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Just One Glance (Oh Tequila Series Book 5)

Page 15

by C. A. Harms

  “Look at you.” I smiled up at her, placing my palms against her bare thighs. “You feeling good?”

  “Better in a few minutes,” she cooed, biting her lower lip. Gliding her palms over my chest, she paused at the waistband of my jeans, her fingers tugging at the button and zipper.

  “Ruby.” I looked around the parking lot to ensure we didn’t have an audience and was happy to see it was black. We were tucked back in a corner, one side of my truck lining the fence and the streetlight above had fizzled out. We were somewhat secluded but I still felt like maybe I shouldn’t allow this to happen. She was drunk.

  “Jay.” She giggled, still working my pants free.

  “We shouldn’t do this here.” If the guys could hear me now I knew without a doubt they’d have a field day. I got it now though, everything felt different when you had a girl you cared about. The idea of anyone seeing us, knowing what we were doing, that was something I wanted to keep for us.

  “Your windows are dark.” She kissed the corner of my mouth and stayed close as she kept talking. “I’ve had more fun over the last month that I have had in my entire life. I may be drunk, Jay, but I know what I’m doing. You make me feel so alive, like I can be anything, anyone, and at the end of the day it’s all gonna be okay. I’ve spent so many years trying to please a man that I know now I never will. I’ve lived in a bubble, I’ve ignored every need or want that I have ever felt because it has been pumped into my mind that image is everything. For the first time in my life I’m happy. I wake up every day feeling as though the weight of the world has been lifted and I can enjoy my life.”

  Pulling back, she looks at me, I mean really looks. Gone is the glazed over look that she had moments ago.

  “I’m buzzed, Jay, but I’m alert. I know what I’m feeling, and tomorrow I’ll remember every second. I’ll recall all my words and all my choices.”

  Hooking her hands beneath the hem of her shirt, slowly she lifted it over her head and laid it on the seat beside us.

  “I know what I’m doing.” She kissed me softly. “And I want you.”

  Without giving me any time to respond, she slid forward and kissed me harder. The way she was moving her hips against me I was thrown back to only a few nights ago when she woke me in the middle of the night. Slowing taking me inside of her, a soft moan released into the darkness of the room as she rode me to completion. My sweet little vixen had been unleashed.

  “Don’t make me stop, Jay,” she whispered near my ear, just before licking the side of my neck. “Be free with me.” Again she moved her hips, thrusting herself against my erection. “I want this, I need this.”

  Exhaling slowly, I pushed past the desire to feel like the responsible one.

  Looking at her, her hair wild and free around her face, her pink lacy bra only inches from my eyes, something inside me shifted.

  Hooking the left strap, I pulled it over her shoulder and down her arm. I kept my eyes on hers and I moved my face closer and licked along the swell of her chest. She breathed in deep, smiling down at me. I popped her nipple free from its cage and took it into my mouth, making her moan and thrust her hips once more.

  I had no idea what skills I possessed until I used one hand to push down my jeans and free a condom from my wallet, all while I continued to assault her nipple, before moving over to the next.

  The windows in my truck were fogging up, which I was thankful for. Ruby was mine, and no one got to see what was mine.

  Sheathed, I held my cock in my hand and waited for her to rise up and move her body over mine. Just before she lowered her pussy over me I glided my finger along her slit and she was so fucking wet and ready I had to concentrate on not coming right then.

  Hovering over me, Ruby moved her hips just enough that my cock glided over her and she whimpered, which again made it real damn hard not to thrust upward and drive myself inside of her.

  Jesus, this girl set me on fire in so many ways.

  I was just about to tell her that when she lowered herself and took me completely inside of her. A shiver ripped through her, her pussy convulsing, and again I was left speechless. Suddenly she was moving over me, her hips grinding, swiveling, and I gripped her hips tight, watching where we were joined.


