Book Read Free

Slippers and Thieves Special Edition

Page 14

by Christina Bauer

  “How was the trip?” asks Elle. “I’ve never taken anyone to the Faerie Lands before.”

  I grin. “Didn’t even tickle.”

  Together, Elle and I march up to the white palace. I’d be nervous seeing the warriors outside. After all, everyone talks about the infamous Vampire Guard. Yet there’s o battle. One guard casually comments that the queen is expecting us. That’s it.

  A pair of heavy wooden doors swing open. Elle doesn’t seem surprised, so I figure this is standard stuff.

  Once we move inside, a very fluffy Cheshire Cat awaits us in the main foyer. The place is all white marble with red hearts, so it’s hard to miss a large cat.

  “Hi, Chesh,” says Elle.

  “Greetings, Elle,” says Chesh. The cat looks to me. “Alec.”

  Now, it seemed a little odd that the queen knew we were coming, but I figured that had something to do with Elle being part fairy. But having Chesh know my identity? I have to admit, that makes my skin crawl a little. What’s the Queen of Hearts really up to here?

  We follow Chesh into a formal reception hall. Courtiers stand around in their medieval best. A short flight of steps leads to a raised platform. And atop that small stage? There sits the Queen of Hearts on her red throne. She’s beyond beautiful with her red hair, silver eyes, and ebony skin. Her crimson wings flicker behind her. In fact, the queen is so lovely, I almost don’t notice her fangs.


  “Stop,” says the queen.

  Elle and I pause. This is the queen’s court, after all. If she says halt, that’s what you do.

  The queen rises. “You may wonder why I have an interest in you both.” She slowly steps down the stairs from her throne. Her long red gown trails behind her. “You’ll gain no insights from me. Yet.” She moves to stand before me. “Although, I suspect you might know a thing or two.”

  “I do, your Majesty.”

  “Tell me.”

  “Charles Le Charme—”

  The queen bares her fangs and hisses.

  “Not a fan of Charles,” says Elle. “Got it.”

  “Charles said something to me once about winning a bargain.”

  “What did he say?”

  “That the deal means you must attend our Le Charme Lady Extravaganza each year as well as enforce a bond at the Glass Slipper Ball.”

  The queen bares he fangs again. “Anything else?”

  “No,” I reply. “But I do suspect that whatever your deal is, it’s the reason Charles now lives in the Faerie Lands.”

  “Good work,” says the queen. “Most here lie to me. You haven’t yet.”


  The queen steps before Elle. “And what do you know?”

  “That I found your crown and you gave me a prophecy. That’s it.”

  The queen retakes her throne. “You are right that I am on the losing side of a bargain with Charles. And I do so like to win.” She straightens the folds of her gown. “So why are you here today?”

  “You once said that Legend and Marchesa would, uh, cause me trouble one day. If that happened, you said you could help.”

  The queen looks to me. “Is that why you are here as well?”

  “It is.”

  “Alec was honest with me. You—” the queen glares at Elle “—just made a lie of omission. I prophesied that Legend and Marchesa would try to keep you from your true love. I am the Queen of Hearts, not the patron of companies. Are you two here to save Cynder Mercantile and Le Charme Jewelers … or are you in pursuit of true love?”

  Elle’s eyes widen. “What difference does that make?”

  “Don’t be thick,” corrects the queen. “My court, my rules. So which is it? Love or money?”

  “Love,” say Elle and I in unison. My pulse speeds. We replied at once, and with the same answer. Does Elle really feel the same way that I do? I glance in her direction. Elle twists her fingers together at her waistline while staring pointedly at the floor. I haven’t known Elle long, but that’s a sure sign she’s holding something back.

  The queen smiles, a movement that shows off her fanged teeth. “I do not believe you. Convince me.”

  At last, Elle turns to me. Our gazes lock. There’s no missing the look of raw longing in her eyes. My heart soars.

  She cares.

