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Voices From The Cosmos

Page 31

by C B Scott Jones

  Q: We recognize, honor and revere wisdom and the mastery of existence that the Sirians show. What other races are comparable to the Sirians? Angels? Are these comparable races terrestrial or not of Earth?

  S: The only race that is comparable to Sirians are the Angels, as they too have been able to understand and develop the steady state. Angels can persist in the terrestrial stratum as well as in other places. They can pass between strata wherever they are needed.

  Q: Regarding looking into the future. Many entities can foresee the future by projecting the past and the present. Are there multiple layers of time? We assume that there are entities that can truly see ahead into the future, not just as a projection of the past and present? For example, non-steady states have cycles. For example the Earth’s environment, the nature of life itself, and other factors related to the environment.

  S: There are strata when both Humans and non-Humans can access information about future time. There are some Earth Humans that can do this for short periods of time and there are non-Humans that travel often in these strata. We do not understand the Human need to always know what is going to happen in the future. We have the ability to pass to the strata where the future is apparent and to take appropriate measures.

  S: If more Humans were to be able to do this, to pass to the other strata to perceive future time, then they would not be so obsessed with the future. We, Sirians, do not feel it is our role to act as “strata hoppers” for Humans to see the future, when they can do it for themselves. The Orbs, too, can travel in strata that can access events in future time but Humans do not yet have the right to send Orbs to these strata. The Orbs feel the same way that Humans need to understand this ability for themselves and not keep asking other races to do it for them.

  Q: Which entities can we contact who can tell us what lies ahead in the future? Will it be a continuation of what we are experiencing now or will it be different? For example, will severe weather patterns be a continuation of Earth cycles or will these cycles become accelerated, at an unprecedented speed, through Human intervention?

  S: This is continuation of the same question. Yes, we, Sirians, and the Orbs and some other races can travel to strata that can access events in future time. But Humans can do this too and it is considered lazy, by the other races, when Humans ask for other races to do this for them. There are many ways to project what will happen in the future: look at the past for cycles and then try and reverse those cycles; use the flux to travel to a stratum where the cycles will not impact Humans; or learn to travel to the strata where future time can be observed. All can be equally effective.

  Q: Humans are currently concerned about the adaptation of Human life on Earth in the short term only. How can they plan for and adapt to long-term changes?

  S: Humans are going through “monumental” changes and have no concept what they are going through. There is a division taking place: at the moment it appears as if there are two races of Humans: those who are concerned with moral good, with nurturing, with growth, with peace, and those who are concerned with anger, with fighting, with breaking down society. This is not only apparent among Human leadership but on all levels of Human society. Within a few hundred Earth years there will be an even greater division between the two levels of society and the more base of the levels will gradually retreat.

  Q: Sometime in the near or distant future a cosmic supernova could decimate life on Earth or even destroy it completely. It is possible that this could destroy the Human race? Is this a possibility? Did such an event occur in our solar system in our past? If so, did this affect life on other planets such as Mars and Venus? What happened to the races living there? How did such an event affect Earth and was Atlantis or parts of India affected by such an event?

  S: We have knowledge of this happening in almost every system but the races persist. They do not always persist in the same way but they persist. This type of catastrophe is something that Humans cannot avoid if they stay corporeal. Humans can travel to a stratum where the event may not occur and they can keep hopping from stratum to stratum but will become careless and will eventually have to experience the event. Humans have the mistaken fear that Human life is solely corporeal: that corporeal life must be preserved at all costs. This is a very narrow view of life as many races exist non-corporeally and enjoy far greater freedoms than Humans in their corporeal state. It does not matter that many Humans will cease to be corporeal, if such an event occurs, as they can choose to become corporeal again when the Earth recovers or to go elsewhere.

  Q: We are interested in the Sirians and thank you again for assisting us. What other entities would be helpful? So far, many of the entities that we have contacted have not been able to project themselves into the future, other than the Nordics and the Record Keepers. Are there any other races that we could contact? Our goal is to ensure that Humans persist on Earth in the long run.

  S: It is our goal, too, that Humans persist but we do not experience this goal in the same way as Humans. Humans interpret persisting as remaining in the corporeal state on a corporeal world. We have a greater understanding that existence does not have to depend on a corporeal state. Humans can persist with or without a corporeal state. Humans exhibit a great need to understand what is in the future but we know that Humans can find this out for themselves, without the assistance of the other races. Humans need to learn how to do this for themselves and not keep asking the other races for help with this.

  Q: Are there spirit entities on Earth and how do they differ from non-Earth spirit entities? Are some non-corporeal and just exist as an intelligence?

  S: The Earth is “teeming” with life, not just corporeal but non-corporeal and some are just “wisps”.

  Q: What are wisps?

