Dangerous Love
Page 3
“I know you like him KJ.”
“I don’t know what you talking about.”
I tried so hard not to smile but I gave it away.
“Girl I know you like the back of my hand, stop lying.”
We just started laughing.
“I mean he cute or whatever, but I’m with Jayson and-”
Before I could finish what I was saying, I saw something that I couldn’t believe I was seeing. My blood was boiling and at this point I saw nothing but red. Kendra saw what I saw and she knew this wasn’t going to end well.
“KJ I’m so sorry you had to see that, especially with all these people. Look, let’s just go home and deal with it later please.”
“Nah. We finna handle this shit right here right now.”
This nigga had the never to disrespect me in front of all these people and that was the last straw for me.
As I got closer to Jayson and that bitch, my anger got worse. Jayson spotted me and it seemed like he seen a ghost.
“Baby it’s not wha-”
Before he could say anything else, I slapped the fuck out of him.
“Nigga you got the nerve to embarrass me like this in front of all these people with this bitch and you telling me it’s not what you think?! How the fuck it’s not what I think when you over here with your tongue down this hoe throat!”
“Who you calling a bitch ?! And Jayson, who the fuck is this hoe?!”
“You the bitch he kissing so obviously it’s you hoe! And I’m his girlfriend. Well, ex-girlfriend now.”
“Bitch who you think you talking to?! I’ll drag your ass through this parking lot! And you ain’t his bitch because I’ve been his girlfriend since the 10th grade and I’ve been sitting up and down on that dick so just know when you kissing him, you tasting me”, she laughed.
“Matter of fact, how my pussy taste hoe?!”
Before I knew it, I was on top of her ass beating the fuck out of her. I ain’t gone lie, she was getting some licks in but she ain’t get to many because once I was in my mood, it wasn’t no turning back! I must have blacked out. All I remember was Jayson, Nick, and Rashad getting me off of her and when I looked down, I seen nothing but blood. I had busted her nose and lip and she was screaming for me to get off of her. Jayson tried to grab me and I punched him with all the energy I had left in my body.
“Get the fuck off me and stay the fuck away from me! We are done!”
At this point I was crying. I was frustrated and upset.
“Kori, baby, I’m sorry. I really am sorry.” He tried to reach for me again and that’s when Nick jumped in.
“She said she don’t want anything to do with you so turn your ass around and walk your dog ass to the bus.”
“Nigga who you talking to?! I’ll knock your ugly ass out. That’s my gal, I’ll do as I please. The fuck you think this is?!”
He got in Nick face but one thing about Nick, he wasn’t backing down at all.
“You don’t want these problems Jay.” Kendra grabbed Nick trying to calm him down. “Come on baby, it’s not worth it. He’s not worth it, let’s go!”
“You right baby, he not. Y’all let’s go!” “Count your days Nick. She will always pick me nigga!”
I wanted to turn around and kick his ass but Rashad grabbed my arm and told me it wasn’t even worth it and to just walk it off. He put his arms around me and I was the perfect fit under him.
Jayson had another thing coming if he thought I was taking him back. This was a different pain and my heart hurt so much. All I wanted to do was cry, but I had no more tears in me. Jayson took everything I had left at this point.
How the fuck did I let that happen?! I mean damn, I didn’t think this would ever happen. All I remember is winning the game, going outside, and Nene was right there waiting on me. I knew Kori was there but then I also knew Nene was there too. “Good game baby, you played your ass off.”
“Thank you. Look, ima call you later. We gotta head home.”
I tried to get on the bus because I had a feeling something wasn’t right.
“What’s the rush?! Y’all ain’t leaving no time soon, look at this crowd.”
“I know but I’m tired and I really wanna go home and relax.”
“Boy come here.”
Before I could stop her, Nene kissed me and my body reacted to something so familiar I kissed her back. When I looked up, I seen Kori and I could have sworn I seen a ghost.
Kori wasn’t herself. I’ve never seen her get this mad, but I knew I fucked up big time. Kori slapped the shit outta me and then her and Nene got into it and let’s just say, Kori was going for blood and she got just that. The pain in her eyes when I tried to grab her was a pain I had never seen before and trust me, I know because I hurt her so many times, but this time was different.
That nigga Nick though, he gone get his for butting in my business. But it was one nigga I seen that I ain’t never seen before. He was by Kori side after everything happened and I ain’t like that shit. The way he had his arm around her and she just went along with it had a nigga hot. If she think she done with me, she wrong. And that nigga she think she gone be with, ain’t gone happen either. Kori was mine and mines only and I’m not finna give her up until I say I’m done.
“Kori what the hell is your problem today?! Your timing has been off and you’re not doing your best! How you supposed to be the captain and you can’t keep your emotions together for the team?!”
“I’m sorry Coach, I just…I just...”
I knew what was wrong. I was still hurt on the situation with Jay and it was really fucking with me. Jay been trying to apologize but I’ve been blowing him off, ignoring his calls, his text messages. It was hard enough that I had to see his dog ass at school so I couldn’t run from him forever.
“Look Kori, go home and rest and come back tomorrow with your mind right.”
