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Page 4

by B C Morgan

  “Yeah, sorry Darren but you’re going to have to make your own way there.”

  He stood there with his mouth hanging wide open, shaking his head like a moron.

  “You cannot be serious; you are my fucking girlfriend you can’t leave me like this,” I swear I actually saw spittle fly from his mouth, it was decidedly gross.

  Lawson stepped in front of me, lightly placing his hand onto my shoulder.

  “I’m going to head off and I’d prefer to not leave you here with this idiot. So, do you feel like tagging along?”

  Maybe a normal person would have said no to that proposition, but I’m far from normal and I couldn’t think of any reason to refuse. I mean sure he was practically a stranger and he could be leading me to my inevitable demise, but I couldn’t feel fear, so I had nothing to go on. So, I simply nodded my head and began to follow him over to his bike.

  “Unya you are not leaving with him; you are going to take me to the hospital and then you are going to tell the cops exactly what he did to me. You are mine and you will do as I say!”

  He’s screeching voice was grating on me and I’d had enough of listening to him, so I whirled around and tried to portray annoyance.

  “As I have said before Darren, I am not yours, I am a human being, not something that you picked up in shop. I am not going with you which you should be quite happy about because if I did, I would tell the cops how you manhandled me, how you have left bruises on my shoulder, how you pushed me and then punched me straight in the mouth. I mean all Lawson did was defend me, he was only doing what was right. So, no I will not go anywhere with you.”

  “You are nothing but a dirty little whore, it’s no wonder you are always alone. Your dad abandoned you as a baby, your mum killed herself and you have only one friend to your name. The only reason Adrianna is even your friend is because you stopped her from getting bullied in school, that’s no foundation for friendship. You are going to die miserable and alone, I bet you wouldn’t even have a single mourner at your funeral.”

  I saw Lawson clench his fist, and although I didn’t really care what happened to Darren, I knew that I couldn’t let him defend me for a second time. I’m just not the damsel in distress type.

  “Darren, I want you to turn around and walk away and while you are at it, I would also like you go and take a running jump off of a very high cliff.”

  I turned around for the final time and stormed off to Lawson’s bike, I could have sworn that I had heard Darren reply “Okay” to my command but I put it down to my imagination.

  Chapter Six


  I’m not sure what drove me to dislocate that jerk’s arm, but man did I enjoy it. Hearing it crunch and then the pop of finality, it was my type of ecstasy. The only problem was, Unya was proving her abilities more and more every time I saw her. I knew that I had to report it, but for some reason I kept putting it off. By the fact that her face was completely void of any bruises, just proved that she could heal fast. Then on two different occasions she had said something to Darren to make his eyes glaze over, maybe she could manipulate people as well. Whether it’s anyone or just men have yet to be shown, but she definitely possesses it. The only thing is would it really be strong enough for her to be able to make someone end their own life at her command.

  I also wondered if she was even aware of what she could do, but by the way that she acted I had a feeling that she really did believe that she was just a regular person.

  I contemplated telling her what I knew but decided against it. I knew that I was at risk of getting in too deep with this girl, but I just had to fight it, I had a job to do and nothing was worth the risk of angering my boss.

  So, I strolled over to my bike and stood next to her, I only had one helmet and decided that it would be better for her to take it.

  “Look just forget it, I’ve got my car over there, I am more than capable of taking care of myself. Besides Darren’s gone now so your reason for wanting me to go with you is now obsolete.”

  I knew I should have let her go, but I found myself actually wanting her to come with me. Soon I would have to betray her in the worse way, and I’d probably never get the chance to utter a single word to her again. This was the only time for me to get to know her and probably the only time that she would want to even know me.

  “Love if you want to go then just go, live your boring life and forget all about me. But if you are tired of always doing what you’re supposed to do then come with me and actually experience some fun. I promise that I will even return you to your car at the end of the night.”

  I could have pushed her too far but was pleasantly surprised when she took hold of the helmet and slipped it on.

  I climbed onto my bike and told her to hold onto my shoulders to gain some support while she climbed on. I was quite Impressed with the way that she could just swing her leg over the seat, and then she was straddling my bike with her arms wrapped around my waist.

  I tried to pretend that I was completely unaffected by the feel of her pressed up against me, but I’m really not that great of an actor. I knew that she wouldn’t be able to pick up on my warring emotions, so I felt myself relaxing under that knowledge. I finally kicked the bike into gear and sped off, all the while contemplating exactly what would happen if Darren did wind up dead in the next couple of days. If that was to happen, then I really would have no choice but to report it.



  The bike ride was definitely fun, I just found myself wishing that I was able to enjoy it. The only reason I knew that I should enjoy it was because my adrenaline was pulsing through me. I had my body pressed up against his and it definitely did not feel horrible, it also got me thinking about all the times that we had made physical contact in the last two days. It had definitely come up a lot, but not once did our bare skin actually touch. There had always been clothing or bike gloves in the way of that actually happening. I found myself wondering if he would feel warm to the touch or cool, just like the exterior that he portrayed.