  Nothing had ever felt this damn good. The way her body accepted me, hugged me tightly, it all drove me mad. Almost like Ruby was creating just for me. The way we moved together, so in sync. The perfect rhythm, my toes curling from the pleasure of her tightness gripping my cock.

  “You feel so good.” Her words were slightly growly as she picked up speed. I concentrated on her face, watching as it morphed from concentration to want, and finally extreme pleasurable ecstasy. The tremble as she once again ignited and rode out her orgasm, it was so erotic.

  Her movements began to slow, her arms wrapping around my neck, her forehead resting next to mine.

  In that moment the rush was over, our movements continuing like a perfectly oiled machine. But something shifted, the hungry from moments ago, it had been satisfied―this, it was more.

  With one hand on her hip, I lifted the other and pushed her hair back from her face, cupping the back of her neck. Arching my neck, I found her lips and we got lost in a slow, sensual kiss, our tongues moving together slowly, much like the movements of our hips.

  There was no rush, only feeling.

  My chest felt tight, Ruby was rocking my world and I didn’t even think she was aware just how much.

  “Ruby.” I whispered her name and slowly she opened her eyes, seeking out my own. There was something so serious in her eyes, and I knew without a doubt she was completely aware of what was taking place between us. This was so much more than sex, this was a turning point for us.

  That moment of clarity.

  “I love you, beautiful.” A glossiness filled her eyes and I kissed her softly. “You’ve got me feeling all kinds of shit I never thought possible but one thing I know without a doubt is that I am in love with you.” Her lower lip trembled against my own. “So in love.” I knew she needed a moment to recover, never was it my intention to make her cry, but I understood. It had been a long time since she felt like someone truly loved her. I’d give her all the time she needed but one thing was true, I wasn’t going anywhere. Ruby had me. I adored this woman, and I knew that it wasn’t going to fade. I felt like I couldn’t breathe without her.

  I needed Ruby just as much as she needed me. Actually, probably more. She gave me hope. She gave me purpose.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  My heart was full. I was happy, who knew?

  Lately I’d been thinking more about my mother than usual. Remembering her laughter, her smile, she was such a beautiful person. But I was also remembering all the sad times too, the ones that even as a little girl I’d pick up on, seeing her stare off at nothing, tears in her eyes.

  I’d be afraid to ask her what was wrong, but now, being older I knew.

  My father was heartless, still is. He squashed her joy for years and it made me hate him even more. She deserved to live, she deserved to laugh and smile, and hell, even dance in the rain. Who cares if people though she was crazy for doing so, damn it, she should have had that choice.

  “What are you thinking about?” My body jerked as Darcy sat down with me at the table and placed a coffee before me. The warm Florida sun beat down on my bare shoulders, something I’d rarely felt. My father never approved of tank tops, or even strapless shirts. Those were all versions of what he thought made a woman look easy.

  Thing was, his floozy wore less clothing than a stripper, but that was okay.


  “I’m good.” Lifting my coffee, I took a sip. I could tell she didn’t believe me, but she didn’t push.

  “So, I met a guy.” She smiled so big, trying to hide it with her cup but it was impossible. “He’s a little older but sweet and—”

  “Wait, how much older?”

sp; “Twenty-five.” Okay, not so bad. “He works with my cousin and he has a three-year-old son he has custody of. A crazy ex―I’m talking something out of the twilight zone―but he is amazing. The way he is with Matty.”

  It was the first time in months that I’d seen Darcy not so moody. Something changed in her when I started dating Jay, I still think it was jealousy, but I’d never throw that at her. After all, I got one of the good ones and she’d chosen to fall for the guy in the house who refused settle down. Who’d have thought that Isaac would be the male whore of the fraternity, he was always so chilled and collected. Now I knew different, I’d been at the house enough to notice. That man had a revolving door and there was always a new face sneaking out of his room night after night.

  “I’m happy for you.” I was. I’d missed my friend.

