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Voices From The Cosmos

Page 36

by C B Scott Jones

  Anunnaki: The current major crises and conflicts among humans do not need technology to resolve them. The conflicts and crises have arisen because of technology. The Anunnaki have technology that could solve the conflicts but these are extreme and would not be liked by most Humans.

  Q: Do you do interstellar travel? Intergalactic travel?

  Anunnaki: Off-Earth Anunnaki travel both by our own technology and with other races. It is both interstellar and intergalactic. We have done this for as long as we have existed.

  Q: What technology do you employ for space/time travel?

  Anunnaki: Travel depends on who we travel with and where we travel to. The technology is beyond current Human understanding.

  ATS: Can you please try and explain. It might be beyond my understanding but there are Humans that might understand it.

  Anunnaki: We will try and put this into an allegorical form for understanding. Imagine an Earth mollusk creeping on the ground. If the mollusk’s time perception is speeded up, so will the mollusk. The mollusk’s rate of speed will be proportional to its increased time perception. That is the closest we can come to an explanation.

  ATS: We have only touched the surface here. May we communicate again soon?

  Anunnaki: Yes, we are open to communication.

  Anunnaki Questions (CBSJ)

  Q: Do the Laws of the Federation restrict you from contact with and support of Earth and its citizens? Does the Spiritual Hierarchy expect this from you because of our previous ancient relationships?

  Anunnaki: The Laws of the Federation do not restrict us from contact, support or communication with Earth and its citizens. The Laws restrict us from certain actions such as interfering with another race that is interacting with Earth. Humans are not the only citizens of Earth: they are co-inhabitants. There is an ancient relationship between the Anunnaki and Humans but Federation Laws supersede these.

  Q: Do you believe that a global dialogue about the ancient history of ET/Earth contact and the impact of future contact is necessary? If yes, are you willing to play a significant role in supporting that dialogue?

  Anunnaki: There is a great benefit of uncovering and discovering through dialog the history of Humans and non-Human races. Future contact and communication is considered to be important yet restricted. The Anunnaki role would be important but, again, restricted.

  Q: Did you have any significant contact with the ancient cultures of what is now China?

  Anunnaki: We have had contact with each civilization that has arisen throughout Earth’s history. There has been a radius of contact from the beginning radiating, out from the lands of Human origin with significant contact, to the outer limits of the radius with minimal contact. All parts of Earth have had contact.

  Q: Are you willing to communicate through this channel to answer questions from Heads of State and other senior government officials? The questions would include global politics and economy, and technologies that would serve humanity in such areas as energy, food production, environment, global warming, health, and life extension.

  Anunnaki: All questions and communications would be welcome with the provision that the information does not conflict with other races currently visiting/sharing Earth’s resources. The Anunnaki have an interest in facilitating Human development.

  Q: Are you willing to assist colleges and universities in researching and writing White Papers on the opportunities and challenges following formal disclosure? If so, would that assistance be through this channel, other channels, in person, or all of these?

  Anunnaki: The Anunnaki are eager to assist this channel and others as needed in the future. The same provisions remain as were outlined in the previous answer.

  Q: What do you think about the Outer Space Security and Development Treaty?

  Anunnaki: This Treaty is a step forward for safeguarding all who enter within the Earth’s and Humans’ zones. The races that share Earth resources already have in place protections and Humans need to realize that hostility from Humans may be met with hostility, thus making the Treaty of double importance.

  Q: Were you involved in the use of weapons of mass destruction when on Earth? If so, when, where and why?

  Anunnaki: Over time, we, the Anunnaki, had had recourse to such weapons. There is a large amount of pre-Human history that should not impact Humans, where such weapons were in use. There were turbulent times before Humans that necessitated such weapons. There were some races that were banned from Earth and others restricted. The Anunnaki do not have such weapons within Earth’s zones at this time.

  Q: Did you assist Zecharia Sitchin in his research? If so, in what ways?

