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Just One Glance (Oh Tequila Series Book 5)

Page 14

by C. A. Harms

  “Never.” Any other time I would have felt embarrassed, but not with Jay. “Up until now I’ve never found anyone that I’ve wanted to share that with. I’m not the girl guys find appealing. I’m easy to ignore.”

  Suddenly he was holding my face in his hands, one palm on each side, forcing me to see him and only him. “You are so wrong, Ruby, you are impossible to ignore. You are the girl guys feel intimidated by because they know without a doubt that once they have you close, it will be impossible to let you go.”

  I felt my emotions get the best of me.

  “I need you to know that regardless of what happens tonight, I’m not going anywhere. I don’t need sex, Ruby.” I pressed my lips to his without allowing him to finish. He didn’t have to clarify his intentions, I already knew that he was one of the good ones.

  “I don’t feel any pressure,” I assured him. “This is me finally going after something that I want.” And with that I did just that.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  I pushed my hips forward at a slow, torturous pace and felt her tense around me. I was met with resistance and I paused, fearful of hurting her.

  “I’m okay,” she insisted, though I knew she’s trying to please me. Truth was, it’s not about me, this was completely about her. The last thing I wanted to do was ruin her first time. “Really, I’m good.” Smiling up at me, she grabbed for the back of my neck and pulled me close. My body laying over hers, I accepted her kiss. I mimicked the movements I imagined my hips would be making had I cut lose and given her just what I truly wanted to.

  “Please.” Ruby shifted against me and the way her wetness glided over me before I slid in again just a little farther. “I’m not gonna break, Jay.”

  She may not break, but she deserved gentle.

  I gave in a small fraction and began to move, pulling back my hips before slowly entering her once again. She was tight, but I sensed the tension in her body slowly releasing and her hips moving against my own.

  When her legs circled my waist and her heels dug into my ass, I thrust deeper and her mouth fell open, a low hum escaping her lips.

  “You okay?”

  “I’m good.” Her words were nothing more than a purr that made me smile. “So so good.”

  It was like a switch had been flipped and she began to move. Her hips thrust upward to meet mine. Her fingers dug into my shoulders, her heels to my ass. The tightness of her legs drawing me in each time. The way her back arched, her hard nipples grazing over my chest, it was all so erotic.

  I was no saint. I’d been the typical college guy, accepting opportunities, not feeling guilty for experimenting, but this, it changed everything. This was my turning point, this was the moment that changed it all.

  I was sunk, there was no going back now.


  “Jay.” I heard the low hum of Ruby’s voice fill the darkness. “I―” She paused and the bed shifted. “Can’t move.” The last part sounded more like a grunt.

  I swore I heard laughter from someone and I froze, lifting my arm, only it wouldn’t budge. Something was restricting me, a band of some kind going across my thighs, my waist, and my chest, pinning my arms at my sides.

  “Ruby,” I whispered into the darkness, knowing already that we’d been duped.

  “I can’t move.” Directly following her whisper I heard someone snicker.

  “Me neither, babe.” There really wasn’t a reason to fight it. I knew already that whatever they’d used to tie us down it wasn’t something we’d break free from easily. “All right, assholes,” I called out into the dark room, knowing already that we weren’t alone. I’m sure they’re loving the fact that they’d pulled one over on me and my girl. If I knew them all as well as I thought I did, then I wouldn’t be surprised if they weren’t filming the entire thing. “Time to unstrap us.”

  “But this is entirely too much fun.” Corbin. I should have known.

  “No offense, Ruby, but when you sleep with the enemy, you are bound to get burned.”

  “Enemy?” My girl sounded so small and timid.

  Instantly I thrashed against the straps. “Let us loose.” My movements only managed to make the straps tighter. “You fuckers.”

  Laughter followed as three shadows stepped out into the brighter part of the room. Two tall and one shorter.

  The closer they got the more I could see their faces.

  “Isaac, really?” He rarely participated in this shit.

  “Hey Rubes,” he said with a chuckle, “welcome to the house.”

  “You call this a welcome?” Her voice was a little louder and a lot less timid.

  “Oh darlin’, this is nothing. We actually went easy on you.”

  “Well, forgive me if when I get loose I don’t feel the need to take it easy on you in return.” That gained my attention. My girl seemed to have an angry side. “Ever had your balls glued to your palm?”

  “Um,” Blake laughed, “I know Clayton had his dick pinched between the toilet lid and the base. But I don’t know that I’d ever heard of any balls to a palm.”

  The three men say nothing.

  “Gurl, I want in on that one, I’ll hold the camera.”

  What the fuck was happening here?

  “Who’s team you on?” Isaac asked Blake. This entire conversation was taking place yet here Ruby and I were still strapped to my fucking bed.

  “I’m on Ruby’s.” Blake moved around the bed to Ruby’s side. “I think this girl has got a hidden side that just may be a huge benefit to me. Could you imagine the havoc she and I could unleash on all of you if we teamed up?”

  I heard a rattle just before the bed dipped at my side.

