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Brother’s Best Friend

Page 110

by Kaylee, Katy

  “I’d be honored. I’ll need to check with my wife. Her bakery is open every day and I don’t know her schedule.”

  “You do that. I hope she can come. Perhaps she can bring some of her baked goods?”

  “I’ll ask her.”

  I left the conference room, for once glad about a hoop my boss was making me jump through. I just hoped Sofia would be on board. I suspected she would be, but it would be strange too. We were supposed to be done with our deal. It was my fault that we weren’t because except for helping Sofia move, I hadn’t taken any action to end our marriage or tell people at work we were splitting up.

  I didn’t want to bother with a phone call to her while she was working, so I texted her, asking if she’d be willing to play wife again for me at a dinner with an executive partner.

  Will it involve a desk?

  I laughed at her response. Later if you desire.

  Then, yes.

  It was ridiculous how happy that made me. Can you bring some baked items? I’ll pay.

  I don’t take cash or credit from my husband. I do accept massages and…

  My dick liked her idea about payment. I can do massages and…

  I picked Sofia up at seven, giving her a kiss on the cheek. It was safer than the lips because if I did that, it was possible we’d end up naked instead of at my boss’ dinner party. She looked lovely in a simple black dress that hung looser on her than her other clothes. It was just as well, because her other dresses clung to her curves and often distracted me.

  She had on little pearl earrings and a necklace with a pearl pendant. I now wished I’d bought her some jewelry. Not that hers wasn’t nice, but she deserved something sparkly. The best I could do was pull out my grandmother’s ring from my pocket. I’d already put mine on.

  “Thank you for being willing to carry this charade on a little longer. I just haven’t had time to deal with it at work.”

  She smiled, and as always, it was radiant. She put the ring on, studying it on her finger for a moment. “Of course. I feel like I owe you more time anyway after all you’ve done.”

  I wished she wanted to give me more time because she wanted me, not because she felt obligated. But I’d take what I could get.

  “I packed up some leftovers from today. There’s a variety, but I think it’s all suitable for a fancy dinner party. Oh, and I made some cannoli.”

  “You didn’t do anything extra did you?” While Sofia looked beautiful, she also looked tired.

  She shrugged. “You know me. I like to make cannoli.”

  Mr. Wallace held his gathering at his penthouse in the city. Along with Sofia and me, there were another four couples, all partners at the firm. Val was with a man named Joe, who I assumed was her neighbor with benefits.

  “Sofia, so lovely to see you,” Val said when she saw us. She cut me a knowing look, which I ignored. Her interest in my love life baffled me. Perhaps she needed to focus on her own instead of mine.

  “Thank you, Val.”

  “The bakery is a success?”

  “We’re getting there.” Sofia said, passing on the offer of a glass of wine by a servant.

  “I’m so sorry I haven’t made it down yet. I do believe several associates have though and they raved about it,” Val said.

  “There’s a seat for you when you do come.”

  Mr. Wallace went all out, serving a multi-course dinner, each with its own wine pairing. Sofia preferred water, which Mr. Wallace took notice of.

  “Not a wine drinker, Mrs. Dunne?” he asked from the head of the table.

  “Please, call me Sofia. And I enjoy wine, but lately, with all my work and having to get up extra early, I’ve been skipping it. It can sometimes leave me foggy in the morning.”

  He nodded. “Good to hear. I was worried you and Jake might be starting a family already.”

  I stiffened and next to me Sofia flinched.

  “We’ve got time for that,” I said, putting my hand on Sofia’s thigh to let her know I’d handle Mr. Wallace’s nonsense.

  “Good, good. As I told Jake earlier,” he said to Sofia and everyone at the table who could hear, “we’re very pleased to see him settled with a lovely wife, but we also want him to be focused on the firm.”

  “Yes, of course. I have my own business that keeps me busy, so you can be sure, Jake will have all the time he needs for the firm.”

