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Voices From The Cosmos

Page 35

by C B Scott Jones

  R: We would advise them to disregard the written word and to rely on spoken word and mind-word.

  Q: Our scientists rely much on written word for proof.

  R: We do not need such proof, we know that we exist and we know that you exist, that is all the proof there is. We do not need written proof that we exist.

  Q: What do the Rall think of the SETI initiative to identify signals from other races? Has SETI succeeded? If not what else can Humans do to initiate or receive contact from the other races?

  R: We do not know about this but the other races do emit signals, including Humans, some of which we can interpret with our limited technology. Human signals are too bound up with the written word to be of use or helpful to the Rall.

  Q: Our space agency NASA has reached as far as Saturn with an unmanned probe. Where else should Humans look for life and contact?

  R: Everywhere. Life is everywhere in the Universe. It would be unusual not to find it, rather than be surprised to find it. Keep looking everywhere.

  Q: We share the same Sun and the same cycles that this sun generates. Regarding the Sun’s cycles, is there something that we should know about its cycles that might cause problems to Earth in the future? There is the possibility that around the year 2012 the Sun may cause some major changes for Earth. Can you give us any information about this?

  R: Our memory only covers five to six Rall generations and does not have detailed information about the Sun’s long-term cycles. Our judgment says that if you anticipate and perceive changes in the Sun’s behavior, that heralds a disaster, then you should do something to protect yourselves. We are already protected under the ground. Will you tell us if you perceive anything that might affect us?

  Q: Yes, we will.

  R: Thank you.

  Q: Thank you for reciprocating our gifts with your gift of a mind-word response.

  20: Talking With The Anunnaki

  In October, 2013, a new venture began dialogues with another ET race. These three sets of questions from NF, SJ, and NG (with clarification questions asked by ATS) are requested of a non-Human race called the Anunnaki. It is to be remembered that these interviews involve non-Human intelligence and much of it will not, necessarily, be understandable to our human logic or understanding. We cannot expect their logic to be the same as ours. It is akin to interviewing an indigenous race that has had restricted face-time with other humans. This is an atypical project that is carried out with diplomacy and respect.

  Q: (NF) Greetings: are we correct in saluting you as our creators and parent species?

  Anunnaki: Yes, you are correct.

  Q: Are you part of the Federation?

  Anunnaki: Welcome. We have always been part of the Federation even before it was the Federation. It was not always the Federation.

  Q: What was it before it was the Federation?

  Anunnaki: It was nothing, it was void, it was a collection of us. We became the Federation and we are the Federation.

  Q: Some of the other races said that there are many different Federations (Confederations) in many different Galaxies? Is that so? Are you of the Federation of this Galaxy or other Galaxies?

  Anunnaki: We are of all Federations and we are this Galaxy’s Federation.

  ATS: For clarification – other races can also be part of the Federation?

  Anunnaki: Correct. We are the Federation and also part of the Federations.

  Q: Are you accepted as a species in stellar society?

  Anunnaki: A species implies something corporeal and living. We are living but non-corporeal but we can become corporeal for a task. So we are a species and not a species. Other races accept us when we are corporeal and when we are non-corporeal.

  Stellar society implies something around a sun and society as having set norms and standards. We are of many suns and many societies and are accepted in all. This was not always so.

  ATS: Can you tell me why this was so?

  Anunnaki: We are not always in favor with the other species.

  ATS: Why is this?

  Anunnaki: NR

  ATS: Why didn’t the other races mention you in the Exobiology Interviews?

  Anunnaki: The right questions were not asked of the other races.

  ATS: Thank you. Please accept these questions as being asked with diplomacy in a search for understanding. Also, I am asking the questions on behalf of three other Humans. We only want to understand.

  Q: Did you have difficulty getting accepted into stellar society because you created us as a species or, more specifically, as a slave species?

  Anunnaki: We were not the only ones using this process. Humans misunderstand. Slaves have nothing in return. We gave much to Humans. Humans are our children. We worked together. We had no difficulty in being accepted by other races. There is a Human term: paternalism. In some societies it is a negative term, in ours it is a positive term. We did not birth Humans but created them. Humans use things they create and design. They have attachments to these things and look after them even if they are not perfect. We have noticed that Humans prefer imperfect things and value them. Humans are imperfect but strive for perfection. Humans are created as they are.

  Q: Have you evolved or changed in some way that has allowed you to be accepted into stellar society?

  Anunnaki: We are both part of and apart from stellar society. This is different than being accepted. We are accepted but not always part. All things evolve and change. We have evolved and changed, too but not according to Earth standards.

  Think of a rock: it evolves and changes but stays much the same for thousands of years. It is the same with us; we evolve and change but stay much the same. Whether we evolve or change does not affect how we are seen by other races or stellar societies.

  Q: How many alien species do you know and interact with?

  Anunnaki: How many grains of sand on the beach: how many stars in the sky?

  Q: Do you have a colony on Earth?