  For the next hour I heard about all the sweet things she’d been doing with Cooper and Matty. Never imagined Darcy to be happy with a night in, sharing a pizza and watching Paw Patrol, but the way her eyes lit up while talking about it told me she’d changed. My friend was in love.

  Leaning back in my chair, I enjoyed story after story, and at one point I saw her look over my shoulder, a smirk tugging at her lips. Just as I was about to turn around and look behind me a strong set of arms wrapped around me from behind. “Hey baby,” Jay whispered near my ear. It was my turn to smile like a raging lunatic, but he made me feel like I was floating. The way he treated me, like his goal in life was to make me smile and laugh. My happiness meant something to him, it was amazing.

  “Darcy,” he greeted my friend just before pulling up the chair at my side and sitting in close. “We still on for tonight?” I tried not to shiver with excitement when he kissed the side of my neck.

  “Tonight?” Darcy asked with a gleam in her eye.

  I felt Jay laugh with his lips pressed to my neck.

  “Head out of the gutter, Darce,” though I was sure that would follow a little later in our evening. I’d never in my wildest dreams imagine being with a man could be such a life-changing event every single time. I loved being in Jay’s arms, loved the way he held me, kissed me, and moved his body with mine. “We have a cookout at Megan’s parents’ house for her little brother Toby’s birthday.”

  I’d heard so much about Toby from the guys in the house. He was like their adopted brother. Xavier and Morgan were so protective of him but truth was I think that any of them would hurt anyone who tried to hurt Toby.

  And then there was the little girl that I’d seen Corbin with often, Leah. Her daddy was lost in a motorcycle accident while Corbin watched it all go down and he’d been in her life consistently ever since.

  From the outside the guys in the fraternity looked like nothing more than a bunch of knucklehead drunken boys who needed to grow up, and yes, some of them were. But then seeing them with Toby and Leah, and even with Emelie’s son, Ethan. Those moments alone proved that hidden beneath the college life persona were men who had huge hearts. I felt so lucky to be a part of it all.


  I didn’t miss the way Jay’s brothers have chanced glances in our direction all night. The knowing smirks they’ve tossed at him when they thought I wasn’t looking, but not once did he falter. He kept me close, holding my hand, throwing his arm over my shoulder, even kissed me when he’d gotten the chance. And each and every single time I accepted them all.

  I knew I hadn’t told him yet but I did love him. Heck, I think I’d loved him from the beginning, but I’d spent so many years never expressing my feelings. I’m not good at it, I guess I’m just scared of rejection. Scared of feeling and then losing, and Jay was someone I never wanted to lose.

  Jay had given more of a sense of belonging than my own father had in my entire life.

  “It looks good on the both of you.” Blake took a seat next to mine and leaned back holding a big glass of tea in one hand. “I really like seeing him smile the way he does when you’re near. He’s always been the quiet guy, the one no one can figure out, one that is hard to read. But now, it’s like the real Jay is front and center and I know that’s because of you.”

  I took in a slow, deep breath, knowing that he had done the same for me.

  “He smiles more, he laughs more, and I just wanted to say that love looks good on both of you.”

  It’s then that I looked at her, I mean truly looked at her. She was a beautiful girl, so small but mighty.

  “I wasn’t always willing to let myself be loved. It was hard for me, hard to accept that there was someone who could love me and want to be with me. After I lost my father, I was left with nothing more than a selfish bitch of a mother who felt like I owed her something. It wasn’t until I met Elijah and this crowd that I understood it wasn’t always your blood family who loved you the most. This group, they are without a doubt the most loyal and yes, they are crazy and unpredictable, but will always be there for you when you need them the most. I’m glad Jay found you. Something tells me that you could use that.” Was I that transparent? “Love him, and let yourself be loved, it’s one of the most amazing feelings.”