  S: They are traces of life that exist in many different strata at once while retaining communication between all of the parts. Humans can only perceive within very narrow energy levels and cannot perceive all of the life on Earth. Humans mistakenly believe that they and other corporeal life forms dominate Earth. This is not so, there is a great sharing occurring among many races.

  Q: Orbs seem to enjoy or create happiness for themselves by being in the presence of different energies. Does this happen because of curiosity, on the part of the Orbs, or is this just an experience for them, or just information to them?

  S: Orbs, too, can achieve a steady state but, due to the information that they carry, they often deviate from the steady state. For example, an Orb may be carrying information that contains anger and vengeance, thus for that period of time, that is what they perceive. Orbs, like most Humans, prefer to be among positive energy but it is the Orb’s duty to relay information that is not of their true nature.

  Q: Why are there so many Orbs on and around the Earth? If this is the case, are there as many Orbs in all the galaxies and all the planetary systems, as well? Or are they sent here as information gatherers by other life forms, which would account for there being so many?

  S: Orbs are everywhere; they are “ubiquitous” and are observed throughout the void. They can travel anywhere but prefer to cluster near where they were last needed. They go where they are needed but stay, usually, where they last relayed information. Partly, this is in case there is return information to relay or partly just to return to the steady state.

  Q: All the entities talk about Humans as a race but we are not a cohesive race as we are all separate races with separate consciousness. Are there any races that could help specific individuals to better cope with their lives?

  S: As mentioned Humans are dividing into two races, that will persist for several more hundred years. The many races will then become one for a long period of time.

  Q: Could an individual establish a helpful relationship with another race that would benefit other Humans and other races? Humans are separate entities. For example, could an individual Orb be helpful to an individual Human entity and in what ways? Is such knowledge helpful or hindering to us? What information sh
ould we be seeking to help our own races and other races?

  S: Humans have not yet understood on a large scale, although individual Humans have understood this, that Humans can change their status. Humans can alter events and Humans can change their state of being. Humans do not need other races to be able to do this. Humans have a far greater potential than Humans understand. It is of great help for Humans to befriend and assist other races, as other races will help when needed. However, we will not help Humans if they can help themselves. Some help would not hinder Humans but much help would hinder Humans. We will continue to communicate and help when needed.

  Q: Thank you.

  18: The Exobiology Project:

  Talking To The Aldebarans

  “Other entities and races should be asking Humans why they choose to ignore the Confederation rules and do not wish to be part of the Confederation.”

  —The Aldebarans

  Part 1

  Q: What do the race or races from the Aldebaran system call themselves. How do these races describe themselves?

  AB: We have a name for ourselves but you can call us the Aldebarans as we are from that system. Our name is the Fish and we have our own vocabulary, the Fish is the closest we can come to Human language. We are not one race but many races scattered across this part of the system which includes planets that you know as Saturn and systems that you know as the Pleiades. We are ancient and have great knowledge.

  Q: Does the Aldebaran race share information; for example, is the entire Aldebaran race aware that we are communicating?

  AB: Yes.

  Q: Do they travel and interact across the galaxy. How often do they travel and interact?

  AB: We are able to visit all aspects of the Universe and can choose to take the shape of the race that is present. We are a race that is able to change shape to travel, like the Nordics which you have interviewed. We do not need craft although we will travel with other races if that is required. We travel often and are traveling in the Universe as we speak.

  Q: Does that mean that you, individually, are traveling as we speak, or the Aldebaran race?

  AB: Both.

  Q: Are there times when you are based on your home world and do not travel?

  AB: Yes.

  Q: When is this?

  AB: When we rest and when we interact with others.

  Q: In their interactions with humans, how often does this happen and why is this interaction carried out? For observation? Are they monitors for the Confederation?

  AB: We do not interact much with Humans as we do not have any directives to interact with Humans. We interact only when Humans contact us, as you are now doing. There are other groups in this system that travel to Earth and interact with Humans, such as the Angels from the Pleiades.

  Q: I never associated the Angels to be from the Pleiades.

  AB: There are many types of Angels and some are located in the Pleiades system. We are not monitors for the Confederation although we are members of the Confederation.

  Q: Can the Aldebarans help humans if the entities are asked? How can humans ask for help? If they can help us, in what way can we ask for this help?

  AB: We can help in a non-local way by offering advice, if we are aware of the information. Humans can ask for help by asking us questions but we are unable to help in a practical way. There are many other races, including the Angels, who can help in this way. Help can be asked for in this way from Human to Aldebaran.

  Q: We have several sets of questions to ask you and thank you for your patience with us.

  Q: What use do the Aldebarans make of Earth resources? Do they need these for survival?

  AB: The Aldebarans do not make use of Earth resources and do not need these for survival. We get everything we need from our own system.

