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Her Broken Highlander (Highlanders 0f Cadney Book 3)

Page 22

by Fiona Faris

  “Gavin,” she said, breaking the kiss. “Will you do something for me?”

  “Aye, lass, anything.”

  “Will you tell me again?”

  “Aye, lass, I love ye. I’ll love ye forever.”

  “Then let’s go home.”

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Cadney Castle, Scotland, 1694

  When the mountains finally gave way to the gentle hills that drew them closer to Cadney, Gavin was finally able to let out his breath and give a slight sigh of relief. Home. He hadn’t thought of Cadney as home for a long time, but with everything they had, endured he was ready to embrace the land and the loch that he had always known was his home. He wasn’t going to abandon his own land, nay, he was still set on building a fine home for him and Amelia. He looked over at her as she rode up to his side and smiled. He wanted to fill Cadney, MacKenzie, and his land in between with as many wee bairns as possible.

  “Did you miss it?” Amelia asked.

  “Aye, lass. Indeed, I did. And ye?” Gavin had wanted Liam to marry them at the MacLeod castle. He thought the added protection of her being his wife would make the journey that much safer, but now with the threat of Cabduh behind them, they had more ease of travel. Amelia insisted they return to Cadney before they wed. She felt they had kept enough from their family and wanted to confess her love, honor, and life to Gavin with them present. Liam conceded, and they had made the long journey once the winter weather broke. Now with spring fresh in the air, he looked across the landscape, and then at his betrothed, and Gavin knew they had made the right choice.

  “I did,” she replied. “Even though I hadn’t spent much time here, Cadney Castle feels more like home than anywhere I’ve ever lived.”

  “Ye willnae miss England then?” He hadn’t realized how worried he was about taking her from her home country until the question was away from his lips. He waited desperately for her response as she seemed to really ponder the question.

  “Gavin, I haven’t missed England for a long time.” He reached across the space that separated their horses and grabbed Amelia’s hand, giving it a good squeeze. His road to recovery was difficult, and Amelia had been there every step of the way. She belonged to him and this land.

  Something shifted in him after he woke from his injuries. He felt lighter. Knowing that the threat to Amelia was gone and that Tristan was, if not well, on his way to being well, lifted some of the fear and anger that had been plaguing him for years away.

  His nightmares had all but stopped by the time they left MacLeod Castle, and he found himself smiling more, able to enjoy life for the first time in a long time.

  “Wha’ th’ devil is that?” Iain came riding up to them, leaving behind the carts of supplies and gifts his father had insisted go along with the three on their journey. He pointed into the distance, and Gavin immediately recognized the dust that belonged to the two riders who were racing in their direction. He would know his sister, with her husband trailing her, anywhere. He could not fathom how she would have known to come to the road at this exact moment. Milly had always had a second sight when it came to Gavin. One of the perks of being born under the same moon.

  “That, lad…” he said, holding back a chuckle. “…is the storm that is Millicent Catharine Marie MacGille MacKenzie, and her smitten husband, Nathan.”

  “Is she violent?” Iain asked, his tone betraying a touch of concern that made Gavin chuckle.

  “Only fer me, lad. She’s only violent in her love fer her family, especially me.” Gavin swung down from his horse to greet his sister, knowing there would be no true peace until he confessed to her everything that had occurred.

  “Gavin Angus Horace MacGille! Doona even think of setting foot on MacGille land before ye explain yourself!” Milly’s flame red hair was wild, and her eyes were filled with a mixture of anger, love, and concern that made Gavin shudder. She shouted his full name with such ferocity that if Gavin did not know his sister better, he would have been inclined to jump back on his horse and ride like the devil away from the banshee.

  “Och, lass, how did ye ken we were so close?” She swung on him and Gavin dodged skillfully, instead capturing his sister in a tight embrace that lifted her from the ground.