  A part of me didn’t like her comment because I also wanted to have time for her. But I realized she was probably putting in even more time at the bakery right now than I did at the firm. She was open every day, and since she was just starting, she didn’t have many workers to rotate through a schedule, which meant she worked all those days, and here I was, dragging her to a silly work dinner.

  When Mr. Wallace’s attention turned to someone else, I leaned over to her. “I won’t keep you out too late, Sof.”

  She turned her head to me. “I’m fine, Jake.”

  I used my thumb from the hand resting on the back of her chair to stroke her back. “I just don’t want you to get so exhausted your bakery suffers or you don’t enjoy it.”

  “Thank you.” She leaned a little closer. “It’s weird isn’t it, how invested he is in your personal life? Did he really tell you to put off having kids?”

  I nodded. “He particularly likes that you’re your own woman. You won’t be distracting me because you’ve got a business.”

  She rolled her eyes.

  “You do distract me, you know.”

  She smiled. “I do?”

  I nodded. God, there was so much I wanted to say to her. But I was sitting at my boss’ dinner table with a dozen other people. Now wasn’t the time.

  “You’ve been known to distract me too.”

  She thought I was just talking about sex. If only she knew. What would she say if I told her the truth? That I’d fallen for her. That I hated living apart from her? That I wanted to make her my next dream to achieve. I’d been too much of a coward before, to tell her, but clearly, I was going to live in a tormented limbo if I didn’t say something.

  There was a little more schmoozing after dinner and ahhing over Sofia’s desserts. I brought Sofia home and prepared to lay my heart on the line. I’d done many scary things in my life, but this had to top the list. I felt like my entire life’s happiness rested on her response when I told her the truth of how I felt.

  When we got to her door, she unlocked it and turned to me. Her eyes had a shadow of dark circles and I wavered in my plan. She needed to rest.

  “Do you want to come in? I have decaf coffee,” she asked.

  “I do have something I wanted to talk to you about.”

  “Oh.” This time the shadow crossed her eyes. It looked like disappointment. What did she think I wanted to say? Again, I started to second guess myself.

  The only thing to do was to launch into it. “Sofia, I—”

  Her phone started to play Your Cheatin’ Heart.

  She sighed. “That’s Tony.”

  I smirked. “That’s quite a ringtone.”

  “I like to match the ring to the person.”

  I wanted to ask her what mine was.

  “I’ll just tell him I’ll call him back later.”

  I shook my head. I knew she and Tony hadn’t been talking and it was important that they work things out. “No, you take it and then get some rest.”

  “I thought you wanted to talk.”

  I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “We can talk later.”

  She looked unsure, so I gave her a reassuring smile. Then I turned and left her apartment.

  I took in a deep breath when I reached the sidewalk outside. When I’d planned to tell her my feelings, I hadn’t considered anything other than fulfilling my own desires. Aside from how she might feel about it, there was Tony to consider. I was certain he’d be pissed that I’d touched his sister. It wouldn’t matter to him that I loved her. Then there was the fact that loving Sofia would be a distraction that would impa
ct my work. I certainly could still be successful, but I wouldn’t work as much with her in my life as I would without her. As I stood on the street, I didn’t care as much about whether my billing hours dropped a few percentages. I even considered that it would be okay if Tony tried to beat me to a pulp. Sofia was worth all that.

  What I wasn’t sure about was how I’d feel if it turned out she didn’t want me back.



  I hated to let Jake go and yet I wasn’t sure I wanted him to stay. He said he needed to talk to me and the only thing I could think of that he needed to say was about our impending break-up, and I didn’t want to talk about that. Plus, I hadn’t talked to Tony since his birthday. I hadn’t called because I knew I’d chew him out, and he hadn’t called me, probably for the same reason.

  When the door closed behind Jake, I poked the button on my phone. “Tony.”

  “Hey, Sof. Is it too late to call?”

  “No.” I was tired and needed to get to bed, but he was my brother. I flopped down on my bed. It was possible I’d sleep in my dress when this call was over.