  Anunnaki: While the off-Earth Anunnaki did not assist Zecharia Sitchin, there were efforts made to correct some of his work by on-Earth Anunnaki who saw flaws in the work. Sitchin was not aware that these individuals were Anunnaki.

  Questions for the Anunnaki – (NG)

  General Questions

  Q: Are the Anunnaki considered as one group of one species from one home planet?

  Anunnaki: Generically, all are Anunnaki. Off-Earth and on-Earth Anunnaki are different in many ways. On-Earth Anunnaki are more organic. There is no home-planet.

  Q: Are they complicit in human abductions? If so why?

  Anunnaki: As mentioned before, Anunnaki do not abduct Humans. Please return to our original question for more information.

  Q: Do the Anunnaki work with any species of the Grays?

  Anunnaki: We, the Anunnaki, work with all races. On Earth we interact with all races that visit or co-inhabit the Earth with Humans. Anunnaki do not work with Grays on abductions.

  Q: Have the Anunnaki made contact with any Governments of the world? If so which ones and what is the agenda?

  Anunnaki: On-Earth Anunnaki are included in staffs and other functions of Human government at many levels. There is also communication between off-Earth Anunnaki and Governments that may shift behavior and actions, from time to time. There is no overt agenda to control government or its employees.


  Q: What are the average height and weight ranges of the Anunnaki?

  Anunnaki: There are three answers to this question. Off-Earth Anunnaki have no defined physiological ranges: it depends on the place, time and function of the entity. Historically, on-Earth Anunnaki were very large, very powerful, very loud, sometimes aggressive when needed, and mainly masculine in appearance. Modern on-Earth Anunnaki are taller than average, very slim, very intelligent, involved in people-based occupations, forward thinkers, yet not in positions of great power.

  Q: Is the skin color the same across your species?

  Anunnaki: On-Earth Anunnaki blend in with the population it is working with. On-Earth Anunnaki are sometimes hybrids with greater than average Anunnaki constituents.

  Q: In what way are the Anunnaki and Nordics biologically different?

  Anunnaki: There are several ways that Anunnaki and Nordics differ:

  Nordics rarely remain on Earth and, if they do, it is for very short periods, perhaps six months. Anunnaki can remain for long time-periods, sometimes years.

  Nordics are mainly blond, have Scandinavian features and coloring. Anunnaki physically blend in with the general population.

  Nordics are able to bi-locate into other bodies, when needed. Anunnaki cannot do this.

  Nordics are able to communicate telepathically with each other and off-Earth Nordics. Anunnaki do not have the same range of abilities.

  Q: Are the Anunnaki telepathic? If so is this technology assisted or has the ability for mind-to-mind communications evolved out of evolutionary processes?

  Anunnaki: Anunnaki are telepathic: off-Earth Anunnaki are able to communicate with each other, with on-Earth Anunnaki, and other races. On-Earth Anunnaki not so strongly.


  Q: Please explain the political military and social structures of your society

  Anunnaki: These are not the same structures as are Earth-based.

/>   Political: We are subject to Federation rules but also have autonomy in decision-making and activity.

  Military: Each Anunnaki can make autonomous decisions about any offensive or defensive action but this is rarely used.

  Social Structures: Egalitarian in form and function.

  Q: Are there any imperatives associated with genetic manipulation of other intelligent life forms?

  Anunnaki: Genetic manipulation is perceived as being of equal benefit to the donor and the recipient. Much like Earth-based practices of donating or receiving a body organ, we, the Anunnaki give our genetic material to others to both serve ourselves and to serve other races.

  Q: Are there any planets that the Anunnaki rule over?

  Anunnaki: The Anunnaki do not rule over planets. They genetically alter the inhabitants to make it easier to co-inhabit the planet. In doing so, the altered race is also improved.

  Q: Do the Anunnaki feel any responsibility for their genetic manipulation of humanity and if so are they waiting for humans to reach a point in their development before official contact is reestablished?

