

  Q: Does the Human spirit become re-established into another Human, another life-form on Earth, or a life-form in the universe?

  S: The choice is for the Human to make. Humans can become anything they want, when they leave the Human body. It is comparable to being Out-of-the-Body while the Human is living in the Human body. When a Human goes Out-of-the-Body they can become anything they want: another Human, an Earth animal or another life-form outside of the Earth. Usually this is a temporary state and eventually the Human has to return to their corporeal body. In the spirit state, the Human can also become whatever they choose and, if they also choose, they can shift their energy to become that choice in a corporeal body. If the Human does not choose to become corporeal they can stay in the spirit state.

  Q: Regarding the concept of God – is there a universal energy force throughout the universe? Is there some Universal Intelligence guiding the universe? What is the Sirian’s connection to such a Universal Energy or Intelligence?

  S: There is a state, that is difficult to describe, that is in all of us, including Sirians. It is energy, a flux, an intelligence, that permeates the universe and also permeates us. That is what we think of in the Human terms of a God. This flux allows all beings, whether Human or Sirian or other, to manufacture events and many other things that are needed. So, if a Human has a great fear of coming future disasters, they can use the flux to create a state of non-disaster. This places them in a different “strata” than the place where the disaster occurs. The disaster occurs but the individual is not there to perceive or experience it. In the place where they are at, there is no disaster. In the place where they are not at, there is still a disaster. But would this be selfish for the Human, to want to place themselves in a place where there was no disaster, while thousands of others experienced the disaster? Humans could live their lives this way, hopping from one stratum to another, all the time avoiding catastrophes, but others would still be experiencing the catastrophes. There are great “souls” that can produce refuge for many other corporeal bodies, placing them in strata where they are safe but this is only a temporary event and the souls eventually have to return to their own stratum. Humans have a fear of change and catastrophe and could use the flux to avoid future disasters but instead should learn to cope and grow from experiencing the disasters. Humans would have never migrated and grown as distinct and intelligent
people if they had avoided disasters in the past. Disasters are needed for Humans to develop new skills and intelligence.

  Q: Regarding the Sirians’ statement that happiness is a “steady state” – how can Humans achieve true happiness? Does it have to do with emotions feelings, what other emotions? Can the Sirians describe happiness? Is it the same as what makes us happy? Is it a “blanket term”?

  S: We do not have such a term as happiness as it also means that we have to experience non-happiness in order to enjoy happiness. So, we think instead of just being and not experiencing any of the labeled states that Humans have. Humans are very invested in states of emotion, that they label, and then state that they are experiencing those emotions. Humans are constantly asking each other about their emotions and states of emotion instead of observing how other Humans are exhibiting emotions. Inquiring about emotions and thus labeling them often intensifies the emotions.

  S: A sad person can cope with their sadness but when asked to discuss and label their sadness, it can intensify the sadness. That is not conducive to a steady state. We experience emotion without labeling those emotions, we just experience them. We do not even talk about happy, or sad, or disappointed, or angry as these emotions pass very quickly. If discussed and labeled they would peak beyond their original energy level and take away from the underlying steady state. Most times we are in a “steady state” that has no emotion but we do experience emotion. Humans say that they can only experience happiness when there is the absence of non-happiness. They can both exist at the same time. Happiness, sadness, anger, disappointment or joy can all happen at the same time in the steady state but are at such a low level that they can be understood.

  Q: What major emotions do the Sirians enjoy and what “steady state” do they foster? Is the “steady state” related to the concept of peace, benevolence to others, what else? Is there a sense of connectedness to a Universal Energy or Source? What else does this “steady state” do?

  S: In the last question, this was answered. We, Sirians, who enjoy the steady state, find that we have emotional reserves to offer peace, benevolence, and assistance to others because we are not invested in our own emotions at the high level that Humans are invested in theirs. The steady state allows us to remain balanced and able to give aid to others. If we were invested in labeling and communicating all of our emotions, instead of others perceiving our emotions, we would not have the reserves to help others. Connectedness to the flux, the universal energy and intelligence is separate from the steady state.


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