  “We’ve had scouts looking for ye for months,” Nathan said. “We got word of yer traveling party this morn, an’ Milly was not goin’ tae sit still until she saw ye fer herself.”

  “We didnae see any scouts,” Amelia said, jumping down from her horse to greet Milly and Nathan.

  “That’s because our scouts are good at what they do,” Milly replied, giving Amelia a stern look up and down. Gavin noted Milly’s cold attitude toward Amelia, and he wondered if his sister blamed the lass for his leaving. It would not be fair of Milly, but Gavin would not be surprised if that were the case. Ever since he had returned from Perth, Milly had been overprotective to the point of overbearing. It was as if she and she alone could prevent him from dying. He loved and appreciated his sister, but she had her own family to worry about now.

  “Milly, How is th’ new bairn? When we last saw ye, ye were as fat as a plump hog.” His sister turned her scowl away from Amelia and back to Gavin.

  “What a thing tae say! Yer new niece is just fine, brother, as is Hammish. Not that he’s had his uncle around.”

  A niece, a little version of Milly running around the world. Most likely to be as full of spit and vinegar as her mother was. It made Gavin smile and hug Milly tighter.

  “Well done, Milly. A girl. What’s her name?”

  “Her name is Mary, and I doona appreciate ye changin’ th’ subject.” Gavin could see Milly’s features soften at the mention of her new daughter.

  “Aye, Mary. ’Tis a good name. A strong name. Th’ name of a leader,” he, replied giving his sister a broad smile and looking over at Nathan who was holding back a chuckle of his own. He knew his wife was putty in the hands of anyone who mentioned her children.

  “What do ye say we head over tae th’ castle, and I can learn all about my wee niece, and I’ll tell ye all about what Amelia and I’ve been up tae.” He motioned for Milly and Amelia to get back up on their horses. The women obliged. Before he could reach his own, Nathan pulled him back.

  “Gavin, is all truly well?” he asked.

  “It ’tis, finally,” Gavin replied.

  “Who is th’ lad?” Nathan asked nodding toward Iain. Gavin smiled.

  “It’s a long story, one best told with Lucas, Ella and some strong ale.”

  * * *

  Lucas and Ella both met them at the front gate of the keep. Once again Milly and Nathan had been able to send word ahead without Gavin or Amelia being any wiser. It was intimidating to Amelia how resourceful Milly was.

  Their ride back to Cadney had been mostly silent, but every few moments Amelia felt the heat of a stare on her back and turned to find Milly shooting daggers into her skin. Amelia understood. She was the woman who almost cost her brother his life, for the second time. There would be no easy road ahead for the two women.

  “Oh Amy, I’m so happy you’re safe,” Ella said as Amelia jumped down from her horse to embrace her sister. Even though it had only been months, it felt as if years had passed since they had last seen each other. Amelia found Ella much changed, for one thing she was no longer with child.

  “Ella, let me look at you. I’m so sorry!” Amelia said, tears beginning their decent. There was no stopping them. All the fear and guilt she had been holding in was now releasing itself in torrents into her sister’s day dress, as the two women held each other. “I have so much to tell you. So much has occurred.”

  “Shhh now, Amy, I know all of it.” Amelia pulled back and stared at her sister. How could Ella know? She looked to Gavin and Lucas, both men looking away. She at once knew the secret she thought she had been keeping from Ella all this time was no secret at all. Amelia let out a sigh of relief. Ella knew about Iain.

  “You know.”

  “Aye, don’t be a
ngry at Lucas or Gavin. They were both doing what they thought was best for you and I. But they’re men and not able to keep secrets,” her sister replied. Amelia immediately felt at ease with Ella’s warm and wise smile. Of course, she should have known her sister would not have rested easy, kept in the dark about anything. “Where is he?”

  Amelia had dreaded confronting her sister with the truth that she had been keeping such a huge secret from her for so long, but thanks to the two brothers they loved, Amelia would not have to keep anything from Ella any longer.