  Anunnaki: Anunnaki take full responsibility for the genetic alteration of Humanity. Contact has been ongoing for as long as Humans have been on the Earth. Contact with off-Earth Anunnaki has been sporadic but could be strengthened if needed.

  Science & Technology

  Q: Do they traverse the universe through wormhole technologies or is their deep space travel based on linear travel? How are your craft powered; what propulsion system?

  Anunnaki: Please see the previous question about travel and technology.

  Q: Do you use thought-activated technologies to navigate deep space?

  Anunnaki: Same response.

  Q: Is the use of reptilians or other species employed in operations associated with craft navigation?

  Anunnaki: The Anunnaki do not cooperate with Reptilians: Reptilians mainly operate alongside Grays and Nordics.


  Q: Are the Anunnaki embedded within the same reality as Earth Humans?

  Anunnaki: NR

  Q: Do the Anunnaki commune with a/their higher power?

  Anunnaki: Anunnaki are egalitarian.

  Q: In what ways do their spiritual beliefs manifest socially, politically and universally?

  Anunnaki: There is no difference between spiritual beliefs, social, political or universal form or function.

  Q: How do they reconcile their spirituality with their genetic interventions?

  Anunnaki: Anunnaki and Humans do not share the same beliefs on this matter.

  Q: Are the Anunnaki emotions in any way similar to those of humans?

  Anunnaki: We, the Anunnaki have a wide range of emotions when we are on-Earth but do not need these when off-Earth. We are flexible in this regard.

  Q: Is there a technologically derived afterlife [embedded in an android or other?] in any form or do they have knowledge of an afterlife and, if so, could this be elaborated on?

  Anunnaki: Anunnaki do not have a concept, like Humans, for a continuation of life following physical ending. The Nordics transmigrate into another body, we just end. Before we end, we experience a lifetime that is many centuries that of Earth years.

  ATS: We thank the Anunnaki for their thoughtful and educational answers. We plan to return to you again with respect and more questions.

  Second Round of Questions from NF, CBSJ, NG

  Questions for the Anunnaki - CBSJ

  Q: We opened this communication by requesting a dialogue with the Anunnaki. You responded. Are you satisfied with us identifying you as the Anunnaki, or do you prefer another name?

  Anunnaki: It does not matter. We have been known by many names throughout Earth history and Anunnaki is sufficient for this time. If you wish to call us something else that will be in order. We have a name for ourselves but it is in a language Humans would not comprehend. You can call us Anunnaki. It is satisfactory to us. We do not prefer anything else. There is a consensus among Humans using this name, we will use it.

  Q: Will we be communicating with the same individual in these exchanges or will there be different spokespersons?

  Anunnaki: If this communication is in one length, there will be one of us communicating but many others attending and commenting through the one. If it is in several lengths, there will be more than one of us communicating. We will tell you if this changes.

  ATS: Are we communicating with the same Anunnaki that communicated with us in Round One and with NG’s recent questions:

  Anunnaki: No, each successive communication was with a different Anunnaki.

  Q: Will you please tell us your name? These questions are from CBSJ. The contacting person is ATS.

  Anunnaki: Welcome. You would not understand our name in our language and there is no real definition in your language. We do not have individual names: we are the Anunnaki.

  ATS: How do you recognize each other and identify who is communicating?

  Anunnaki: We read the signatures of that individual and know who they are.

  Q: The first round of questions started without exchanging formal introductions. This Earth team is a small private group with no government affiliation. We are planetary citizens. We are slaves to no one. We aspire to be masters of knowledge to be used in service of all. To achieve this we require the following:

  Full understanding of the history of our ancient relationship with extraterrestrial cultures, particularly those who were involved with our creation and development;

  Anunnaki: We will supplement and correct what is already known, that has been passed down in Human history. There is much that is incorrect. It is richer and more interesting than presently known. We do not know how to do this. Will it be through this level of communication?

