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Meave (Naughty Witches Book 1)

Page 10

by Erin R Flynn

  “You’re asking what that means?”

  He chuckled, burying his face against my neck even as his dick twitched under me. “No, I’m asking, what’s a fractured spirit?”

  “Right, sorry. I think with my pussy when we’re naked.”

  He laughed so hard we fell back to the mattress, and I felt the tension ease. I flipped my hair over my shoulder and kissed down his body, his laughter dying as he watched me.

  “There are different types of spirits. If you live a normal, good life, and die peacefully, you move onto whatever comes after. It’s not all spirits that stick around or in limbo—whatever it’s really called.”

  His eyes filled with sadness. “So you can’t summon my mom.”

  I gave him the best smile I could. “Probably not. If she died of cancer and knew it was coming, she probably moved onto peace. Calling her could be dangerous and risk her.” I shook my head. “I really doubt she’s around, but if she’s in between, she’ll check on you and try to get my attention when I summon eventually. I promise.”

  He let out a shaky breath. “I’d prefer her be at peace. Yeah, she knew it was coming for a while, and said she was ready.”

  I rubbed my hands over his chest and waited a bit for him to accept that before I went back to my seduction. “Evil can never find peace. And while I have some choice words about just leaving them in limbo or here—banished forever because they did bad while alive and can still do bad when dead—it’s not actually up to me.”

  “Yeah, someone didn’t think that through,” he grunted.

  “Then there are the ones who can’t move on.” I thought of how to explain it. “I don’t know all the answers, but think of this world as like, one building, and whatever comes next as another building. Then there’s a glass walkway between the two. That’s limbo to me. They’re not here, but they can’t get there.

  “Evil will never get there but I believe some spirits can move on if they find peace or let go. Maybe. There have been some I’ve summoned that don’t answer again so I hope they find peace and moved on. But being in limbo isn’t fun. They explain it like being in that walkway where they can’t really see well into either side, hearing like underwater, and just feeling lost.”

  “That’s really sad.”

  I nodded, kissing his abs as I scooted down. “That’s why they’re so excited to be summoned. Some are evil, and just want pain and bloodshed, still addicted to it even if dead. Others—there’s no sex there. There’s no Chinese food. No ice cream.”

  “Shit, yeah, I get being excited you summoned him then. He was so thrilled.”

  I nodded again. “He got to feel for a bit. But it takes energy, and there’s always balance in magic, so you get to give. But giving that energy, that power they collect however they do, it drains them. Go too far, and I can absorb a spirit, and they become nothing.”

  “Is that the threat you made if he broke the deal?”

  “Yes, it’s the penalty for betraying the witch that summoned them and gave them the chance for whatever. They become mine. I’ve only done it once, and it hurt, but the power was unreal. I won’t lie and it was seductive. I brimmed with power for weeks and weeks.”

  “So is that what a fractured spirit is? They give too much of their power?”

  “It can be. They give more than they can recharge, but aren’t fully absorbed. Most times it’s them losing themselves and who they were while in limbo. Memories fade. They forget tastes and touches and any feelings, and eventually they’re a fraction of what they were.”

  He was quiet a few moments while I ran my tongue over the lines of his abs. “So he would bring them to you to absorb, kind of like assisted suicide for spirits?”

  “Yeah, and they can be dangerous. Evil is evil, and a fractured evil spirit still longs for darkness, but doesn’t have the mental facilities almost to know what’s what. It’s like someone flying too high on drugs or a severe manic episode, where you think sedating someone will help. But you can’t sedate a spirit, and a lot of damage can be done.”

  “Like what? I feel your fear.”

  I nodded. “I knew a witch who wasn’t trained as diligently as I was in summoning, and some fractured spirits swarmed her and took her over. She tore out her own throat.”

  “Jesus, you didn’t say it was dangerous, Meave.”

  “It’s not for me,” I promised him. “I summon by names. I summon with light and strong wards that only let one spirit in at a time. I keep a totem near just in case there’s ever a problem, but I’ve never even had to use one. I know summoning, and it’s as safe as driving a car.”

  “But there can always be accidents. I get it,” he sighed, not sounding like he was happy about it. “I want to hear more, but you are getting very close to something I really want too.”

  “Call it intermission,” I teased him, moving down more and kissing his cock. “A reward for not abusing the trust I gave you and making me swear an oath to blow you twice a day or something.”

  “I would never, not ever abuse you like that,” he whispered, swallowing loudly. “He explained the trust you gave me, Meave. I would never betray that.”

  “And he told me you’re dying to fuck me in front of Gavin to show I’m yours and he can’t have me,” I purred, licking him again. “And for the record, you can. I think that’s hot.”

  “Shit,” he hissed as I swallowed him down. He screamed my name a few minutes later and came down my throat without warning. I swallowed it all, but gave him a curious look when I finished cleaning him up. “Sorry, first time receiving oral. I wasn’t ready for how fast—shit, Meave, that was everything.”

  “Fuck, that’s hot that I’m the only one who’s sucked you off,” I admitted, sitting up and staring at his cock. “Crap. I’m a caveman at heart, because I really like that.”

