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Slippers and Thieves Special Edition

Page 15

by Christina Bauer

  “We leave it for now,” says Knox. “If they put a listening spell on the apartment, they definitely put spells on our stuff.”

  Bry gasps. “But those pictures and things are mine.”

  “Knox is right,” I state. “We can get everything later. Sadly, the more personal your stuff, the more likely it is to be bugged.”

  Knox pulls Bry into his arms. “We can put the boxes in storage for now. We’re okay, yeah?”

  Bry leans into his shoulder. “Yes, we’re safe.”

  Those words send a jolt of fear through my insides. “We don’t know the same thing about Alec.”

  “No, we don’t.” Knox narrows his eyes. “We need to talk.”

  I rub my neck. “I shouldn’t have mentioned my place in the Village. They’ll cast more surveillance spells there. I have lots of wards set up, but they aren’t perfect.” I shoot a guilty glance at Bry. She got abducted from my apartment once.

  “Az has a safe house in Jersey,” offers Knox. “We can go there.”

  Azizi is Knox’s adopted father. He’s an old werewolf and tough as nails. Az has also been around for centuries. Knox could say Azizi owns a nuclear fallout shelter that’s hidden under the Statue of Liberty and I’d probably believe it.

  With that, we do the only thing we can.

  Grab a cab to Jersey.

  And hope Alec is okay.



  Turns out, Az’s safe house is located under the bleachers at an abandoned speedway.

  Yes, that’s right.

  Safe house.




  Talk about your unexpected turns in life.

  Inside, the safe house is an open space of moldy wood. A bunch of beds sit against one wall. The air is musty. Cobwebs dangle from the ceiling.

  The cab driver thought we were nuts to get dropped off here. I’m starting to understand why.

  Knox flicks on the lights. “Sorry this isn’t fancier. It’s the only place I’m certain the Le Charms don’t know about. There won’t be any tracking spells here, that’s for sure. And we can find something better ASAP.”

  “I’m just happy Az has this place,” I say.

  “And I’ve never gone camping before,” adds Bry. “This’ll be an adventure.”

  “Cool.” Knox steps over to a nearby closet. “All the bed stuff is in here. There should be some canned junk over in the kitchen area.” One by one, Knox hauls large plastic bags of linens from the closet.

  Without another word, Knox and Bry set up the beds. Their movements flow exactly in tandem, like they’ve done this a thousand times. I wonder if I’ll ever be that way with someone. Which raises a question.

  What’s happening with Alec, anyway?

  I shake the thought off. We need to make his place livable before we can discuss what to do about Alec. Since Bry and Knox have the bedding covered, I move over to the kitchen area. There’s an ancient sink with rusted faucet. The water runs red for a bit before it goes clear. Gross.

  “Maybe we should order pizza,” I offer.

  Knox nods. “It’s an idea at that.”

  Soon we’re all set up and Knox has finished a pizza run. We set up a makeshift dinner area on the floor and chow down. Once we’re all filled with cheesy goodness, I toss my paper plates and make an announcement. “I’m sure you’re wondering what happened today.”

  “The thought did cross our minds,” says Knox. “But we wanted to wait until you were ready.”

  “Thanks for that.” I pop open a new can of Diet Coke. “I’m ready now.”

  With that, I launch into everything, starting with Cynder Mercantile. I’d never told Bry or Knox about the place. Sharing about my parents just sucks. Then I move onto my first visit the Queen of Hearts when I was fifteen. And that leads up to today’s adventures. I begin with Blackaverre’s visit to school. From there, I explain how Alec and I got an audience with the Queen of Hearts, along with a promise of help if we find her Cheshire cat. I end with Alec disappearing thanks to his parents.

  Along the way, Bry and Knox ask questions. Bry is especially interested in Cynder Mercantile. For his part, Knox sniffs out the bizarre love history between my stepfamily and Alec’s parents. So I explain that, too. I go through how my mother turned down Legend Le Charme… the way my stepmother and Diamond blames my Mom for everything… and how the Le Charmes seem to think the family’s under a curse.

