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Her Broken Highlander (Highlanders 0f Cadney Book 3)

Page 23

by Fiona Faris

  “I understand, but how can we marry when your own twin doesn’t like me?” she replied.

  “Ye arenae marryin’ me sister, lass. Ye are marryin’ me, and I’ll nay let Milly pull ye away.”

  Gavin’s defense of her helped, but Amelia knew what she had to do. Before she gave herself over to Gavin completely, she had to make it right with his sister. It was the least she could do.

  * * *

  The Cadney chapel was a small, old stone structure. From the outside, it looked like any other highland chapel that Amelia had seen dotted across the countryside throughout her travels, but once she set foot inside, her breath caught in her throat at the lush beauty of the room. Soft yellow gorse interspersed with heather lined the wooden pews.

  Her soft, blue dress mixed well with the MacGille plaid, but Amelia still felt like a fraud. She hadn’t spoken to Milly. She had looked all over the castle, and no one seemed to know where she was. At first, Amelia dreaded that Milly had returned to her home at MacKenzie Castle, choosing not to attend the wedding, but Ella assured her that the woman did not leave. As much as Amelia had wanted the chapel decorations to be a surprise, she had a feeling it was in the old stone structure where she would fine her future sister-in-law.

  Sure enough, as she walked down the main aisle of the church, she found Milly, deep in prayer at the front of the alter. Not wanting to disturb her, Amelia took a seat in one of the wooden pews close to the front and watched her soon-to-be sister.

  “And would th’ laird be good enough tae bless th’ marriage between Gavin and Amelia, please keep him safe from harm and temptation. She may nay be me choice for me brother, but he loves her. Any fool could see. Let him be happy in marriage and safe in life.” Amelia’s breath hitched in her throat. How selfless Milly was to overlook her own prejudices and wish her brother happiness. Maybe there was hope for them to be friends after all. Milly had heard Amelia, and turned, her face flushed.

  “Och, ye scared me. lass, I thought I was alone.”

  “I didn’t mean to intrude. I was hoping I would find you here,” Amelia said. Even though her nerves were working overtime, she was determined to show a brave face to Milly.

  Milly stood and wiped away the dust from her skirt. “Well, ye shouldn’t interrupt a woman in prayer. ’Tis meant to be a private word between me and me God.” She was obviously irritated. She tried to walk past Amelia.

  “Milly, wait,” Amelia asked. The other woman turned. “I know you’re angry with me. I know you think I put Gavin’s life in danger, and believe me, I feel like I did, too. But Gavin truly is the love of my life. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him.”

  “Do ye think I care about me brother bein’ the supposed love of yer life? He could’ve been killed because of ye. Ye doona ken what we went through, thinkin’ he was dead after Dunkeld. Ye doona ken what it was like thinkin’ th’ other half of yer heart was gone from this earthly plain forever. I ken yer kind, lass, ye’ll be nothin’ but trouble fer me, brother.” Milly’s words hit Amelia like ice-cold water. She physically shivered. Everything Milly said was true, except her claims of the future. Amelia didn’t want any more danger, and now that Laird Cabduh was dead and Iain was recovered, Amelia was looking forward to a quiet life with Gavin. No more danger.

  “You’re wrong, Milly,” Amelia replied. “I’m not trouble. I admit it may be my fault that I led Gavin into my mess looking for Iain, but neither one of us could’ve known what would happen. Do you know he saved me one day, years ago, when he was a prisoner? Gavin and I are fated to be together.”

  “What do ye mean he saved ye?” Milly was interested, and Amelia took that as a good sign. She explained to Milly about the day they met in Perth, the horse accident, and how Gavin helped Tristan escape but risked his own to help a stranger. She told Milly about Gavin’s trouble adjusting to life outside of the prison walls, and how he felt that she and Lucas didn’t see how much he had changed. How she had worked with Gavin to help him come to terms with his imprisonment and how to adjust to life outside the Perth gaol. When the two women were done talking, Amelia was shocked to see tears in Milly’s eyes.

  “Lass, I didnae ken how much history there was between ye and me brother.”

  “There is more than simply history, Milly, there is love. True, unchanging love. I want to marry your brother and spend the rest of my life with him. I want us to make each other happy, but I cannot do that without your blessing. I understand we will not be fast friends, but I’m at least hoping we won’t be enemies. I’m done with having enemies.”

  Milly sat in the pew next to Amelia and took her hand in her own. “Lass, I’m truly sorry fer th’ way I’ve treated ye. I doona want to be enemies, either. I love me, brother. I worry is all. I believe ye when ye say yer done with trouble and danger. My only goal is to protect me family, that includes Gavin.”

  Amelia squeezed Milly’s hand. “Maybe you and I have a lot more in common than either of us realized,” she said before embracing Milly tightly. It took a moment, but Amelia felt Milly give and embrace her back.

  “What is goin’ on here?” The women’s tearful embrace was interrupted as Nathan and Gavin entered the chapel. They parted, and Amelia wiped at her eyes, not wanting Gavin to think anything was wrong.

  “Nothing at all, just two women speaking privately,” she said. Gavin eyed her suspiciously, but she did not waver.

