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Brother’s Best Friend

Page 109

by Kaylee, Katy

  The next few days at the bakery were steady and growing. I didn’t want to get overconfident, but as the weekend neared, I felt really optimistic that it was going to be a success. We’d all settled into a routine, and having watched all my staff work, I was confident that I could take a few hours off to visit Jake and leave some treats at his office to thank everyone for their support.

  I packed two boxes of goodies; one that could be left in the staff room, and one for Jake only. I left Loraine in charge, with the help of Drew and Eileen. I called for a car to pick me up and take me to Jake’s building down in the financial district.

  “Sofia!” Gina rushed to me as I entered the floor of Jake’s office. “Look at you. You look fabulous.”

  “Hi.” I couldn’t imagine I looked any different.

  “Having your own bakery clearly suits you. And wow, you brought us some goodies!”

  “I did.”

  “Let’s put them in the staff room.”

  I followed her to the large room with tables, a refrigerator and vending machines. I set the big box with baked treats on one of the tables.

  “This one is for Jake,” I said when she eyed the second box.

  “You know, I’m so glad you’re here because…well, Jake hasn’t been the same this week and...” She cast a glance down at my hand. “He’s not wearing his wedding ring and neither are you.” She made a sad face. “What’s going on?”

  My heart rate picked up as I tried to get the wheels of my brain to come up with a good excuse. Jake and I had ended our deal, but we hadn’t talked about how we were going to tell others.

  “We’re having them inscribed.”

  Relief shone on Gina’s face. “Oh, thank God. I thought maybe you two were having trouble.”

  I shook my head, hating to lie to her, but that was part of Jake’s and my deal too. The only problem was for me, our marriage wasn’t a lie.

  “No. We’re fine.” Wanting to change the subject, I said, “I wanted to thank you all for your support in helping me pick my treats for the bakery.”

  “I’ll let everyone know.”

  “Is Jake here? I’d like to check in with him too.”

  “Yes. And I don’t think he’s with a client. Good timing.” She winked at me.

  I checked in with Jake’s secretary who announced me. When I walked into his office, he was coming around his desk to greet me. He smiled when he saw me, and his eyes sparkled when he saw the bakery box.

  “This is a surprise,” he said, putting his hands on my arms and kissing me on the cheek. I wondered if he’d keep doing that once we were truly all done.

  “I wanted to thank you and your colleagues for all your help and support.”

  “I take it the week has gone well?” He motioned for me to sit in a chair while he leaned against his desk.

  “Each day has been a little better than the last.”

  “Excellent.” He grinned. “That’s so great. I’m happy for you, Sof.”

  “Listen, Gina asked about our wedding bands. I didn’t know what to tell her.”

  He stiffened and frowned.

  “I know our deal is done, but I don’t know what you’d told people.”

  “What did you say?” He looked a little perturbed.

  “That they were getting inscribed.”

  He let out a breath. “Good. I haven’t said anything here yet.”

  “Okay.” I looked up at him, wondering if I should ask about when he might say something and give me papers to sign. The problem was, I didn’t want papers to sign, so I kept my mouth shut.

  He nodded to the box in my hand. “So, what did you bring me?”

  Happy for the change of subject, I stood and set the box on his desk. I lifted the lid. “Those lavender scones you liked, cookies, a croissant, lemon bars and a few cupcakes, because I know you love frosting.”

  “You’re going to make me fat.” He grinned like a schoolboy over all the treats. He picked up a cupcake and bit into it. His eyes closed and he let out an “mmm” sound.

  “With all these treats, you don’t need me around.”

  He lifted a brow.

  “You look quite satisfied.”

  He stared at me for a moment, and then put the cupcake in the box as he pressed his hand against my hip and maneuvered me between him and the desk. “You’re a great baker, Sof, but nothing is as sweet and satisfying as you.”

  My heartrate picked up and my girlie parts tingled. I ran my hands over his starched shirt, loving the heat that radiated from his hard chest.