  By the time I’m done, I’ve downed six slices of pizza and a half gallon of Diet Coke. “After Central Park, Alec hasn’t answered any of my calls or texts. I’m worried about him.” I scan Knox and Bry’s faces. “Has he contacted you?”

  “Not a word,” says Knox. “Legend and Diamond must be keeping him under wraps. I haven’t seen his parents like this since we were little.”

  I pull my knees against my chest. “What happened then?”

  “I’m sure you’ve noticed how Legend and Diamond love the spotlight,” says Knox.

  “Hard to miss,” cracks Bry.

  “One time, they brought Alec on an afternoon talk show,” explains Knox. “I think it was the one with the human woman who wears huge red glasses? Anyway, Alec was only nine or so. I came along to keep Alec company because, well, that’s what we do. Watch each other’s backs.”

  “You guys are sweet that way.” Bry pats Knox’s hand. “So what happened next?”

  “The talk show hostess asked Alec if he wanted to take over Le Charme someday. He said he didn’t. Instead, Alec said he wanted to be free as a wolf.”

  “A wolf,” repeats Bry. “Why would he say that?”

  “Alec knew I’d started going on runs with Az. He thought it was cool.”

  My heart cracks for poor little Alec. What kid wouldn’t want to run with wolves when he’s nine years old? Hell, I want to do it right now.

  “What did Legend and Diamond do?” I ask.

  Knox shakes his head. “Took Alec and ran.”

  I frown. “What do you mean, they ran? What happened to you?”

  Knox chuckles. “I got left in a studio in midtown for a few hours. Someone took pity on me and let me borrow a phone to call Az.” Knox shakes his head. “I’ve never seen the guy more angry. Az picked me up and drove right over to the Le Charme building. They wouldn’t let either of us in. Alec ghosted me for a year after that.”

  “Let me get this straight.” Bry’s brows pull together. “You didn’t talk to Alec for a whole year?”

  “Nope,” answers Knox. “And when we connected again, he never said a word about the whole thing. He just called me and invited me over to play a new game. But I’ll tell you what. Alec never made a misstep in front of the press again. He always says that he loves Le Charme and can’t wait to run it one day.”

  A shiver runs up my back. What kind of parents keep their kid from his best friend for a whole year? “Do you think they hurt him?”

  “Legend and Diamond?” asks Knox. “No. They wouldn’t hurt him physically. But I think he was basically in a time out until they felt he’d come around.”

  I nod slowly, thinking through this news. “Alec wouldn’t put up with being locked up now.”

  “No, he wouldn’t,” says Knox.

  My eyes widen as a realization appears. “They must have something on him.”

  “Like what?” asks Bry.

  Knox rakes his hand through his hair. “I think you’re onto something. Alec has a good heart. His parents? Not so much, especially when it comes to their company.”

  Bry scooches closer to me. “I’ll tell you one thing. Alec cares about you.”

  “We’re just friends,” I say quickly.

  Knox taps his nose. “That’s not how he smells to me.”

  A mixture of joy and worry battle it out inside me. I’m happy Alec cares—as friends of course—but I’m still anxious about what’s happening to him. I focus on Knox. “You know Alec the best. What should we do?”

“Wait and see,” answers Knox. “If I know Alec, he’s already working on a plan. We just need to stay alert. Be ready to act when he gives the signal.”

  I let out a small groan. “I hate waiting.”

  “There’s one thing we can do in the meantime,” offers Bry. “And that’s search for the Cheshire cat.”

  “True.” I scan the bare room. There are no computers here. Plus, I can’t access Gustav and his gang from this distance. Which means there’s nothing I can do to find Chesh right this second. It will simply have to wait until we reach a better safe house.

  I tear my napkin into little bits and try not to freak out. Alec, please be all right.



  After the threat to Wilhelm, I’ve played the dutiful son. Say the right thing became my mantra. I even agreed to an outrageous plan for West Lake Prep and the Autumn Masquerade.