  “I like having pieces of you no one else does too,” he assured me. He sat up and pulled me closer. “Only your lips will ever touch my dick, Meave. It’s yours.” He chuckled when I shivered, completely turned on by that and getting wet from it.

  “You are such a good boy,” I praised him.

  And I really meant it, which was how we ended up having sex again. Damn, we were both addicted for sure. Another shower and raiding the kitchen for food, and it was time to get back to the story.

  “That picture that bitch sent you of the tits?”

  “They’re yours,” he muttered, unable to meet my eyes. “I put that together. I’m so sorry, Meave.”

  I shrugged. “It’s not your fault.”

  “I know, I’m so sorry for what you went through. I remember the scandal.”

  “Yeah, it was a doozy,” I chuckled darkly, stabbing my fork into the slice of pie I was craving. “There’s more to it than was reported, obviously. After my grandma wasn’t around to scare my manager, he got greedy, trying to screw me—financially and physically—at every turn. To him I was just a young, dumb model, even if I had international fame by then.

  “So I wasn’t going to re-sign with him. I had plans behind his back to exclusively work with a photographer that was my friend and instead of a manger, we were going to hire salaried PR people who would remember they worked for us.

  “He didn’t know any of that; only that he couldn’t get me to re-sign. So he went to the devil and made a deal that screwed him in the end.”

  His jaw dropped open. “Your parents were behind that?”

  I nodded. “Yup. My parents paid my manger to drug me and take those pictures of me. It was supposed to be a whole sex tape rape that would ruin my career if it ever got out, but my protection spells wouldn’t let him.

  “Instead, after he posted the photos—which he wasn’t supposed to do right away, but was worried that my parents would stab him in the back—he confessed everything to the cops.

  “But the damage was done. Oh no, nude photos after years of tiny outfits and string bikinis. Everyone had an opinion, and unflattering ones, as they assumed I was trying to pull a Kard
ashian with a sex tape for fame.

  “Except I was already famous, so people needed to use their brains. I called my parents—the first time I’d talked to them in like eight years—and threatened them this time.

  “I told them not to forget I knew where bodies were buried. And if they ever tried for me again or helped the manager, I would tell the police everything, and we could all fry for it.

  “They were willing to torpedo all I’d built, because they couldn’t have me, then no one would, but I was more than willing to do the same. The believed me, because they backed way off and gave me proof on the manager.”

  “I remember my mom being furious that everyone was so quick to judge you. And most didn’t apologize when it came out you were drugged and the manager went to jail.

  “She actually cheered when the news reported the verdict. She watched all of it from her hospital room, and I remember thinking it was weird, because she wasn’t normally into entertainment news.”

  I smiled at him. “Maybe she knew I would steal her baby’s heart one day. Fate’s funny like that, for sure.”

  “I like that,” he chuckled, not sounding creeped out by it, but like his mom approved of me.

  “After that, I dropped out of the public eye. I wouldn’t work with the companies that dropped me as their model, because they should have talked to me before acting like such assholes.

  “I changed how I did everything and started my own business. I model those clothes and endorse products I’ll put my name on and check their practices. I grew up, and drive my own career now.”

  “Why did you leave New York? That was years ago, so why did you leave now?”

  I sighed. “My parents came after me again. I knew they wouldn’t ever leave me alone, and honestly, I think they spent years re-hiding bodies or covering up any secrets I might have known.

  “Fortunately, they barely know me, and assume I’m stupid. My father and I got in an epic fight, and I cornered him into saying if I wouldn’t marry who they wanted and get in line, I had to leave New York.

  “He ranted it was their ‘area,’ where they had built lives, and if I wouldn’t be a real coven with family, swearing myself to our bloodline and popping out babies like a good little bitch, I was banished.

  “Unfortunately for them, they were standing on a spell circle, and as her familiar and mate, he can agree to something binding for both of them. And he agreed that if I left New York, I was free.”

  “So you left. Think that will be the end?”

  “No, I’m sure they’ll try everything they can to break the spell and oath. I’m sure they’ll come for me. My father admitted I had the most power of any of my sisters, and I showed signs well before ten.

  “So I am the golden goose they’ve been bragging about for sale, throwing in all I built like they deserve to, and they won’t ever let me go for real.”

  “What can you do?”

  “I don’t want to lie to you, but I’m not sure I should answer that,” I muttered, feeling a bit like I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. I hadn’t thought this was where the conversation would lead. And it was too much to dump on someone, even if he loved me.

  New loves were fragile like that. Or so I’d heard. The last one I’d been in had all been a lie after all.



  “Please tell me anyways,” I muttered. “I think I get the answer now, but trust me enough to be honest with me.”

  She sighed, looking resigned to it. “Magic is either DBE or LLL. It’s either Death, Blood, and Evil or Life, Love, and Light. Those powers aren’t always equal, and fighting against an older, more experienced witch tips the balance. I got lucky before using my brain. They won’t make the mistake of assuming I’m stupid again.”

  “Meaning you need more power. You need more totems?”

