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Feisty Heroines Romance Collection of Shorts

Page 16

by D. F. Jones

  While the males fought to free them, Annis was determined to help the process. Focusing on her hands, she tried to use her teeth to loosen the knots. Unfortunately, the rope was too tight, and she couldn’t untie it.

  When one of the rogues’ fell to the floor and blood gushed from his neck wound, one of the females screamed and the other gagged. Annis was immune to the sight of blood and couldn’t deny she enjoyed watching the male suffer. He deserved it after what he’d put her and the others through.

  Her gaze shifted back to the male with dark brown hair as he fought another rogue. When his movements stopped and focused on her, she found herself entranced by his sapphire gaze. His sharp features added to the overall feel of his power and strength. It oozed from his body, making her feel safe for the first time since she was a small stripling.

  The way he stared at her was completely foreign, and Annis felt as if she was a member of the elite wearing a fancy dress rather than a peasant sitting in filth. Her body tingled, and an unfamiliar ache blossomed between her thighs.

  Before she could analyze the sensation further, a gasp left her mouth when the rogue he was fighting stabbed the handle of a rake in her rescuer’s chest.

  A curse left his mouth then he proceeded to taunt the rogue. She watched in fascination as her rescuer quickly eliminated the rogue and finished off another. When he turned his attention back to her, she was speechless. In the next breath, he rushed to her side.

  “Are you okay, lass?” he asked as he untied her bonds.

  Annis blinked several times, questioning if she was dreaming, then quickly inspected her arms and legs. Her neck still ached from the rough bite one of the rogues gave her moments before the two males stormed the barn. She finally found her voice and sputtered, “Aye. I’m no’ harmed. But you’re injured,” she acknowledged and placed a hand over his chest.

  The leather was soaked with his blood, and she worried the cut was deeper than she initially thought. Vampires possessed natural healing abilities, but severe injuries took longer to heal.

  The handsome male placed his hand over hers. Electricity zapped upon contact, and warmth spread from where he touched and traveled straight to her core. She’d never experienced such sensations, and blush stained her cheeks as her body reacted to his touch.

  “I’m better now,” he replied with a crooked grin.

  Desperately needing a distraction, Annis glanced toward the females. “Are the others alright?”

  Blue eyes made his way to the closest female, the baker’s daughter if Annis was correct, and untied her restraints.

  Struggling to her feet, Annis brushed the dirt from her skirt and blouse. She was covered in filth and could only imagine what her hair must look like. When she tried to tame the matted mess, she realized her leather cuff was missing from her wrist. She glanced to the ground but didn’t see it anywhere. Her father made the piece of jewelry when she was very young, and it was very sentimental to her. It was crucial she find it.

  Annis jumped when a large palm landed on her shoulder. “’Tis alright, lass. I willna hurt you. I’m here to help,” he assured with a warm smile, and his musky, masculine scent washed over her. Her head spun as she stared at the male she dubbed Sapphire.

  “Th…thank you. I feared we would be killed by the rogues,” Annis admitted, forgetting all about her leather cuff.

  When his arms wrapped around her waist, she shuddered. It was the first time a male, besides her father, held her so closely. Her eyes met his and held for several heated seconds. The entire barn disappeared for a moment while she allowed herself to believe in the fantasy playing through her head.

  Her knight had finally come to save her from the cruel world she lived in. She envisioned them returning to his enormous castle where they would live happily ever after for all eternity.

  Without warning, and to her surprise, he lowered his mouth to hers. His lips were soft and moved across her lips gently. Her mind said she should slap him for his aggressiveness, but the tension in her shoulders immediately evaporated, and Annis was lost to the magical moment.

  She slowly opened her eyes and gazed into glowing blue orbs. He continued to kiss her as he stared deeply, and she was sure he saw straight to her soul. The connection she felt to this male was instantaneous and profound, and the ache between her legs intensified with burning need.