  I was unable to speak. I only nodded just before she stood up and walked away.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  “I’m here to see Dean Richards.” The woman sitting behind the desk looked up at me and bit down on the tip of her pen. I stood before her giving her the moment she needed to look me over. But it wasn’t like she was attempting to determine if I was the bad guy, no, it was more like she was imagining doing things to me that she shouldn’t be imagining. Pulling her pen away, she licked her lips and pushed her chest out a little more. The V-neck shirt she wore allowed a little too much of a visual and I was able to see the side contour of her tits.

  Frankly all I could do was compare this woman to my girl and there was no fucking way she held a candle to Ruby. My girl was perfect.

  “Is he expecting you?”

  “No, but I figured showing up here instead of at his home would be better.”

  For weeks I’d wanted to go over to this dick’s house and gather all the things I knew she left behind in her rush to leave her home. Things that belonged to her mother, memories that saddened her because she no longer had mementos. But fear had kept her from going back, fear of the things he’d say to her.

  “Who did you say you were?”

  “I didn’t.” Standing tall, I crossed my arms over my chest and again she took a little too long to look me over.

  A few minutes passed, I said nothing more and neither did she. Then the door to my left opened and a gray-haired man stepped out holding a few files in his hands.

  At first he didn’t see me standing there and began to move forward.

  “These are from yesterday’s—” His feet shuffled and then came to a halt as he locked eyes with me. “Hello, Mr. Grady.” It didn’t surprise me that he knew who I was. “To what do I owe the honor of this visit?”

  I’d never met the guy, but I already hated him. I wished I could say it was all because of his arrogance but that’d be a lie. This man was solely responsible for dimming my girl’s light. For years he did nothing but make her feel like a failure. He belittled her and criticized her when she deserved his praise and love. That was why I wanted nothing more than to grab this old ass fucker around the neck and slam him against the wall. My guess was that he’d piss his pants because he’d been used to being allowed to have control. Stupid prick wouldn’t know what to do with someone that had dealt with his kind before. My father was this man, those that strived to bring others down.

  “You wanna have this talk right here, or should we go someplace a little more private?” He seemed surprised by my arrogance. As if him being the dean was going to make me slink back and quiver with fear.

  No bitch, I wasn’t.

  Holding out his arm to his side, he motioned toward his office and told the bimbo who was still staring at me to hold all his calls.

  With the click of the door I waited for hi
m to round his desk and I stood tall. He offered a seat but I shook my head and remained standing.

  “How’s my daughter?”

  He really was an asshole, and I knew he was goading me. He wanted me to react but again, I was used to dealing with his type. He had no idea the amount of years I’d had beneath my belt when it came to pompous dicks.

  “She’s a hell of a lot better since she got away from you.” I noticed the way his cockiness faltered even if he tried to hide it. “She no longer has to watch her every move, she can finally breathe.”

  “I see a bright future ahead of her, full of parties and drinking. Ruby will be knocked up by the time she’s twenty-one.”

  Arrogant son of a bitch, it took everything I had not to punch him in his fucking mouth. I concentrated on my breathing, in slowly, out slowly.

  “She picked a great guy to lead her down a dark path.”

  I’d never been one to toss around my father’s fortune. Never used it to prove to anyone who thought I was nothing more than trash just how wrong they were. But I couldn’t resist putting this fuckwad in his place.

  “Ever hear of Grady Enterprises?” Ruby’s father remained standing, staring at me, waiting for my next move. I knew already that he knows the name. I leaned closer and placed my hands against the top of his desk, staring him directly in the eyes. “I could give her a life full of more things than you could ever imagine. More things than she ever dreamed. Truth is, she doesn’t need me though, do you wanna know why?”

  “Why?” Still so arrogant.

  “Because Ruby is brilliant and she is amazing. She doesn’t need anyone to take care of her. She is going to prove to you that you were the only thing holding her back from being bigger and better than you ever could be.” My hands shook as I stared at her father. “While you’re here playing house with your bimbo, pretending to be some powerful man that in reality is weaker than any man I’ve ever known, she’ll be living. Ruby will be loving and laughing and she’ll be changing lives and I’ll be the one lucky enough to watch her soar.”


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