  “I’m coming to the city this week and wanted to see you. You’ve been moving and shaking there without telling us about it.”

  “I told Mom and Dad about it.” Sort of. I’d let them know I moved and started a bakery, but didn’t go into details. “Are they sending you to check on me?”

  He laughed. “No. I think those days are gone. You’re your own woman, Sof. They know that.”

  “What about you?” I thought of Jake and how Tony would respond to my being with him.

  “You’ll always be my little sis that I’ll want to protect. But I promise to behave.”

  I realized then that I missed him. We’d always got along well, even when he annoyed me with his big brother protection. I’d been so pissed that he’d cheat on his wife, that I’d stayed away. I was still pissed. But I also missed him.

  “Are you just coming to see me?” I asked.

  “Yes, why?”

  “You don’t usually just come to see me.”

  There was a pause. “It’s possible I’ll want to make a move. I do want to see you, Sof. Check out your new business. But I think I might look around for new possibilities in my life.”

  “Did Vera kick you out?”

  Again, there was another pause, but I imagined this one was to steady his emotions. Chances were, he wanted to tell me it was none of my business.


  I thought for a moment. “Are you leaving her?” He cheated and now he was going to make a love nest in the city?”

  “Sof. I don’t know what I’m doing. I just know I need a change.”

  There were so many mean things running through my head, but like him, I took a moment to collect myself. “I’m at the bakery until six.”

  “I plan to be there early afternoon.”

  “See you then.”

  “Goodnight, Sof.”

  I managed to get my pajamas on after all and then climbed into bed. I took Jake’s grandmother’s ring off, despite my desire to keep it on. I set it on the nightstand, reminding myself I’d need to give it to him the next time I saw him.

  I settled in bed and tried to make my brain stop ruminating. Tony’s life was fucked up, but who was I to talk? I was knocked up by his best friend and hadn’t told him yet. That sort of betrayal had to be just as bad as cheating.

  * * *

  Early the next week, I had a doctor’s appointment. She gave me a sonogram, and when I saw the image of our baby, guilt had me bursting into tears. Jake should have been seeing this. Seeing the life he helped make.

  “It’s a beautiful, healthy baby. Would you like a picture?”

  I nodded. “Yes, please.”

  When I got home, it took me a little time to pull myself together to go down to the bakery. All I could do was look at the image of my baby. Jake’s baby.

  Realizing I needed to get my bakery on firm ground in order to support the baby, I got myself organized and headed down to work.

  Wednesday morning had a great start. A few more early morning customers came by, saying they’d heard about the bakery from co-workers. Good. Word was getting around. Mid-morning, a group of tourists stopped in, depleting our supply of muffins and breakfast pastries.

  “If this keeps up, you’ll need a bigger space and more cooks,” Jenn said as we watched the group enjoy their coffee and pastries.

  “Not a bad problem to have.”

  At two, my brother walked through the door. As mad as I was at him, I was so happy to see him too. I rushed to him, throwing my arms around him.

  He hugged me back. “I was afraid you’d toss me out on my ass.”

  I squeezed him tighter. “You deserve to be tossed on your ass, but you’re my brother.” I leaned back to get a good look at him. He looked tired and sad and lost. “I want to help you get your shit together.”

  He laughed. “That will take a fucking miracle.”

  I hugged him again.

  “Uh oh, does Jake have some competition?” Jenn said from behind the counter. I stiffened.

  Tony pulled back, his brows pulled together quizzically. “Jake?”

  I waved Jenn’s comment away. “He comes in every now and then. He’s been a big support.” I turned to Jenn. “Can you let Loraine know that we need more biscotti?” I wanted to get her out of the room.

  “Sure thing.”

  I went around the counter. “So what do you want?”

  “Jesus, Sof,” he said, looking at the glass case filled with baked goods, minus the muffins and pastries. He looked up at me. “No cannoli?”

  I laughed. “Only on special occasions.”