  The day we met, lines of connection wound between me and Elle. Now that unity of feeling grows stronger than ever. Elle looks away. I move to stand before her. Only inches separate us now. Setting my knuckle beneath her chin, I gently guide her gaze to meet mine.

  Once again, sheer longing is written on every line of her being. Reaching forward, I cup her face in my hands.

  “Yes?” I ask.

  “Yes,” she replies.

  Leaning in, I gently press my lip against hers.

  Then my world turns upside down.



  After the queen asked for proof, I had the same thought Alec did. A kiss would do it. But I didn’t have the nerve. Alec is my friend. He needs to stay that way. Then he stood before me with the sweetest look on his face and a one word question. “Yes?”

  There was only one answer. “Yes.”

  Now his mouth presses against mine and it’s tearing my soul apart. Every cell in my body wants to deepen the kiss. On reflex, I reach up and grab Alec’s wrists, holding him in place.

  I never want it to end.

  “That’s enough,” says the queen.

  We break apart. The moment Alec’s mouth is away from mine, I realize that was a colossal mistake. Alec is too important to risk our relationship over something as dumb as a kiss.

  But then again, maybe it wasn’t a real kiss.

  Both of us want to save our companies, as the queen called it. We did what we had to do in order to make that happen. It doesn’t mean anything more.

  It never will.



  I’ve kissed my share of runway models, starlets, and lead singers. But nothing I’ve ever experienced compares with the act of simply pressing my mouth against Elle’s. For a supreme moment, energy and emotion careened between us. You can’t fake that. Elle cares for me. She just needs more time to become comfortable with the idea, that’s all. And I understand why. She’s lost so much. Opening up again must be terrifying.

  The truth is clear. When it comes to Elle, waiting is worth it.

  The Queen of Hearts drums her fingers on the armrest of her throne. “That kiss was a fine start, but how am I to truly test your resolve?” Her eyes widen in a pantomime of shock. “Oh, my. Chesh has gone missing.”

  The court echoes the queen’s statement. There are many disinterested murmurs asking, Where is Chesh?

  This is all some kind of false performance for them. What is the queen really playing at?

  “Find Chesh,” declares the queen. “If you do so, I’ll consider fixing your problems.” She waves her arm. “Now be gone!”

  A flash of red light surrounds us. One moment, Elle and I stand in the queen’s palace. The next, we wait outside Belvedere Castle in Central Park.

  Elle rounds on me. “We need to find that cat.”


  “I can use my swarm powers.”

  “I’ll cast tracking spells.”

  A new voice sounds nearby. “You’ll do nothing of the kind.”

  I fight the urge to groan. I know that tone anywhere. It’s my father, Legend. Turning, I find him standing beside Diamond.

  Damn. It’s never good when these two team up.

  Diamond glares at Elle. “Whatever Alec has told you, it won’t happen,” she declares.

  I’m about to tell them both to back off when a cloud of red smoke surrounds me. It’s a transport spell. My vision fades as does Central Park. The last thing I hear is Elle calling for me.

  The sound simply breaks my heart.



  The transport spell yanks me away from Central Park. As the red haze fades, I f
ind myself back at my parents’ penthouse. Diamond and Legend stand nearby.

  Legend flashes me a charismatic grin. “Why don’t you have a seat?”

  Diamond slides onto a leather chair across from my favorite gaming couch. “Trust us, you’ll want to sit down.”

  I lean against the wall. This is me, not sitting. “I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to Elle.”

  Legend’s smile doesn’t falter. “We’ll tell you the full truth now.”

  “Still not happy about being dragged away from Elle,” I state. “Go on.”

  Legend slides down to sit on the armrest of Diamond’s chair. It’s strange to see my parents purposefully staying near each other. Yet another example of why this conversation will not be pleasant.

  “We held off on sharing this before,” begins Legend. “There was no deceit from Elle?”

  My voice lowers. “Deceit from Elle? What do you mean?”

  “We only want what’s best for you,” adds Diamond.