  “Aye, what are ye two doin’ here?” Milly chimed in moving away from Amelia to embrace her husband.

  “We were checkin’ th’ chapel, makin’ sure everything was ready for th’ mornin’,” Nathan said giving Gavin a wink.

  “Aye, that’s what we were doin,’ nay practicin’ at all.” Amelia laughed. It was clear that practicing was exactly what they were planning on doing.

  “Well, let us leave you to it then,” Amelia said. Gavin pulled her close before she was able to move toward the entrance of the chapel.

  “Will I see ye later, lass?” he asked, and Amelia felt the familiar flutter of attraction in her center.

  “We’ll see,” she said, giving him a flirtatious wink.

  Chapter Forty-One

  The keep was finally quiet, the pre-wedding feast had finally wound down, and the men and women of Clan MacGille had all moved to their respective homes to get some sleep before the big day following. Gavin had avoided too much of the Cadney ale and whisky that was flowing freely. He didn’t want to dull his senses or memories, and he had hoped to have some private time with Amelia, but Ella, Milly, and Kelly kept her occupied for most of the feast.

  To say he was frustrated was an understatement. They had only had the opportunity to share the one kiss since they had returned to Cadney, and Gavin couldn’t get near her. Every nerve in his body screamed with desire for her, and it was only made worse by being in the great hall all night so close to her but unable to touch her.

  He paced the floor of his bed chamber, clad in only his plaid and stockings. In twelve short hours, she would be his bride, then there would be no end to the time they could spend together. He hoped to get her with child as soon as possible, enjoying every moment of it.

  “Och!” he said out loud to the empty room. His member grew stiff even thinking about Amelia heavy with his child. A knock at his bedchamber door shook him out of his desire fueled longings.

  “Aye, come in,” he said, running his hands through his hair trying to think about anything rather than his bride to quell his growing erection. He turned away from the door to avoid whatever servant came to stoke the fire in the hearth.

  “Milaird?” came a meek female voice from the door. “Can I do anything for ye?”

  “What do ye mean, lass?” he answered, still turned toward the low fire in the hearth.

  “I mean, I would like tae help ye with any needs ye may have, before yer wedding,” she replied. The voice was sweet and vaguely familiar, but what in hell did that question mean? Did someone actually send up a whore for him the night before his marria
ge? Surely, his brother would have realized that… a soft hand touched his shoulder. Gavin whipped around, grabbing the hand from his shoulder, “Lass…” he said before coming face to face with a familiar pair of ocean-blue eyes, smiling in mirth. “Och, Amelia…” He crushed his betrothed to him in a painful embrace. He felt her smile as he kissed her senseless, driving his tongue deep into her mouth. He wanted to lose himself in the taste of her. What a minx she was, playing him with a sweet Scottish accent, pretending to be a wanton servant. It made his blood boil with desire. He moved her against the stone wall to the side of the hearth. His hands roaming over her dress to feel the soft, supple curves beneath.

  She pulled away from his kiss. “Did I fool you?”

  “Aye, lass, ye’ve had me head spinnin’ all night,” Gavin replied, moving his hands in between the folds of her simple dress, yearning for more access.

  “You asked if you would see me later, and we didn’t have much occasion at the feast,” she said.

  “We haven’t had much occasion at all since we’ve come back tae this blasted place,” he groaned.

  “Gavin,” she shrieked. “This is your home, don’t speak of ill of it.” She playfully swatted at him again before helping him along by releasing the hooks and eyes on the front closer of her dress.

  “This is better,” he grunted before releasing her dress entirely, she wasn’t wearing a shift or any underpinnings. Gavin looked up shocked.

  “I prepared before I came to your chamber.” He kissed her neck.

  “So ye doona think we should wait until we are wed, then?” He hoped she could hear the humor in his tone. He didn’t think he could wait. He wanted her so badly.

  “I think that ship has sailed, don’t you,” she replied, breathless as he moved his mouth down to her exposed breasts. First taking one plump mound into his mouth, then the other. She arched into him. Good, lass, he thought. He wanted her to feel every ounce of desire just as he had before she joined him in the chamber. He knelt down and lifted her skirts to her waist, moving one delicate leg over his shoulder, as he searched for the white-hot center of her.

  “Gavin…” she moaned.

  “Aye, lass, say me name again.” His name on her lips was everything he needed and everything he wanted all at once. His lips separated the gentle folds of her sex. His tongue darted between her legs, tasting her sweet fluids, salt, and vanilla. She arched again, bucking her hips as he found the sensitive nub that drove her desire.

  “Gavin…” He smiled his lips stretching into her body as he smiled. That’s what he wanted forever and ever. Gavin as it fell from her lips. He continued to move his tongue in, out, and around her delicate skin and her movements became more rushed and desperate for him. He knew he was close to bringing her to her release. He felt her body begin to shudder around him as she begged for release.

  “Aye, lass…come for me,” he moaned as he slipped first one, then two fingers into her to work with the movements of his mouth.

  Amelia grabbed his shoulders and held him firm as she screamed his name again in her release.