  “I don’t fit in the bakery box.”

  Fire flashed in his eyes. “Are you saying I can eat you?”

  I couldn’t stop the moan escaping at his words.

  “Hold that thought, sweet Sofia.” He moved in quick, sure strides to his door, flipping the lock. There was no question about his intentions and my body rejoiced that he was going to touch me again. He was back at his desk in a few steps. He pushed the box aside as he pressed his body against mine. “I’ve been dreaming about you in your chef’s coat.”

  “And only my chef’s coat?”

  He nodded as he lifted the skirt of my dress. Normally, I wore pants or shorts depending on the time of year, but wanting to look professional and pretty, I’d worn a dress. Now I was so glad I had, because it made what we were about to do so much easier.

  He hooked his fingers in the waistband of my panties and pushed them down. “I’ve missed eating you, Sofia.” He lifted me on the desk, pushing my thighs apart as he dropped to his knees.

  I ran my fingers through his hair. “I missed you too.”

  He kissed my inner thigh and my pussy contracted in anticipation. “Jake.”

  “You’re wet, Sofia.”

  “Don’t tease me.” My need for his touch was torture.

  “You need a good hard orgasm?” He inhaled and when he exhaled, I felt the heat of it on my clit.


  “Well then.” His tongue flicked at my entrance and then ran up the length of my pussy lips until he reached my clit.

  I gasped and my hips jerked as sweet pleasure built.

  “You taste so fucking good, Sof.”

  “Don’t stop, Jake.”

  He laughed softly. “So demanding.” But he didn’t prolong my sweet agony. He devoured me with his mouth, licking, sucking and thrusting until I was biting my lip to keep from screaming as my orgasm slammed into me like a freight train.

  He growled. “Again. Do it again.” His mouth assaulted me more, harder, faster until I was whimpering and writhing. Finally, he blasted me over the edge again as pleasure burst through my body.

  I was heaving in breaths as he stood and fumbled with his belt and pant clasp. His dick sprang free, so hard and beautiful. I reached for it, wanting to hold and stroke it.

  “Ah, fuck, Sofia…” He pushed my hand away. “Sorry, honey, no time for that.” He gripped my hips and thrust inside me in one hard stroke. I cried out, gripping his shoulders and wrapping my legs around his waist to keep him inside me. I wanted him there for always. For forever.

  He groaned as he withdrew and plunged in again. And again. Soon he was pistoning in and out of me. The friction was delicious as it grew and grew, pushing me higher and higher.

  “Oh God, I’m coming again.” My entire body went tight and stiff as I hit the pinnacle of pleasure. He thrust in and ground his hips against me, hitting my clit and shooting me to the stars.

  “Fuck yeah, come on my cock, Sofia.” He growled, surging inside me with his own release spreading warmth in my pussy. Immediately I thought of the baby we made, which was then followed by guilt.

  When he finished, he rested his forehead against mine as he worked to catch his breath.

  “Well, there’s something I never thought I’d do,” he said.

  “What’s that?” Wanting to keep him close, I slid my arms from his shoulders around his back.

  “Fuck someone on my desk at work.”

p; I laughed. “Really? I thought all powerful men in New York did that.”

  “Not me. Not until now.”

  His words filled me with hope. They suggested I was different and maybe it made him feel different. My brain warned me that these were dangerous thoughts. After all, we were just fucking, a physical activity that didn’t require love.

  He lifted his head, giving me a kiss, before stepping back. He grabbed a tissue to wipe his dick and then pulled up his pants.

  “Here.” He grabbed his box of tissues from his desk and handed them to me. “I made a mess of you.”

  I slid off the desk. “Do you make a lot of your clients cry?” I said, taking the box.

  “No. I do have one client who gets pretty teary about his deceased wife.”

  “So sad and sweet too. I think I’d rather do this in the bathroom.”

  “I don’t have an office with a bathroom…yet.”