  My pulse beats so hard, I can hear the whoosh of blood in my ears. “Disrespect Elle again, and I’ll leave this room.”

  Legend holds up his hands, palms forward. It’s the universal hand symbol for calm down. “Son, I know your mother told you about me and Raelyn.”

  The muscles in my throat tighten. “She did.”

  Legend sighs. “I’ve had years to think this over. There are two reasons why Raelyn refused my proposal.”

  As Legend says refused my proposal, Diamond visibly shudders. That cools my rage a little. Clearly, this isn’t easy for my parents. They’re both a little unhinged, but they do care about me.

  “Raelyn turned me down because of the family curse,” says Legend. “But there’s more. Rae was a flighty girl. You know, the kind who gathered many admirers.”

  “Don’t beat around the bush, Legend.” Diamond looks to me. “Rae lied and played with men’s hearts.”

  “That is not Elle.”

  “Please,” says Legend. “Haven’t you seen her with other men?”

  A memory appears. Jacoby. He showed up both at the park and at school.

  “See?” asks Diamond. “He’s not denying it. That means he knows it’s true.”

  “I know nothing of the kind.”

  “Take a word of advice from someone who learned a lesson the hard way,” says Legend. “You don’t want this kind of pain. That’s why your mother and I have been working so hard with Marchesa. We simply can’t allow your life to be ruined like ours was.”

  “So what are you proposing?” Because my parents wouldn’t bring all this up unless they had a plan.

  “You father and I discussed it,” says Diamond. “We’re willing to create a trust fund for Elle. Marchesa will assist. Elle will get Cynder Mercantile back. All her animates will be restored. Elle can even have her old fairy godmother in residence, if she likes. And Elle will always stay safe. No more troll attacks.”

  My brows lift. I haven’t known Elle forever. Even so, I know she’d love this idea. “And what would you get in return?”

  “Le Charme Jewelers will receive the Coffer of Wonders,” declares Legend. “It will save our company.”

  “You want that, don’t you?” asks Diamond. “It would keep Wilhelm and his crew safe.”

  I lace my fingers behind my neck and work this through. It’s a lot of information for one chat. In the end, I decide to tell the truth. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Well.” Diamond turns to Legend. “That’s a start.”

  Legend stands. “All we want is for you to consider what we’ve said. In the meantime, you must stay away from Knox and Elle until your Glass Slipper Ball.”

  “And no casting spells or using human technology,” says Diamond.

  On reflex, I reach into my pockets. All my gemstones are gone. My cell is missing, too. Rage corkscrews up my spine. “You can’t force me to stay away from anyone.”

  “We can’t,” says Legend. “Your magic is too powerful. But there are other ways to motivate you son. You are rather close to the dwarves.”

  I step forward, my throat tight with rage. “What did you do to them?”

  “They’re safe,” says Diamond. “For now.”

  “We didn’t want to do this,” explains Legend. “It’s a last resort.”

  I push off from the wall and stalk across the penthouse. Reaching the library, I sit in the transport chair. A fresh gemstone sits on the armrest. My fury burns brighter. Legend and Diamond left this stone for me.

  They planned everything.

  I set the stone into my fist. Soon overlapping rings of red power whip about the chair. One second, I’m in the library. The next, I’m underground.

  I reach the dwarves cave. The cavern lies empty, save for one figure who sits against the far wall. It’s Wilhelm, and he’s never looked sadder. I rush over to his side. “What’s wrong? Where’s your crew?”

  “Your parents took them,” says Wilhelm. He grabs my wrist. “Do whatever they say, Alec. I can’t lose my brothers.”

  “Legend and Diamond wouldn’t really hurt them.” Yet even as I say the words, they come out as more of a question than a statement. With every passing moment, I’m realizing I don’t really know my parents. It makes my love for Elle shine even more brightly.

  Wilhelm’s grip on my wrist tightens. “Promise me.”

  I meet his gaze straight-on. “I’ll protect them with everything in me.”

  Wilhelm releases my hand. “Thank you.”