  We pulled up outside a nice looking house, which was separated from the main road by a rather tall wall and an electric gate. Lawson was obviously known, as we didn’t even have to wait before the gate was opening to allow us entrance.

  I hopped off of the bike once we came to a stop, and just stared at the property.

  It was a brown two story house with a brick façade and grey wooden shutters open either side of all of the windows. There was a two car garage off to the side and a gravelled walkway leading round to what I assumed would be the back of the property.

  I suddenly realised that Lawson had come to stand beside me, and was waiting patiently for my attention to return to him.

  “Sorry, I was just shocked by the fact that you would even think to bring me to your house. Did you really think that I would just hop straight into bed with you because you decided to jump in the middle of an altercation between me and Darren? You must really think a lot of yourself. I mean I should have known that something was up when you said that you would take me back at the end of the night, hell, it’s only eleven in the fucking morning.”

  I tried to portray outrage, but I honestly did not believe that I could fool this guy with the act that I’d been perfecting for the last three years.

  “Unya dear, you really need to stop jumping to conclusions, it’s going to become very embarrassing for you if you keep doing this. The place that I am going to take you too is only accessible at night, so until then I thought we may as well just relax here, the last thing I was thinking about was getting you into my bed. But if you are offering, I may be persuaded to accept.”

  “I wasn’t offering, it just seemed highly suspect, if you ask me.”

  “Look chances are my roommate will be here anyway, so you do not need to worry about being alone with me, I hope she is anyway, cause you are certainly not going to be allowed in dressed like that. You need to look the part for where we are headed, oh and one last th
ing; you really should work on your trust issues.”

  I breathed in deeply, contemplating all that he had said and realised that he had indicated that his roommate was of the female kind.

  “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing, for the last fucking time I am not changing who I am. And as for trust, I do not trust anyone easily and I most certainly do not trust you.”

  “Oh Unya, you shouldn’t trust me, but for today, you are perfectly safe now come on, follow me.” And with that revelation, he strolled right on through the front door.

  He called out for kitty cat, which I presumed was his pet, until a female voice called back saying that she’d be down in a minute.

  “Seriously, kitty cat, is she like your fuck buddy or something?” Not sure why I was even interested. He let out a bark of laughter, before reining it back in.

  “Don’t be absurd, he just calls me that because he knows I hate it, he really is incessantly irritating.” This came from a youngish girl as she descended the stairs and proceeded to ruffle his hair with her hand. She looked up at him with affection in her eyes, and I doubted that they were just friends.

  “Kat this is Unya, I was thinking of taking her to Venom but I don’t think they’ll let her in.”

  Her eyes widened in shock and she spluttered in surprise, before shaking it off and regaining her composure.

  “Lawson, what the hell are you playing at bringing her here, I do not want any part of this,” she stated before storming off back upstairs. Lawson took one glance at me, before bolting up the stairs after her.



  “Kat please don’t over react, it’s not as bad as it seems.” I tried to appear nonchalant, but that didn’t stop me from feeling irked when she scoffed at my statement.

  “You’re right, it’s a hell of a lot worse than it seems, if he finds out that you brought her here, you won’t be the only one made to suffer for it. Don’t I even appear on your radar? Do I really mean that little to you, that you would risk my life to have a little fun with your prey before you strike her down and destroy her?”

  “Don’t be absurd, you know how much you mean to me, you’re like a sister to me Kat, I adore you. I just assumed that your special little friend would have made sure that this place is secure, even from him.”

  She rolled her eyes in exasperation, before ducking her head so that I could not see her face.

  “Well of course it is, but unlike you, I have no loyalty to him, the thing I value where he is concerned, is my own survival. Why would you even do this Lawson, do you really want to throw away everything that you have worked for, including your life. And what would even be the point behind it, I mean do you actually like this girl?”

  And that my friends was the question of the century, did I like her, in some warped way, I think I may have started too. But more than that, I was intrigued by her, I wanted to discover what made her tick and how she had survived the cruel hand that fate had decided to deal her.

  “Oh god Lawson, you do, don’t you? It couldn’t lead anywhere with her; you know that right. Her fate is practically sealed, either way, it does not end with you two ever being given a chance together.”

  “It’s not like that, I don’t want to be with the girl, I couldn’t be her lover and her executioner. But for some reason I want to know her, she’s more than just a name in a file and I think she deserves to have some fun in this life before she leaves it forever. And if you must know, her sorry life reminds me of Lilianna.”

  Realisation dawned on her face, and I could see tears beginning to surface in her eyes. Kat pulled me into a tight hug, and for once I didn’t try to fight her off. She pulled back slightly and placed both her palms onto either one of my cheeks and stared deep into my eyes.

  “He has spies everywhere, no one at Venom can know who she is or your life will be voided. Don’t forget who you work for and also, don’t forget about that silly little Empusa that you were messing with. She may just be stupid enough to end Unya’s life if she knows that you hold a more personal interest in her now.”