  “Ah, another goal.” I stepped out of my panties and handed them to him. “I’ll be back for these.”

  Making sure my dress was in place, I left his office and went to the bathroom. I cleaned up and then gave myself a pep talk.

  Jake, I’m pregnant.

  Jake, we’re having a baby.

  Jake, I love you.

  All of them scared me to death. Taking a deep breath, I headed back to his office.

  When he saw me, he twirled my panties around his index finger. “I’ve been thinking of holding these for ransom.”

  “I’ve already paid.”

  He laughed. “In spades.”

  “Jake, I need to talk to you about something.”

  His head cocked to the side slightly, like he noted the change in my tone. “Okay.”

  “The thing is—”

  A knock sounded on his door and then Val poked her head in. “Jake.” She saw me and her face lit up. “Sofia.”

  “Val, how are you?”

  Val looked to Jake and then back at me. “Great. Did you bring goodies?”

  “I did. They’re in the staff room.”

  “God, they’re probably gone.” She eyed the box on Jake’s desk. “I’ll just steal from him. Listen I hate to interrupt, but Wallace needs to see all the partners. Now.” She looked at me and seemed genuinely sad at having to steal Jake away.

  A mixture of disappointment and relief swept through me. I couldn’t tell him about the baby now.

  Jake stood and put on his coat. “I’ll be right there. Sofia had something to tell me.”

  I waved his comment away. “It can wait.” We had nine months—or actually seven months.

  “You sure?”

  I nodded. “Yes. Go have your meeting.” As Val stepped outside, I whispered to him: “Now might be a good time to ask for the office with a bathroom.”

  “You’re naughty.” He kissed my cheek. “I love it.”

  I love it. Not I love you. I love it. This was still a friendship with spectacular sex.

  That, of course, didn’t change the need to tell him about the baby, but it was a reminder that my newest dream of being with him wasn’t wise.

  I left his office feeling like I was in the same limbo I’d been in when those pregnancy sticks came up positive. I hated that I was a strong independent woman who was too scared to tell Jake about our baby. No, not scared so much as selfish. I wanted him to love me. To ask me to be with him because of me, not a baby.

  “I’m jealous of you, little guy,” I said, rubbing my belly on the elevator ride down. “He’ll love you and want you no matter what.” But me? He only wanted my body, but that was it.

  As I walked out onto the busy New York street, I realized that I’d been so preoccupied with how Jake would react, I hadn’t thought much about how my family would take the news. Or how Jake and I would co-parent. I knew for sure that if he said we should stay married for real that I’d turn him down despite my desire for that. I wanted to marry for love. And I also didn’t want to become a source of unhappiness or resentment for Jake.

  But even without marriage, we were going to have a baby. Unlike our fake marriage, that wasn’t something we could keep a secret. Jake was right that my brother would probably want to kick his ass. My parents would likely be disappointed. But in the end, I knew they loved me and would love my baby. Jake would become persona non grata, which would be hard at our baby’s birthday parties and other holidays.

  Fortunately, I still had some time before telling them as well. I was beginning to feel like Scarlett O’Hara, putting things off until tomorrow.

  Today, I’d head back to the bakery to finish out the day and help prep for tomorrow. Jake was right. It was important to focus on our dream careers as they were steadier and less likely to let us down.



  I wanted to think bringing baked goodies was an excuse to see me, but that was just wishful thinking. Not that she probably didn’t want to see me, but she was a lovely woman who of course, would want to thank me and the office for helping her get her bakery up and running.

  Sofia’s showing up out of the blue was like frosting on the cake. The cake, or in this case my job, was good, but made oh so much sweeter with frosting, aka Sofia. The special treat, the cherry on top, was fucking her on my desk. I’d always kept my personal life away from my work life, so having sex on my desk had never been an option. Now I was wondering when I could lure Sofia back for a repeat.