  * * *

  Amelia couldn’t control her own body, nor did she want to, as wave upon wave of pleasure flowed through her. The only coherent thought she could muster was of Gavin. As she found her release, Gavin wrapped her, still shuddering, into his arms and moved her to the bed whispering sweet words of worship and love. Amelia knew he was her everything.

  As they lay together wrapped in each other’s arms, Amelia could not help but be reminded that she came to his bedchamber to bring him pleasure, and not for herself. She trailed her fingers up and down his taught body.

  “Gavin,” she whispered, nervously feeling each and every muscle and scar until finally settling on his erect sex. She felt the raw heat coming from him, her own desire rising again. As she closed her hand around his shaft, his sharp intake of breath told her he liked what she was doing to him. “I want to give you what you have given me.”

  “Lass, ye doona… I mean, I would nay ask…ahhh,” Amelia smiled, as she moved her hand up and down. It was nice to hear Gavin speechless because of her. She slowly lowered her head, eager to kiss him on his most sensitive parts as he had done to her. Would he feel the same pleasure she felt? There was only one way to find out.

  “Amelia…” he moaned as she took him into her mouth, relishing the salty, masculine taste of him. She used her tongue as a guide running it up and down his shaft. “Ye doona ken what yer doin’ tae me, lass.”

  She looked up at his eyes, dusky and lidded in desire, and smiled before dipping her head again. His hips jutted forward as his body arched up. “Amelia, good god lass…” He moved her up to meet him, crushing his lips to hers, before settling her atop him. She sat with a leg on either side of his waist. Her most sensitive center yearning for something she couldn’t name. “I canna allow ye tae keep on, I want tae feel meself inside ye,” he murmured. He lifted her and settled her onto his cock. Her eyes went side with the feel of him.

  “What do I do now?” she asked. The wetness that pooled in the center apex where her legs met her thighs overpowered the blush Amelia felt at the prospect of riding Gavin as if he were a great stallion. Somehow Gavin had unlocked the door to her desire, and she could think of nothing else but the extreme need to feel him moving beneath her.

  He placed a hand on each of her hips and slid her body up and down his rigid shaft. “Move, lass, in whatever way feels natural.” Amelia closed her eyes and tilted her head back, the cool night air hit her nipples, and they hardened into tight, small buds. Gavin moved a hand from her waist to cover one breast, kneading and milking her flesh as he moaned his pleasure. Amelia felt powerful and strong. Gavin was the bravest highlander she had ever known, and he belonged to her. In this moment she was his strength, his desire, his love all rolled into one. She felt electric heat coil within her with each movement of her body. He pierced her over and over until they were both swept away in the passion of their joining. Stars exploded behind her eyes as she felt his heat release within her with one final groan. She collapsed upon him. Words eluded her.

  Gavin whispered something in Gaelic into her ear as he stroked her back, slick with sweat and exertion. Amelia wanted to close her eyes, fall asleep in her betrothed arms. Yet, she knew if they were found like this on the eve of their wedding, there would be no end to the suffering they would endure at the hands of her sister and his brother.

  “I should go back to my own chamber,” she said, trying to lift her head. Gavin held her firm.

  “Nay, lass, stay with me a few moments more.” She giggled into his chest.

  “Gavin, love, we are to be wed in a few short hours. We both need sleep.”

  “If ye stay in me arms, I promise we’ll sleep, Amelia. We’ll sleep better than if we are apart.”

  “I agree with you,” she said, still smiling into his chest. “But we have to at least pretend we haven’t done the things we’ve done. We must try to keep up appearances.” Gavin flipped her onto her back and pinned her underneath him, kissing her soundly.

  “Och, lass, I’ll never deny th’ things we’ve done with each other. Let them all burn. Stay with me.” He slid down and pulled her into the crook of his arm. “Settle in and listen tae me heartbeat. It only beats for ye. Stay with me. I promise we’ll be up before the dawn and I’ll take ye back tae ye chamber. No one will ken.”

  Amelia let out a deep yawn and stretched her arms above her head. She was comfortable, and if Gavin promised to wake her before dawn, was there really any trouble if she stayed?

  “I guess. I mean we are to be married tomorrow,” she said, tucking herself further into Gavin’s warmth.

  “Aye, lass,” he said. His voice was deep with sleep.

  “Aye,” she replied before closing her eyes and letting sleep overtake her.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Gavin was wet, and he did not like it. He hadn’t started wet. He had started warm, the smell of vanilla and Amelia surrounding hi
m. Why, then, was he feeling splashes of water on his face. He blinked furiously and opened his eyes to see Lucas and Nathan standing over him.

  He sat up fast, wiping his face. The two older men were laughing, and Gavin saw Nathan had a pitcher in his hand.

  “What th’ devil?” Gavin asked.

  “Hush now, ye doona wanna wake th’ lass,” Lucas replied. His face betraying the sternness of his tone as he nodded toward Amelia sleeping on the pallet beside Gavin.

  Shite! Gavin was supposed to wake her before dawn so that she could make her way back to her bedchamber. Shite!

  “Listen, ye both need tae leave. I’ll wake th’ lass. Doona tell anyone she’s here,” Gavin looked down to make sure Amelia was still asleep. “Especially not Milly or Ella.”


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