  Kat left her room, but I couldn’t bring myself to leave yet. The whole time I had been trying to figure out what it was that held me so captivated by Unya, but I hadn’t been able to figure it out until now. All I know was that I could not permit myself to fall any deeper, I couldn’t have a repeat of what happened to my Dear Lilianna, whose name would forever be tattooed across my heart.

  Chapter Seven


  The strange Kat came waltzing down the stairs, with a beautiful smile playing across her lips. She wasn’t beautiful in the usual sense, but she held herself with such surety, that I’m sure most males would find her breath taking.

  She had fiery red hair, that was fixed in a complicated looking twist and she couldn’t have been any taller that five foot three. She was definitely what you would call petite, but she held a fire in her bright sea blue eyes, that would make you question picking a fight with her.

  “I must apologise for my rudeness before, I was just taken by surprise, that’s all, I do hope that you can forgive me.” She had taken my hand in between the two of hers as she had said this, and she still held onto it now.

  “It’s fine, I’m sure I would act the same too if my fella bought another girl home and asked me to basically dress her so he could take her out. Actually, I probably would have clawed his eyes out with my nails, but I can understand it.”

  Kat clapped her hands with glee, her eyes shining with delight, and it was a sight to behold that’s for sure.

  “Yes, I do like you girl, you have a wickedness about you, but you do not seem unkind. You remind me of myself, and just between us girls, I’d rather claw my own eyes out then be with Lawson. He’s like family to me, we may not be related by blood, but he’s still my brother in every other sense.”

  I nodded my understanding and I really did understand what she was saying. For all intense purposes that’s exactly what it was like with me and Adrianna, we were sister’s through and through and I suddenly realised what my sneaking out must have done to her.

  I pulled my phone out from my pocket and realised that the battery had died before Kat pulled it from my grasp and bounded out of sight. I quickly caught up to her and found myself standing in their kitchen, with her plugging my phone into one of their chargers.

  “I’m sure Lawson found the perfect way to insult you when he mentioned your clothes, but unfortunately he is not wrong. Don’t get me wrong, you are definitely killing the ripped jeans and leather jacket, but you would only get the wrong sorts of attention at Venom dressed like that. Unfortunately, the only way to not be noticed at Venom, is to dress as though you want to be, I know it must sound utterly confusing, but it’s just the way it works there, you need to look as though you belong.”

  “What kind of place is he taking me too?”

  “It’s a very exclusive club, members only kind of thing, you’ll be okay because you’ll be with Lawson. It’s so exclusive, if you are not a member, then you wouldn’t have heard of it.”

  She took hold of my hand again and led me up the stairs, we entered into what I presumed was her room and she indicated for me to sit down on a plush sofa that she had in there.

  I looked around at my surroundings, there was a queen size bed, situated on top of a platform, with a large television placed on the wall opposite. As well as the sofa, there was also a bean bag and a vanity mirror and one hell of a walk in wardrobe. I wanted to have a little browse but decided to stay where she left me instead. I could hear her moving around inside, but couldn’t see her for the life of me.

  She appeared about ten minutes later, with a heap of clothes in her hands, which she ungraciously dumped onto her bed.

  I stared over at her and she rummage through the items that she had brought out, while glancing over at me occasionally, before she made a little squeak and bounded over to me with what she had chosen.

  “You don’t look like the type t
hat dresses sexy very often, so this is the only thing that I could find that you may feel a little comfortable in and still be appropriate for the venue tonight.”

  I took the fabric from her hands and stumbled into her en suite, and slowly clicked the door shut behind me.

  She shouted through the door to me, that I was welcome to take a bath and help myself to whatever she had in there.

  I debated whether I should until I laid eyes upon her bath, it was a beautiful thing. It was set down into the floor and doubled up as a hot tub. And hey, just because I wouldn’t be able to feel the enjoyment myself, I still believed that my body would thank me for allowing it this one little treat. Anything to put off trying on, whatever Kat had deemed worthy of both me and this club, that sounded like it was on this side of sleazy.

  I spent about half an hour in there before I eventually forced myself to get out so I could get dry and discover what this clothing actually looked like.

  I held it up against me and slowly began to shrink into myself, I shook off my doubt over her choice and slowly pulled it down over me.

  It was a deep red dress that was completely see through, luckily there were two pale pink slips. One that went just around my chest and another that started on my hips and finished mid-thigh. The top was fitted and was flush against my skin but once it hit my hips, it flowed down in a loose wave to my ankles. She had accompanied it with a pair of flat sandals, which had matching red ribbons that braided up around my legs and finished just under my knee.

  I stared at my reflection in the body length mirror that was hung on the back of the door, before I made my exit to a gleeful look upon her face.

  “Lawson is just going to die when he sees you, oh how I love to tease and prove that boy wrong.”

  “I’m not entirely sure about this, it’s not me at all,” I stated wondering what she had meant about proving him wrong.

  “That’s the whole point, look I’m not going to lie to you, this club that you’re going to is great fun but it can also get a little dangerous. There are, let’s say people, in there that you would not want to recognise you if you ran across them on the street. So, with that in mind, I was thinking maybe we should change the colour of your hair as well.”


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