  Thankfully, his firm hold on her hips kept her grounded because Annis was certain she might float away. She scarcely believed what was happening. One minute she was in the clutches of rogue vampires, and the next, she was experiencing her first kiss with the most handsome high-born she’d ever seen.

  A throat clearing intruded on their moment, causing their kiss to end abruptly. She was breathing heavily while her eyes refused to leave Sapphire’s handsome face.

  “Liege. We need to return the females to their families.”

  Did he just say Liege? Horror washed through Annis as she realized who her handsome rescuer was. The Vampire King. She was fantasizing about her knight and a castle, and here he was the most famous knight of all. And, she kissed him as if she had every right and reason.

  She was so far below the male and his station she worried about the ramifications for her actions. Would her family be punished, too? Panic assailed as she feared what would happen next.

  The king released his hold on her and turned to the male who she assumed was an assistant or commander. “Aye, Eilig. You are correct. Search for clues that might tell us where the rogues came from.”

  Annis saw an opportunity and seized it. She slowly backed away from the Vampire King as he talked with his captain. When Eilig moved to follow orders, the king rushed to console the sobbing females who were perched on a couple of haystacks.

  With both males distracted, Annis escaped into the darkness. She could not bear to face the Vampire King and see his expression change to one of disgust once he discovered who she was. The memory of his initial attraction was unforgettable, and she wanted to hold onto that small slice of bliss. It was far better than reality crashing in and destroying it altogether. It was a perfect moment, and she preferred to keep it that way.

  Hiding amongst the trees, Annis paused to catch her breath and get her bearings. She was weak from the rogues feeding on her, not to mention she was starving. She glanced around and realized she was in an unfamiliar area. She didn’t know which direction led her back to the lake and her home.

  A male shout caught her attention and had her scurrying despite not having a clear direction to travel. “Shite. Where did she go?” the Vampire King demanded.

  “I doona know, Liege. I was burning the dead bodies when she slipped through the door,” Eilig replied.

  “’Tis no’ safe for a female to travel alone. We must find her,” the king insisted. She could hear the desperation in his voice, and she nearly ran back to him, but her humiliation kept her rooted in place.

  No matter how attracted Annis was to the king it would never work between them. She was beneath him, and nothing would ever change that. Still, she couldn’t ignore that he seemed genuinely worried about her which had guilt rushing to the surface. Maybe if she hadn’t acted rashly and kissed him, she could return and allow him to take her home. But she couldn’t face him after what happened. He would discover she was a tanner’s daughter, and his rejection would sting the worst.

  Annis put on a rush of speed, escaping the immediate vicinity. She was grateful when she no longer heard Eilig and the Vampire King talking. It was better this way. He’d never know who she was, and she’d never have to see his look of disappointment over her lowly station.

  A nearby growl made Annis freeze in place. Her head swiveled, searching for the source of the noise. The yellow glow of two eyes had her heart racing in her chest. The wolf was too small to be a shifter which meant she was stronger than the animal.

  When the wolf crouched, she did the same. She needed energy, and the creature had no idea who it was up against. Another growl left its thr
oat right before it lunged. Annis hissed then twisted her torso as it came toward her head. She balled her fist and used every ounce of remaining strength, punching the wolf in the face.

  The creature sailed toward a tree and hit with a loud thud. The wolf yelped and its body crumpled to the ground. When the animal didn’t move, Annis listened carefully for sounds of life. She detected its labored breathing, and when its heartbeat finally ceased, she smiled. Certainly not the dinner of choice, but it would do.

  She made her way toward the animal, and her fangs distended in anticipation. Several minutes later, the wolf was drained, and her energy surged with newfound strength. Annis stood, then wiped her mouth with the back of her hand as she looked around, trying to determine her whereabouts.

  Her breath came out in puffs of white as the cold night air seeped into her body. Her top was spun cotton and not thick enough to protect her from the elements. The leather slippers on her feet did nothing to protect against the rocks cutting into her feet. Sharp pointy rocks covered the forest floor which threatened to slice through the thin hide with every step.