  Anunnaki: Yes, always. We come and go. We do not always have many but there are always some. A colony implies a group: sometimes we are just one or two, not a colony. Sometimes we are more but never a colony. All groups are constantly changing.

  Q: Are any of you resident here on planet Earth now?

  Anunnaki: Of course, there are always Anunnaki on Earth. A colony implies a group that is new to an area and starting a new life in a new place. We are not a colony. We have been here longer than Humans. Humans are the colonists. We are represented in every place on Earth. Resident implies being in one place for a long time. Sometimes we are on Earth for a shorter time: sometimes for a longer time but we stay for some time.

  Q: Are you directing events in the world through selected government or other organizations and/or individuals?

  Anunnaki: We know that we are influential to Human affairs. We do not direct, only guide as we see necessary. We do not select. Wherever we are, we assist and direct as we can. We do not choose.

  Q: What is your position relative to humanity in general?

  Anunnaki: There is a Human understanding of wise people and personify this as fictitious people with powers beyond being Human. That is how we are. We have powers beyond being Human. We are not above or apart from Humans: we are different.

  Q: What humanoid species did you use to impinge your genes on to create our species?

  Anunnaki: At the beginning there was an early humanoid race on Earth that we assisted. There is no “missing link” as Humans think. It was a gradual process. It would have been devastating to evolve Humans too fast and too soon. It did not happen all at once. We did not just use our genes but from many other non-Human races. Our genes alone would have devastated early Humans.

  Q: What percentage of the human gene code is from you originally?

  Anunnaki: Humans are an amalgam of many different non-Human races. Over time, the percentage of gene material from us has varied. There is very little now but enough to enable Humans to evolve. We cannot say that every Human has
this much of our gene material in this percentage. There are some Humans with more and some with less.

  Q: Are you involved in any kind of abductions, genetic sampling, crossbreeding with humans?

  Anunnaki: We do not abduct Humans: Grays and others abduct Humans. To abduct implies to take without permission and to not treat with respect. The Anunnaki will ask before taking a Human and the Human has a choice. We treat Humans with respect unless there is a condition where we do not.

  ATS: What does that mean: under what condition would the Anunnaki take Humans and not treat them with respect?

  Anunnaki: NR

  Q: Can you honestly guarantee and demonstrate to those humans who fear that you are returning to take over the planet Earth and dominate our species that your intentions and agenda are benevolent and positive and that contact and interaction will facilitate our independence and evolution?

  Anunnaki: History speaks for itself: we have been visiting and living with Humans for multiples of thousands of years. If we were planning on taking over the world we would have done so. We glory and also despair in the evolution of Humans. We cannot guarantee anything. How can we demonstrate this? Humans have always feared us and will always fear us. Contact with us will always facilitate evolution in Humans.

  Q: Would you name human individuals whom you have enlisted to assist you?

  Anunnaki: NR

  Q: What must we as a species do to create the conditions under which you will be satisfied that you can make safe and comfortable contact again?

  Anunnaki: We make contact with Humans every day in every location. If we came in our original form Humans would again fear us and be threatened. We will never come again in our original form.

  ATS: I had a dream the other night of the Anunnaki: ten or more feet tall, very large, like Viking Warriors. The dream creatures had helmets with horns but there was an understanding that these were not horns but technology. People were afraid and running from these creatures. I did not run but was prevented from seeing them by another species. Was this a true depiction of the original form of the Anunnaki?

  Anunnaki: Yes, close to the original form.

  Q: How essential is it that we reunite, reconcile, and resolve the relationship between our species before we begin to contact and interact with other advanced species?

  Anunnaki: That is not necessary. All species, even what you call advanced species, are not resolved. Humans already have the capability to contact and interact with advanced species. Humans are as they are. Some will evolve, some will not. The evolved ones can contact and interact with other species. It is not essential to reunite, reconcile and resolve but some will.

  Q: We wish to ask you about translations and interpretations by the scholar Zecharia Sitchin of the Sumerian records of your history on planet Earth. Are those writings very accurate and trustworthy?

  Anunnaki: Just as modern Humans have historical writings that tell of earlier times, so the Sumerians had the same. Not all was correct but enough for Humans to learn about us. Humans have a word-of-mouth history and a written-history and both are not the same. There is some truth in both but many fallacies. Humans should not take the Sumerian writing as all of the truth about us. You can ask us what you need to know.

  Q: Did you guide Zecharia in that process?

  Anunnaki: We did not.

  Q: Why not and what interpretation should be accepted as the truth?

  Anunnaki: We did not learn about this until it was finished. It was read with compassion but also mirth by some of us. Not all was correct. Some was a misinterpretation of the truth as perceived by the Human mind. Some of the mistakes were the original Sumerian writers and some from the interpretation.

  Q: As Sitchin has claimed, is Quetzalcoatl the Mayan name for Ningishida?

  Anunnaki: Much has been changed through history. There was an original being called Ningishida. The name has changed over the centuries and there were multiple Quetzalcoatl. The original Ningishida was mostly Anunnaki: the multiple Quetzalcoatl had reducing proportions of Anunnaki. Because two entities are called by a similar-meaning name does not make them the same person.