  I never thought the day would come when I’d be annoyed at my job for getting in the way of my personal life. I would have liked to talk to her more, especially since she’d appeared to have something to tell me. Her expression appeared hesitant and a part of me hoped she was about to take the brave step and tell me she cared for me. Maybe even loved me. I was a strong man, but there was no doubt that she was stronger in her convictions, courage, and emotions.

  But goddammit, of course Val would pick that time to interrupt. I tried to give Sofia and me a few more minutes, but I guessed the moment was gone, as Sofia brushed off my attempt to stay and talk, sending me on my way. Didn’t she know she was more important? That thought sent my stomach into a tailspin. Yes, I knew I loved her and wanted to be with her. But for as long as I could remember, I wanted to be a lawyer. That had always been first. The most important. Had Sofia really changed that?

  “You should have brought your baked goodies,” Val said as I entered the conference room.

  I should have done a lot of things, I thought. “Even I have my limits of what I’ll do for the firm.” I grinned, hoping she saw I was being lighthearted, even though inside, I felt all discombobulated.

  “It was good to see Sofia. Does that mean—”

  “It doesn’t mean anything,” I said. But oh, did I want it to. I took my place at the table with the rest of the partners and listened to Wallace drone on about billing hours. Everyone’s were down over the last month, including mine. I still outperformed nearly everyone at the table, so I wasn’t worried. Plus, I’d be getting them back up again now that Sofia’s bakery was open and our deal was done. She might have been more important to me, but her bakery was more important to her, and I respected that. I had no doubt that she’d open new shops throughout the city. Maybe even franchise.

  Finally, the meeting was done, and I stood, ready to go back to my office.

  “Jake, can I speak to you a moment?” Mr. Wallace said.

  I nodded but didn’t like the idea of being singled out. Was he going to get on me about my drop in billable hours?

  When the room was empty, he motioned for me to sit in the chair nearest him, while he sat back in his chair.

  “I haven’t had a chance to catch up with you in the last few months.”

  “No, sir.” There had been times before Sofia that he’d catch me working late and we’d chat. It had been part of my plan in earning a partnership. Once married, even though it was fake, I didn’t often work late, though I did come in early, before he was there. I frowned and started to get annoyed, thinking he was going
to hassle me on working less when it had been his fricking idea that I needed to settle down.

  “I can see that marriage is good for you. While you’ve made partner on your efforts, showing signs of stability did play a positive role in our vote.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Of course, we’d like to see more hours again—”

  “I’ve been coming in early to work, sir. My hours haven’t dropped that much.”

  He sat back with a smirk. “No, they haven’t. You’re still outdoing most of the partners and the associates. Plus you brought in a big client. Any others you’re looking at?”

  “Yes, sir.” But I kept my dream list to myself.

  “Good to hear. I like to see stability, but I’d hate for you to lose focus on what’s important. Your wife has her own business, right?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Mr. Wallace nodded. “Good. She probably has long hours too. Any thoughts on when you’ll have children?”

  I couldn’t stop the frown on my face.

  He laughed. “None of my business, I know. But like I said, we don’t want you to lose focus on what’s important. Once you have kids, your wife might want to quit and then you’ll need your billable hours to support her.”

  I couldn’t imagine Sofia closing her bakery even for kids. More likely she’d get some sort of carrier and keep on baking. It was what her mother did at the restaurant.

  But I wasn’t going to discuss my fake marriage and children with Mr. Wallace.

  “Right now, we’re focused on our work.” I wondered if I shouldn’t hint that our separate goals were creating a strain on the marriage. After all, at some point, I’d need to get a divorce and let them know she and I were quits. But the only thing I could think about was Sofia coming on my desk an hour earlier.

  “Good. Listen, I’m having a small gathering for dinner at my place tomorrow night. I know it’s short notice, but I’d love for you and your wife to come. Val and a few other partners will be there. I think it will be good for them to get to know you better, and see how you’re an asset, yet different from your uncle.”


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