  She started running in one direction then turned around when the trees got taller, telling her she was deeper into the forest. Annis panicked as she changed directions again. She was completely lost and had no idea where she was going. Her heart pounded against her chest as she raced through the woods. Branches sticking from the ground scraped her ankles and legs, causing her flesh to sting, but she didn’t have time to stop and inspect her injuries.

  All she wanted was to see her parents. She knew they must be worried sick. She wasn’t sure how long she’d been held captive, but she guessed it was several days. In hindsight, she wondered if they reported her missing, and that was why the king came to her rescue.

  Images of the king’s handsome face and piercing blue eyes flashed through her mind. She couldn’t stop thinking about their shared kiss. Annis had never felt such passion and guessed she’d never feel it again. What she wouldn’t give to be in his arms now instead of lost in the forest before daybreak.

  She stopped at the thought and glanced to the sky. The color was slowly changing from inky black to charcoal grey. Her chest constricted as realization dawned, and Annis put on a burst of speed. She had an hour tops to get inside before the sun rose and scorched her to ashes. Prolonged sun exposure was a slow painful death for vampires, and part of her wished she’d stayed at the barn. Rejection wouldn’t kill her. Not physically, anyway.

  Her eyes scanned the area as she ran, searching for a familiar landmark. She didn’t recognize anything, and she felt doom closing in on her. She was going to die alone in the woods, and her parents wouldn’t know what happened to her.

  Suddenly, the faint stench of chemicals and leather tickled her senses. She’d know that smell anywhere. It was her father’s tanning shed. Heart racing in her chest, Annis ran toward the scent until she burst through the trees and into a clearing. Relief swamped her when she recognized her location. She was on the opposite side of the town where she lived.

  Unfortunately, the sky was turning pink with the first blush of sunrise, and she had a way to go before reaching their cottage. Hopefully, she would make it before she burned to a crisp.

  Chapter 3

  “How the fuck did she just disappear?” Murtagh barked at Glen and Eilig.

  After returning the other two females to their homes, he and Eilig barely made it back to the castle before sunrise.

  The fact that there was no sign of the female pissed him off. And, what was worse, he hadn’t even gotten her name before she fled.

  “Calm doon, Liege,” Glen encouraged. “You succeeded in returning two females to their families. Eilig can continue the search this evening. In the meantime, would you like to hear about the females coming tonight?”

  Murtagh shook his head and snarled at his assistant. “Nay. I will no’ entertain any females tonight. I refuse to rest while one of my subjects could be oot there suffering. Besides, I doona wish to be bothered with something as meaningless as a parade of high-born females.”

  “But, Liege. You need to choose a mate,” Glen reasoned.

  “I know precisely what I need. Doona tell me what I must do,” he barked, pouring a bit of his power behind his message.

  Glen flinched, but Murtagh ignored him as he prepared to continue his search as soon as the sun set. “Has Alistair replied to our request?” he asked Eilig as they left the throne room.

  Alistair was the Omega and ruled over the shifters. Murtagh knew if anyone could find someone in the woods, it would be him. The forest was his domain.

  Eilig walked beside him with his hands behind his back. “Aye. He reported that no one discovered her. They followed a trail, which led them to a dead wolf. They believe she fed from the animal which is good news. Most likely she is alive, Liege, but we canna be sure which town she went to or where she sought refuge from the sun.”

  A sigh left Murtagh’s lips. She was alive. Why that mattered so much to him, he had no idea. But, the tightness in his chest dissipated, and he breathed easier.

  “I need to address a few pressing matters before we leave. Meet me at sunset,” Murtagh ordered, then made his way to his quarters. He wouldn’t rest until he saw her again.

  A few hours later, after changing into his formal robe and collecting his weapon, Murtagh stood impatiently in the grand entryway of the castle. Eilig was by his side, and as soon as the sun disappeared, they were walking through the massive double doors.