  ATS: Yes or something similar.

  (b) Partnership with ET cultures that are most qualified and willing to answer questions about these ancient relationships;

  Anunnaki: We will make introductions to races with knowledge that will assist.

  Q: The first round of questions and responses from you has raised our expectations that this will be a fruitful undertaking for all parties. Specifically it appears to us that one important outcome will be to increase the odds for survival of humanity on Earth. The consequences of current levels of violence to each other, and to the natural resources of Earth must be viewed with concern by off-Earth and on-Earth Anunnaki who want Earth humanity to survive and to qualify for an invitation to formally join the Cosmic Community. Our team believes that we can work with you and reach agreements that will facilitate educating Earth’s population about our ancient beginning and our future as a responsible member of the Cosmic Community. Do you agree with this? If so, we request you to consider the following action programs, and to comment with advice about how we can work together on them.

  Anunnaki: We must first make it clear that we do not consider Human survival on Earth as one of our top priorities. Humans will survive or fail by their own accord. If Humans wish to survive we will assist them. We will consider the action programs and decide.

  If Humans have the aim of joining the Cosmic Community, we will assist. We also make it clear that not all will be eligible or succeed. The Anunnaki need to see balance among Humans, this makes it easier for us, but our survival does not rest on Human survival.

  Q: I believe that the final question that Zecharia Sitchin asks at the end of his book: The 12th Planet is most important, and the answer will be critical to how Earth responds to the awakening of whom we really are and who you are. “And if the Nefilim (Anunnaki) were the ‘gods’ who ‘created’ Man on Earth.... (who) created the Nefilim?”

  Anunnaki: Nobody created the Nefilim (Anunnaki), we also were and always will be. There is no story about our being created. We always have been. Humans like to see a beginning and an end and this is not always so.

  Q: We look forward to an increasingly open and productive relationship with you. There is much important work to do

  Anunnaki: We are in agreement.

  Q: Are there very large craft positioned behind the Moon, If so, why and who is responsible for them?

  Anunnaki: These are not unusual craft. Craft have been traveling to this moon for longer than Humans have been on the Earth. It is natural for them to be there. Humans could think of it as a haven or harbor. Humans become very excited when unusual events occur. This is unusual in that the craft were perceived in transit. There is nothing dangerous or threatening with the craft behind the moon.

  ATS: Could you say this was business as usual?

  Anunnaki: Yes.

  ATS: Thank you.

  Questions from NF

  Q: What is the most essential condition the human species must meet for you to make public, definitive, constructive contact and interaction?

  Anunnaki: On-Earth Anunnaki can be asked for contact and communication. There are no essential conditions. On-Earth Anunnaki have been communicating and interacting with Humans for a long time. It is more difficult for off-Earth Anunnaki to communicate and interact. It would have to be discussed and arranged but not impossible. We do not expect Humans to change.

  Q: In our previous conversation you said that your usual state of being are as light beings and that you could take on a physical human form when you wished. I, we, wish to know the fundamentals of conscious, controlled evolution which prompts me to ask: Did you evolve through a physical human stage of being to the light being stage?

  Anunnaki: The Anunnaki have never been Human. Anunnaki can change to a physical stage but we cannot share with you the process. We become Human in form when we need to be. It is similar in process to how an Earth chameleon changes color to match its surroundings. That is the closest we can come to Human understanding.

  Q: Had you reached the light being stage before you colonized planet Earth and eventually created us genetically, purposely as a slave species? If so (only), that presents a startling puzzle to me: I assume that the trajectory of evolution of a humanoid species such as you or we is from a mix of primitive competition, violence, aggression, anger, affection, care of children, love. Further assumption is that reaching light being stage is an advanced stage totally beyond those relatively primitive elements. But the ancient records of your history on this planet speak of internecine conflict, heavy competition, violence, even killing and rape. If indeed you had reached the light being stage before that history played out, could you please explain the seeming deep paradox?


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