  All of a sudden, I feel like a sleepwalker. I stumble back to the chair and grip the stone once more. The transport spell kicks in. I return to the library. Both my parents are still there.

  “So you’ve seen the truth,” says Diamond.

  When I speak, my voice drips with stage. “If anyone so much as scratches Wilhelm’s crew—and that includes both of you—then I will make them pay. Do not forget I am the warden of all magic users. I can do things you can only guess at.”

  “We thought of that,” says Legend. “Cast a single spell and they will hurt. Talk to Knox or Elle and the same will come to pass. Do you really want to risk that?”

  “You know I don’t.”

  Diamond lifts her chin. “This is about our very future, Alec. Le Charme is bigger than the three of us. It must be preserved, no matter what the cost.”

  I stagger backward. Once again, the truth stares me dead on through the eyes of my parents. They said it without any nuance. Le Charme is first. I’m not.

  “Now,” says Diamond. “Let’s discuss what will happen at school.”

  “And at the Autumn Masquerade ball,” adds Legend. “Let’s not forget that.”

  My parents then list all the specifics of their plan. I can only half-process what they have to say. Obviously, they’ve been scheming about all this for some time. And with Elle’s evil stepmother, no less. As they talk, I occasionally grunt a short phrase in reply.

  Inside, I’m seething. I won’t allow Wilhelm’s crew to be hurt. And I won’t be sacrificed to a loveless marriage… just another in a long line of Le Charme princes lost to hate.

  Yet I don’t know how to stop it. At all.



  Visiting the Queen of Hearts was a trip. But watching Diamond and Legend drag off Alec? That was a shocker. I pull out my phone and text Bry.

  CallMeElle: You won’t believe what just happened

  MyOwnBry: I was just about to text you the same thing

  CallMeElle: What’s wrong? Are you and Knox okay?

  MyOwnBry: We are. Just need you here

  CallMeElle: Where r u

  MyOwnBry: Knox’s place in Le Charme

  There’s no question what place Bry is talking about—it’s Knox’s apartment in the Le Charme building. For a moment, I wish I knew the first thing about my enchanter powers. I could create a flying carpet or something to get me home quickly. Instead, I settle for running across the park.

  By the time I reach the Le Charme
building, I’m a sweaty mess. I hit the button for Knox’s floor. The elevator seems to creep along slowly until we reach the right spot. The doors slowly open with a metallic hum. I jog to Knox’s door and grip the handle. It’s unlocked. My skin prickles over with worry. I twist the handle and open the door.

  What I see inside shocks me.

  Boxes lie everywhere. Bry and Knox stand by the wall; their faces are pale with worry. Bry raises her arms in a clear call for comfort. I race over. We share a hug.

  “What happened?” I ask.

  “Alec is gone. All his stuff is boxed up.”

  “And I’m evicted,” adds Knox.

  Bry beaks our hug. “Our apartment is the same deal. Everything is boxed up. We’ve got an eviction notice, too.”

  Stepping back, I try to process all this. Not happening.

  “Where are we sleeping tonight?” asks Bry.

  “I still have my place in the Village,” I say. “You guys can crash there, if you like.” I press my palms against my eyes. “I can’t believe Legend and Diamond did this to us. Poor Alec.”

  “What about Alec?” asks Knox. His voice has a bit of a growl. I don’t blame him. If I were a shifter, I’d be full wolf right now.

  “I don’t know how to say this, but…” The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. I’m no expert in my powers, but I can tell when a spell is activated.

  “What?” asks Bry.

  An electric charge fills the air. Magic. I may not be able to cast many spells, but I do know when I’ve tripped one off.

  I set my pointer finger over my lips and mouth the sound, shh.

  Knox nods. He mouth some words of his own. Tracking spells.

  I don’t say another thing. Neither do Knox and Bry. We simply walk away and leave the building. Once we’re a safe distance away, Bry stops.

  “What’ll we do about our boxes?” she asks. “There are personal things I want.”


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