  “Why did you free her?” I almost laughed at just how panicked Isaac sounded. He practically sprinted toward the door. “Jay, if she comes anywhere near my balls―”

  “From what I’ve heard, your balls have been in far too many unknown zones. I have no intention of going anywhere near them. I value my health.”

  Blake walked around to my side of the bed and leaned over, hovering her lips near my ear. “Hey stud.” She gave me a little wink. “You can thank me later.”

  When she backed away and joined both Corbin and Isaac at the door, leaving me strapped to the bed, I felt a panic shoot through me.

  “Hello, what about me?”

  “Ruby’s got you.” Blake smiled wide. “I’ll just lock this behind us.”

  There was the sound of a lock being flipped just before the door shut behind them. Then slowly Ruby climbed over me, one leg on each side of my hips.

  “Hi.” Until then I hadn’t thought of the guys finding us indisposed. I was just glad I had made her put on one of my shirts before we’d fallen asleep. No way was I taking a chance of any of the assholes in this house seeing my girl naked.

  “You plan on letting me loose?” I wanted to touch her, but I couldn’t lift my arms.

  “I think I prefer you like this.”

  “What, helpless?”

  Ruby bit her lip and swiveled her hips, reminding me that there was very little material that separated us. I could feel her heat pressed to my now growing erection.

  “It makes it easy for me to do anything I want to you.”

  “Babe.” I was going for authoritative but failed miserably when she moved against me once again. “Ruby, come on, free me.”

  “What’s wrong?” Her hand covered my cock and she jerked me through my shorts. “Don’t like being at the mercy of a woman?”

  “Only you.” I’d let her do anything she wanted, but I wanted to fucking touch her too.

  She pushed the waistband of my shorts down and my cock peeked out between us. I watched as she licked her lips. Her warm breath heated my cock and I held my breath just as she licked over the head.

  “Ruby,” I panted, struggling once more against the straps. “Please, free my hands at least.”

  Circling the head with her warm, wet tongue, my toes curled in the sheets. I
was just about to beg when she wrapped her hand around me and took me into her mouth. Not deep―but enough to take my breath away.

  I looked down and watched in amazement while slowly she took me into her beautiful mouth and gave a gentle suck before releasing me once more. Her eyes locked on mine. I knew she was fucking enjoying my pain. The pain of not being able to touch her. I wanted to fist her hair, glide my thumb over her cheek while she took my cock into her mouth, but I was restricted. I was a fucking prisoner in my own sexual torture game.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  I’d been smiling for hours, unable to contain my bliss.

  Last night was amazing and with the exception of waking up strapped to Jay’s bed, this morning was pretty great too. It was full of all kinds of firsts.

  I practically skipped up the sidewalk that led to my front door and hummed while putting my key into the lock and turning the handle. With my bag tossed over my shoulder, I entered the house and closed the door behind me. It was just after ten and I expected o be alone. My father was generally at his office for a few hours every Saturday, so I was surprised to find him standing in the entryway as I crossed over the threshold.

  A stern look on his face made my stomach knot uncomfortably.

  “How was your evening?”

  “Good, thanks.” I wasn’t dumb enough to believe he actually cared. This was so much more, and I instantly felt sick to my stomach.

  “I ran into Darcy last night.” My heart rate sped up. “But my daughter was nowhere in the group. In fact, when I asked her if she’d talked to you she said not since breakfast.”

  Looking toward the floor, I wondered what to say next. The sad part about it was that I was old enough that I shouldn’t even have to defend myself. I was an adult, but my father was a controlling prick.

  “A colleague of mine sent me a little something last night.” My father pulled his phone from his jacket pocket and I felt my hands begin to shake. I stood in silence as he tapped on his phone and then slowly turned it around so that I could see the screen. I didn’t need to get closer to see what it was, I could see it clearly.

  “I thought I’d made it clear to you how important image is.” I could hear him, though all I could concentrate on was how happy I looked in the photo on his phone. Jay had me tossed over his shoulder, I was using my hands against his back to hold myself upright and I was clearly laughing.

  “A frat boy, one that might I add, has a very disturbing reputation.”

  One that had managed to make me feel so much more joy than my own father had my entire life.

  “Running around acting like a slut is more important than your education.” It was the first time I’d taken my eyes off the screen since he showed me. I’d felt like I’d just been slapped. “You were with him all night. Walking into my home after you’ve spent the evening acting like a little tramp.”

  My heart felt like it was being squeezed inside my chest.

  “You’re no different than your mother was at your age.” I immediately saw red. “Thank God for her I was able to look past all her mistakes and help her get her life straight.”

  “Her mistakes?” My own voice surprised me. It was strong, angry, and assured. “The only mistake she ever made was allowing you to dim her light. My mother was radiant, a heart so beautiful and kind, and you spent every single day trying to squash that. You were her worst mistake. All you ever wanted to do was control her, and you’ve spent every moment of my life trying to do the same to me.”

  “You’ve just made your worst mistake.”

  “What?” I laughed and it sounded so unlike me. “Standing up for myself? Defending myself against someone who feels like they can bully me? Intimidate me?” With each word my voice rose. “I’m an adult. I don’t have to follow your rules and I sure as hell don’t have to spend every single day of my life fearful of what you’ll do if I disappoint you. That is no way to live.”