  “Let’s check the closest town and work our way to Fife,” Murtagh instructed as they walked toward their horses.

  The crisp evening air carried a chill, and Murtagh was glad he donned his heavy winter coat before leaving. Despite his lack of sleep the past twenty-four hours, he wasn’t tired. They moved quickly through the area, staying in the shadows. Few humans ventured out at night, and it was easy to slip through towns unnoticed. Supernaturals lived in hidden pockets throughout the forest between the castle and Fife.

  He wasn’t surprised to find Alistair waiting for him when they entered the small village. The Omega was an imposing figure that few messed with. Like Murtagh, Alistair carried a mantle of power for his position that was undeniable. He quickly dismounted his horse and walked toward his ally.

  “Murtagh. ‘Tis good to see you,” Alistair greeted with a nod.

  “You, as well, Alistair. Do you have any news for me?”

  The Omega fell into line with him as he walked and scanned the area for any hint of the female. “Nay. I had search parties oot all day. I did find this inside the barn,” the Omega stated, and pulled a leather cuff from his pocket.

  Murtagh inspected the item. It was possible it belonged to the dark-haired female, but it could’ve been worn by the other females, too. He stuck it in the pocket of his coat, hoping it might be the clue he needed.

  “Did anyone come across any signs of a vampire destroyed by the sun?” The tight band around his chest returned, constricting Murtagh’s ability to breathe.

  “Nay. We found a drained wolf, but nothing more,” Alistair informed the Vampire King.

  “Thank the Goddess,” Murtagh blurted as the band eased a fraction.

  “Who is this female to you, Murtagh?”

  “Och. She’s a subject is all,” he lied. He didn’t know what else to say. He didn’t even understand his obsession with the female. “I fear humans discovering her, or worse. ‘Tis my job to protect all vampires. I failed at keeping the rogues in line.” It ate at him to have failed the female so grossly.

  No doubt his kiss sent her running. It must have seemed to her as if he rescued her only to make her his sex slave. How could she not think that way after he fell on her like a lust driven male? He couldn’t blame her for fleeing the barn.

  He wanted to kick his own ass from there to Edinburgh. She deserved more respect than that. His focus should’ve been on returning the females safely to their families, nothing more. He’d messed that up in a major

  “Aye. I understand the weight of responsibility. Search the nearby towns and villages, but if you canna find her I’d suggest visiting old Inghean in Fife. She’s a human seer, and the best bet at getting information.”

  “Human? How is that possible?” he asked and looked at his friend pointedly. Alistair knew as well as he did the law regarding human knowledge of supernaturals.

  “Aye, she is human, but we canna punish her for her gift of sight. It is oot of her control, and most humans see her as a crazy old crone. Her rambling is easily dismissed as nonsense. Doona worry aboot her exposing us,” Alistair assured and clapped Murtagh on the shoulder.

  “I considered visiting the High Priestess, Beatrice,” Murtagh replied as he looked inside a dress shop. He doubted the female he was searching for was there given her simple clothes. The fabric was plain cotton without adornments or embellishments which he would expect to see if she was a dressmaker or the daughter of one.

  “You doona want to be indebted to that ugly hag. She’ll demand you mate her as payment,” Alistair commented with a shudder.

  Murtagh chuckled and nodded his head. “True. Will you search the villages between here and Fife while I visit Inghean?”

  “Aye,” the Omega assured before he and his First in Command headed out.

  Eilig was quiet while Murtagh approached the blacksmith’s shop. The smell wasn’t quite pungent enough for the female, but her clothing fit someone in a trade of this nature.

  “Liege,” the vampire greeted with a bow. “What brings you here?”

  “I am searching for a female. She has black hair and hazel eyes. She wore simple cotton clothing,” Murtagh informed the blacksmith and knew as soon as the words left his mouth, the male wouldn’t be able to assist him. It was too common a description. The blacksmith likely knew a dozen females of her type.


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