“Coach Lee I’m ok. I can’t go home,nationals is Friday and I gotta be ready. I gotta be ready. I’m trying. I…I…”
And there it was, I started crying. I felt like my life was crashing down. How the hell was I supposed to win when my head wasn’t even in the right state of mind?
“Alright everyone, that’s it. Practice is cut short today. Y’all go shower and be at practice in the morning and be prepared to stay after school tomorrow. Kori, meet me in the office.”
“Hey KJ, you need a ride home? I’ll wait for you if you need me too.”
“No, ima just walk to my grandma house and just wait until my mama get off. Thank you though. I’ll text you when I make it home.”
Nick didn’t press the issue so he just nodded his head and met up with Kendra, who also was concerned about me.
After the whole Jayson shit, I really wasn’t myself. I didn’t wanna talk to Nick, nor Kendra. I wasn’t in the right state of mind for practice, Rashad backed off,even though I didn’t want him to. I really wanted him there, but it wasn’t his issue to make it better, but oh how I wanted him to. Plus, the person I really wanted to talk to was always working, so I felt alone in all this.
I walked into Coach Lee office and sat down. I just held my head down because Coach Lee was like my father. He actually helped me be the person I am today. He practically seen me grow up, so I knew I disappointed him.
“Baby girl, pick your head up.”
I picked my head up and all I did was cry.
“I’m sorry Coach Lee...”
I couldn’t even get the rest out because I couldn’t stop crying.
“Come here my child…Look at me KJ. I’ve been knowing you since you was knee high and a little smart mouth girl that didn’t back down from nothing.”
I started laughing because it was true.
“You have to let that hurt and pain go Kori.Yes, I heard what happened and I knew sooner or later you would get tired of getting treated like trash and realize your worth. Jayson was never
good for you and he was never gone change for you. Jayson was your lesson and now it’s time for you to learn from it. I know you, and I know you weren’t yourself at practice. This is your year KJ. You can’t let these things distract you from your future. You are smart, beautiful, strong, and a good ass track star, so I need my lead captain to get her mind together and let the beast out on that track. Let all that frustration out and claim what’s yours, you hear me?”
“Yes sir. I’ll be better tomorrow, I promise.”
“Good.Now get your ass out of here and go get some sleep. You got practice in the morning.”
I laughed.
“Ok Coach…..Oh, Coach?
“Thank you.”
Coach Lee smiled.
“Get out KJ.”
That talk with Coach Lee was all I could think about on the walk to my grandma house. She was only five minutes away, so I didn’t have long. I was on my grandma street and I seenJayson car at home.
“Ugh, I pray he inside and not outside.”
And what do you know, he was outside playing basketball. I tried to walk past him as fast as possible and hope he wouldn’t notice me. Why I thought I was Casper the friendly fucking ghost? I have no damn clue.
“Kori…Kori…man wait up please…”
“Keep walking, just keep walking”, I said to myself.
“KJ damn, can you stop and talk to me?”
“Jayson what do you want ?! What can I help you with?! You and I have nothing to talk about. When I said we were done, that’s what the fuck I meant! Leave me alone and continue doing what you been doing, being a hoe.”
“So that’s it?! Not even gone hear my side of the story?!”
Yep. Every emotion, hurt, pain I felt, was boiling up at once.
“Nigga are you serious?! Your side of the story for what?! I don’t give a fuck about your story!The beginning, the middle, the summary, or the end of your fucked up story! Jayson I HATE you. All the shit you put me through all came out that night. You said you loved me, which was a lie. I let you play with my heart and my mind for too long and God forbid if your ass catch something because you can’t keep your dick in your pants. So no, I don’t give a fuck.”
I tried walking off but he grabbed me so roughly and put his hands around my neck. I know I shouldn’t have gotten turned on by this and I was really upset because my pussy was throbbing. I was mad because the bitch was a trader.Like, no ma’am, this is not happening and not finna happen, so dry the fuck up and stop crying. I guess the message ain’t reach her fast enough.
“Jayson let me go and just leave me alone please.”
“See, that’s one thing I’m not going to do. I can’t let you and won’t let you. You think you finna get another nigga in front of me? You ain’t think I seen that new nigga looking at you huh?! What’s his name?! Rashad huh?! Nah, he ain’t getting with you and I ain’t going for it.”
This nigga got the game all twisted!
“See, what you not gone do is tell me who I’m going to be with and who can FUCK me. You lost that opportunity baby. Sorry to break it to you but we really done, so drop it and go fuck your others hoes because I’m not one of them.”
“Oh that’s how you feel?!”
“Yea, now let me go.”
“You think another nigga can fuck you like I fuck you? Kori, you will never find another nigga like me. I’m all you know, can’t nobody be me.”Ok, now this nigga was trippin.
“See, that’s where you have it all wrong. You right, can’t no nigga be you because I won’t go for a low life cheating ass dog like you. Now move!
Yep, this ain’t gone end well. Actually, it didn’t end well.
“Oh you think you done with me? Answer me Kori. You done?We done?”, as I was eating the fuck out her pussy. I knew how to get her every time. She wasn’t leaving a nigga.