  Iain was behind them with the carts, taking care of the horses. Amelia thought he was doing his best to give his sister’s privacy upon their reunion. Part of him most likely terrified that he would not be accepted by the elder of the two. Even though Amelia knew that to be a ridiculous worry.

  “Iain, come meet your oldest sister,” Amelia called, reaching out for the lad’s hand as he approached. She saw the fear and shyness in his eyes. “Don’t worry, love. She will love you as I have come to.”

  “Hullo,” he said, giving Ella an awkward curtsy, that made all of them laugh.

  “Hello, Iain. Do you know who I am?”

  “Aye,” he replied, keeping his eyes downcast. Amelia felt for the lad. He had met her on his own turf, but now meeting Ella, he was in a new place surrounded by three of the largest Highlanders she had ever seen. “Yer me sister, Lady Ella.”

  “Yes,” Ella replied, wrapping the boy into an embrace. Amelia watched as Iain let out a sigh of relief. “But for you, please just call me Ella. We’re family.”

  The group stood around and talked for a bit. Lucas and Nathan were interested in how Laird Cabduh was dispatched and what became of Tristan, while Ella was more interested in Amelia’s well-being, and how she managed to survive such a harrowing adventure. Milly stood to the side, eyeing Amelia with a suspicion that made her uncomfortable.

  Suddenly like lightning, a flash of the little boy came running through the bailey. He crushed himself to Gavin and Amelia, showering the latter with kisses. “Auntie we missed ye! Don’t ever leave again!” Amelia laughed and gave the boy a kiss a top his head. Young Angus had arrived with a flustered and winded Magnus behind him.

  “Agnus! I told ye, lad, tae leave yer Ma an’ Da be!” Magnus shouted, looking from Ella to Lucas apologetically. “I tried tae keep the lad in th’ keep. He wouldnae stay put. Too excited tae see Gavin and Amelia.”

  “Mama, who is this?” Angus said, sliding down to the ground and giving Iain a hard stare.

  Everyone, laughed, and Ella smiled down at the boy. “This,” she said. “Is your uncle, Iain MacLeod.”

  “Me uncle?” Angus asked, eyeing Iain with suspicion. “But I already hae two uncles, Nathan and Gav. Do I need another?”

  Iain dropped to his knees, so he was eyelevel with the boy, and Amelia’s heart gave a lurch.

  “Tell me young Angus, would ye like to see if we could be friends? Ye doona hae tae call me uncle until yer ready. Do ye think we could have a deal?” Iain replied. Angus brought his hand to his chin, as if deep in thought. Amelia could see so much of Ella and Lucas in him.

  “Deal!” he replied.

  Obviously, Iain had some experience with wary children. She knew he would win Angus over in no time.

  Chapter Forty

  “Momma, please tell Uncle Iain tae take me tae the barn. I want tae to show him me horse!” Angus MacGille stomped his foot, and Amelia laughed as she watched her sister try and keep a straight face. The boy was becoming downright spoiled, and now that Iain was at Cadney, all he wanted to do was impress his new uncle.

  “I will do no such thing, Angus. We have a wedding to prepare for. You can show Iain your horse later. Now, go get cleaned up before I fetch your Da!” Ella did her best to make her voice stern, as she moved the new babe, little Gwen, from one hip to the other. Amelia knew her sister was just as amused as she was. Amelia was pleased that in only a few short days after Angus had already reached a deal with Iain, the lad was loved just as much as an uncle as Gavin and Nathan.

  “You better be careful, Ella, or he’ll turn out to be a spoiled little devil,” Amelia said, before jumping back and looking down at her sister who had just conveniently poked her rear end with a sewing pin. “Ouch!”

  “You better be careful with your tongue, sister, or your wedding plaid will be dotted with specks of blood,” Ella reprimanded as she stood turning Amelia to face her.