  She nodded. “Eventually. Yeah, I thought if I moved out to a hobby farm with some land, I could get a better range of spirits to help me out that would accept deals in the light. Kinky, maybe, but full of life.” She glanced outside, then smiled at me. “Let me show you some light. All we’ve been talking about is dark.”

  “Okay,” I agreed, her excitement filling me. She took my hand. I swallowed a flinch when she led me out the back door, ignoring that we were strutting out there naked, for anyone to see.

  But the neighbors’ houses were far enough away that I didn’t think anyone glancing over could see us, especially without the light.

  All worries left my head when the cool night air hit her skin, and bumps formed all over it, along with her nipples hardening I wanted to suck. Shit, she was so perfect.

  She smiled back at me as she hurried along, and I knew I didn’t care if she was leading me to hell. I would follow her anywhere. Always.

  We stopped way past where the greenhouse foundation was, almost to the back edge of her property.

  “It’s not the full moon, but it’s almost the new moon, so there’s still power from that,” she explained, looking up before meeting my gaze. “We don’t offer blood or darkness, but light and love to nature under the moon that gives us so much.” She ran her hands over my chest. “What’s your favorite fruit?”

  “Your pussy,” I answered her honestly.

  “Dirty boy,” she chuckled. “What about cherries, since I popped your blow job cherry tonight?”

  “I love cherries.” I shrugged, not getting where she was going with this.

  “Kneel and offer your love for me to the moon,” she said as she started to kneel. I joined her, and then she laid back on the grass, spreading her legs in a blatant invitation.

  One I wasn’t about to say no to. I checked she was ready, and thrust in her as I kissed her, telling her I loved her again and again. I felt a tingle different than my normal orgasm.

  And I figured it was just more intense after sharing so much of herself with me, feeling closer to her, but when I came I knew it was more than that. She kissed me to hold in her cries, and smiled at me when we were finished.

  She sat up and gently pulled away from me, moaning when my cock slipped out of her. Then she knelt there with her legs wide, teasing her clit until she came again.

  I watched as my spunk came back out of her, dripping on the grass. When she was done, she muttered under her breath again before standing.

  “What was that?”

  “Check back in the morning, and you’ll see what your seed created,” she chuckled, giving me a wink before practically skipping back towards the house.

  I caught up to her and swung her up in my arms. “I don’t want you stepping on a rock.”

  “But you could,” she reminded me, giving me a kiss. “You just popped my cherry too. I’ve never done that with someone who knew what I was.”

  “I can feel your excitement and joy that you got to, and I accept you,” I admitted, glad she realized I did accept her. “This is amazing, Meave.”

  “I’m glad.”

  Once we were back in the house, I locked up, and then we cleaned up for bed, both of us tired. I was so excited to get to sleep next to her that at first, I thought I wouldn’t be able to sleep, but there had been too much in one day.

  Not long after we crawled under the covers, I was out, wrapped around the woman I loved.

  I woke when the sun reached me from behind the blinds that looked older, like they came with the house. I smiled down at Meave, who was wrapped in my arms, both of us on our sides, facing each other. Her breath was warm on my collarbone as she used my bicep as her pillow.

  I never wanted to wake up any other way ever again. I didn’t care how young I was or whatever. I wanted Maeve, and forever.

  And I was starving for my favorite fruit. I gently moved her so she was lying on her back, and scooted under the covers between her legs.

  I ate her like my favorite meal, feeling when she woke up and I was rewarded with more of her juices. She moaned deeply and reached down to run her fingers through my hair as she held me to her.
  “Oh yeah, eat your woman’s pussy first thing to start your day, you dirty boy,” she taunted, rolling her hips to help me. “You’re working hard to deserve that Christmas present of fucking my ass, aren’t you?”

  I could only groan. She was too awesome. She finished hard, and I licked her clean, debating if I should do it again when she pulled me up to her.

  “Carry me to the kitchen, and I’ll pop another of your cherries and rock your fucking world, baby.”

  Done and done.

  I rolled us to our feet and lifted her up, careful of her, but walking briskly to the kitchen. She had me set her on the counter. She moved her feet to my shoulders and gripped the edge tightly.

  “Shove that fat cock in me and pull me to you,” she demanded.

  Oh shit. I did it, my eyes about rolling back into my head as we had kinky kitchen sex, her weight held up by my hands under her ass as kept her grip on the counter. She egged me for harder and to give her more, give her all of me.

  I already had. I was totally and completely hers.

  When we finished, I could only stare in her eyes, floored by how different my life was. And as much as I hated that I almost hurt her when I crashed my truck, I was so fucking grateful I’d met her.

  Her gaze softened, and I had a feeling she knew exactly what I was thinking, because she felt it too. I felt love and joy fill me, and I knew it wasn’t just mine.

  “Breakfast and then a shower?” she asked as I sat her back on the counter. “What are your plans today?”

  “Nothing besides being with you,” I promised. I cleaned her up, and she slid off the counter, completely fine with being full naked in front of me, like it was nothing.

  When we were settled with coffee and cereal, leaning over the counter to eat it, she finally said something. “I feel like I should ask more about you, but I got a lot of the basics already. I don’t want to be rude, but I feel like I’m missing if your dad was always a dick, or just after your mom died.”


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