  Q: In teaching the Mayans that the calendar date of December, 2012 was going to be significant, did Ningishida intend it to mark the beginning of a new period in which you would reestablish full contact with us, the human species?

  Anunnaki: No, there will never be full contact in our original form with Humans. We will continue our current contact and integration. There is no need for full contact. The Mayans had a true understanding but this has changed over the centuries. What was correct for the Mayans is not true for modern Humans.

  Q: The person who formulated these questions for us --- who does not feel he has to be named --- says he has been cooperating with you since being enlisted by you at the age of ***** in ***** to help you “get introduced into the planet”. Is he correct in saying that he wrote these questions directly under your guidance in a kind of automatic writing? Is that the truth?

  Anunnaki: That is true. However, we are already introduced to the planet. What we requested then and what we are requesting now is that Humans recognize those who are here now and have contact with those of us who are not here now.

  ATS: Am I communicating with an Anunnaki who is here on Earth now or one who is not currently here on Earth.

  Anunnaki: You are communicating with a group of Anunnaki who are not currently on the Earth.

  ATS: Thank you.

  Q: Is this interview seen by you as a part of that process and has my part as interviewer and this interview process, in itself, been gradually brought about through your direct influence for that purpose of full species contact?

  Anunnaki: It is so. Your role as interviewer is part of an ongoing and extended process. There will never be full species contact. Only some Anunnaki will interact with some Humans. This is how it has been and how it shall continue.

  Q: (If not) then how should we understand what is happening here?

  Anunnaki: This is the process by which we can interact at present. There are other ways to interact and these will be discovered.

  Q: How do you intend the process of full contact between our species to unfold? Under what required conditions? According to what timeline? How best may we cooperate?

  Anunnaki: We cannot speak for all of the Anunnaki. While we have unlimited communication on some things there are regional and personal communications on others. So, while we can speak for off-Earth groups, we cannot speak for the on-Earth groups. There has always been contact between the on-Earth groups and Humans; only Humans have not recognized it as such. Off-Earth groups have had limited contact with Humans. Contacts such as the current communication are rare. They are welcome and tolerated.

  Further contact is up to Humans. If further contact, or contact in a more tangible form, are requested this could be discussed and formulated. The Anunnaki have never had a plan in place for full contact with all Humans. Limited contact with limited Humans can be formulated. There is no time-line.

  Q: Is there a human group that you would prefer to represent the human species in the process of re-acquaintance or no group would be better?

  Anunnaki: Individual contact is preferable for off-Earth contact: group contact with on-Earth Anunnaki has always been available.

  Q: Is there a particular location where meetings could best take place such as the ancient sites in the former Mesopotamia?

  Anunnaki: There are no preferred locations: Anunnaki are already present in on-Earth form in multiple locations. Physical meetings with off-Earth Anunnaki may not be possible. This would have to be discussed and formulated.

  Q: Do you have special physical requirements to accommodate to current conditions on Earth that we may provide?

  Anunnaki: On-Earth Anunnaki would need no special physical requirements: off-Earth Anunnaki would need some accommodations for meeting. This would have to be discussed and formulated.

  Q: Are there advanced technologie
s that you would like to give us?

  Anunnaki: NR

  Q: Would you teach us how to remove obstacles and limitations such as short life spans that you imposed on us at the beginning?

  Anunnaki: Humans already know how to extend their short life spans but mostly ignore this knowledge. We did not impose the short life spans; this was a consequence of the pattern of development of Humans. Humans cannot live as long as Anunnaki. Humans are already extending their life span. Having a longer life span is not always a positive thing.

  Q: Is the information about monatomic gold as claimed and published by David Hudson and Sir Laurence Gardner true and accurate? Do you still ingest it?

  Anunnaki: We ingest many minerals provided for us by other races. Monatomic gold and other mineral nutrients are essential to us. While we often operate in a non-physical body, electrolytic solutions are needed for our function.

  Q: What is the position of Nibiru in its orbit now and when should it reach perigee? Will the next Passing be a milder or cataclysmic one for Earth?

  Anunnaki: We do not call this Nibiru, we know of it, having seen its rotation many times. It is approaching perigee. It will bring change to the Earth but not cataclysm. Humans do not like change: Nibiru will bring change. Humans need to adapt to the changes. It will not reach perigee for several Earth years. It will be far enough away from Earth for its effects to be felt geologically but not devastation.

  Q: Is your home planet Nibiru degrading in habitability or is it stable in that mode? Will you need gold from the Earth to maintain conditions of your planet?

  Anunnaki: Nibiru is not our home planet. We are from many different regions. Nibiru has one part of our group inhabiting it. Nibiru should be greeted with excitement and a sense of discovery. We would be grateful for the gifts of gold, if offered. But we already obtain gold and other minerals from many other races and, indirectly, from Earth.

  Q: Could you and would you be able to give us technologies that would solve the major crises and conflicts among humans currently?


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