  “You want to be an adult?” I braced myself for what was to come, because I knew that it was going to be bad. He held the power, but I was so sick of being scared. “Gather your things. You no longer live in this house. I’m ashamed of your promiscuous choices and I refused to be judged by them.”

  “I think screwing a woman half your age gives everyone around campus enough to talk about. Maybe you should focus more on how she hikes her skirt for any man with a pulse and a lot less on my life.”

  I didn’t take any time to gather my things, instead I spun on my heels and stormed out the front door. My heart was in my throat, my hands shaking so intensely that I squeezed them in an attempt to control the tremble.

  The anger set forth so many emotions but in the end the tears won. I sat down outside the library, buried my face in my hands, and cried. Years of frustration, fear, and loneliness hit me, crippling me.

  I had no idea what to do next but for the first time in longer than I could remember I felt free.


  “Are you sure you don’t want to stay here with me?” I smiled as I curled into my comforter a little more. It was a move I’d done often, as if trying to hide from everything outside of my little cocoon.

  “I’m good here.”

  It had been three days since I packed up my clothes and personal items from my father’s house. Darcy helped while he was in a meeting and then she drove me across the city to Vera’s apartment and spent hours helping me get settled. I felt like I was imposing on her, but she was the one who insisted I stay with her.

  “Babe, I’m sorry.”

  “Why are you sorry?” None of this was his fault. “This thing between my father and I had been boiling for a while.”

  “But I—”

  “Jay, I promise you that none of this can be blamed on you. It really wouldn’t have mattered who it was my father saw me with. He lost control, he knew that.”

  “Let me come get you.” His voice was almost desperate. “I’m supposed to go over to my sister’s and I don’t want to, but having you with me would make it so much better.”

  “I don’t really know your sister.” Besides the one time where she watched me and her brother bicker before he walked away without looking back. I wasn’t even sure what I would say to her.

  “My sister is easy to get along with, and besides, she has been bugging me to bring you over.” I was sure she wanted to analyze me and see if I was good enough for her brother. I wasn’t sure I had it in me.

  “Honestly, I really just want to have you with me.” Jay’s sweetness made me feel emotional. “I miss you.”

  Call me weak, call me a pushover, but the truth was I missed him too. When Jay held me he managed to soothe all the unsettled feelings and fears.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  I’d been replaced, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. One night we hung out with my sister and now she and Ruby were inseparable. Coffee in the mornings, lunch on most days, and whenever I tried to make plans with my girlfriend, I was told she’s with my sister.

  I was the third wheel, the outsider.

  My sister had snatched up Ruby the very second we entered her apartment on that first night and hadn’t let her out of her sight since. Like they were long lost besties, sharing wine, cheese, and fucking pretzels, they were in their own little world.

  I wasn’t even sure on most days that either of them remembered I was even there.

  But hearing Ruby laugh, seeing her smile and relax, it was worth being tossed aside. I endured the girl talk, smiled through the recap of all my childhood embarrassing moments as my sister held nothing back. I’d seen a new side of Ruby develop, one I was sure had been there all along, only she was far too afraid to show her.

  It was a Saturday night and I had been scrolling through the channels, trying my best to entertain myself while Ruby and Jade moved around the apartment, giggling from consuming a little too much wine. Ruby insisted that it was time for my sister to settle into her place. It had been months and
most of her things were still in boxes. I understood her hesitance, I never felt right pushing her, but Ruby didn’t hold back.

  It surprised me when Jade opened up to Ruby and freely shared her past. The shitty relationships, even when the men got physical. It infuriated me actually to hear once again what the fucking piece of shit men put her through, but I knew she was bonding with my girl and they both needed it.

  These were their moments, my sister was falling in love with Ruby, and in a way I was too. Seeing her with my sister, so relaxed and carefree. Her smile lighting up the room. It was almost like every single time the air was knocked out of me. She was so unbelievably beautiful, perfect.

  Turning around, I rested my arm over the back of the couch and watched them quietly. Music played from the dining room as they each held a glass of wine in one hand while they looked around the rooms for the perfect place to put each item they removed from the boxes. With each passing hour the apartment truly morphed into a homey place I knew my sister had never had. Every place prior to this one felt stuffy and stale.

  This was her place, one she didn’t have to share with some prick that had her walking around on eggshells, fearful of making the slightest mistake. This was her safe haven and I fucking adored Ruby for giving her that.

  A little after midnight and with only two boxes left of nothing more than clothes my sister would donate, we said our goodbyes and descended the stairs that led to the parking lot below.

  My girl was a little drunk, I could tell by the way she was talking a mile a minute. It was adorable, like a complete recap of the night I’d just witnessed, but I did nothing to stop her.

  I helped her up into the passenger seat, buckled her belt for her, and ensured she was safely tucked inside before I shut the door and walked to my side. Climbing up myself, I closed the door and placed the key in the ignition. I attempted to buckle my belt but was abruptly stopped by Ruby crawling toward me and straddling my lap. The skirt she had on now rode up her hips, her lace panties on full view.


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