“Fuuuuuccccckkkk!Jayson please stop, I can’t take no more, please stop.”
“Nope. I’m not stopping until you answer my question.”
I was sucking up all her juices as she came over and over again. She was shaking and pushing my head away but I wasn’t letting up.
“Jayson this not fair. Just stop and let it go please.”
At this point, she was crying, but it was tears of pain and hurt. I know I fucked up and I knew this time was different because she wasn’t herself. She was really done with a nigga but I couldn’t accept it.
“I can’t let you go baby. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
I was hitting her with them slow strokes and wiping her tears away. I was hitting her spot and I knew she was at her climax because she pulled me close and kissed me so passionate, but this kiss was different. This was the final kiss.
“Jayson I’m finna cum! Oh My God I’m finna cum!”
I was reaching my climax as well and we came together.
We just laid there in silence, not saying one word. I heard my phone ring and when I was reaching for it, she grabbed it. The look on her face as she seen the text in my phone wasn’t good and her whole face turned pale.
“Congratulations” was all she said.
“What are you talking about? Give me my phone Kori. Before I knew it, she threw the phone at me and it hit me hard in my chest.
“What the fuck KJ, you lost your damn mind?”
“Nah, I ain’tlose it. I actually found it.”
She started putting on her clothes and headed for the door.
“Where you going?! We not done talking.” She turned around and slapped me so hard, that shit stung. It was a reaction,but I grabbed her by her neck and threw her against the wall.
“I’m really tired of you putting your hands on me! It’s taking everything in me not to hit your ass back.”
“Get the fuck off me Jayson”, as she pushed me off her.
“You are sick and pathetic and I hate you with everything in me. You really trying to make my life a living hell! Like I said, congrats on your bundle of joy. But this right here, is over, been over.”
Before I could say anything, she was out the door.
What the fuck was she talking about ? I grabbed my phone and what I saw took all the breath out of me. This can’t be happening. This a game right? Nene sent me a picture of the pregnancy test saying positive and she said it’s mines. Ain’tno way this baby was mine. Nene was fucking any and every one so I know this wasn’t my baby. I gotta get this shit straight. I got plans for myself, and a baby wasn’t in it.
That was the final straw with Jayson. Not only was he fucking her, he got a whole baby on the way and that, I wasn’t sticking around for. I had other things on my mind. Nationals was tomorrow and that was my main focus.
“KJ wait up.”
Nick was walking towards me with a purpose. I laughed.
“Wassup, what’s wrong? Why you look so drained?”
Nick look like he ain’t been getting any sleep.
“Girl did you forget we had practice this morning? Not to mention we gotta stay after school for God knows how long so I’m already tired after that and plus, Kendra sex drive been up the roof! She been sucking the life outta me!”
Nick lit up when he said that.
“Ewww, that’s gross and disgusting. I don’t wanna hear that.”
I closed my eyes and covered my ears. Hearing that your best friends are having sex with each other is gross.
“Anyways, look, we throwing a party Saturday night after nationals and I need you and Kendra to help me set up and stuff.”
“So you need me and Kendra to set it up by ourselves you mean?”
I knew Nick. Anytime he had anything, it would always end up with me and Kendra doing all the work.
“Good, glad we had this talk. Love you Kori.”
Nick gave me a kiss on the cheek and off he went. That boy gone be the death of us.
I was looking down at my phone when I bumped into something hard.
“We really gotta stop meeting up like this.” I looked up and it was Rashad.
“I really think you be doing that on purpose so I can notice you”, as I laughed.
“Not at all baby girl. Someone just don’t be paying attention to where they’re going and I happen to be in the right place at the right time.” His smile was everything to me. If we weren’t in school I promise I would have had sex with him right then and there, but I had to keep it cool. Plus, I just broke up with Jayson for good, so I wasn’t ready to jump into anything yet.
“Anyways,you coming to the track meet tomorrow?”
“I don’t know, should I? Is it someone there for me to see?”
Ok, now Rashad was being sarcastic, but it was cute.
“I mean you got Nick, Kendra, me…” When I said it, I looked up at him and it just happened so fast, I kissed him. I couldn’t believe I made the first move, but I wanted more. I thought he was going to reject me but instead he kissed me back so passionate. His tongue was down my throat and he grabbed me by my waist and pinned me against the wall and kissed me deeply. I took a break from us kissing and instantly had an adrenaline rush and something came over me.
“Come here.”
I grabbed his hand and led him to an empty class room that no one uses. It’s just some old school desk and chairs they keep down here.
“Wait Kori…I don’t wanna fuck you like this, you deserve more than this. I wanna do right by you and I want us to get to know each other more before we do anything. I just wanna make sure this something you want and you not rushing anything.”
He was finna continue until I kissed him in between his words.
“Rashad I want this and I want it now. I’ve been wanting you and at this point, that treating me right is out the window. I know you won’t hurt me but I want to live in the moment right here right now with you.”
I started kissing him on his neck. My tongue was traveling behind it and I then went to suck on his ear.I was running my tongue in circles around his ear and he let out a soft sigh and at that moment, I felt his dick. It was big and he was ready to come out and play, but Rashad kept it together.