  Then every night after the penthouse was asleep, I’d pull out my secret stash of gems from their hiding place under an obliging floorboard by my bed. All new stuff. Super powerful.

  And the best of these? My midnight diamond. It’s a small black stone that holds hundreds of other gems within it. If you stare in the light the right way, you can see rubies, emeralds, and sapphires.

  With this much magic inside it, my midnight diamond is arguably the strongest casting stone ever created. No one even knows how to cast a counter spells to stop it, it’s so new. The only trouble? I haven’t yet gotten the gem to speak to me. Once we connect, I can start to try out a few castings. For months, this has something I’ve tinkered with in my spare time.

  That’s over.

  Now I need to figure out how to use the midnight diamond and fast. If I can connect to the gem, I can figure out a way to free Wilhelm and his crew, as well as get myself out of this horrible situation.

  And most of all, I want to see Elle again. Being apart from her just makes it all the more clear that, above all else, I want true love in my future.

  Things may look bleak, but I won’t give up. One way or another, the Le Charme family curse will end with me.



  Two weeks later

  Fourteen days, twelve hours and thirty minutes.

  That’s how much time has passed since Alec and I visited the Queen of Hearts. Since then, there’s been no word from him. And I’m not the only one, either. Knox hasn’t heard from Alec, either.

  Bry and I have gotten a new apartment near central park and school. This isn’t one of Azizi’s safe houses, by the way. Knox actually owns it.

  Side note: I never suspected that Knox owned an apartment complex. Then again, I didn’t know he had multiple castles in Europe, either. So there you go.

  It took a few days of camping at the speedway, but the place finally got magically secured. We moved in last week, and that’s when the ugliness happened.

  Honestly, it’s more than I want to think about right now.

  So I won’t.

  Instead, I focus on the Cheshire cat. I’ve done everything I can to find that feline. Gustav and his mouse brigade have been searching the city, top to bottom. Doc Eight loaded me up with detection charms. Even Knox and Bry have gotten into the act. They’ve started what we call Kitty Patrols. the entire pack is on the scent of Chesh.

  Still, no sign of the cat. We keep looking, though.

  Which brings me to my final bit of news. West Lake Prep. Going there is still mega boring and dangerous. And I should stop attending. After all, the only reason I was there was to see Alec. Maybe that’s a little sad, but I’m girl enough to admit this stuff. Unfortunately, Alec keeps to himself these days.

  And when I say keeps to himself, I mean that Alec doesn’t so much as glance in my direction. There are no texts to meet up, either. It’s super depressing. I hadn’t realized how thoroughly I’d gotten attached to Alec, even as a friend.

  That said, I don’t believe Alec is ghosting me by choice. I’ve thought about it a million ways, and the only reason Alec would go into douchebag mode like this is because of his parents. They’re blackmailing Alec somehow, I know it.

  And again, if I could find the Cheshire cat, then I’d be able to shut Alec’s parents down. In the meantime, I still go to school regularly. Staring at the back of Alec’s head is better than nothing at all. I miss my friend.

  And that’s all Alec is. My buddy.

  Who I obsess about constantly.

  And still want to kiss.

  Even I’m starting to doubt my logic here.

  All of which brings me to the present moment—and yet another random school day. Or it was until everyone got called in for a big assembly.

  We meet in a massive hall that’s divided into thirds by school. The left section is all natural wood and bench seats. That’s for shifters. The center is fancy plush chairs and velvet everything. Magic user central. And the far right is all garish colors and a bunch of mismatched seats. Fairy section, obviously. I sit in the last row of that area. Jacoby is parked a few rows ahead of me. Once we stepped into the hall, Jacoby got dragged over to sit with the Three Seasons, which is fine. I try not to scan the crowd for Alec.

  Not looking.


  So not interested.

  I can play it cool.

  Oops. I peeked.

  Can I help it if Alec has a really distinctive hair color? I spot him chatting it up with two new girls, giving them his brightest smiles. I stare harder.