  He ordered a large coffee and a cookie. Then I went and sat with him at the far side of the bakery to check in.

  “Fucking fantastic,” Tony said when he took a bite of the cookie. He looked at me with pride and awe. “You did it, Sof. God, I’m so proud and jealous.”

  “Thank you. You just need to figure out what you want, Tony. My wish is that it includes Vera and the kids though.”

  He looked down. “I do love them.”

  It was hard for me to believe him. If he loved them, he wouldn’t betray them. But then I remembered that I loved Jake and was betraying him.

  “Have you talked to Vera about your unhappiness?”

  He shook his head. “She’d just tell me to suck it up. That she’s unhappy all the time stuck with the kids.”

  “No. She doesn’t feel like that, does she?”

  He shrugged. “I think life feels as dull, routine and passionless for her as it does for me. I don’t feel like I signed up for this. I think she feels the same.”

  “So, the answer is to fuck the town skank?” The words were out before I could think to rein them in.

  He shot me a glare but didn’t say anything. What could he say?

  I reached over and put my hand on his. “I’m sorry, but I hate to see what you’ve become. You’re better than that, Tony.”

  His jaw tensed.

  “Maybe you and Vera need counseling. Individually and together. Life doesn’t always turn out like we planned.” I was proof of that.

  “Yours did.”

  I shrugged. If only he knew. “I’ve gotten what I set out to get, but that’s because I knew what I wanted and went after it. What did you want, Tony? What do you want?”

  He ran his fingers through his dark hair. “Hell if I know.”

  “That’s what you need to figure out.”

  He nodded. “What I’d like now is to see your place. Mom said you moved.”

  “It was like kismet. My place is right above,” I said, pointing up.

  “No kidding.”

  I put Tony’s cup and plate on the counter, and after quickly introducing Tony as my brother to Jenn and Loraine to avoid any more Jake comments, I took him up to my studio.

  “Jesus, I forgot how small places are in the city.”

�s just me.” For now. “I’ve got cannoli.”

  “Now you’re talking.” I left him looking around my studio as I went to the kitchen area and pulled out a couple treats for him.

  “Sof? What’s this?”

  I peeked my head around the alcove wall. Tony stood by my little eating table holding up the sonogram image. Oh shit.

  He looked down at it and then at me. “It’s got your name on it. Jesus, Sof, are you pregnant?”

  My brain was blank with any answer except the truth. I nodded. “Yes.”

  He scoffed. “I thought my life was fucked up but this—”

  Anger shot through me. “Your life is fucked up, Tony. This baby...may not have been planned, but it’s not fucked up.”

  “How are you going to raise a baby and run a business?”

  “By making a plan and following it. I don’t just drift through life and then cheat.” I tossed the plate of cannoli on the table.

  His eyes flared with equal anger. “Who’s the father? Where’s he in all this?”

  “That is none of your business or concern.”

  He looked at the picture again. “It’s going to break Mom and Dad’s heart.”

  Tears pooled in my eyes. “Not as much as you have. Do they know about you? They’ll be disappointed in me, but they’ll love this baby.”

  “I thought Jake was looking out for you. How could this happen?”

  I flinched. “Jake is not my keeper. Did you ask him to look out for me?”

  “Not in so many words, but he always has since we were kids. He’s like a brother to you. He brought you to my birthday…” His words trailed off. “What did your server mean by Jake having competition?”

  “Nothing.” I took the sonogram from him. If he wasn’t going to be happy about my baby, he wasn’t worthy of holding it.

  “Holy fuck. Is Jake the father? Jesus, have you been fucking my friend?”

  “You’re being rude and vulgar, Tony.” I was shaking but I wasn’t sure if was rage or nerves.

  “Oh my God.” He spun away, pressing both of his hands on the top of his head like he was trying to keep it from exploding. He turned back. “Jake has been fucking you.”

  “It’s not like that, Tony.” With those words, I realized that I’d confirmed his suspicions.


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