  Q: Are the Aldebarans positively or negatively oriented towards Humans?

  AB: The Aldebaran race is neutral towards Humans. Humans have only just reached our system with the flying probe around Saturn. There is nothing to fear or feel about Humans at this point. If Humans were to become aggressive towards us we would need to reassess how we feel about Humans in our system.

  Q: Why are Grays interacting with us on a conscious level and not others?

  AB: Grays are not all one race; they are a combination of Gray, Human and many other races. They look alike on the exterior but in their composition they have some aspects of many different races. That is how they can understand and communicate with Humans on a conscious level.

  Q: We had not heard this before, that the Grays combined many different races within them. Are you sure that you are not talking about the Hybrids?

  AB: We are sure. Grays were the first Hybrids, before they refined the process to include individual differences of all of the combined races. The Grays were also unable, at some point, to show exterior differences related to emotional states and movement. For many centuries they showed just one type. Now there are many types and some Grays are often mistaken for Humans by Humans on board the Gray craft.

  Q: Are there other entities in the Universe? Why, how, and who?

  AB: There are too many entities and races to go into. You are meeting most of the main ones, the ones who are mostly interacting with Humans. As you venture out of your nearest systems you will meet more. Humans are not yet ready for the Universes that exist outside their own Universe. The Human mind is not yet ready for the complexity.

  Q: Do the Aldebarans have the ability to look into the future?

  AB: We have a limited ability to look into our own future, not that of other races. Sometimes we will heed a warning of an upcoming problem and can warn a race of what is coming but that is not frequent.

  Q: Are the Aldebarans helping, hindering or ignoring us?

  AB: We are doing neither; we are just interested in Humans. Mostly we ignore Humans unless they come into our space, either as a traveling probe around Saturn, or as a mind communication such as yours.

  Q: Do the Aldebarans have knowledge of the Confederation; is the Confederation just of our Galaxy or of the Universe?

  AB: There are several Confederations in each system and one Confederation over the smaller Confederations. We assume it is the same in all systems. The Confederation is a group of races that decide on the rules and the norms and adjust accordingly.

  Q: Are the Aldebarans a Galactic or Universal entity?

  AB: We are a Universal race that can travel wherever we choose. We are able to travel wherever we like and interact however we choose. This has always been and will continue to be. There are too many of us for it to be any different.

  Q: Regarding the Rules of the Confederation – are these also applicable to non-members, such as the need to respect and cooperate with other races?

  AB: All of the rules of the Confederations apply to everybody and every race in the Universe. Some races choose not to follow the rules and are therefore not included as members of the Confederation. They are then unable to be included in the decisions that are made for the Universe by the Confederations. They are lesser races because they have to abide by rules that others make. If these races were members of the Confederation they would have a share in the making of the rules.

  Q: Do the Aldebarans have a sense of who people are? Do they have autonomy or are they on a mission for others, or for another group?

  AB: The Aldebarans have a sense of who all people are. We are autonomous and do not answer to other races, except the Confederation. We are not on a mission for others, or for another group.

  Q: What questions should humans ask of the Exobiology entities?

  AB: The questions that Humans should be asking of the entities are: how can Humans learn to abide by the rules of the Confederation and become part of the Confederation? Also, Humans could be asking how Humans can learn to quickly abide by these rules of the Confederations, as they surely do not at the present. This is hindering their joining the Confederation and becoming part of the decision and rule making.

Q: What should the Exobiology entities be asking of us or want to ask of us?

  AB: We do not need to ask anything of the Human race as we can visit at any time and learn what we want to learn. Other entities and races should be asking Humans why they choose to ignore the Confederation rules and do not wish to be part of the Confederation.

  Q: Are there Exobiology entities that are detrimental to human interests? Are there entities that we should not interact with?

  AB: If you haven’t already met them, you will. You will learn about them as you meet them. That is all we can say, Humans have to learn about them themselves.

  Q: Do the Aldebarans have a concept of God – of a Universal source?

  AB: The Aldebaran God is not the same as the Human God. We see all the collective energies and spirit of all the races as the concept of God. The Human concept is that God is omnipresent and omni-wise: so this includes all the knowledge possessed by all the races and the fact that the races are everywhere. So, this concept of God is accounted for by all the races in the Universe. The Aldebarans do not have a sense of a God that is detached from the races.

  Q: Do the Aldebarans need two genders to reproduce like we do? Do they manipulate DNA to reproduce and how?

  AB: We do not have DNA, it is very different and we cannot explain. It has to do with energies and magnetic fields. Some days we just split and there are two or more of us with our abilities, skills, and memories. It is more than cloning; Human cloning only clones the physical body, each clone then has to develop its own skills and memories. We only have one gender, we do not need two.


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