  “You are so brave. Do you know that?” Tears were in Ella’s eyes as she spoke. “I wish you would’ve told me everything you were struggling with. Lucas and I could have helped. He could have sent men to protect you. You didn’t have to do what you did alone.”

  “Ahh, but she wasn’t alone, sister.” Both women turned and Amelia’s breath caught in her throat as Gavin entered the room. His red hair was tied back at the base of his neck, and his shirt and plaid were perfectly tucked and pinned. He looked more handsome than Amelia had ever seen him. She couldn’t believe he was about to be her husband.

  “No, I guess she wasn’t,” Ella replied, a warm blush spreading across her cheeks. Amelia smiled and stepped down from the wooden plank she had been standing on, rushing over to Gavin. He wrapped her in a tight embrace.

  Amelia closed her eyes as she rested her cheek against Gavin’s chest. He was solid and sure. She could never have imagined their chance meeting in Perth all those years ago would end this way, but it was the only thing in the entire world she wanted. If only she could reach his sister, Milly, and make her see how much she loved her brother.

  “Ella,” she said, turning to her sister. “Do you mind giving Gavin and I a moment alone?”

  Ella gave her a curious look, but being accustomed to a strong, sure MacGille men, she nodded and made her way out of the room. “Gwen needs to eat anyway, don’t be too long, you two,” she warned as she left.

  Amelia giggled. How long had it been since she was happy enough to giggle? Gavin slipped a finger under her chin and raised her face to meet his gaze.

  “I like tae hear ye laugh, lass,” he said, his eyes darkening in a familiar way that made Amelia’s stomach tighten.

  “I like to laugh,” she said.

  “Ye hae nay been doin’ it enough these last few months.” Gavin was right, there hadn’t been much to laugh about. Amelia took a step back and moved toward the hearth. “Lass, doona move away. I need tae feel ye near me. We have hardly been alone since we’ve returned. I’ve missed ye.” She looked up at her soon to be husband, the man she loved more than life itself and smiled. He was right, they had both been pulled in a thousand different directions instead of the one direction they both needed, toward each other.

  He crossed to her in one sure stride and took her into his arms again, this time not allowing her to look away as he captured her mouth with his. Amelia relished the feel of his lips moving over hers. Finally, there was no danger, no uncertainty. There was only Amelia and Gavin.

  She tilted her head back and parted her lips, allowing Gavin to explore her with his tongue. She met his inquisitive kiss with one of her own. They had learned so much about each other on their journey, but now that the danger was past, Amelia wondered how they would learn each other at peace. It was clear from their meeting that Gavin’s sister Milly didn’t care for Amelia at all. How were the women to be sisters? Milly meant so much to Gavin, how would he feel knowing his sister and his bride were not the best of friends?

  Gavin pulled away from their kiss. “Where did ye go, lass?” His gaze curious, but Amelia knew he trusted her feelings for him.

  “I was thinking about Milly.” Amelia looked at him with a shy glance, and Gavin laughed.

  “Och, ’tis not often I kiss a lass only tae have her admit to thinking about me sister during.” Amelia felt the deep crimson of a blush creep up her neck and land on her cheeks. She playfully slapped at Gavin.

  “You know that’s not what I meant,” she said. “I was just thinking… well… she doesn’t like m
e very much, does she?”

  “Milly is hard tae get tae ken, lass. She likes ye just fine, but she might need more time tae warm tae ye. She blames ye and me together for th’ danger we faced.”

  “She couldn’t possibly blame me as much as I blame myself,” Amelia said. She knew that her decisions over the last few months put their lives in danger. If she were in Milly’s position, she would be wary as well.

  Gavin wrapped Amelia into his arms and planted a soft kiss into her hair. “Nothin’ that we’ve been through, lass, was yer fault. I need ye tae ken that. I made th’ choice tae follow ye. I made me own choices as did ye. Doona let Milly scare ye off. I mean tae have ye be my wife before the day is out. Do ye understand?”


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