  Alec shivers.


  And looks in my direction.

  Crap, crap, crap.

  At this point, I’m not acting on a conscious thought. It’s more of a reflex than anything. And that reflex says: I can not be caught staring at Alec when he’s grinning at other girls. So I focus on Bry and Knox, who are talking to Abe and Hollywood. I give them a friendly wave, like we’ve been connecting this whole time. Not my best performance. Even so, it seems to do the trick. When I look away again, Alec has turned back toward the front of the assembly hall.


  Our three principals gather before the assembly. It’s Babs, the caster principal, who speaks. “We’ve called you here today to announce some new students in our school.”

  Goldi, the fairy principal, flits to her side. “We haven’t had any new students since classes began this fall.”

  Winter raises her hand. Goldi immediately calls on her. “Yes, Winter?”

  “We have a new girl.” She giggles. “Elle.”

  Ugh. Not this again.

  “Oh, yes.” Goldi stares at me like I have three heads. “I keep forgetting that Elle’s fairy.”

  Babs steps up. “We could conjure her some fake wings, you know.”

  “Not a bad idea.” Babs points toward me. “Stand up, Elle.”

  I slump lower in my seat. “I’m good.”

  “You’re new. You should stand.”

  Across the hall, Bry stands up. “I’m new.”

  Knox rises beside her. “Same here.”

  And because shifters are great this way, the entire werewolf section of the school stands. My chest warms with affection. Bry and Knox are the best.

  I stand as well. “I’m new, too.”

  Babs scowls. “Everyone take your seats. You’re wasting valuable time from our big event for the assembly. As I was saying, we have two new students. These are true celebrities from the Magicorum world. Please rise, Ivy and Agatha Cynder!”

  My stepsisters stand up and my heart sinks. Oh no. They’re here at my school. I knew from Marchesa’s note that she was aware about my life. But sending her daughters to my same school? What the WHAT?

  That’s when I notice it. Ivy and Agatha are the girls Alec was just chatting up. They sit on either side of him. Babs goes on about how West Lake is so excited to have Ivy and Agatha join us for the Autumn Masquerade. She then invites the girls to say a few words. Ivy is the one who speaks.

  “I can’t wait to show you all what I can do,” says Ivy. She t
hen goes into a lengthy speech about her own awesomeness. Mostly, it involves how she got great grades at a human school without even trying. Not sure how that counts as an achievement, but the West Lake student body seems impressed.

  Things get ugly when Ivy discussed all her new friends at West Lake. “I’ve made some close, intimate relationships in a very short time.” Ivy rests her hand on Alec’s shoulder. “I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to know that you can just talk to people here any time you want.” She glares in my direction.

  Before, Ivy was monologuing about her own amazingness. Listening to that is not my favorite way to spend the day. Still, I can deal. But pawing Alec’s shoulder while describing how she can chat with him any time she wants?

  That’s just mean.

  With every passing second, more of my muscles tighten with an unpleasant emotion. Jealousy. It’s when Ivy tousles Alec’s hair that I make a big decision.

  There’s really only one thing to do in this type of situation. Shut this nonsense down, fast.

  I pull in just a little fairy magic.

  Gustav? Are you there?

  Seconds later, a small gray mouse hangs out by my shoe. I’ve known Gustav long enough to read his little expressions. And the way Gustav is glaring at Ivy? He’s as ticked off as I am.

  I point to Ivy and then to Gustav. The implication is clear. Go get her.

  Gustav takes off like a little mouse rocket. I lean back on my chair. This will be sweet.

  “Again,” says Ivy. “It’s access to the friends I love that’s what’s best about this school. Just reach out and touch…” She tweaks Alec’s ear and then pauses.

  For a long moment, Ivy simply glances around the room. It’s the kind of face you make when plunking your bum onto a wet bench in Central Park. There’s an unspoken question.

  Is that…?

  And then comes the answer. “Mouse!” screams Ivy.

  Bry shoots me a wink. Then she stands and calls out a single word. “Hunt!”


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